The video from Dylan's Visit on 7/21/12
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A rock 'n' roll flight to Michoud, and then a landing at Slidell. Back in February of 2010.
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Had great fun at today's N'Awlins Radio Reunion at Rocky & Carlo's in Da Parish. I didn't shoot much video, but I strung together a few clips here.
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A few seconds of yesterday's aerial joyride over the Northshore. Wish I could remember where I was. Best viewed in HD.
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My take on the ET-138 Rollout.
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We woke up this morning to find a mama cat and four of her kittens playing on our patio. They moved to the car port, then disappeared--for now.
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Touchdown, Slidell! Sorry about the Jello.
  • Upload Time: Aug 10, 2015, 12:29 PM
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Some post-Katrina video I shot and narrated. The street cleanup runs a bit longer than a ruthless editor would permit, so just skip through that unless you're a 5-year-old who likes watching heavy equipment. Let's hope it really was a "100-year storm."
  • Upload Time: Aug 29, 2015, 3:02 PM
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Touchdown, Hammond!
  • Upload Time: Sep 6, 2015, 1:10 PM
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Got to watch yesterday as special-needs kid Sean received one of two custom bikes donated by the members of the gym and tennis club I frequent (Southern Oaks Athletic Club). Big smile! His mom Rose and sister Bailey look on.
  • Upload Time: Feb 25, 2016, 12:16 PM
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Even if you're gonna vote for her, you'll laugh at this one!
  • Upload Time: Feb 29, 2016, 5:38 PM
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I shot all the boring stuff at my niece's son's graduation from Pearl River Central High in Mississippi Friday night. but here's the important part: Danny gets his diploma!
  • Upload Time: May 22, 2016, 11:10 AM
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Here's my video from the N'Awlins Air Show a couple of weekends ago.
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Hope all my Florida, Alabama, and Georgia friends and relatives stay safe.
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Williams Blvd. in Kenner (brah!) is a great place for a bowling center. You can't hear it over the jets! :-)
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Just in case you're already missing the snow, or pining for more at New Year's, here's the video from the snow earlier this month.
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A Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor showed off at this weekend's #HammondAirShow. What it shows here is an empty bomb bay. Since all bombs and missiles are carried internally, this one must be just for show. Too bad the Senate killed the F-22 program in 2009. That also shut off the supply of maintenance parts, so only about half the planes built can actually fly today.
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  • Upload Time: May 21, 2019, 3:58 PM
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Shot a couple of touch & go's in Slidell today before landing back at Hammond. Some fun in a Piper Warrior. It's always fun to be looking out the front window!
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♪♫♪ "Oh, source of our being, oh hummingbird!"
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Da Coach was on TV last night. "OT with Southern AD Coach Roman Banks." Here's her segment. @[698779448:2048:Rose Fogg]
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Here's our fireworks finale from last night. With @[1488273769:2048:Jason Hoffert], @[1189669632:2048:Christine Couvillon], @[698779448:2048:Rose Fogg], @[100000845058968:2048:Karen S Couvillon], @[100014087706392:2048:Milton C Couvillon], @[50305394:2048:Angie Fogg]
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All Bob's Money. Quid pro quo.
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Put a drone up over the very hairy-looking backyard the other day. Thought maybe I could dry it out like they do with helicopters and wet football fields. Can't mow back there yet. :-)
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Our cat George-Michael (female) enjoys some vegan moments in the backyard. Uploaded in 4K. Your Facebook results may vary.
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Today's flying fun of the manned aircraft variety. My apologies for the wiggly video. Although I know how to fly an airplane, it turns out I don't know how to operate a suction cup camera mount.
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