Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
You and Rose are, of course, both welcome to vote for the Presidential candidate of your choice. I suspect no matter which one wins, I'll be saying, "I told you so!"
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Maybe it needs to be played everywhere!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's photo.
I see you used a "digital" camera! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
I'm sure Blair Kullman will tell you that's what my landings are like. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Too bad it hasn't been made since Katrina. I never got to try it because I could never find it. But a friend was saving a four-pack of it for me in Metairie. But he ended up pitching it along with the rest of the very ripe contents of his powerless fridge after the storm.
Jay Douglas commented on Terrell A. Robinson's photo.
Taste anything like Dixie White Chocolate Moose? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Dead Air Radio Reunion
Thanks, Joe Reilly. I knew that face looked familiar. And did you mean "airborne in 1972"? That's when I was there.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Perez's post.
Vented N95 masks protect the wearer far better than any surgical or cloth mask. They don't protect people in the area not wearing a mask. But if everybody wore one, its likely far fewer people would be infected because they would be better protected with the N95 than other types. But, as Dr. Fauci would be quick to point out, we've never had a peer-reviewed controlled study of that scenario.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Dead Air Radio Reunion
Ah, okay.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Dead Air Radio Reunion
I dunno. The guy I remember doing mornings there looked a lot like the guy in the photo above, but I don't remember his name. There was a Joe Reilly involved in original WWOM ownership, but I don't recall the morning guy being an owner or part owner. When WWOM first went on the air, I minded its automation and handled required transmitter inspections for a couple of months as I transitioned from KIRL, St. Louis to WIXO, New Orleans. Ironically enough, WIXO's former call letters were WWOM.
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Knott's post.
Group: Dead Air Radio Reunion
Did Ed Reilly ever do mornings at WWOM-FM when it first went on the air in 1972?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I've read much of the Treatise. The text is here: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/7370/7370-h/7370-h.htm Would you care to elucidate Shapiro's alleged fallacies of interpretation?
Jay Douglas commented on Alan Smason's photo.
I had seen it four or five times before I saw it at the Saenger Orleans in 1973. It was a brand new 70mm print! Gorgeous! All the previous times I'd seen it it looked like the print had been through a war.
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Pratt's comment.
Indeed! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Lipps's comment.
Yeah, I watched the whole video with Dr. Bartlett. Vewwwwy intewesting!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Lipps's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Pratt's comment.
In my time, WOKR had 2 TR-70's like the machine in the photo, an earlier TR-4 model VTR, and two film chains for 16mm film projectors [3] and 35mm slide projectors [2]. No computer graphics in 1968 and 1969, of course, so station IDs and text overlays were on 35mm slides). The station also had an ancient RCA TRT-1B vacuum-tube based monochrome VTR. Occupying 4 double racks, that huge monster was in an engineering room across the hall from master control. It was mainly used for recording ABC network news feeds.
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Group: Dead Air Radio Reunion
One thing about Boom Boom. He could make it exciting to go to your mother's funeral!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I think they call this Prohibition. Isn't there a Constitutional amendment about that?
Jay Douglas replied to a comment.
Jul 24, 2020, 3:34 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Just what I'd expect from a strongly Democrat county. Remember when Sarah Palin warned about death panels?
Jay Douglas replied to a comment.
Jul 24, 2020, 12:35 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Then here's more you won't believe, even though it refers to "unnamed sources," just like your beloved New York Times always does. The declassified notes of FBI Agent Joe Pientka are certainly real, though. And stay tuned for the John Durham indictments. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/foxnews-trump-FBI/2020/07/23/id/978742/
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Some of the evidence is laid out here. Listen carefully. https://www.facebook.com/dan.bongino/videos/580701175865365
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: Weerd Wayne's Lost Classics of the 60's, 70's & 80's
Just down the street from WIXO's studios!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Nobody really knows, but that's the last estimate I saw.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jud Hindes Ah, compare Trump to Hitler. Always a winner! This while Democrat mayors laugh at their city's slaughters.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Got a similar list of Joe Biden's accomplishments? Let's see it. Maybe I'll change my mind about for whom I'm going to vote in November. Go ahead; I'll wait...
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.

Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Media must be down in the polls, too, because they've been pitching fear almost since the start.
Jay Douglas replied to Thom Gall's comment.
Take five, Thom!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Just round up all 22 million of them like FDR did the Japanese in WWII. Put them in camps in a solidly red state. They don't get to vote because they're not citizens, but then that state gets the extra 28 extra Congressional representatives. We just have to figure out how to feed them. How about a wealth tax on Hollywood Democrats? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Nothing. Me just trying to sound like a disc jockey.
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
But the robber had celiac disease. The gluten in the pizza could have killed him. The pizza-thrower has been charged with attempted murder by the St. Louis prosecutor. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Bill Drake was a famous radio format consultant of the 60's and 70's. Before playing an oldie, his stations ran a sounder consisting of a tympani roll followed by Bill Drake himself saying , "Seven (or however many years it was back to that particular oldie) years ago today!" KHJ in Los Angeles was the most well-known Drake format station. You can hear an example of it somewhere during the KHJ Robert W. Morgen aircheck at https://jdthedj.com/Airchecks#KHJ if you're interested.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
On a Rocky Mountain high?
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
So where is that--Seattle? Or Cleveland?
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I'd have been there, too, but I had to work at WOKR-TV that weekend.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
If I make any more money from radio, I'll have to pay the wealth tax! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jennifer, I figured, but once I got turned off by the obvious outdated photo, I didn't bother with the article.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Great shot!
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Minnesota already has somebody. I figure there are more nude beaches down here in my part of the country. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
How come the people in the photo are wearing heavy coats in July? No leaves on the tree, either.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Just visit a Trump campaign Web site near you. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Nah. I can get fake news almost everywhere.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
She might, eh, Rose Fogg?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
The last issue I saw was the free one Jan Wenner sent me telling me to vote for John Kerry.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Hey, that’s my daughter’s birthday! It was for her! She didn’t get to go, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Well, I'm glad you were able to get masks some kind of way. Rose has been making them.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
About 41 years too late. :-(
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
For those who get more from a video than the printed word:. https://www.facebook.com/chip216/videos/1627466137402565
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Tom, how's the mask supply for front line folks in Florida these days? Any better than it was?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Here's the best I know. It's Vanderbilt Professor Carol Swain again. I know you've already dismissed PragerU as an "unreliable source." But these words are Ms. Swain's own, not Dennis Prager's, so any disagreement you have with her facts or logic should be directed to her. https://youtu.be/u_TuuL9z_js
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
It's art, right? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Only because there's no key of R(rrrr).
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
Learning this is ^so exciting!^
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Oops. Sorry. We made a mistake. Er, I mean 33 mistakes. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Country, maybe.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Looks like a columnist at one of your bias chart's "Most Reliable" outlets has had enough, as of today. https://www.bariweiss.com/resignation-letter
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
LOL! Yup! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
You're welcome.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
I was wrong. Turns out MSNBC, NPR, CBS, ABC, and NBC are among the worst. AP is only about as far left as Fox News is to the right. Of course, my references are to a different media bias chart. The one I use was created by ex-CBS reporter Sharyl Atkisson, who should at least know something about how biased CBS is. I'll just leave it right here. https://sharylattkisson.com/2019/04/media-bias-chart-analysis/
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
Although every time I see a graphic about this, the numbers are a little different. Last time, Trump only had 11.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
One grocery chain where I went to college was called "Albany Public Market." Their signs comprised individually illuminated big red letters. I wish I had a camera to capture the one nearest me with the "L" in "PUBLIC" burned out. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
I already refuse to shop at Wal*Mart. Now what do I do?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Only the cat box stincts.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I'll take that as a "no."
Jay Douglas replied to George Artigues's comment.
Touch and geauxs may be performed only at airports south of I-12. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
It wants me to sign up for a free Spotify account.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Tom Downs, impugning the source is not a credible response. Got any substantive arguments against the facts or logic presented?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ok. Gotcha.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You mean with the old spooky swamp label?
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's photo.
Mind if I have a Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager while I still can?
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Group: Dead Air Radio Reunion
Jack was also the official photographer for WPTR. He took my photo for the WPTR Super Sound Survey.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
The idea is to make that stall warning horn go off at 2 inches off the runway. Doesn't always work out that way. I hadn't flow since before the virus, so I was a little rusty on these two. Didn't quite have the sight picture back as to how tall the landing gear was. Could have held it off longer.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
It's how the blade looks from inside the food processor. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
My N95 was given to me by my employer in 2005 after Katrina. So mine was meant for me.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Of course, it's a mask, not a gaiter.
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
N95's are made by 3M in Minnesota.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Erickson's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
We got a new Optimod installed at WRNO-FM in New Orleans in the early 80's. By sheer happenstance, that locking panel was keyed identically to the studio building's elevator. Every jock had a key to it!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Well, Forbes and the WSJ seem a little less grim than the NYT. Thanks.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I didn't say I agree with my "random guy." Nor did I say I disagree with the NYT economist. But I will say I'd be inclined to agree with a scientist well-versed in matters of scientific analysis , and leave the economy to the economists.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
It might not be as bad as the NYT economist reporter paints it. This analysis from a UK based scientist from just over a week ago concludes, "In the absence of a change in trends, it seems likely that the epidemic will peter out after a thousand or so more deaths, implying an overall infection fatality rate of 0.06% of the population (0.04% excluding COVID-19 deaths of people in care homes). This is broadly comparable to excess deaths from influenza infections over two successive above-average seasons, such as 2016–17 plus 2017–18." https://www.nicholaslewis.org/the-progress-of-the-covid-19-epidemic-in-sweden-an-analysis/
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
You mean like people starting every statement they make with the interjection, "So..."?
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
"You're just wasting your breath, and that's no great loss, either!" Oh, sorry. That's Groucho Marx.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Well, what does he expect? The illiterates are all Apple users! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Yeah, it was. Like I said, New Year's Eve is a much better time for droning fireworks.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
"The study also comes as Ochsner Health announced it would be restricting COVID-19 tests at its hospitals and emergency rooms to only those with symptoms — a response to a shortage of testing supplies amid rising demand."

Well, that's one way to boost the fatality rate percentage--only test those with symptoms
Jay Douglas replied to Troy Pintado's comment.
Eugene P Templet Greg Koontz did it at the Hammond Air Show in 2018. https://youtu.be/Anyg53mnGso?t=2190
Jay Douglas replied to Stephen Schulkens's comment.
Yup. Casey got them before the week's magazine was printed and distributed.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
U2, Jim!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Hear this very first AT40 show on WTIX-FM tomorrow morning (July 5) from 10 AM - 1 PM on WTIX-FM, 94.3, New Orleans, or via https://jdthedj.com/
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Hear this very show tomorrow morning from 10 AM - 1 PM on WTIX-FM, 94.3, or via https://jdthedj.com/
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Are they in yet? Are they in yet? Are they in yet?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
My public elementary school bus brought kids to the Catholic school (St. Rita;s) before dropping us off at our school across the street. I don't know if it was a contract with the public school district or not.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And today I was triggered by an Internet link to "The Ten Most Unique Automobiles." How can some things be more "one-of-a-kind" than others?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
BTW, it's been in many dictionaries for quite some time.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! I've *always* used my Funk and Wagnalls, ever since "Laugh-In"!
Jay Douglas replied to Timothy Andrew Daley's comment.
I prefer classic rock anthems.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Vince Coppola's comment.
Deanna Roberts, Carol Swain, Professor of Political Science and Law at Vanderbilt, seems to disagree with History,com. https://www.prageru.com/video/why-did-the-democratic-south-become-republican/
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
That very first Countdown show will be on WTIX-FM 94.3 FM New Orleans this Sunday morning from 10 AM - 1 PM.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Hover your mouse to the right of your comment, then click the three little dots and choose Edit from the pop-up menu to fix it.
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Thanks, Joan!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay, thanks, guys. I heard Congressman Devin Nunes say he was moving from Twitter to Parler. But its Community Guidelines didn't impress me.
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
A photographer would say it's got a nice bokeh, and a florist would say it could make a nice bouquet. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hearrean's post.
Must have a few Utah weddings in that number.
Jay Douglas replied to Tod Anthony's comment.
Heard about the construction company with the 30-year warranty? They really stand behind their erections!
Jay Douglas replied to Tod Anthony's comment.
I get it! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay. Better than MeWe?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
So is Parler like Facebook or Twitter?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Then why did she need the sign to explain?
Jay Douglas commented on Dave Werth's post.
The Minneapolis City Council is showing us the way. The answer is privatization. Everybody hires their own private security force. If you work in government, the cost is subsidized by taxpayers. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/504831-minneapolis-city-council-members-get-private-security-detail-after
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's photo.
And simply saying "Black Lives Matter, Too" would have eliminated all the ambiguity.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
`My first paid radio gig was at 50 kW WPTR in Albany, NY while I was in college in the early 70's. WPTR was directional to the northeast on 1540 kHz. It was known for getting into Boston at night more strongly than WMEX on 1510. I've often wondered if I ever competed with Woo Woo.
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
We knew you'd be marryin' Marian!
Jay Douglas replied to Susan East Nelson's comment.
Cory Savoie, under the give-it-back-to-Maryland scenario, I think Maryland gets one more House representative due to the additional population.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Car horns will continue to be honky. But Chargers and Challengers don't have them. They say "Dodge" on the front.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Great photos! Happy Anniversary!
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Looks like I was view #1. Great job, Jon!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
I wonder if the lock company will be changing its name, like Dixie Beer is doing.
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
Will all women named "Dixie" (or men if there are any), be required to change their names as well?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That sucks. :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wow! That's a collection of radio talent!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Hey, does Facebook have the same deal? I was called a racist today. How do I collect?
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Nah. I'd go with Al Duckworth. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Great Ooga Booga!
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
So many crosses to bare.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Russ, my 11th grade US history teacher didn't enlighten me on all of Thomas Jefferson's progeny. I sides-stepped because I felt unqualified. Sorry. I'll check PragerU and see if they have anything on it.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Indeed it is. Your daughter posted that one for me quite a while ago.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Russ, speaking of insults, I'm sure the folks here will be happy to disparage Walter Williams just as they did Carol Swain. This from his column today: https://townhall.com/columnists/walterewilliams/2020/06/24/insults-to-black-history-n2571095
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And, Tom Jefferson, did you know your namesake was a slave holder? Rhetorical question, because a real question like that would be implying that you are stupid.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Timothy Andrew Daley , now you're catching on! Republicans good; Democrats bad!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Timothy Andrew Daley, if you'll read my original comment, you'll see that I had assumed the black person knew that Confederates were mostly Democrats because I was asking if I could "remind" him of that. I am glad to see you know the 1870's Democratic party in the South was a racist organization and that the Radical Republicans were the ones supporting equal rights. Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. But where you go astray is in propounding the myth that the parties somehow exchanged ideologies since then. It was Democrats who failed to support civil rights legislation as late as the 60's. KKK Grand Poobah Robert Byrd remained a Democrat for life. In fact, almost no Democrats changed party affiliations following the war. Certainly few Republicans did. Black political scientist Carol Swain explains: https://www.prageru.com/video/why-did-the-democratic-south-become-republican/ To answer your other questions and statements one at a time:

1. What makes you think the Black person hasn't studied the history??
2. Why would they need you, a white person, to "explain it to them"?
I never said they would have such a need. I was merely offering a reminder, as I explained to you. And since #Blexit and #WalkAway, many don't even need a reminder.
3. Why do you think you understand their history better than they do.?
I don't. You are just assuming I think that. Do you have a decgree in psychology or mind reading?
4. Your comment reeks of implicit racism, the assumption that you understand the history of racism and the Civil War better than an average Black citizen is an implied assumption of white superiority.
So now we have a different term to define: "implicit racism"? How about if you just tell me your definition of racism. Start with the online dictionary of your choice, and let me know how your definitions (and variations such as "casual" and "implicit") differ from the base definition.
5. In addittion (sic) your attempt to hide this in the disguise of humor (although it wasn't funny) simply is an attempt to demean and belittle the feelings that such statues create in Black people.
There you go, mind reading again. You know nothing about me.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Well, @Bill Barrow, I'm afraid you're going to have to explain exactly what "context" I have "distorted" by asking if I could let the black person know that a Confederate with his own statue is very likely a Democrat. To me, it seems I would just be letting him or her know the truth. And I'm particularly interested in your definition of "casual racism," and just how, exactly, it differs from--what--"formal racism"?
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
I thought about it. Would it be okay if I remind the black person that the memorialized Confederate was a Democrat? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Scott Sandifer's comment.
Group: Weerd Wayne's Lost Classics of the 60's, 70's & 80's
Well, the DC5 covered Bobby Day, the Contours, and Chuck Berry, so why not the Vogues? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
I've said this before. They're doing a terrible job of tracking the numbers. Classification criteria have never been finalized, changing arbitrarily. https://dailycaller.com/2020/06/22/scott-atlas-texas-coronavirus-herd-immunity/
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
If he has diabetes, he'll still be allowed to prick his finger, but he won't be able to finger his prick.
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's photo.
I love it when that happens!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I'll bet the cops took his penis and kept it as evidence.
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
No. I meant to tell you the other day I had seen this chart, and realized the data I quoted you earlier were outdated. As of today, the CDC US COVID death count is 106,790. That seems to include death from any cause where presence of coronavirus was confirmed or inferred from circumstances. Through April 4, CDC estimates 24,000 – 62,000 US influenza deaths. We don't yet know the current influenza death count. But it looks like COVID is ahead by a healthy, or rather unhealthy, margin. Let me know when COVID deaths hit the 2.2 million mark we were told to expect a few months ago. So you win this one, Dear. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Like buttah!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
But judges wear robes so they can change their underwear quicker. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'll bet these would be right up Margaret Orr's alley! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Point Peninsula, just south of Cape Vincent. My parents had a place there, too, just two lots away from my uncle's.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Drove it over the camera. Yup!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
You knew I'd have photos!
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
That he was. But I could have disowned him for replacing the Dodge Polara with that ugly black Mercury!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Has some of my photography in it!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Tom Clark, I know what my link says. I actually read it. My point was to illustrate how the "experts" have been all over the map on masks and their efficacy, especially the CDC. I wear a mask when recommended. But whose recommendation do I follow?
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
Here's what an OSHA-certified guy says about masks:

I am OSHA 10&30 certified. I know some of you are too. I don’t really know WHY OSHA hasn’t come forward and stopped the nonsense BUT
I wanna cover 3 things
• N95 masks and masks with exhale ports
• surgical masks
• filter or cloth masks
Okay so upon further inspection OSHA says some masks are okay and not okay in certain situations.
If you’re working with fumes and aerosol chemicals and you give your employees the wrong masks and they get sick you can be sued.
• N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.
Conclusion: if you’re in Stewart’s and the guy with Covid has N95 mask his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Stewart’s (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out)
• Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are CLOGGING these masks very Very quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it You become a walking virus dispenser. Everytime you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment”
Cloth masks: today three people pointed to their masks as they walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” they “pshh’d” me.
By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. You mean the American flag one my aunt made? Yes. The one with sunflowers that looks so cute? Yes. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks health. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask.
Ultimate Answer: N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person.
The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale. (Like a vacuum bag it only works one way)
Cloth masks are WORSE than none.
The CDC wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work.
Wash your hands. Sanitize your hands. Don’t touch stuff. Wash your phone. Don’t touch people. And keep your distance. Why? Because your breath stinks, your deodorant is failing, your shoes are old and stink, that shirts not clean, I like my space. Trust me I can hear you from here. Lots of reasons. But trust me. The masks do not work.
*Occupational Safety & Hazard Association sited.
The top American organization for safety.
They regulate and educate asbestos workers, surgical rooms, you name it.
If your mask gives you security wear it, just know it is a false sense of security.

You can find the OSHA Guidance on Returning to Work at https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA4045.pdf.
Jay Douglas commented on Leigh D'Angelo's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Good job, Kelley! Way to go, Erin!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And the three little dots only appear in Microsoft Edge. If a different browser, try right-clicking and choose "Save Audio As" or whatever.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Alzheimer's already? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You're nothing but trouble! :-) What happens if you click on the three little dots on the right side of the player? Do you gat an option to download? If so, take it. What browser and antivirus do you use? If it's HTML5 compatible, it should play just fine.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Wow! This article has more disclaimers on what they've discovered than my home owner's insurance policy! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks for the link, Bob. Now I have to buy it immediately, or keep the Web page open forever so the price doesn't go up! :-) But I'll bet you and I can do voiceovers cheaper!
Jay Douglas replied to Earl Hampton's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
How 'bout that? Radio has "pukers," and railroads have "foamers."
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
So it will be so hot businesses will light themselves on fire? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
But what about the salesmen who'd come in 5 minutes before your quitting time and want you to cut a concert spot with 49 different music clips (because they were the client's favorites), and copy that's way too long, and it has to get on the air tonight?
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
of course, he did have bad breath and bad feet from all that shoeless walking. That's why they called him the super-calloused fragile mystic hexed with halitosis.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Bad case of Ghana-rea!
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
At this very radio station. Try https://jdthedj.com/
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
Ty, did you post this comment on the right post? This one is about a book I read. No photos involved.
Jay Douglas commented on Tyrone Bell's post.
Hope Facebook doesn't take it down for violating its organized hate policy. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
Didn't I hear somewhere that the government is the biggest consumer of air travel? If so, I'm sure they could use frequent flyer miles.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Unless you're Henry Alterman.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, Warren! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Q: What’s white and crawls up your leg?
A: Uncle Ben’s Perverted Lice.
Jay Douglas commented on Dave Werth's post.
If he lived in my town, he'd take them both down and just fly an LSU flag. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Nah. It's a female. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Gail Delaughter's comment.
Even the smell of nearby garbage, apparently. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
What kind of points--hollow points?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
You should mention that to Robert Reich so he can change the wording in his post so it doesn't sound like it was the City of Atlanta that closed all those polling places.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nope. Sounds like a city run by a Democrat mayor.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I know you're not arguing that BLM asks ActBlue to pass its donations on to the Trump campaign.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The professor does not allege that donations to BLM go directly to the DNC. He says, "All donations to the official BLM website are immediately redirected to ActBlue Charities, an organization primarily concerned with bankrolling election campaigns for Democrat candidates. Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign."

Check the ActBlue Web site, and you'll find this headline: "Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country." Seems like the professor has it exactly right.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
I tried that on the I-10 bridge over City Park Lake. But I chickened out. https://jdthedj.com/Fun3
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
It's white. Probably a snowflake.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Well, he was going "On and On."
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
3 if you count my joke. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on WVUE FOX 8 News's post.
What will you do with all that daylight you'll save? Couldn't we get government to enact Tax Saving Time instead?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
What will you do with all that daylight you'll save? Couldn't we get government to enact Tax Saving Time instead?
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Obviously Photoshopped. Notice there's no damage to the floor.
Jay Douglas replied to George Artigues's comment.
You'll notice I didn't spell it!
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's video.
Where's the Maid with the maple syrup?
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Unless ABC News let's us know exactly how their survey question was worded, we'll never know what those people were thinking about when they answered it. Generally speaking, if you have to explain your slogan, it's not a good slogan.
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Christian's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
But for us, the question is: what did we know, and when did we forget it?
Jay Douglas replied to Jan Zumwalt's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Perfect, Jan! The idea is to use it to identify the groups like "TV Folks," "B-97," "WQUE," "The Zephyr," "Radio Newspeople," etc.
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's video.
Well, at least he's wearing a mask!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
There's always MeWe.
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's photo.
Yes, Deer.
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's post.
Maybe we should have put electrical engineers on the case instead of doctors, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Just lion around.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I see Office Depot has some, Bob. I'll pick one up and bring it if nobody who already has one pipes up before the reunion.
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
And his father smelt of elderberries!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Was Clint Eastwood there to see your day made?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
You're not for diversity and inclusion? Okay. I'll make a note. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
True dis: I lose about a pound overnight, every night. So apparently, when I snooze, I lose. Unfortunately, I always find that pound (or more) the next day.
Jay Douglas commented on Cedric Larche's post.
Group: MAF Family RIP
Bummer, Cedric. Brian Gorr and I league bowled with Benji for a season in Slidell.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Except for Obamagate. That one is real! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Thanks for what was indeed a good read, Damian. I'm sure it's heartfelt on the author's part, and understandable. He almost lost me, though, at his unsupported assertion that "Property taxes, a structural form of racism meant to allow segregation to endure..." Property taxes have existed seemingly forever, and have only one goal: raise money for a government to spend on its functions (or, where corruption exists, those in power). Property taxes were a thing long before segregation was even a concept. But, overall, an interesting piece.

We do indeed see differences rather than similarities. It's natural. I'd like to think we can get over it, as do you. But as long as politicians who exploit that tendency exist ( I think you can infer which party I'm talking about), racism will continue. I'm not optimistic.

The point of my post was to expose my feeling that my black friends might be better off with the party of Lincoln rather than the party of the Klan. Until COVID, they *were* a lot better off with the lowest black (and Hispanic, Asian, youth, and female) unemployment in history, plus generally improving wage levels. Incarceration levels are lowering thanks to the First Step program.

But Facebook is probably not the venue in which to do that. Censorship and rejection of differing opinions are obstacles. I've had better luck in face-to-face discussions. I think I even convinced one of my black bowling teammates that Trump was not out to get him!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
But "it" starts with "i."
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Comrade DeBlasio seems to think he runs NYC. I will stipulate that Miami doesn't seem to be quite that bad.
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
I plan on meddling in this election all by myself, thank you!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Well, I said it exists. Last time I checked, Miami was affected, and run by Democrats.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
As usual, The Tampa Bay Times confuses "percentage of population" vs. "percentage of police encounters." Here's what the Washington Post, the University of Pennsylvania, the FBI, and others found: https://www.dailywire.com/news/5-statistics-you-need-know-about-cops-killing-aaron-bandler
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
It's 'cause of the IBS-D.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
These are medallions of marinated pork flavored with what we call "the Holy Trinity" of Creole and Cajun cooking, onion, celery, and bell pepper. Ours were over rice for dinner, but folks have them over grits for breakfast or brunch, too. And some folks use beef or veal. Pronounced "GREE-odd."
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
Studio B and Bob Fairchild's drapes!
Jay Douglas replied to John Hughes's comment.
It was!
Jay Douglas replied to James Joseph Maumus's comment.
I'll take that as a "no."
Jay Douglas replied to Eddie Gibbons's comment.
With which thing that Drew said do you disagree--that he'd never agree with disrespecting the flag, or his apology for saying that?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Yeah, but nobody's talking about defunding everywhere.
Jay Douglas commented on Christine Couvillon's post.
If you ask me, the whole idea of immunity flies in the face of the "no-one-is-above-the-law" concept.
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Be careful what you wish for.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Great job, as usual, Bummer!
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
Especially when the woman said, "Damn! My cough has gotten worse since I got back from China." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
The point is that without evidence of collusion, the spying on the Trump campaign and the entire Mueller investigation should never have existed. And attempting to clear yourself of a crime that did not exist can in no way be deemed obstruction. Just stay tuned for John Durham.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hey, you remembered! Good job, Bob! Just invite Karl Rove.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Don't we need to condemn the rioters for committing violence against all Americans, including protesters? Or am I missing something?
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Are you doing okay these days, Dave?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Do it! I ran into Mick Fleetwood at WRNO one time, but I think that was when they were in town for a concert at Lakefront Arena in the 80's. He was coming out of the studio after an interview. I don't recollect who was on the air. Billy Burnette had replaced Buckingham. Talked to John McVie at the arena after the show, but nothing on tape.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's video.
Awesome, Dave! Does it sound the same with a Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager bottle? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Looks like the Russians are meddling in your garden! 😄
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Yup. Might not have happened if he hadn't cancelled the Constellation program.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I have!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
They broke into the NFL Hall of Fame, too, and stole the Atlanta Falcons' Super Bowl Trophy. Oh wait. Never mind. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's post.
Moot questions, Elaine. Now the W. H. O. recommends that only sick people, or people caring for sick people, wear masks. But since Trump hates the W. H. O. , only Trump-haters should follow that advice. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks (Note: Because mask advice from the experts changes every other day, thins link is only valid today, 5/30/2020)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
You mean that was not a Baby Ruth candy bar I saw ? Eeeeewwwww!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
CO2, methane, and and water vapor are all greenhouse gases that trap atmospheric heat. But methane and water vapor are in much higher percentages than CO2's measley 0.04%. And studies show that rising temperatures happen BEFORE increasing CO2 levels, not afterward. This one concludes, "It is quite clear from the data that CO2 follows temperature with highly variable time lags depending upon whether the climate is warming or cooling." https://cornwallalliance.org/2017/06/global-temperature-and-co2-which-drives-which/
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
This is what you get with a Leftist state government.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Grum Graham's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
We do work three ways: fast, cheap, and good. Pick any two,
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Does this mean they'll be fact-checking EVERY post? To hear Mark Zuckerburg's interview with Dana Perino today, he doesn't want Facebook to be "the arbiter of truth." But it's very hard to reconcile Facebook's actions with that pronouncement.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
And their fact-check conclusion: "Our Rating: True
The Woodstock festival of 1969 did occur amid a global pandemic and no stay at home orders were enforced. "
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
I wonder where they're made. Probably not at The Little Chippery in Gramercy.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Let's meet up at Bimbo Bay. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nah. Let's just raise taxes. That should help.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
And lets hope they bring back NECCO Skybars, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Christine Couvillon's post.
Belated Happy Anniversary! Had to look at the "Date Taken" on the photo. Discovered it was yesterday (in 2018).
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Centineo Durden's comment.
Larry Roques, I just invited you as a Contact there.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
Time for MeWe, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
And you shot it from just a few feet away with an 18mm wide-angle lens, right? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Guys like him ruin it for the rest of us! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Anybody here got copies of the missing issues (3, 5, 11) ?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Me + 1
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Then he heard his first Mantovani record.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Don't forget to confirm your email by clicking the link in the email they send you after sign-up.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Your wife and I had no problem signing up. Get with the program! Watch this first if you have to: https://youtu.be/Z7YykwuLdsw
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Have a Happy, Norman! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
This one is from March 2, Joan. They've changed their minds 50 times on masks since then.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Death from COVID-19 complicated by bullet holes?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
If they push me over the edge here, I'll be on MeWe. Already am, actually. https://mewe.com/i/jaydouglas No ads, no tracking, no personal data sales, no "fact-checks." Granular privacy control. Free. FB sans BS.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
So rich, Democrats will want to tax it! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
John Records Landecker. And Records truly is his middle name!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's live video.
Old ressevoir, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's live video.
I havem't heard a mention of WIXO yet!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
I'll bet a doctor *did* have something to do with these images!
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
I guess we'll have to get Facebook to remove or block this false and misleading information about dragonflies eating both mosquito larvae and full-fledged mosquitos. Since I'm posting it, I'm sure they will: https://www.dragonfly-site.com/what-do-dragonflies-eat.html
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
I have to admit the article's headline is correct. I don't agree with it. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
"Climate Feedback is not ‘factchecking’: it is presenting its preferred side of a disputed science issue." --Charles Rotter
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
If Hillary was President, Hannity would have committed suicide. Two gunshots to the back of his head.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Play Free Bird!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Play some Zeppelin, man!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
A bit later...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
The assertion that CO2 is the thermostat for the planet is completely unsupported. The whole fact-check is a crock of shit by the usual gang of climate alarmists. I'm about an inch away from deleting my Facebook account.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Grace's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
I guess it had you buffaloed, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Perfect, grammatically correct sentence: Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo. Completely unrelated to this movie, though. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Of course Facebook CAN censor stuff. It's a private company and essentially unregulated. The question is whether they SHOULD censor stuff. I can't yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater (especially if there is no fire), but in my opinion, many times Facebook would censor me for saying loudly, "Boy, this movie sucks!"
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
As a newspaper editor with a reporter I knew to be irresponsible, I'd fire his ass. I don't follow your analogy of reporter/newspaper and user/Facebook, though. The reporter is an employee of the newspaper and subject to doing what the boss says; a user is a Facebook customer. And Facebook doesn't want to be a publisher, because they're liable for libel. And they don't want to be a government-regulated common carrier to duck libel concerns and not be allowed to alter or censor content. PragerU is just another Facebook user. Their content is actually hosted on YouTube, who has also censored them.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Grace's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Wentz's comment.
It isn't. "Blue states are, on average, richer. Because we have a progressive tax system, more money comes from richer people, and if a state’s citizens are, on average, richer, they pay more into the federal fisc." https://thefederalist.com/2017/11/17/red-states-tax-takers-blue-states-tax-makers/
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Some pretty rad radishes!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I have no problem with checking for truth or fiction. I do it every day. Do you feel you've ever been "had" by an untruthful post on Facebook (or something in a newspaper or TV show)? Or were you pretty much able to discern the truth on your own, without help from some self-anointed "fact-checker"? I say let both PragerU and ClimateFeedback publish their data on Facebook or wherever, and let users decide.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Cool. I tried sharing this post of yours on my timeline, Glen, but an apparent Facebook glitch was hiding the Share button. I ended up sharing it straight from Richie. But thanks for the interesting tidbit!
Jay Douglas replied to Dorie Gibbons O'Neill's comment.
Your symptoms are real and somewhat expected, Dorie. A study reported in 2005 by the U.S. National Library of Medicine concluded that “dizziness, headache and shortness of breath are commonly experienced by the medical staff wearing N95 masks.” https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00173017
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Glen Himmaugh's post.
Is this the Richie Furay from Poco and Buffalo Springfield?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Glen Himmaugh's post.
It's true. It's an actual photograph of an actual sign. No Photoshop used. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Is there a Wimex Tunedex Survey, too?
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
I worked at an ABC affiliate, so I was required to like Frank Reynolds.
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
And that's the way it was...
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
A, an, and the, plus many more.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
Nah, but I'll bet there were some Democrats undermining the bridge supports! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Didn't see a single smartphone!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Didn't see a single smartphone!
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
I dunno. Who patched it the first time? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Sadly, the Supreme Court has already ruled that our rights can be denied during so-called "emergencies." Apparently, we can also be forced to endure unwanted injections of vaccines. I hate to use the highly unreliable Wikipedia as a reference, but it's convenient. Just remember that the Supreme Court has gotten things wrong before (e.g.., Dred Scott). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobson_v._Massachusetts
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Sandra is fine. Her politics are hers, not mine, and she's welcome to them.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
But if you give it to Planned Parenthood, it will kill the babies, keeping them from growing up to be kids who might get sent to those awful private schools to which rich people send their kids!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Damn! She could have sent that money to Planned Parenthood!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
We don't need libraries. We buy the books instead of reading them for free. It helps out authors.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Did it promise it could save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Steve Gravelle Just like all the White House reporters after the cameras turn off.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Started with a kidney stone problem, then some sort of abdominal abscess.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Best's post.
Group: MAF Family RIP
I talked to Chip's son Mike tonight (May 15). Chip is indeed gone.
Jay Douglas replied to Kirsten Copeland's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Thanks, Kirsten.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Certainly one of my favorites!
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
5 years ago, of course.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nuk! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Don't send me links to the NYT. I refuse to give them log-in information so I can read them. Meanwhile... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-19/sweden-says-controversial-covid-19-strategy-is-proving-effective
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I did find a copy of Country Joe's "Quiet Days in Clichy (Disinfected for Airplay)" on eBay a while back, but I didn't pull the trigger on it. Should have.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And I still have albums with paper sleeves that say I can order Wild Man Fischer for $2. I wonder if the offer is still good.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Did we play anything from that on the Last Rock 'n J.? I forget.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
So THAT's how they make compact cars!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
LOL! 😄
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Remember back in WWII when we closed all the schools and colleges for 5 years because we were afraid the Germans or Japanese would bomb them? I don't, and not just because I wasn't quite born yet.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's photo.
Does the car still fit in it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Lithium is old school now. Vanadium is where it's at. Flow battery technology. Need a bigger battery for more power? Just get a bigger tank.
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Alright! In answer to the only question that was asked, Jules says Trump was right! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Can "Alice's Restaurant" with four-part harmony and full orchestration be far behind? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
That's not an answer and you're not a Democrat! :-) I don't cut hair, but I do have a couple of N95 masks I can send you. Found them in my Katrina Recovery box furnished by one of my employers at the time.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Sit on it! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
It was probably Patti Page and "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?"
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Sign me up for one of those fecal transplants--NOT!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Cash register shows I was getting paid for this gig! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
The capital of "Florida" is "F."
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's photo.
Pour root beer into a square glass and you get beer.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Wow! There must be a lot of ex-DoJ officials feeling the heat from these new Russia investigation revelations!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Wow! There must be a lot of ex-DoJ officials feeling the heat from these new Russia investigation revelations!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren A Bell's post.
Mine is the identical model, 3 years old now, Warren.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, but most guys think of divorce when they think about giving up everything they own! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Bread. I'd like to bake it with you. ♪♫♪
Jay Douglas replied to John Hughes's comment.
We're sheltering in place, so we're just asking for it! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
If it’s on Wikipedia, it’s usually Leftist! 😄
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Are you sure it wasn't written about his divorce?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Teach the people in Maine which way to hold the camera, dammit!
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Tom, were they all Catholic?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
California can take over the empty Tesla factory and make wind turbine blades, just like they did with Michoud during the post-Space Shuttle Obama years.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
I'm thinking we screwed the pooch on getting accurate COVID-19 numbers by not having uniform, mutually exclusive criteria for what constitutes a COVID-caused death and what doesn't. Be that as it may, I stumbled across this site, handy for quick case and death percentages of population by state. Florida seems to do pretty well in comparison to many other states. https://us-covid19-per-capita.net/
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I guess you'll have to ask the Brits at the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Of course.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
He can be both simultaneously.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
That revisionist history must spread like a virus in a pandemic. It's all over the Internet! But for this article, you can check the revision history. It's been essentially the same since 2010. At our age, relying on memories of living through it may not be a good strategy. :-)https://www.britannica.com/event/1968-flu-pandemic
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
This one is ISO 320, 1/200 sec. f/5.8 --a little bigger than the rule on the aperture, and a little faster on the shutter speed. But rules are meant to be broken!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
I just remember the full moon is a medium gray object in bright sunshine. From my no-light-meter 8mm movie days, I know the rule for that kind of subject is a shutter speed of 1 over the ISO (so, e.g., 1/125s) and an aperture of f/8 or f/11 or so.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Stereo FM, which is what I was describing, actually has a bit of AM in it. The L-R audio is AM on the 38 kHz subcarrier. The L+R (the mono-radio-compatible audio) is FM on the main carrier. The receiver demodulates the main and subcarrier audio, adding them in-phase to get 2L audio, and out of phase to get 2R audio. But you know all that. Elkins taught you! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Of course, little mention by either NPR or the DOJ of the threats to prosecute Flynn's son if Flynn didn't plead guilty, or of the fact that Flynn had sold his house to pay his enormous legal bills. He was out of money. All good liberals know you don't get justice in this country unless you're rich and flush with cash.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, it's too bad Trump didn't go to that war. We might have won, or at least negotiated a better peace deal. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
So I guess you're saying the Nixon Administration was just too slow to act? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I know. A couple of them were friends of mine. It *was* a stupid war. But I can't denigrate them for going.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
How 'bout we just call them both "viral illnesses" and lump them all together? That would solve the statistics problem as well. I suspect we haven't done a real good job with either as far as obtaining solid proof of cause of death.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Some of my college radio buddies will remember the RPI Infirmary filled the auditorium next to the station's studios with beds for students expected to get the Hong Kong Flu over the 1968 Christmas vacation.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Imagine if, during the Vietnam War, there were a whole bunch of kids who said, "Hell no, we won't go!" Oh, wait...
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
We were boomers then, too. We were immortal, but only for a limited time.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Democrats had both House and Senate for Obama's first two years, and were going through the H1N1 pandemic. Why didn't Obama get it done then?
Jay Douglas replied to Elaine Scheurer Strahan's comment.
Or borrow my copy.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's photo.
Just like Copeland's! I'll take some o' dat!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
That’s invenereal as far as I’m circumcised.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
How's the futures market for 2021 Jazz Fest hats?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Svetlana? Obviously, this is Russian disinformation! 😄
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
Gonna show us your ice cream collection? 😄
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Facebook: Destroying families and friendships since 2004.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Richard Noggin.
Jay Douglas replied to Stanley Beck's comment.
Yes indeed!
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's photo.
A veeblefetzer?
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
It's hard to sneak with all the racket a drone makes.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Do you have to pedal the treadle to get water to come out? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Looks like she got her wish. And the Chinese got 30 million other Americans along with Trump. They won't be filing tax returns because they won't be making any money.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
You are correct, ma’am!
Jay Douglas commented on Isis Casanova's post.
May 1, 2020, 4:58 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Government actions are pulling them back, not a virus.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
That's what college radio buddies are for! Great shots despite the weather, Dennis Jackson! Thanks for posting the memories!
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Maybe I can duplicate it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Olivier's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Why not? None of us are over 65 with underlying health conditions, right? I merely have a diet problem I'm not getting enough mac & cheese. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
What year is that--1964? I like the ones from '63 better, the ones with the double rear windows. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Very cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Last I heard, he's extending it until November 4. And if Trump still wins, he'll keep it closed 'til 2024! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Battle of the Bands winner to get the gig, IIR?
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Apr 28, 2020, 5:59 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
I thought Al Gore lived in Nashville.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Rusty Galle's comment.
Um, didn't the transistor radios come from Japan originally? And we dropped a couple on them.
Jay Douglas replied to Pal Al Nassar's comment.
I guess you're not on the radio at the moment, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Jeff Warren , see my reply to Steve Gravelle above. Tom blames China for the problem, as do most all of us.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Steve, don't mess with my buddy Tom Owens. He was my best man (one of 'em, anyway). Has a couple of sons on the hospital front lines, and they've had trouble getting PPE. I talked to him yesterday.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Cool! I'm waiting with bad breath!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
D'oh! Sorry for my insensitivity, Tom. I can understand your concern having Billy and Sean on the front lines.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
BTW, Tom Owens, puking is one of the 400 symptoms of COVID-19. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And the Wuhan Health Organization (WHO) assured us early on that there was no human-to-human transmission. Nancy Pelosi assured us Chinatown was safe. And Comrade DeBlasio told us we could just live our lives as usual. Everybody wrong, all around. Where's that hook?
Jay Douglas commented on Dave Werth's post.
I'd rather blame Bill Clinton for getting China into the WTO. You might even be able to get me to blame Richard Nixon for going over their and making nice with them in the first place!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Snopes said it was true, so it must be--NOT!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Or you could say it's a Dem surrounded by panic.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I guess not.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Did Angelo Mysterioso do the guitar solo?
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
I get a $50 ticket in Red Stick if I block the sidewalk by parking in my own driveway!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Bzzzzz! Im sorry, Jules. Incorrect. You failed to incorporate all the syllables.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
An ancient Roman walks into a bar and tells the bartender, "I'll have a martinus."

The bartender says, "You mean a martini?"

The Roman says, "Look, pal, if I want more than one, I'll order them!"
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Why yes, it would!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
it's a Dem panic.
Jay Douglas commented on Guy Denaro's photo.
Hell of a diving platform though! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Notice how they never sit still for more than 5 seconds at a time?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Great stuff there, Bummer!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Thanks. She says it’s better.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
I wish they were talkin’ about it *this* year, Dennis!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
My hero! I have the sheet music for Jumbo's rendition of Allen Toussaint's "Java." But you don't want to hear me try to play it!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Send them to me and I'll see that they are filled out properly. No charge.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
This is your thread, Mary, so I'll butt out. I'm not trying to change any minds here. I know what I heard and understood. That's all.
Jay Douglas replied to Mark Webster's comment.
You should always chase Tide Pods with a shot of Clorox, Mark. :-) (the smiley face is so idiots will know I'm not serious about the Clorox)
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
New studies from Germany and either Sweden or Switzerland seem to indicate they got their infection rates (R-nought) down to 1 or less (meaning no logarithmic expansion) *before* they invoked any lockdowns with a mortality rate of 0.37%. Verstehen Sie Deutsch? https://www.land.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/zwischenergebnis_covid19_case_study_gangelt_0.pdf
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They do that for the safety of the media people, the only ones stupid enough to think Trump was suggesting injecting disinfectant.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning?" He's talking about the great job disinfectant does on killing the virus, then wonders aloud doing "something like that (a great job) by injection." He DOES NOT suggest injecting disinfectant.
“President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement. “Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines.”
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
I'll drink to that! Well, maybe I really shouldn't exactly drink... :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
In a bankrupt state
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I listened carefully. Now it's your turn. ""And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning?" He's talking about the great job disinfectant does on killing the virus, then wonders aloud doing "something like that (a great job) by injection." He DOES NOT suggest injecting disinfectant.

“President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement. “Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines.”
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
For the record, 250,000 watts is 5 times the power limit (50,000 watts) for AM stations in the U.S. (not 2-1/2).
Jay Douglas commented on Chantal Dabdoub's photo.
What the pundits are all forgetting is that these guys now have to play the Saints twice a season! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
I s'pose all viruses are descended from the ones Adam and Eve had, if any. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I assume this list shows all current subscribers.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
I don't think so. Nothing they built for COVID had t be permanent.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Hurricanes don't know about levees, but levees should damn well know about hurricanes, and be built not to fail in them.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Must be Lake Mead, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
There ya go!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Liberalism? [ducking] :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
At least thir drones are made in Canada and not China.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Wow! Interesting is right! Somehow, I, and likely you, did our part to generate herd immunity to measles, mumps, and chicken pox.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Russ, I posted a link to the entire article 3 comments up. Just above one of yours claiming I didn't mention whom the Times was quoting.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Dunn's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
They gotta subscribe.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Who *was* the Times quoting, Russ? I don't see any quotation marks (other than my own) around the words of the Times I quoted. It sure looks to me like the article's reporter or author conceived and wrote those words as their own. And the whole article clearly suggests that vote-by-mail and absentee voting is not a good idea from the standpoint of election security. I'm glad your experience with mail-in voting has been trouble free. But I must remind you that it doesn't take 0.5% fraudulent ballots to change an election result; it only takes one. And that may be the ballot that suppresses *my* vote, or perhaps, yours.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I sure this fits your definition of unbiased, Russ:

"Votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a voting booth, statistics show."

— New York Times
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And hindsight will be 20/20, as always.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
When you don't look for and prosecute vote fraud, you can *say* there's no evidence of it. But it exists. https://thefederalist.com/2016/10/13/voter-fraud-real-heres-proof/
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Harker's post.
Good for those with pet snakes!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Mail-in voting, as well as online voting, take the possible commission of a crime out of the face-to-face realm and turn it into no big deal--like calling a stranger names on Facebook or Twitter. Let's not make it easy to defraud. I'd like to see the evidence that mail-in voting is less fraud susceptible. https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/potential-fraud-why-mail-elections-should-be-dead-letter
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's photo.
And not one of you asked how the cat was doing [smh] :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
No, and no. Special circumstances. But as a general rule, show your face in front of live human beings. I don't want my vote suppressed by a packet of mailed-in ballots whose authenticity we can't verify.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The colon is perfectly fine. But it removes the implication Julie Owens thinks is there, and would be if a comma had been used instead.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
By "cited," are you sure they didn't mean "given an award"?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Progress. He didn't deny that it got loose from the lab, manipulated or not.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
So I can get crap in my eye? No thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jud not paying attention to punctuation.
Jay Douglas commented on Russ Wise's post.
Two things should always be done in person: (1) having sex; and (2) voting. Period.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I'm beginning to think she doesn't have my best interests at heart!
Jay Douglas replied to Carey Westbrook's comment.
WRNO WW programs often were separate and different. But quite often, they simulcast the FM.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Just move the polling places to the grocery stores. People go there all the time. Must be safe.
Jay Douglas replied to Bobby D. Ezell's comment.
All I know is I'm gonna be really pissed if I can't go enjoy a nice big Ruth's Chris filet on a 500° plate of sizzling butter when this is all over because they're out of business!
Jay Douglas replied to Bobby D. Ezell's comment.
Had they done it the way Trump wanted to do it, the money would have gone directly to the employees, faster. If you're out of a job because the government closed your employer's business, it's not your fault.
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
I was just out measuring my backyard to see how many barrels will fit back there. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Cool! HF!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
No video? It didn't happen. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I understand Comrade DeBlasio in NYC is now asking for 40,000 hyperbaric chambers. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Did he run off half-cocked?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Might have to order that!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
At least they're electric motors.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
As long as I don't send my drone to buy paint or attend church.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Oh, okay. Had to go full screen.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Can I park in your front yard for a day for $20? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Excellent, Dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
No monkey business?
Jay Douglas replied to Karen S Couvillon's comment.
My wife will be fine. She sent me on a non-essential trip to Lowes this morning to get some non-essential mulch and topsoil. She sent me in her old car with a near-empty tank. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Philip, Jules worked with me at WRNO. But he worked at WRNO Worldwide, the shortwave station. It was mono. I worked the FM, so I'm the stereo type. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Harness's post.
Reminds me of the old joke about what does Twiggy have tattooed on her chest? "Front"
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
That's the guy!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I hear the checks may be delayed again so Trump's name can be taken off them, just to make the New York Times a liar. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Saw them live in the early 70's. Their twin lead guitarists were underappreciated.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And the media has already seized on this non-peer-reviewed study to suggest Fauci is right: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/hyped-malaria-pill-doesn-t-help-clear-coronavirus-in-study/ar-BB12EEbv?ocid=msedgntp
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Does Fauci think dying is safer than hydroxychloroquine? He should see nobody is suggesting we dispense with the scientific method and the FDA forever, but he's possibly being a tad hypocritical, which is what this article suggests.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
"The Daily Mail has been widely criticised for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research,[13][14][15][16][17] and for copyright violations.[18] It is treated as unreliable as a source for articles in Wikipedia"
Jay Douglas commented on Isis Casanova's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Google thanks you for helping them with their facial recognition algorithm.
Jay Douglas replied to Barry Keegan's comment.
Don't deploy the sword unless you have a shield. Maybe they already have a vaccine.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
So where's the picture of the hammer?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
No, that would be:
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Janis Buffet Shreve's post.
He thinks dying is safer than hydroxychloroquine, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Kinda looks like the one on Hwy. 11 in Slidell after Katrina.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
The purpose of the Democratic Party is to steal everything it can from the people. They call it "taxation."
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's photo.
I remember when I caught measles, mumps, and chicken pox. I stayed home from school, not everybody.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Thanks. U2, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Texas Tea!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
They have a vaccine. Never deploy the sword unless you have the shield. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
NBC is not going to badmouth China. Their Comcast parent has a huge theme park deal with China.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
""There's a hole in Daddy's arm where all the money goes..." ♪♫♪
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Long lens.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
He was careful to stay out of restricted airspace.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Don't bother. The video has been "removed by the uploader." Hope she hasn't been "disappeared."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And overnight, the uploader allegedly took down her video. She's probably been "disappeared." :-) I wish I'd remembered whose channel it was.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Define "that."
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I'd have better ratings if we had more Latin speakers. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Yeah, yeah. T-Ben already mentioned that meaning to me, but pointed out my Mafia nickname would be way too long!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
A Roman soldier walks into a bar and tells the bartender, "I'll have a martinus."

"You mean a martini?" ask the bartender.

"Look, pal. If I want more than one, I'll order them!" retorts the Roman.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Steve Gravelle , "Data on chart *are*", dammit! They're plural! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Once upon a time for my opening monologue at WRNO (which was whatever I could say over the intro of my first record), I mentioned spotting a mattress in the middle of a lane on I-10 at the high-rise bridge on my drive to the station. I asked if anyone was feeling especially kinky and wanted a thrill there. No takers.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Seems more prickly than pearish.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I don't know, but I understand he has some heroes. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
I heard somebody posit the other day that for every economist, there is an equal and opposite economist, and usually, both of them are wrong! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Sorry, but he lost me when he claimed to be the inventor of email. That came from fellow RPI graduate Ray Tomlinson. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ray-Tomlinson
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Thanks for the book tip, Suzanne Garsh Albright I just finished “This Is Your Brain on Music,” and I’m pages away from the end of “Napoleon’s Buttons: 17 Molecules That Changed History.” Both non-fiction; both good. And Tom and I are, by mutual nature, required to rib each other. Politics is (are?) just a convenient topic for that.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Like I said, not a big deal, Bob. But I did want the "Admins" to know I almost always look before I post, especially in this Group where everybody seems to pay attention to the same stuff.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Already posted by me 2 hours before this post (but removed by some Admin). No big deal, but I *did* look before I posted mine and saw nothing.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I think words with similar meanings are called synonyms. And these two seem close enough to me:

com•mu•nism kŏm′yə-nĭz″əm►
n. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
n. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

so•cial•ism sō′shə-lĭz″əm►
n. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
n. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.
n. Specifically, in Germany, legislation, supported by Prince Bismarck, intended to improve the condition of the working-man. Among the measures included were the insurance of workmen against accident, sickness, and old age, and the establishment of cooperative associations under state protection.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
In 6th grade, Mr. Mast explained capitalism, socialism, and communism pretty well. As a future engineer who would love simplifying assumptions, I reduced socialism to just communism without the communes. But I think today's young folks have reduced "socialist" to mean, "someone who spends a lot of time on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter." They still expect to buy their iPads and smartphones from BestBuy, not some place that looks like the DMV.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Is that an attribution? Winston Churchill gets it most often, but nobody seems to know for sure who said it first.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They got nothin'! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Wendy Hayton , I had no idea. I thought all that money came from the same money tree we'll use to pay for free medical care, free tutiion, and the Green New Deal.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
That's not much of an explanation for his largesse. And, BTW, for a week now,his campaign has been anonymously placing large orders for food at local restaurants in New York, New Jersey, Washington, and Michigan for delivery to hospital workers. But probably just a pittance. And reported by a conservative media outlet which you won't believe. But I'll provide the link anyway. Remember when the Obama campaign did this for all the H1N1 pandemic hospital workers after he let that outbreak get a six-month head start? Yeah, me neither. https://www.dailywire.com/news/report-trump-campaign-ordering-food-from-local-restaurants-to-help-hospital-workers
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Exactly what will that prove?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
From the "CommonDreams.org" About page: "We share our readers’ progressive values of social justice, human rights, equality and peace." A biased source deserves a biased reply, Sandra Givens. In this case, biased toward facts. If Trump is so zealous "to put money in his own pocket," explain to me why he donates every penny of his Presidential salary to charity. And the former director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council himself has debunked your accusation that Trump "slashed the expertise in government that would have been ready to address this crisis." Please stop using the Saul Alinsky playbook and repeating this lie ad nauseum. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/16/no-white-house-didnt-dissolve-its-pandemic-response-office/?fbclid=IwAR2SJE_Bn-PtozF_WKNMtPo3P05jdMV0ZTilVZm-lQWuaADa_TjAiLvWR_Y
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
LOL! Ya got me!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah! AC über alles!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
So scratch the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, and seriously consider GPS tracking of all Americans in times of Chinese virus attack? [smh]
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
I pan demics whenever I see them.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Slowly I turned...
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Just got around to installing the newest Edge browser and I used this as test footage for it's touted 4K video handling. I'm pleased to report it played this 4K 60p stuff perfectly! Nary a hiccup or glitch.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
LOL! Not perfect, though. The deer did it better.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Have you been going without shaving again, Rhonda? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
But why was it titled "Dueling Banjos" when one of them was a guitar?
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Is it like Mardi Gras? Do they hold balls?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
OK. Next time I go bowling.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
FB price today is only 9% above where I bought it in December, 2018. I could have gotten out in January at $224, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Guy Denaro's video.
How much time do I have? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to John McGrath's comment.
WTIX doesn't subscribe to Nielsen, so who knows? But thanks for the good wishes.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
He who loves to sell cosmetics.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Quick? At 3 minutes, that's half a commercial break on the Discovery Channel! :-) Looks good.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I can't seem to get up that early.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
No. Northeastairchecks has them from all over the, um, wait for it...Northeast. WBBF, WAXC, WKBW in your neck of the woods, among many others.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I know there are a few of mine at http://northeastairchecks.com/ But that site uses RealAudio, so you'll need the RealAudio player.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
The overwhelming negative coverage of a partisan press has already taken care of tarnishing Trump.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
He's Canadian, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
I'm not wiping, either. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Doesn't that seem like a big waste of time? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I may need to subdivide that page. Seems to be performing better here now than it was in the afternoon, but it is getting unwieldy. Thanks for the, ah, feedback. That f" word is never welcome in a discussion about audio. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
And I just edited the post to get rid of the bookmark, which is what seemed to be making browsers choke when Facebook added its querystring *before* the bookmark. But you'll have to scroll down a tad to find the Jon Wolfert WPTR Jingles clip.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
The files are pure MP3 which should play fine in an HTML5 capable browser.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Hmmmm. It seems the query string Facebook adds on its redirect screws everything up . Try deleting everything after "Airchecks in your address bar, including the slash.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Count me as a science denier.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
So what you're saying is this is more fake news from AP, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Well, it's not like it's toilet paper.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Don't tell me his Rosemont Seneca Partners company had something to do with letting the virus loose! Oh noooooooooooo!
Jay Douglas commented on Quinn P. Ford's post.
Cool! I was wondering if that was the spillway, Yes it was! Thanks, Quinn!
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Rut-roh! Wait 'til he finds out what we eat down here in the New Orleans area!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
"Re-think"? I don't think they thought about it the first time!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
You know what "assume" does.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Busy and healthy, we hope!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Breeding is the first thing everybody thinks about at Mardi Gras!
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Love it!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Freedom of peaceful assembly?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Have a Happy, Terry! Don't get none on ya! (If you do, wipe it off with the green toilet paper :-) )
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Who you calling "elderly"?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Well, if you'd prefer we come for you first, that can be arranged. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Good riddance.!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
There was a car show at the very same place a couple of years ago when I went. There was nothing fake about it then. False River is a loop of the Mississippi River that got cut off and is now just a lake that looks like the river used to.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Ask my daughter. It was her cat, and feral to start with.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Had enough? I got more. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
They postponed ours two months. What's your hurry?
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
So we take the kids out of schools where there's been no Wuhan virus and expose them to the community where there has been. Makes sense to me--NOT!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
True dat. Gives you flexibility for stabilizing or cropping. But I do like seeing it on my 4K monitor.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
LOL! Yeah, FB is stuck at 1080p. So last decade!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Every so often. Normally an indoor cat.
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Here's the YouTube version if you'd really like to see it in 4K: https://youtu.be/D7Qlg7SfNdM
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
And JT, too!
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Did you mean to say "pubic health"?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
John Durham will be waiting with indictments for both of them. Can't indict a sitting President or VP, but they ain't sitting until Inauguration Day. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
My wife claimed the same thing. She figured out how to do it. What's your problem?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's live video.
You have shot and transmitted video in an illegal portrait orientation. You are hereby banned from any further video recording and/or transmission. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Damon Collins's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Richard Nixon always wanted one. :-) https://youtu.be/cJF9idcrX0Y
Jay Douglas commented on George McCarlie's post.
News from 2015?
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
I'm a pilot! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Move left stick left or right (yaw) to "aim" it. And climb up to 5 feet or so to get it out of ground effect. You'll have a much better chance of hovering in one spot. There should be trim controls on the controller (assuming the right stick self-centers) which will allow you to null out any drift in the hover.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Looks like they were all Jewish.
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's photo.
True dat!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Here ya go, Steve Gravelle!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
What sort of a tax do we need to stop *this* existential threat? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
"Businessman" Bloomberg paid $35 million for his Facebook ads. Vlad got 'em for $100 thousand.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Looks like he kept the shiny, er, dull gray side up. That's always good (unless you're in a dogfight).
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
It's communism, but without the communes.
Jay Douglas commented on Normand Martel's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Unless he has a magnetic personality, I'd have some reluctance to vote for him.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
Mar 3, 2020, 7:43 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Not enough room for the Gatling gun from an A-10 Warthog.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I hope so.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
True dat!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
The New Orleans edition has a photo or two from my Web site.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I don't see any on Rochester radio, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
It’s you, bitch! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
You'll have to make do with Google Earth for now. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to James Joseph Maumus's comment.
The rules say I have to love it to post it. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No. That guy practices.
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's photo.
And the difference between an epileptic oyster shucker and a prostitute with diarrhea? An epileptic oyster shucker shucks between fits.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
My dad had a '60 Biscayne. Like the Bel Aire, two taillights per side.
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Cue mat! That's it! I kept thinking "Audio Mat," but I knew that wasn't it. And I knew you'd be a person here who would have seen one, Gary.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I do, too--right before every match!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Not if I get some, too. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Stephanie Weil's comment.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Those wouldn't come until a few years later. A decade or so.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I notice all those other nations sending us foreign aid and paying for our defense. Meanwhile, we pay for the drug research and development work so they can get cheap drugs.
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
And Snopes probably could have used the money to cover that embezzlement thing. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I'll save Facebook the trouble:

Fact Check: FALSE. As of March 2019, there were actually only 607 billionaires in America. (https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/#53ee3ac9251c)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Never let a good crisis go to waste!
Jay Douglas commented on Chantal Dabdoub's photo.
Is that bigger or smaller than Trump's?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I don't know if Facebook will allow this, but another early rap record was "Big Bad John" by Jimmy Dean. On WIXO, every time I played "Rock On" by David Essex, and I do mean *every time*, I played it like this. And back then, I had to do it with turntables and slip cueing. That wasn't quite as easy as doing it digitally today (although I guess I could have put it on cart). http://jdthedj.com/sounds/RockOnJimmyDeanClip.mp3
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
We're gonna need a bigger boat!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Like the Jewish guy making the sign of the cross on the way out the door: spectacles, testicles, vallet, und vatch.
Jay Douglas commented on Leona Sperrazza Owens's post.
What makes you think I've read that many books? It's much more efficient to wait for the movie!

Gimme a minute...
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Did you know that they always oil the stage before every Gladys Knight concert? Otherwise, the Pips squeak.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
So much for free will.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's post.
I don't use self-checkout unless the give me a W-2 and health benefits.
Jay Douglas commented on The Right View Of The United States's photo.
Democrats want them counted because, legal or illegal, they're "persons," and the Constitution says we must count them for purposes of representation. It's too late, Charlie. They're here, and so is the census. If we don't want to count them, we have to deport them. My suggestion would be to collect them and detain them in states which vote reliably red. Count them there and those states get the extra Congressional representatives and electoral votes while we work on deporting them. Pretty simple, really. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Perez's post.
Democrats want them counted because, legal or illegal, they're "persons," and the Constitution says we must count them for purposes of representation. It's too late, Charlie. They're here, and so is the census. If we don't want to count them, we have to deport them. My suggestion would be to collect them and detain them in states which vote reliably red. Count them there and those states get the extra Congressional representatives and electoral votes while we work on deporting them. Pretty simple, really. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Lovebugs fly United.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
6 Men, or G Men?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Maybe FDR was dumber than we thought and didn't realize that public unions could be "negotiated" easily into voting Democrat in exchange for lucrative contracts and benefits. Surprising for the guy who exemplifies government by quid pro quo.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Russia has a GOP? Maybe there's hope for them yet!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Emelie Cheramie , he *did* win a 4th term, but died during it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
No matter how rich, when you take 94% of a person's labor, that effectively means you've made him or her a slave. His is that moral and ethical?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'll stipulate that Bernie didn't call for the 52% rate. I'm just pointing out that past Democrats have 1) invented the income tax in the first place; and 2) have actually instituted sky high rates.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
52% is peanuts compared to FDR's marginal rate of 94% on incomes over $200,000. It wasn't just a proposal; that's the rate in effect when he died. Prior to 1913, the rate was zero. How did we manage? https://www.aier.org/article/fdrs-forgotten-tax-on-the-poor/
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
♪♫♪ I just believe in me...and that reality.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No need. I'm an atmospheric pollution denier.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Raindrops, I Fought the Law, White Bird
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
Made by the guy who made Obama's birth certificate? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Margaret Taylor Schlaudecker's comment.
No, they cache Czechs, just to keep them safe.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Like that duck says, "half black!"
Jay Douglas commented on Terrell A. Robinson's post.
Somebody got cheated. When they bought an "I," the one in "AIR" should have been included (assuming it's not really an "S" in a different word).
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Funny thing about swamps. There's no telling how deep they are 'til you wade in.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Ya think?
Jay Douglas commented on PragerU's video.
Yes. The West *is* the best. Jim Morrison said so. Get here, and we'll do the rest.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
The only problem with the author's analysis is when he says that any dollar the government spends must first be removed from the private sector. Actually, the government can simply print the money to spend now and worry about extracting it from John Q. Citizen's taxes later, which is probably exactly what happened in the case of the Obama stimulus. We the People have probably yet to pay for the Obama stimulus program.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Snot me!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Nuh uh!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'll bet your Uncle Tom will be back, lookin' for more rings.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
And the Indian who inspired Tonto was Elizabeth Warren. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Arena's post.
Sorry. Your question must be in the form of an answer. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Or it might just be an animation..
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Interesting to see a gun that shoots the whole cartridge out of the barrel and not just the bullet. I guess it makes reloading quicker.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Richards or Rouses.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Johnsonville's not the brand we buy in New Orleans!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I want *everybody* to get wealthy.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Burbank's post.
Democrats: Quick! We must rearrange the deck chairs! Move them to the back of the ship!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Not yet. But since posting on Craig's List, we've had several offers from Nigerian princes to mail us a check and buy it sight-unseen.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'm sure that guy would have sold me a Corvette. He was a Chevy dealer.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
A little something for the folks who responded to the survey and said they'd rather be hit by an asteroid than see Trump re-elected. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
AFAIK, they were all for Clinton.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Well, Trump has been through 3 years of investigations, and not a single suicide has resulted. 😄
Jay Douglas commented on Sandra LaBarge Neumann's post.
Drink 2 16-ounce beers. 😄
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Snot mine. It has 6 props.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew H Constant's comment.
Very punny!
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Too cold for the beach, but I'm planning a flight over Indian Hills in Slidell! ;-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I did?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I told her. See how she listens?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Travis, true dat, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
I'll bet his body guards are not included in that ban!
Jay Douglas replied to Norman Robinson's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
No sweat, Norman. Your post just made me wonder whether I spelled Walter's name right. I've been spelling it the way I did in years of Reunion photo captions. I'm assuming he'd have corrected me by now. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Nancy keeps repeating that he’s impeached forever. So I guess he’s now acquitted forever.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
You win. I can’t do it. 😄
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Here's another specimen receiving (until tonight), little or no coverage. A bill to pay for the return of previously deported criminal aliens, among other things. Talk amongst yourselves. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-criminals-would-be-protected-from-deportation-under-bill-aoc-and-other-house-democrats-back
Jay Douglas replied to Norman Robinson's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Walter Morehead, Norman Robinson, *did* get a caption in the video. Here's the still frame.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
Close. It was written by Gary White (not Wright).
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
They're both there separately.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Oops. I'll fix that before Old Weird Pete notices.. Got distracted when I was having trouble getting my SQL Server service to start.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I just play "Big John, Big John" from Jimmy Dean in those pauses.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Always was fun to make that song longer by looping the "I know" part an extra minute or so.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I was there, too. WIXO was part of it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's photo.
A. There *is* a Kansas City in Kansas, too.
B. Joe Biden thinks it's in Vermont! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
Mike Bloomberg? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That was supposed to happen *this* year!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'm a Saints fan and you're a Democrat. I knew if I told you I was gonna watch the Super Bowl, you'd try to impeach me!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
33rd day of the year, and there are 333 days left in it.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Whipped Her
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Yikes! Radio seems to be a dangerous business!
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
The same way there can be an impeachment with no defense witnesses allowed.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Argus parade on Mardi Gras
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Just remember: incest starts at home.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Makes sense to me. As I've grown older and learned more, I've also gained mass. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
And what about the 3's and the E's?
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Do 5 wrongs make a right? I know 2 don't.
Jay Douglas commented on Duke Banner's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Laugh-In: "This program was pre-recorded, so that when we went to record it, it was already done."
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Ya think those pipes got wires in 'em?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
What? Me worry?
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Call Brian Gorr!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Fake hiring advice from Deep Staters. He'll do better in his second term. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
Impeach him! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Sorry to hear that.
Jay Douglas replied to Toni Alvarez's comment.
Nanette above already did. California says they’re carcinogenic. I just bought a second bag today.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I wonder how many of these originated with Ben Walsh.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Sounds good to me!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Meanwhile, in Slidell, Louisiana, Indian Hills is a nudist resort. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Watkins's comment.
And as far as we know, since Utz bought Zapp's, the "Little Chippery in Gramercy" may be in Pennsylvania (or wherever Utz is) now.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
I only ate half the bag. I saved the rest for later. Right now, I'm enjoying some Blue Bell Mocha Almond Fudge.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
And exactly 6 years later (1947), Warren Zevon is born.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I wonder if the evil chemical carcinogen is in the food coloring they apparently use on the Evil Eye chips. Oh well. I ate red M&M's for years when they still had the infamous Red Dye #2.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I like Utz's response: just don't sell 'em in California.
Jay Douglas replied to Bubba Sigur's comment.
Kinda like the Voodoo chips, but without as much bite. Very colorful. I like 'em, more than the Voodoo chips, which used to be my favorite.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Right. It was, itself, propaganda.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Came around a blind left-hand curve to see a utility truck parked in the middle of the two-lane road. Dove off the right edge of the road to miss the truck, then lost it trying to get back on the road and miss the fence posts out in the farmer's field. The engine stalled during my backwards travel. So when I was once again pointed in the desired direction, I restarted it and continued on my way, glancing at the rearview mirror to see some amazed power company workers watching from the truck. I was on my way to work at the TV station 150 miles away after a weekend trip.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
On the External Tank Program at Michoud, we'd take them down to the weld X-ray area and X-ray them before cutting. Can't be too careful. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Susie Kthryn Cambre's post.
I did that on dry pavement in the middle of July up there one time with my '63 Chevy. No dashcam, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
And now, here they are, Dolly Parton! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Down here, today was the coldest day on record since yesterday! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I'd think it was for cleaning golf balls--you know--the balls with dimples?
Jay Douglas commented on Glen Himmaugh's post.
The Harlem Globetrotters of soccer?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
I visited my cousin in The Villages a few years back. He has his own Corvette. But his neighbor across the street has his-and-hers Corvettes. One of those he won by buying a $500 raffle ticket at the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. It was the last 427 Corvette to roll off the assembly line there. Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's post.
Seems like they're running these tests every 5 minutes.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
We heard climate change made him do it. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Snot me, I tell ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Guy Denaro's photo.
Have a Happy, Guy! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
LOL! No, but the Rap Hall of Fame *should* include Jimmy Dean for "Big Bad John" and Lorne Greene for "Ringo."
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Does that broccoli have mayonnaise on it?
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Or until your compiler throws an error.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
All of them!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
She's not your second cousin twice removed and three times put back?
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I dunno. I ain't gonna disassemble it. Not my job, man.
Jay Douglas replied to Clive Warner's comment.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
L di/dt
Jay Douglas replied to Rusty Galle's comment.
Which brands can you be sure are built here? China had bought so many of our brand names.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
What we got from HD sounds used.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
I had to use one today.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Don't have any.
Jay Douglas replied to Pal Al Nassar's comment.
They delivered. No truck.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Yeah, that *is* a great pic! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Alan Schroeder's comment.
It's a planet on which they failed to tax carbon emissions. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Any chance of free cars? I bet they'd be more popular.
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby D. Ezell's post.
Too late. I opened it before reading this and now my 401K is gone! And I'm not even in the stupid video! You owe me a bunch of money, Ezell! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Are your sure your coral is not doomed by climate change? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I won't do self-checkout unless they put me on their health insurance and agree to send me a W-2 at the end of the year.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
And Jeffrey Dahmer was inspirational to cannibals.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
I keep telling myself that.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Can't believe we didn't put a WIXO bumper sticker on it!
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
I dunno. This was not in my parish (county).
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Precious few care!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
I won't argue the goal, only the heavy-handed, costly mechanism.
Jay Douglas replied to Bo Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Oh, an equipmophiliac, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
So, another unethical "psychoanalysis at a distance" practitioner. You'd think a Yale degree would make you smarter than that. Ask any other psychiatrist if they diagnose people without ever seeing them as patients. It can be a ticket out of the professional association.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The same folks run both, so why not?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Does West Webster still flood their parking lot to make an ice rink?
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Scott Sandifer's comment.
I have one. I guess I'd better find it and give it a listen. I think I also have a copy of an album he put out.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's photo.
As soon as finish the book on anti-gravity that I'm reading. I can't put it down!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
Glad it turned out well. Is West Webster's fire department part of Rochester's now? I was confused by the truck signage.
Jay Douglas replied to Andre C Labat's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Quinn P. Ford's comment.
Or unless I spend more money to get ID-equipped drones. And it's interesting that the biggest push behind this initiative is coming from DJI, the Chinese drone maker banned by our military for security reasons. The Yuneec drones I have are also made in China, but they don't connect to the Internet. Needless to say, DJI and all the other drone makers stand to make a bundle selling new ID-compliant drones to suckers like me.
Jay Douglas replied to Scott Meislin's comment.
Well, they were just dying to get in! That's why there's a fence around cemeteries. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Heck, I guess there's no need for Dems to vote this cycle then.
Jay Douglas commented on Tony Dinkel's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Do you use condoms? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Wow! Haven't seen one of those "bubble lights" in forever! Merry Christmas to you and Maureen, Dennis!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
That Russians are meddling with Climate Change? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to William Scott Fontaine's comment.
U2, William.
Jay Douglas commented on Paul Gowland's photo.
U2, Paul!
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
My sister used to give me one every year for Christmas.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
A timely allegory, except that these characters aren't fictional.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Love it!
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's post.
I guess there's no point in me playing Bing Crosby's "Do You Hear What I Hear?" for you, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Doesn't come to mind as a Christmas classic, but we do play it.
Jay Douglas commented on Isis Casanova's post.
Congrats, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Have a Happy, Beebe! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
I'm sure your yard bunny would love it.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Looks like you got partial credit on one or more of them.
Jay Douglas commented on Joey Sanders Falgout's post.
If that's the case, then the "I" in "AIR" should already be visible like the "I" in "IN" and "TONIGHT."
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
That's so the onshore Democrats can't take it all.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
I heard Norwood tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head. He missed wide left. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Is Scott Norwood still kicking for them?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
No. They lost to the Saints as well, and just about everyone else. And, when they get to a Super Bowl, they just blow a big lead and lose.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
An affront to our Constitution and democracy! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Tod Anthony's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Magic Dick, harpist for The J. Geils Band, with WRNO Rock Jocks Jim White, Michael in the Morning, Terry Young, and Bob Walker. More at http://jdthdj.com/ConcertMuseum
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Brian Gorr
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Hah! Love it! And the 60p played flawlessly in my Edge browser. I wonder if MS updated something.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
Heard it already, of course. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Yup. And few people seem to go for either kind these days.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
About $13, but Spotify and Pandora are cheaper. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Got it from Terry Knight.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
You probably taught Ariana Grande to do donuts, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's photo.
If you ask me, it's not a punt until somebody kicks it. Nobody did.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That's right, Steve! I'd forgotten about that!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Never mind. They just fixed it. Had been going on since the pre-game show.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Favre is from Kiln, Mississippi.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Like it’s dropping frames.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Tom, except for Terry Bradshaw, Louisiana doesn't grow quarterbacks. We have to import them.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
When the Tigers play, no matter whom, it's hard to tell there's an opposing team!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
#2 and #4. What more do you want?
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Circa 1980
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
There is no try; only do.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Wow! Some classics there! Nice to have them all in one place.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Paging Mr. Dover, Mr. Ben Dover...
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Yeah. Their leaves are all on my lawn, minus the 12 39-gallon bags of them that I already had to rake up!
Jay Douglas commented on Tyrone Bell's post.
Thanks, Ty!
Jay Douglas replied to Milton C Couvillon's comment.
Thanks, Milton!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Indeed! They were a staple at WRPI.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Doesn't look big enough from the outside to be that big on the inside.
Jay Douglas commented on Brian Poche's post.
Not too shabby!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I'd walk over you to see The Who!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Wow! Larry is a Firesign Theater fan!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
A song by Carly Simon?
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
Thanks, Phil! This one must have been posted with slow electrons. Just showed up today (12/2) :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
We'd starve! There's be no dirt left to plant crops in!
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Permission granted. Thanks, Dennis!
Jay Douglas commented on Wenny Webb's post.
Thanks, Wenny!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Thanks, Jay!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Somebody tell Alex Trebek, stat!
Jay Douglas commented on George Artigues's post.
Thanks, George!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Thanks, Johnny!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Thanks, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Girl Scouts?
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Where should the buck stop?
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
Feather bed?
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Might have been visitors from Chicago.
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Koch's comment.
Thanks, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
I'll withhold the obvious joke comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
U2, Steve!
Jay Douglas replied to Connie Hayes's comment.
Thanks, Connie!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Thanks, Mike!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeremy C Fell's post.
Thanks, Jeremy!
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Thanks, Nathan!
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
Ausgezeichnet !
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Ja wohl!
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Thanks, Leona!
Jay Douglas commented on Quinn P. Ford's post.
Thanks, Quinn! I did!
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's post.
Jiiiiiimmmm Lasecki. Thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
I think we'll know what kind of a team they are after they take on the Niners a week from this Sunday. Saints lost to the Rams this season, and the Niners embarrassed the Rams. Transitive properties of math then say the Niners will cream the Saints. But if the Saints win, all bets (and transitive properties) are off!. Well, no, I'm sure there will still be bets. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
Wow! Nice cake! Thanks, Damian!
Jay Douglas replied to Heather Blake's comment.
Thanks, Heather!
Jay Douglas replied to Rusty Galle's comment.
Thanks, Rusty!
Jay Douglas replied to Mike Weldon's comment.
Thanks, Mike!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Thanks, Loweski!
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Thanks. Bruce! Hope you have a great Christmas tree! Have a good Thanksgiving, too!
Jay Douglas commented on James Hadley's post.
Thanks, James!
Jay Douglas commented on Dave Werth's post.
Thanks, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Arena's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Thanks, Terry!
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's post.
Thanks, Allen!
Jay Douglas replied to Kenny Eberts's comment.
Thanks, Kenny!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Thanks, Gene!
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Thanks, Bob!
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Barkman's comment.
Thanks, Barkdude!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Thanks, Cindy!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Burkart's post.
Thanks, Matthew, but I already have a rash! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nov 27, 2019, 10:07 PM
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Thanks, Bill!
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Thanks, Steve!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew H Constant's post.
Thanks, Matthew!
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
Thanks, Karen!
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
Thanks, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Melanie Rucker Thompson's post.
Thanks, Melanie!
Jay Douglas commented on Yvonne Riviere Pond's post.
Thanks, Yvonne!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Thanks, Tom!
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Schultz's comment.
Thanks, TK!
Jay Douglas replied to Mabel LeCates Wickboldt's comment.
Thanks, Mabel!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Thanks, Jud!
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
I plan to live forever. So far, so good!
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's post.
Thanks, Nan!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Hanzo's post.
Thanks, Jim!
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
By now, even those kids could be part of my geriatric audience. Did you take the photo? I have no recollection.
Jay Douglas commented on Robert H. Friedman's post.
Wow! There's a photo I'm in that I've never seen! And the racks are full, too. Even the Pultec EQ is there. And where did all those kids come from? Thanks, Rock! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, too!
Jay Douglas commented on William Scott Fontaine's post.
Thanks, William!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Thanks, Aaron!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas replied to Gail Delaughter's comment.
Thanks, Gail!
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Bacques's comment.
Thanks, Lisa!
Jay Douglas replied to Isis Casanova's comment.
Thanks, Isis!
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Thanks, Barry!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Thanks, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Thanks, Gail!
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Thanks, Ben!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Thanks, Don!
Jay Douglas commented on Geoffrey P. Clement's post.
Thanks, Geoff!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Thanks, Jamie!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Thanks, Weerd-o! U2, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Maher's post.
Technically, the 1968 original was this one by Piero Umiliani. https://youtu.be/GDmCIT73Hgk
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby D. Ezell's post.
Thanks, Bobby!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Thanks, Theresa!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Thanks, Chris!
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's post.
Thanks, Peggy!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Thanks, Steve!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Thanks, Warren!
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
Thanks, Stephanie!
Jay Douglas commented on Dale Stiller's post.
Thanks, Dale!
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's video.
Thanks, Carolyn!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hahn's post.
Thanks, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's video.
Thanks, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Toso's post.
Thanks, Michael!
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Cheney's post.
Thanks, Mr. Skinny!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I didn't see the 1979. I'd have known E. Alvin was gone by then.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Who was the PD then--E. Alvin Davis?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
Way to go, Beto!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. Who said anything about one piece? :-0
Jay Douglas replied to Gail Delaughter's comment.
It's still substantial. And speaking of bands named after bugs, has there ever been one called "The In-Sex"? If not, and then there is one, you heard it here first!
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Not dis week.
Jay Douglas commented on Dave Werth's post.
Just a pig of the power structure, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Is it advisable to place a ticking stick in your airline luggage? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
" If a car has an HD FM radio installed, that radio will receive the all-digital AM signal. It was part of the original license and remains so today. " https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/guest-commentaries/all-digital-am-breaking-new-ground?fbclid=IwAR3KGxvpq_eoR9u5YRebLfDxo0zcNLwLw5i-Vu3fRRR94TvifGbLUaKX5_M
Jay Douglas replied to Bubba Sigur's comment.
" If a car has an HD FM radio installed, that radio will receive the all-digital AM signal. It was part of the original license and remains so today. " https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/guest-commentaries/all-digital-am-breaking-new-ground
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin Hamburger's comment.
Ah! The Kevin Hamburger edition! Yeah! I burned that to Blu-Ray disc from my DVR! Excellent!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I think it means new AM receivers are required. Just like computer operating systems, it's very difficult to make significant technological advances and remain backward compatible. They did it for color TV and FM stereo, but not for digital TV.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hope it fares better than AM Stereo did.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
Shouldn't that "Aretha Franklin" be "Gladys Knight and the Pips"? Jus' sayin'.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'm so glad. I'm so glad. I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
There's a typo above. You typed "sparkly" but meant "boring." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Eugene P Templet , that's why Funk & Wagnalls is my go-to dictionary reference!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Suit yourself. My Funk & Wagnalls says "so" means "therefore."
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Excuse me while I kiss this guy!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
He's already been here with his other old band, Steely Dan (bottom photo). http://jdthedj.com/CM/JazzFest/2016/SteelyDan
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin Hamburger's comment.
S'posed to be here at the Saenger Theater just a few days before Christmas. I guess I should check it out, Kevin!
Jay Douglas commented on Janis Buffet Shreve's post.
It's okay. Only Republicans get convicted of lying to Congress.
Jay Douglas commented on Isis Casanova's photo.
I just voted, and now I seem to have a bad cold. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Who needs a liquor store? In these parts, it's sold in the grocery stores and drug stores. We even have drive-thru daiquiri shops!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jud Hindes, I broke 500. Only a few pins under average.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Won 5 of 7 last time out!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Paul Seeger's photo.
And so it begins...
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
No snow here, but we've had it.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Warren E. Wilson, it's a chocolate bar with four little "pillows." Each pillow contains a different filling: caramel, vanilla, peanut, and fudge.
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
Seth Borenstein from the AP, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
There's a J. Geils Band song titled "Must of Got Lost." Not to mention the O'Jays' "Use Ta Be My Girl" and Sly and the Family Stone's "Thank You (Falettin Me Be Mice Elf Agin).
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
On the cutting room floor, maybe?
Jay Douglas replied to John McGrath's comment.
I don't know if JW ever knew about it. Obviously, I didn't ask permission first. Figured I'd just beg for forgiveness if required. And I remember having to make the wake-up calls, but I never recorded any. My favorite wake-up call was placed by Robert W. Morgan to Charlie Tuna in this aircheck: http://jdthedj.com/Airchecks#KHJ
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
The whistleblower law does not apply to the President. It only applies to those in the intelligence agencies. They all work for the President.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
The sake is supposed to belong to someone or something, so you should likely make it an apostrophe "s."
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
There was a young man from Verdun.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
There's a man from Kalamazoo
Whose limericks all end on Line 2.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Love it!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No, but hum a few bars and I'll fake it. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Stacie Gettys Devereux's comment.
So, no disagreement with his logic and argument in this case? Just a vague feeling he's not reliable? At least you didn't call him racist. But wait, it's not too late! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Stacie Gettys Devereux's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
In the immortal words of T-Ben, nobody cares!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Beto O'Rourke streamed his dentist visit.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
You could run for President doing stuff like this! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Gator fan?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Don't do it! It's a trick. What about the rare allergens?
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
At least you can't see the poop on the sidewalks at that altitude!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Zero point zero.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Yeah, right!
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Ask Kevin H. Lowe. He’ll quote you the whole movie. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bob is here: https://www.facebook.com/bob.delgiorno.5
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
That's invenereal as far as I'm circumcised.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Don't let 'em do it! Just keep reminding 'em why they left CA. After all, the ones who leave must be the smart ones.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
And it was nice to have "News Before the Hour" from ABC Contemporary Network providing the time it took to rewind and cue the tape after recording.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
You remember well, Grasshopper! I was surprised that reel-to-reel deck in the transmitter booth actually worked!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Really. While I was working at WPTR.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Is that at 2081 Central Ave. in Schenectady? If so, I lived there for a while.
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hearrean's post.
So California is costing taxpayers even *more* money!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
It's unlikely that somebody who's amassed that much wealth will have it depleted by the wealth tax alone unless it's all in uninvested cash in their mattress. My point was merely that the wealth tax is not a one-time affair like the income tax. You pay that 2% year after year as long as you're above the threshold.
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Lawrence supposedly had a personalized license plate that read, "A1ANDA2."
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
A wunnerful, wunnerful!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Careful She may have Secret Service Protection already. Big guys with tomahawks and lapel pins. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Twice as many as Trump's job plan just added this quarter.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Maybe somebody was just discarding Barney, and because he was purple and not green, they didn’t put him in the bin.
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
Boy, talk about a user hostile interface! Below is a screenshot of what I see when I browse to dictionary dot com and enter "lynching" in the search box (for definitions). No mention of race or bigotry. To see your screen, I have to open the menu, select "All the words", then click on the little photo of a noose with the partial definition, and then I finally get the screen you captured. At the bottom of that page is this treatise on the word:

"In contemporary discussions, lynching retains its historic sense—the execution of a Black person or other member of a minority group for a perceived crime by white people taking the law into their own hands. For example, in May 2017, Mississippi state representative Karl Oliver posted that those who supported the removal of Confederate monuments in Louisiana should be lynched. He later apologized.

"Some civil rights activists use lynching to refer more generally to the murder of Black people by white people based solely on the color of their skin. Using the word lynching in this way attracts attention to the problem of hate crimes. As an example, the murder of Black University of Maryland student Richard Collins III by a white man in May 2017 was referred to as a lynching by some commentators.

"Lynching can also refer to any kind of vigilante justice or extrajudicial murder, typically of a member of a minority group. For instance, the Indian Supreme Court ruled in July 2018 that “mob lynching is a crime no matter what the motive is” in response to “cow vigilantism”—the murder of those who eat cows, which are sacred in the Hindu religion.

"Lynching is also sometimes figuratively used when someone is felt be wrongly persecuted, as if hounded by a metaphorical lynch mob. Due to the history of lynching, using lynching in this way is widely considered offensive and insensitive."

I do have some problems with that last sentence. I'd say this is one online dictionary's opinion, and ask why they make it so hard to get to. But instead, I'll just say I stand corrected and wait while all the other words I though I understood get new meanings which seem to stay diabolically hidden from me. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
No offense taken. Just wondering if you get the same server as I do when surfing to Dictionary Dot Com. I've been back several times and still can't find where it associates lynching with race of any sort. So I looked up "lynching" in a slew of online dictionaries (Merriam-Webster, Oxford, Cambridge, Collins, others). Only "TheFreeDictionary by Farlex" brings race into the definition: "To punish (a person) without legal process or authority, especially by hanging, for a perceived offense or as an act of bigotry." So perhaps the official word redefinition has begun. Stay tuned. And now the question becomes: Are we still allowed to use lynching to describe what happened to that bunch of Italians in the French Quarter in 1891? https://www.thefreedictionary.com/lynching
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
My point was not to offend; my point was precisely that words *do* matter, especially their definitions. Dictionary.com defines "lynching" only as "to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority." It does not associate the crime with race, neither for the perpetrators nor the victim. That association is a redefinition. The origin of the word was "probably after Charles Lynch (1736–96), Virginia justice of the peace, who presided over extralegal trials of Tories during the American War of Independence," according to Dictionary.com. Finally, lynching is always bad, regardless of to whom it happens..
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Barkman's comment.
I never have engines hanging low off the wings, so I can slip it (put the upwind wing low with aileron and cross control with opposite rudder to line up with the runway) to land on one main wheel first. He's limited to a crab into the wind until the last instant. Of course, maximum demonstrated crosswind component in the little things I fly is down around 17 knots, not 40!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
At least he lies consistently over the years. https://www.facebook.com/TrumpPenceTeam/videos/1229148130429399/
Jay Douglas replied to Bernard M Chester's comment.
The Trump kids don't get paid. And they got rich before getting to the White House.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Finding a cure for cancer wouldn't excuse Trump.
Jay Douglas replied to George Schank's comment.
Oct 28, 2019, 2:14 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah, Democrats run this place, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Pretty much.
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
Could I please see the list of lies (and the proof)?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Just as soon as you agree with my demands, Tom. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It happened to me with my 1973 Vega GT, too. Right front. Fortunately, I was just pulling away from a stop sign, so going very slowly. A few minutes earlier, I was zooming on the curving Paris Road flyover ramp to get on I-10.
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Dey got any Big Ass Beers in dat Big Ass Bar like dey do in da Qwawtah? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Hébert's post.
Have a Happy, George! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Are you sure that ISN'T Beto O'Rourke? Seems stupid enough.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Except that the rules Boehmer signed were essentially unchanged from the Clinton rules. There was one minor addition allowing either party to subpoena independently.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Sorta like my first wife. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, you right!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Must be why ours fell down. It was the wrong shape.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
It's been sitting there since 1971 waiting for Horton Strong to release "Mister"!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Context, man, context! There were no Beatles named "Art"! Just call me Dennis Miller.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Dat's right!
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
Well, in 2016, Obama wasn't trying to overthrow the government; it was his own. He wasn't trying to kill the head of state (himself), spy on his military or diplomats, or any of the other things that normally comprise treason. That crime gets thrown around by too many people too often, usually as hyperbole. But that doesn't mean other crimes didn't happen, and I think they'll be prosecuted if there's enough evidence. I'll be happy just to see that slimeball John Brennan squirm a bit!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
"Both the New York Times and Washington Post have ties to Russian oligarchs, and have taken money from them to promote the removal of Trump from office and the overthrow of American government." --Anonymous
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Only after an actual trial.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Quoting from the NYT, eh? Like they're not biased! Every headline they've ever written about Trump has been negative. Dems are already out in full force trying to smear Durham.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Peeps from the national media. Maybe not, but I'm sure we'll hear a whole bunch of squawking from them, immediately, if not sooner.
Jay Douglas commented on Phil Gilligan's post.
Thanks for the share, Phil.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel. Sheesh! If you had another brain it would be lonesome! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
When you do everything right, there's no need to apologize. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Will there be a sequel about Paul?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Glad I'm not the only one who confuses those two logos!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
As usual, Microsoft Edge threw up on the 60p video. But Firefox handled it just fine.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I saw a piece from my first car there, too, but I can't say the make and model because it might be one of my security questions somewhere! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
The All-America City!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
For centuries to come, decades will pass.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I guess you're just seeing if I'm paying attention again, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
I was figuring on waiting for 6G anyway. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
You mean 4:3.
Jay Douglas replied to Chuck Carlisle's comment.
As far as I know. He's here: https://www.facebook.com/warren.montet
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Yeah, I think so.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Municipal Auditorium?
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
The city of Zachary now has schools among the tops in the state. The city of Central, incorporated from East Baton Rouge Parish in 2005, is doing fine, budget-wise, with no new taxes, Given the right leadership, there's no reason St. George can't match that performance. But the current Baton Rouge City-Parish President, Sharon Broome, gets to pick St. George's first mayor and its five City Council members, so we'll have no initial say in leadership. She opposed the formation of St. George and worked against it. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/1872b0_380b82a40f114b0cbff0fc7dbf2e5104.pdf
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Why would anyone need a 30-round magazine? Here's your answer.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I guess you were buffaloed by buffalo, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
There ya go!
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
If only it was in landscape mode!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Add a superfluous word and punctuation, and it may be more understandable: Buffalo buffalo that Buffalo buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yet this is a perfectly valid and correct sentence: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
I guess that would leave the small medium at large?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
The only "class" I had with Wendy was a study hall. I only talked to her once or twice. All I remember was her meek, childlike voice. That was hard to reconcile with her Plasmatics vocals and "Reform School Girls" persona.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Two in the Saints-Jags game alone.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Stuff you won't hear on a Taylor Swift record! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The Gregorian Calendar was his. Replaced the Julian Calendar of Julius Caesar.
Jay Douglas commented on Janis Buffet Shreve's post.
Seems to me a shareholder lawsuit is in order here. The CEO is definitely not acting as a fiduciary here. I doubt there was a shareholder vote on this policy.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
He invented a great calendar, too, well before Playboy! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Yeah, I remember you telling me he played trombone. Pretty cool! Meanwhile, I had to go to high school with Wendy O. Williams of the Plasmatics, well before she was one of the "Reform School Girls." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yes, we always turn to CNN to see what's really going on at Fox.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
And apparently only Democrats commit impeachable offenses like that!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Lipps's comment.
And not for the reasons they think! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Lipps's comment.
The end is near.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I'm not aware of all the people and organizations funding the climate change "denial" movement. Whoever they are, it's not enough! https://youtu.be/8455KEDitpU
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
Not exactly. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's photo.
Have a Happy, Kathy! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Yvonne Riviere Pond's photo.
I heard it's okay to kiss a nun, as long as you don't get in the habit. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I suggested that when she said she wanted to buy a new car. You see how far that got me! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
That’s great-grandmother to you.
Jay Douglas commented on Susie Kthryn Cambre's post.
Dave's not here, man. :-) But it doesn't work. How about this: https://www.facebook.com/iRelease/videos/1933808406633279/
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And none of their arms look tired! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
This peaked at #32 in 1969. Always loved it, and always thought it should have been a bigger hit, even if it was the only one for the group. Probably unheard in these parts. Illusion. "Did You See Here Eyes." https://youtu.be/-uyBjbcVym4
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
Should show dat with Drew holding up the barbell on his right thumb.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
She probably built AMT car models as a kid, like me. They were always white unless you painted them.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
BMW x5. Now your dad will really be turning in his grave! A foreign car!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Yeah, that's right!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
Why would anyone need more than six strings?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I think he found a few of last year's acorns. There are a couple of oak trees on that side of the house.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
No. he said, "But that trick NEVER works!"
Jay Douglas commented on Louisiana First Republicans's video.
Remind me not to vote for any Louisiana First Republicans.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Somebody accused me of prevarication just the other day.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
I have skin-colored hair.
Jay Douglas commented on Glen Himmaugh's photo.
Our taxes are voluntary. Just ask Harry Reid. https://youtu.be/R7mRSI8yWwg
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Hoffert's post.
Can't prove it without food pictures. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Susie Kthryn Cambre's post.
Did Helena Moreno play football, too?
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Sorry. I was triggered.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Tom, okay I'll check it out. Meanwhile, I'll put you in the "unlikely-to-have-my-mind-changed" column of my spreadsheet. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Wife and daughter hung out on Anne Rice's front porch for Mardi Gras in 1997.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I guess you're unfamiliar with the "Take Care" clause of the Constitution, and the fact that the FBI has routinely worked with foreign governments on investigations since its inception.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
So Fox really IS fair and balanced, eh? And I hereby announce I am running for President. Next step: decide what crimes I want to commit while I can't be investigated because I'm a candidate.
Jay Douglas commented on Ranie Ann Terrebonne's post.
As an agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac, I stayed up all night wondering if there is a dog.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I dunno, but it's safe to say that all the money spent came from taxpayers.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Don't confuse rodents with cockroaches!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Is there some artistic reason for running this bass ackwards?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
But do you know anyone nice?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Merely beating Hillary in the election was grounds for impeachment!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
If you start hearing "Honda!" whenever you pass gas, it's because abscess makes the fart go "Honda!"
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
When I watch Fox in the daytime, I end up having to watch Fox at night, too, to see what all the fighting is about. They're getting a little testy over there! https://twitter.com/i/status/1177076687374311424
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Dredging it deeper was suggested. Copper sulfate is the usual treatment, but that has other problems. I think they chose the do-nothing option. It's the cheapest Just might take a few months to die off.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
I wonder if the form contains the required Privacy Act notification and bears an official OMB form number, also required.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
So what do you call "Big Bad John" by Jimmy Dean, or "Ringo" by Lorne Greene, or "They're Coming to Take Me Away" by Napoleon XIV?
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Does she have one leg shorter than the other? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
Okay. I didn't notice.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
BTW, the Flying Walenda Family used the same slogan as Maxwell House. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
The beer is Schaefer's. And "I'd walk a mile for a Camel, but wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?" --George Carlin
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I usually don't.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
It was that 1962 book by Rachel Carson, "Silent Spring"! The birds must have figured out how to read it! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Pretty much.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
But the warrants will go unenforced. They're suggesting dismissing them all.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
What's wrong with that shirt?
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Pianos. Tuna piano.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But let's not go off on a tangent!
Jay Douglas replied to Don Kelly's comment.
I've landed at Destin-Ft. Walton Beach a few times back in the 80's. Nice little airport if you don't mind all of the Special Rules due to the surrounding military air traffic and fast-movers.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
Only black Labs matter.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Sine of the times.
Jay Douglas commented on William Scott Fontaine's post.
Results may vary in Utah.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
As Lisa points out, WSHO (800 kHz AM) was country in the 70's. But I couldn't tell you what they did on New Year's Days.
Jay Douglas commented on Judy Thorne's post.
Southern phonetic spelling.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I can't put it in the Rock 'n' Roll Almanac if they don't tell me the date of death, dammit! Wikipedia already says it was September 19, but the source they cite doesn't say that.
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Blaze's post.
Does he know that there are likely rocks in those clouds?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
I was *this* close to the Minne-Ha-Ha in 1980. We were on the Ticonderoga. 4K video hadn't been invented yet. Great video, Chris!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I don't have that many bowling balls. But I think my wife does! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
I fell for that when George McGovern ran in 1972. Never again!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
♪♫♪ "Should 5% appear to small, be thankful I don't take it all..."♪♫♪ --George Harrison
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Confession, eh? See? Climate Change really *is* a religion! It sure as hell isn't science!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Time to bring out the Boats of Bayou Bienvenue! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Janis Buffet Shreve's post.
Sorry to disappoint, but this election win report was from his last re-election 5 months ago. It's not the result of the latest election.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Let's see, Bobby Jindal is governor of Louisiana concurrent with the anti-oil administration of Barack Obama, and the state's economy goes to hell. Jon Bel Edwards takers over just in time for the pro-energy administration of Donald Trump and the Federal tax cuts, and the state's economy booms. Edwards, of course, takes credit for that while bad-mouthing what Jindal did while facing a terrible budget situation due to the economic malaise of Obama.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Happy Annivoisary as dey say in da Nint' Ward!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I'm trying to remember if I saw it. I don't have any photos of it. But I was sans working camera back then.
Jay Douglas replied to Cheryl Moss Craig's comment.
When a printer runs its included ink cartridges dry, I just buy a new printer. It's usually cheaper than buying more ink. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Laurie White Adams's video.
How about devoting 0 pages to income tax like Texas and Florida? It's the wrong tax in the wrong place. Louisiana companies and individuals could be far more profitable without it.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Printer ink is the costliest liquid on Earth!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Back in the late 70's, I was the voice on his telephone answering machine.
Jay Douglas commented on WTIX 94.3's post.
Zak Starr, son of Beatle Ringo Starr was born on this day (1965), too.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Bad case of the sunset blues.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
♪♫♪ "Rooms to let, 50 cents..." ♪♫♪
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's photo.
Did the lawyer check to see if they had properly and timely notified the state that you are now without insurance?
Jay Douglas replied to Robert David Caire's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. The Pik-Qwik..
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Dunn's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, let's hear it!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Taking a cue from the private sector.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
They'll steal intellectual property from anywhere!
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
Flying for fun is all I'm authorized to do. I have to get pay and benefits elsewhere.
Jay Douglas commented on Kirk-Spider Streetman's photo.
And that white guy was a Democrat, just like most of the actors today. Killed the guy that freed the slaves by Executive Order.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Can I pre-order on Amazon?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I'll take a lemon, please.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I read it when it was brand new in the early 60's, before it was on anybody's reading list. If you haven't, better read it now before they burn it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
We even have all-electric manned aircraft now that are pretty cool.
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
Maybe we'll get robots to mine it.
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's post.
And John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas wrote a song ("I Saw Her Again Last Night") for fellow Papa Denny Doherty to sing about Denny banging John's wife, Mama Michelle Phillips.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It's a Rooms To Go Furniture warehouse.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Everybody knows 42 is the answer to the ultimate question.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
If you monetize videos like this one, you don't need a job.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Not soon enough!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
I can never end a plumbing job with fewer leaks than I start with.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's photo.
$1.94 in Red Stick.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
And remember, lovebugs fly United!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Thank God climate change kept that bad boy offshore! You remember what Andrew did back before climate change! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
I'd guess he lost power and was too low for a 180 back to the runway. Crash nose-down at 45° suggests a stall, at least. But we pay the NTSB to figure all that out.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Mind if I get up close and stare? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
What is The Daisy Hill Puppy Farm? Oh, sorry. I was just watching "Jeopardy!"
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I live just west of one of those LIGO facilities.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Campbell's post.
Group: MAF Family RIP
Sorry to hear that, Joe.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ah, okay, gotcha, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But I don't see any crashes. That's what's amazing!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
LSU wins, 55-3 (F). Geaux Tigers!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
LSU over Georgia Southern 42-3 at the half. It took Alabama the whole game to reach that score against Duke. today! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And if you can't devote an hour, how about just 3 MINUTES? The Reader's Digest version. https://youtu.be/mbcHVrdcujQ
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Home of many a WRPI Picnic!
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Stay safe!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Who does Air Traffic Control here?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Farm house! Right arm! Outta state!
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's post.
LOL! Absolutely (assuming no alligators, of course)!
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Blaze's photo.
What are the chances the photographer's wife or girlfriend has seen this shot? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I probably saw War much earlier than you. 1973 in the Municipal Auditorium.
Jay Douglas commented on Scott G.Phillips's post.
Group: MAF Mission Success Bulletin
How 'bout that 12.35% interest rate on Fund B? Of course, my mortgage interest was 18% at the time.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Snapshot from Progressive. Rewards good driving behavior. Interesting name for an insurance company, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Tyrone Bell's comment.
The Web article quotes the BBC and a U.K. government press release. I suppose Russian bots could have hacked the BBC. But that sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. :-) https://www.bbc.com/news/business-49425402
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
Good stuff!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Need to make sure Joel Levine sees these! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Nobody plays that game in these parts. I used to play it on my high school bus and on rainy Boy Scout campouts. Down here, the game is Bourré (Booray).
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
I used to get mine at Ben's Pizza in Arabi.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I tried them. They wouldn't hire me because I insisted on being paid in gold. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Pardon me while I worry about the Yellowstone super volcano.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Hard as I've tried, I've never been able to get a job from a poor person.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
♪♫♪♫ Up from the ground come a bubblin' crude--oil, that is--Texas Tea. ♪♫♪♫ Or it's frogs.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
When the owner will only pay for 8 kHz phone loops from a Downman Road studio to a Westwego transmitter, it's easy to be loud. No highs for the limiter to worry about!
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
He may even kick it up a notch. BAMM!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Why? Because of the extended middle finger over on the right? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
Me? Learn from my mistakes? You know me better than that!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
Sometimes we make good choices about spouses (spice?) and Best Men. Happy Anniversary, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
How did you get into a Blue Oyster Cult recording session? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Won't fit through the Harvey Tunnel, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
That's why I omitted COPD.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
JD just after the GED, but before the STD, OCD, ADHD, PTSD, Low-T, and ED.
Jay Douglas replied to William Scott Fontaine's comment.
Close. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I paid for mine. You want me to pay for everyone else's now.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
That's a start.
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Hoffert's post.
Do they sell hamburgers, too? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's post.
I'm still only 69! :-) Glad y'all had fun!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Damn, damn! This is only getting worse. Nancy's pilot, also killed, was Franklin Augustus, who was taking advanced flight instruction out at Lakefront Airport in the mid to late 70's at the same time I was. :-(
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Would have liked to. But would have had to do it without the wife. She's busy getting her team squared away in the dorms for the new semester, which just started, so we normally have to do our traveling earlier in the summer. Have tons of fun without us!
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Click the ellipsis that will show up if you hover near the right side of your post. Choose "Edit" Then delete the link to the photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Did you see it in a theater? There were a couple of showings here, but I missed them.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
True. I didn't mean to imply it did. But both choices are inexplicable for a US company that urges others to "Don't be evil."
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
T o T
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Maher's post.
I've been told it's okay to kiss a nun as long as you don't get in the habit. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jay Phillips's comment.
You'd think...
Jay Douglas replied to Jay Phillips's comment.
I did the 1903 update on 7/27. but I didn't notice the PowerDVD problem until about a week ago. May not have used it until then. Desktop and video playback with anything but PowerDVD is fine. And I can use the nVidia Control Panel to disallow color setting changes by apps and always use the nVidia settings. But if I fix the settings for PowerDVD, they're off for everything else.
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Phillips's post.
I have the same problem, Jay, but only with playback of HD or UHD video or Blu-Ray on Cyberlink PowerDVD. Playback on anything else is fine. No answers yet in the Cyberlink Forum. I have an nVidia GT-730 graphics card. What's yours?
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Wow! Amazon used all those trees to make their shipping boxes? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Or, as Dan Ingram used to say, that's "Your John" by Elton Song.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Its klystron inhaled some vitamins from all that food? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Exactly. No contractors required.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah, yeah, The railroad companies didn't build that. We know.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Another monumental achievement of capitalism and the private sector (the railroad, not the stamps)!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Ah, the days of yore!
Jay Douglas replied to Christine Scheller's comment.
5 Seconds of Summer to hear Angie tell it.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I went through Fifi a couple of years ago at Lakefront Airport. Glad to have her back closer, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I want pilots, not you! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
How do you get to his place if it's on the road not taken?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Black & Tan. Might be a good name for a beer. I'll let Yuengling know. Mr. Obama likes beer, right? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
Maybe tonight on my radio show I'll play Cliff Richard's "We Don't Talk Anymore." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Have a Happy, Bob! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas replied to Bobby Blaze's comment.
Bobby, my candidate is Marianne Williamson. ;-) Click the graphic to see it all.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
I'm glad the Shuttle Program and ET get top billing!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'm sure it's a lovely article, but I refuse to give the Failing New York Times my email address to be allowed to read it.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Trump obviously hasn't silenced the NOAA. Deep Staters within are still messing with the temperature data. And in the FBI, they're still slow-walking the Page-Strzok texts.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They can give them all the money they want. But don't mess with the information I get.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'm pretty sure none of them inflated the Democrat vote.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Paul Seeger's photo.
Get me some Falcons bath soap, please. It doesn't leave a ring. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Sherry Armm's post.
Really? And all this time, I thought it was a song about Eau Claire, Wisconsin! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Probably everyone in the world now knows what's in my wallet!
Jay Douglas commented on Ted Dennis's post.
What's the point? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Three times as many, 9 killed and 36 injured, in Democrat-run Chicago the same weekend. But California is Democrat-run, too, so I'm sure they'll quickly catch up. :-(
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Mueller wanted Trump to prove a negative to be exonerated. Now it's Google's turn to prove they didn't inflate the Democrat vote.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's photo.
GATOR! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Bock to the Future!
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Whaddya mean, Tom? I hate your guts, and your outsides, too! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Mostly what I remember about Charlie K. was him stopping to talk to me and my parents on the front porch when he moved in 3 houses down the street from mine. I mentioned having to take Driver's Ed. in summer school since it was full in the fall and spring. He said, well since you'll be there anyway, you should take my African Studies class in the summer. That was only slightly worse than taking Latin II in summer school so I could take 3 years of German and take the Regents exam in both! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Today, Merriam-Webster defines "Fascism" as: "1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" That sounds to me exactly like Communist China and Russia.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
i saw your Charles Kocheiser post, Steve. Or are you talking about another one?
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
BTW, Tom. Google is the company helping Communist China censor and surveil their population. You don't really think they're going to put Fascism over on the left with communism, do you? Fascism has such a bad rep.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Socialists are Communists with out the communes (source: Mr. Mast in 6th grade "social studies"). They are on the (way) left. So are fascists. In case you missed it, here's a good summary. https://youtu.be/m6bSsaVL6gA
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
I guess it's time to get Frank Knorr to wheel in the AV cart for a little video presentation for Tom's benefit. :-) https://youtu.be/m6bSsaVL6gA
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
One problem. Nazis are Leftitsts. National Socialist German Workers’ Party, (German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). Better find a different meme, Tom.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Once upon a time, I voted for George McGovern because he was going to give me (and everyone else) $1,000. I could have used the money. Shortly after that, I guess I learned I'd better vote for politicians who gave me the best chance to earn that money myself and not have to give too much to the government.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Would you believe any source other than The New York Times or the Washington Post? And does it really matter what was in the liquid? Did he deserve to have it thrown at him?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
A consensus of 97% of political scientists say if you're not right wing, you're likely liberal.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
You won't hear much about Antifa on Leftist-controlled media. But here's a partial summary of some of their more infamous activities: https://www.dailywire.com/news/20343/timeline-antifa-violence-january-–-august-2017-frank-camp
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
What is Antifa? That's easy. Leftist terrorists. "Who is Antifa?" is a much tougher question. They all wear masks when beating up conservatives and Trump supporters.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's video.
"We must remember that as the centuries go by, time will pass." --Pat Paulsen
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
It's not growing fast enough!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Does Crumps serve a drink called Seminole Fluid? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Well, they probably don't have to worry about Antifa attacking them.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Am I not smiling in my profile pic? And the Saints won't start winning until next month.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Next, you'll be trying to convince me Jimi Hendrix didn't say, "Scuse me while I kiss this guy"!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
What will they do when they find out languages like Spanish, German, Polish, Russian, and Hindi have gendered words (beyond just pronouns)? In fact, the word for "manliness" is treated as grammatically feminine in all those languages.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I dunno, but the bag says it's "No Float. Stays where it's put."
Jay Douglas commented on Kelly Fortner-Kidwell's post.
Group: MAF Family RIP
How many remember razzing Earl for a "Layton Defect"?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Nope. Streets around here did well. Nothing more than some puddles.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That's cypress mulch in the background, not concrete mix.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
They brought their Steel Wheelchairs.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Looks like Notre Dame Cathedral now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It's due here tomorrow.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Not sure why they should get any funding. It'd be a stretch to cover that with the General Welfare clause.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Did you drive 500 miles to get there? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
Maybe this will make some of you feel better:

"We just dunked on the whole world. We took their sport, went to Europe and jammed it down their throats. If that’s not a reason to celebrate, then I don’t know what is."

Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Still have it. 8mm film and DVD. Didn't I ever send you a copy?
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hearrean's comment.
But think how much more pissed you'd be if they lost!
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
That's better!
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
I know where there's a drone! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Come to think of it, I have a beat-up Ampex 860 deck, too, but it's worthless.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Jeremy Bordes , thank you. It was driving me crazy. I knew he had a family member who worked there!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Jay Douglas replied to Dale Stiller's comment.
U2, Dale.
Jay Douglas replied to William Scott Fontaine's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Jeremy and Peter are twins, but I don't know what they sing. What was Chad's (ours, not the Chad of Chad Stewart and Jeremy Clyde) last name? I can't remember.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's photo.
Ho long did you have to wait for the flag to furl perfectly like that?
Jay Douglas replied to Phil Gilligan's comment.
I understand. Gonna try to make the benefit, Phil. Hope everyone you know will.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I know Chad and Jeremy sang "A Summer Song." Don't think they were twins, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Ike and JFK paraded ours. But how quickly they forget...
Jay Douglas replied to Phil Gilligan's comment.
Don't know whether to react with a Like or a Sad emoji. You'll be losing the machines, but somebody else will be getting them. I have an Otari 5050BQII with both 1/2 and 1/4-track playback heads.
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
Most of the ones I have are 7-1/2 ips. But I'd love to hear one of those 15 ips tapes the video mentions. I have Al Hirt's "Sugar Lips" album on pre-reccorded reel-to-reel, and the sound is incredible!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
From this video: "65% of Americans got a tax cut."
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Couldn't get a preview photo for a link to YouTube to load.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I'll bet you'd have paid the second guy $11 to put his pants back on. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Reminds me of when Martina Navratilova applied for asylum in the US and asked, "Do you cache Czechs?"
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Try again. Still works for me.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
It's the WaPo reporting, not me.
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
I'll miss Jackson, but Harriet Tubman has some appeal. She was a Republican, and carried a gun. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
I interviewed him at his election headquarters for WPTR after his 1970 or 1971 election. Asked him a real softball question: "What are going to do to celebrate?" He replied something like, "Nothing much. Winning elections is old hat."
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
On the other hand, I'll be changing my party affiliation to Democrat so I can vote for Marianne Williamson in the primary. If things don't work out, I can always vote Republican in the general. Who's with me? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's photo.
Quick! Get ahold of Margaret Orr WDSU! Crepuscular rays! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Glen Himmaugh's post.
Does it come with a Leslie?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Nice video, Bummer! The Vanderbilts must have been big on bowling. I visited the lanes installed at the Biltmore Estate near Ashville a couple of years ago.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
I thought you lived in Penfield, not Hayfield. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Here I am with my Michoud buddies.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
You're in high-tax New York and can't deduct the state taxes from your Federal return anymore. So your Federal taxable income went up considerably. Or maybe you got a raise thanks to the good economic environment. Something is different from year to year, or you'd have seen the decrease in Federal tax.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And we hippies know all you need is love.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And hey, Tom Downs, as a former debater, you're qualified to answer this. I had to do a radio show last night, so I missed the Democrats' debate. Who won? Who's gonna give me the most free stuff so I'll know whom to vote for? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Thanks to the tax cut, the Feds collected MORE tax revenue, not less. In fact, they broke the record for tax receipts. The Laffer Curve is real. Doesn't mean we shouldn't cut spending, too. May I suggest we lose the Department of Education and the Department of Energy for a start. Rick Perry may have other suggestions, if he can remember them. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Then it sounds like you need a new accountant, Dennis. My wife is available. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
I'll bet you got screwed by your state. Get them to cut your now non-deductible taxes, too, and you'll be fine. Remember when the US didn't have an income tax? Me neither, but the country did fine without one from 1776 to 1913 (and really until 1942).
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Can I do it from a studio in my house? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Joey Sanders Falgout's post.
Is that from that Kevin Costner movie, "Sleeps With Beavers"? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Betty Jane Schlater's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I only took a couple. Others, like Karen Gares, were there shooting, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Sandy Beach? Don Berns? Dan Neaverth?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Google jail, maybe. Facebook is probably glad to have the heat directed away from them about now.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ah. Fair enough.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Wouldn't a Mohawk have been a more appropriate hairstyle for this? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
And you could listen to Earl Stanley and The Stereos live in the Loft Lounge there in 1974.
Jay Douglas commented on Susie Kthryn Cambre's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Obviously, it's a veeblefetzer.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Ever wonder why there's no "Eeeeewwwwww!" emoji?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
My signoff since WPTR, Albany.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
The beauty of the Constitution is that it sets out principles, not precise prescriptions. Once you establish that our inalienable rights come from our Creator, and include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, everything else should easily and logically follow. With the amendment proscribing slavery, we pretty much fixed one of the Constitution's few ugly warts. What would you amend?
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Remember the blonde who got fired from her quality control job at the M&M factory after its production dropped 75%? She was throwing out all the candies that came down the conveyor belt printed with "W," "3," or "E" instead of "M."
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Good! Remember the goal is to run the government with the minimum taxes required. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Karlia Duncan's comment.
You still can. WTIX-FM, 94.3. Sundays, 10 AM - 1 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
Can't find those in these parts.
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to William Scott Fontaine's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Fix Or Repair Daily.
Jay Douglas replied to Gail Delaughter's comment.
It's Badfinger!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yet for the longest time, actual NASA employees and contractors couldn't take pictures with their own cameras inside Michoud!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
It's debate club!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Hey, Bird Dog! Stay away from my quail!
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
He is a foreign national. Chairwoman of the Federal Election Commission, Ellen Weintraub, issued a statement saying any acceptance of information from a foreign national in relation to a U.S. election is illegal. It doesn't matter if it was offered or solicited.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
What can I say? For me, the Battle of New Orleans was a little close to home. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I thought that was a pretty good observation! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Nice shot of China's Great Wall there. It's easy to see why they still have no Mexicans or South Americans in their country. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Janis Buffet Shreve's post.
Democrat Presidential candidate Julián Castro explained it yesterday in his Town Hall on Fox News. He said the law making it a crime to cross the border without permission was passed in 1929, but it was never enforced. Of course not. Democrats held the Presidency from 1932-1952!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
And just like the Greeks and most of the rest of us, they still haven't used it to this day!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
He guaranteed it!
Jay Douglas commented on Edward Rusty Schenck's post.
What if his name had been Mike Hunt? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Janis Buffet Shreve's post.
But if we had Medicare for All, taxpayers would have to pay for his healthcare and drugs if he ever got sick! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
I'll vouch for this one!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
And 76 years later, 1979, JD marries Mrs. JD.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Maybe there's a turd in the punchbowl. Can't see behind the ladle.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Susie Kthryn Cambre's post.
Any data available on Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
Nope. Red gravy. But the roast beef gravy is better. Had it that way last year.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Yes, he was!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
He’s really feeling much better now.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Go drink some hemlock anyway! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
It's only a slur if you're very drunk when you say it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The Seven Biggest Failures as Economists:

7. Robert Reich
6. Robert Reich
5. Robert Reich
4. Robert Reich
3. Robert Reich
2. Robert Reich
1. Robert Reich
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Here's one of my search results. "Even The New York Times had to admit this is the result of liberal bias: 'To a large degree, the gap between perception and reality on the tax cuts appears to flow from a sustained — and misleading — effort by liberal opponents of the law to brand it as a broad middle-class tax increase.'" https://pjmedia.com/trending/what-the-left-doesnt-want-you-to-know-about-trumps-tax-cuts/
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Wow! I didn't realize Communism had been failing that long! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Q: What's the difference between a 90% income tax rate and slavery?

A: About 10%.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nazis, eh? Weren't they Socialists? Yeah. Here it is in the Encyclopedia Brittanica: "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), political party of the mass movement known as National Socialism." I'm all for fighting socialism! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Judy Thorne's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
You may also want to read "Operation Paperclip" by Annie Jacobsen. You may change your mind about von Braun. https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol-58-no-3/operation-paperclip-the-secret-intelligence-program-to-bring-nazi-scientists-to-america.html
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'll just wait 'til the Failing New York Times fails and gets bought out by the New York Post. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I guess I used them up. then.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's photo.
Have a Happy, Jim & Sue! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You must be one of the wealthy ones with a subscription to get behind the NYT paywall. I can't read the article.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Yeah. Need to get an ND filter to see if I can slow the shutter of the el cheapo dashcam.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
And who owns most Corporations? American taxpayers. I guess it's a wash. And if different American taxpayers than those who had it to begin with ended up with the money, that's something many people want: wealth redistribution. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Stall warning horn. The idea is to stall 2 inches above the runway.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Michoud Cafeteria! But it's not as good as the John Wayne Casserole!
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
Even better reality.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
I remember those! Our high water was gone in 30 minutes. Only got 7.1 inches in 90 minutes at our place. Hope yours departs soon.
Jay Douglas commented on Alan Smason's photo.
And you're camera still works, eh, Alan!? It's a miracle! I could only eat half that mac & cheese, BTW!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I dunno. Have to ask Andrew Amoah.
Jay Douglas replied to Connie Hayes's comment.
Old hat for us. We stayed high and dry during this. But at our old house in Slidell in May of '95, 9 inches in the place.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No soul? What about Motown?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Den Jackson's "House of Sound" on WRPI was the first place I heard the good Doctor.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Good subjects! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, I know. But my caption (on my Web site) works better if we don't say. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phil Gilligan's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Rudy Dixon , okay. Phil says his air name was Rick Morgan, so he must have had a speaking part,
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
First, they came for the guns. Then, apparently, they came for the "pointed or bladed articles."
Jay Douglas replied to Phil Gilligan's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ok, gotcha. Good job, Detective Phil!
Jay Douglas replied to Phil Gilligan's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks, Phil! He's in the B-97 group. What was his connection there?
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Gotcha. Thanks for taking a stab at figuring out who this guy is.
Jay Douglas commented on William Scott Fontaine's post.
This approval vote was back in 2013.
Jay Douglas replied to Theresa Lew Brossette's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bob Walker , the unidentifiable guy probably works for the NSA as a facial recognition software tester. He's infiltrated our group. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
For future reference, if you want to get a link to a particular picture on my Web site, click its thumbnail to display it at the top of the page, then click that picture to get it as a "Big Pic." That page will have a URL with a query string that points to just that Big Picture, like http://jdthedj.com/BigPic?sp=RadioReunion2019.aspx&PID=514
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
One of my favorite Dan Ingram record intros on WABC: "Jeremiah was a candy mint; Jeremiah was a breath mint. No, you're both wrong!" [vocal starts] :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Bobby Boyd's comment.
Nope. I gotta talk to that boy!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
When I did middays at WIXO and doubled as Chief Engineer, Nick did nights there. I had to boot him into the production studio a couple of times during his shift to do maintenance on the control board. He never groused about it. Great guy!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Flying V--from electric guitars to airliners!
Jay Douglas replied to Theresa Lew Brossette's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I think I fixed 'em. Do you know who's between you and Rudy?
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My site has all the stuff I took in all those years, Bob.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That was the first place I looked. And now that I do again, I see one I missed (the WLTS shot with Lisa Bacques in the middle). I'll fix that one tomorrow. Thanks, Phil! You're so meticulous! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Pratt's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Do it!
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Bacques's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
It's always good to be seen! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to John Bradley's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
♫♪♫ "And one more thing: I got the pink slip, Daddy." ♫♪♫
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
♫♪♫ "And one more thing: I got the pink slip, Daddy" ♫♪♫
Jay Douglas replied to Ranie Ann Terrebonne's comment.
This one?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks for a great job as a community organizer, Bob!
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Sorry, Leona. Try it now.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Shhhh! Tom is sleeping!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Surprising indeed. Columnist Marc Thiessen isn't exactly a Democrat. After all, he loves the USA and he's Caucasian, so that makes him a white nationalist, right? :-) And, yeah, Lois pretty much skated.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Sorry to hear that. We'll miss you!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
So how much mac & cheese will you be having at Rocky & Carlos this Saturday? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Nah. It's River Road. Highway 61 is nearby, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Cool! I'm a pilot, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Well, I've climbed radio towers, flown drones, and gone skydiving. Guess I never thought of doing them all at once. Pretty cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's post.
Rut-roh! My sympathy.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I worked a couple of summers at WOKR-TV in the late 60's.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I also note that the update says "this studies release" when the correct grammar is "this study's release." But I'm persnickety like that. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Offer him a bubble bath. No, wait, that won't work...
Jay Douglas replied to Thomas Ordes's comment.
Not yet. They plan to open it this Sunday, June 2.
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
Ae you on the Bay giving out speeding tickets?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
There's a road right there in the foreground of this still photo. Admire it all you want.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
And thanks for FaceTiming this old radio buddy earlier today, Gary!
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Don Rittner, there's a link to that video further down in the link you posted. That's how I saw it.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Loved the Chillheimer remix, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Awesome, Dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.

"No. Jew?"
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Had one on Downman Road right next to the WIXO studios.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
If only the first guy had ordered dihydrogen monoxide.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Have a Happy! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's post.
Yikes! Stay dry!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Here's what you missed. That's Mrs. JD in May of 1979.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'd only do that if I was Polish. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I can't answer that, but I'll be glad to tell you how many flush toilets are in my house.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'm a Lutheran. We got in trouble with the Catholics a few centuries back. And no, I don't want to buy an Indulgence. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
With Benny Spellman of "Fortune Teller" fame singing the bass "mother-in-law" line.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Do you have to be Catholic? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Or maybe FlexSeal®.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
But here's the best way to get your request in: http://jdthedj.com/SongRequest
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
It started out pretty rainy, but it was nice by evening. The fir in the fountain on Pat O'Brien's patio stayed lit.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Nice! Get this woman a drone!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Have a Happy, Leroy! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Of course not!
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Beats the gutter.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
A one-night stand with the Mrs.
Jay Douglas replied to Karen Patriquin Guest's comment.
Hmmmm. I remember you having one, too. Did you borrow your friend's?
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
The first time I left a camera (and all its lenses) in the Quarter, we were carousing with you and Tom. This time, it was just Rose and I. Got 'em both back, fortunately.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
I love you, too, Dear! You'll notice I never leave you in the Quarter; only my cameras! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Saw this already somewhere, but thanks! Cute! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Soooo much better than a Picasso or a Knox Martin! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's post.
Have a Happy, Luke! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
But wait! There's more! https://www.courant.com/politics/hc-pol-wdrc-trump-radio-20190515-l73gdcbjfrdn3gmb6eucf2c35a-story.html
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
And nobody in Socialist countries succeeds, period.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Countless IRS Commissioners have stated our income tax is based on "voluntary compliance." Just check the cover of almost any Form 1040 instruction booklet. Fred just took them at their word and didn't volunteer. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dave Werth's comment.
We're getting our first sunny day in several. Lots of street flooding the past few days.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
How many of those did T-Ben write?
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
And look what Walt did to Bambi's mother and Old Yeller!
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
Lotsa black & white photos. The Times-Pick-Your-Nose back then didn't know the Internet was coming. So it's understandable they didn't provide their photogs with color film. I see the WRNO Wonderwall Studio rated a mention at #25. I spent my Saturday nights there for the duration of the Fair.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Where's the other bucket of water with the goalie fish in it?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I've never been inside the castle.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Frayed knot.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Eggs that old should only be eaten by Mel Brooks. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Paging Mr. Monella, Mr. Sal Monella.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
And inside. Took all these in 2008.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Here it is from its backside.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
You mean this one? Yup. It's gone now.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Besides, I think the only thing on the bottom floor is the Pit of Misery. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
A mountaintop would be more authentic, except for the fact that it's in New Orleans.
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Looks like it got a new coat of paint, at least.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
I think that's Bayou Bienvenue, isn't it? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
It's about 1,375 feet the long way. I guess I could land on it if I had to.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That's a 43-acre roof, BTW.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No, but the road outback was a runway. Last use for that was when the TACA Airlines 737 took off from it with a Boeing test pilot at the controls after its dead-stick landing out of a thunderstorm on the grass alongside the levee back in 1987 or so.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I guess the thought is NASA will only go to Mars a time or two, so a throwaway rocket is no big deal. The commercial guys will want to go to Mars a bunch of times to make money. Reusability is their key to profitability.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Not very quickly. The SLS core stage booster for a trip to Mars is under construction. Won't fly for a few years yet, though. Lockheed Martin built the Orion Crew Capsule there, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Michael Chance's comment.
The one by Pinnacle Pkwy. that's always a traffic nightmare for I-12?
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Your sarcasm detector didn't go off? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
And remember, lovebugs fly United.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Hmmmm. Looks like they missed the class on cable management, though. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Has anybody put there hand prints and initials in it?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Not necessarily a big deal. Nearly all court decisions on the census, including this one, are at the Federal District and Appeals court levels, meaning they're not the last word.

The Supreme Court hasn't said much about the Census since 1870, when it characterized as unquestionable the power of Congress to require both an enumeration and the collection of statistics in the census. The Legal Tender Cases, Tex.1870; 12 Wall., U.S., 457, 536, 20 L.Ed. 287. In 1901, a District Court said the Constitution's census clause (Art. 1, Sec. 2, Clause 3) is not limited to a headcount of the population and "does not prohibit the gathering of other statistics, if 'necessary and proper,' for the intelligent exercise of other powers enumerated in the constitution, and in such case there could be no objection to acquiring this information through the same machinery by which the population is enumerated." United States v. Moriarity, 106 F. 886, 891 (S.D.N.Y.1901).

Well, *I* question it. And this Federal Court decision that they can't ask about your citizenship could mean there are other things about which they shouldn't be asking. When I read the Constitution, I see nothing authorizing anything but a count. Fine. Count me, and everybody else. But don't ask me my citizenship status, nor anything else, such as how many flush toilets I have in my home (yes, that was a real census question on the long form one year).

I think it's time for the Supreme Court to revisit the 1870 decision. I'll bet several of our newest Justices will agree! For reference: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial-census/about/census-constitution.html
Jay Douglas replied to John Gabriel's comment.
Looks like there is indeed a WPTR licensed on 1240 kHz. https://transition.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/amq?list=0&facid=8726
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ah. So it is! It was the first thing I looked for and I skipped right over it!
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
I don't see Douglasville on the list. And the Allman Brothers had the "Statesboro Blues" way back in 1971
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Is that "Two Opinions," or "Second Opinions"?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Have fun! I actually saw some Jazz today. Nicholas Payton. Great show!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Damn! Been looking all over for you at Jazz Fest today and you’re up at The Killer’s place! Last minute decision on my part.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Must be fun, 'cause I sure don't do it for the money! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
I told a guy I met the other day that I was JD the DJ. He said, "Oh, I listen to your show off and on."

"How do you like it?" I asked.

"Off," he said.
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
That's exactly how it's listed in our music computer!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
We have liftoff!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
A bowl of oatmeal must have stared him down.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
I knew it!
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Ever see inside a recording studio this century?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Sandra, Sandra, Sandra. I understand your reticence to discuss Antifa. They're not a good look for Liberals. You've done nothing but reprise the Occupy Democrats' false propaganda. If you have evidence of Trump saying he espouses racism or white nationalism, I'd love to see it. Racism, BTW, is defined as believing that one's own race is superior to another. Then, perhaps, you can explain how this video could happen. https://youtu.be/-qElR5y_g_E
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Taken out of context and repeated that way over and over (per Saul Alinsky) to enable the bigotry charade. Trump was talking about both sides of the statue removal issue. He was not claiming that there were good people in both Antifa and the KKK. Occupy Democrats? No. #WalkAway.
Jay Douglas replied to Bubba Sigur's comment.
Drones aren't as likely to be bit by dogs. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Why didn't they just wait for Google? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
He seems to be keeping you at arm's length. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
No, but I've seen this video before. Pilot handles it nicely.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I said MY drones don't have wings. Sheesh! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Whatever happened to Pistilli? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Sure hope they do no evil!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yup. If only I could pass the online audition!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The microwave oven, as in "RF Heater."
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
And if you park in my spot, I'll get one of our forklifts to move your car out of my spot! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I hear they failed to control their carbon emissions. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Quinn P. Ford's post.
He's dyslexic. He'd probably walk into a bra, just to start a joke.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Does your ass hurt? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And if only the remote technology had existed for Tonya Harding!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Thought of that, but the same 4K graphics card does fine with Firefox. And it's one of those cards from our RPI buddy's nVidia Corp. Must be good!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
As usual, Microsoft Edge locked up my computer tighter than a drum with the 60p video. After a reboot, I fed it to Firefox and had no problem with the 1440p60. 2160p60 seemed to ask too much of my crappy Internet. Nice job!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Was I supposed to watch with a microscope? I got nothin'.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
My drones have no wings (they're rotorcraft). Angle of attack only applies to wings. But thanks for asking. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
I noticed!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Nothing I fly has an angle of attack sensor. No worries.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Remember that time when AG Eric Holder said he was still President Obama's wingman? Neither do many of the Democratic 2020 Presidential hopefuls. Nobody seemed to care much about that.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nice drone footage!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I heard somebody left one of those old gas radios on all night. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Maybe it's like the British Empire and the sun never sets.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I guess that means we are required to detain them, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
The place to look is here: https://www.biggestuscities.com/city/new-orleans-louisiana. In 1970, NOLA was #19 in population. By 1980, it was down to #21. Today, it's #49.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
I'm not sure why I never had a link to it on the Station Photos page. But I do now. And thanks for providing most of that stuff!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Do you have to have a proctoscope to do that? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Exactly, Tom Downs
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I suppose you have some science that says anthropogenic carbon emissions are responsible for the weakening magnetic field, too, eh? Or will you blame this one on electric cars? What will you tax to fix this problem?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jus' sayin' you could put a lot more explosives in a truck than a DJI Phantom if you were up to no good.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But I've seen "Rocky Horror Picture Show" umpteen times, mostly at the Robert E. Lee Theater, which ain't dere no more and probably couldn't be if it wanted! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I've seen exactly zero episodes of Game of Thrones.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Let's do the Time Warp again!
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Well, if they don't get counted, they don't count.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Great job, Bummer! Thanks!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Daniel, you may be incorrectly assuming I'm not like Denis Leary. :-) ♪♫♪ https://youtu.be/UrgpZ0fUixs?t=125
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Nope. She's safe.
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Hoffert's video.
Way to go!
Jay Douglas replied to Jill Sandal's comment.
I eat more chicken any man ever seen. ♪♫♪ --Jim Morrison
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's video.
Great job, Kathy! Thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's photo.
Have a Bock for me!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
One of my mom's favorites.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Don Rittner and Robert Demers: You know it don't come easy. --Ringo Starr :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Imagine government so good that people would donate to fund it! It's easy if you try. --John Lennon :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Good! Our goal should be for NOBODY to pay any tax! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Bacques's photo.
In Baton Rouge, you can get a $50 ticket for parking in your own driveway--if it's too short for you to not block the sidewalk running through the middle of it.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I still tell the bear story.
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's post.
She's got all the makings for a honeymoon sandwich: lettuce alone!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Woodcarver's paradise!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Young whippersnappers.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
He got Widespread Panic pretty quickly.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
John LaBorde, yup. That was in the Imperial House.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I *think* that's a brand new Fleetwood Mac album I'm playing here.
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
Apparently, Tom Petty's was, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Speaking of almanacs and ancient history:
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Now *that's* a road video!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I've not really sampled much YouTube 2160p60 video. My U-verse Internet struggles to keep up. It will usually handle 2160p30, but on Auto, it usually ends up playing at 1440p30.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I remember the NAB promo he did that we played at WRPI in the Sixties. Sound effects of water draining from Lake Michigan, followed by a refill with hot chocolate, and a helicopter dropping in a giant marshmallow, all narrated by Stan, as an example of what could be dome with a radio commercial. At the end, he asks listeners to imagine how much it would cost to do that for a TV ad.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I had a study hall with her, and all I remember is how meek her voice was. Nothing like later.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Very nice, although the 1440p60 YouTube fed my Edge browser locked it up tighter than a drum after a few minutes' worth. I fdd a hard reset and ired up the ol' Internet Explorer and watched the rest in 1080p60. I'll try it in Firefox and see if anything bad happens in 2K or 4K.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Same thing went on in The Mamas and the Papas. John Philips wrote "I Saw Her Again Last Night" for Papa Denny Doherty to sing lead because Denny was banging John's wife Mama Michelle. And it was Jeremy Spencer you're thinking of.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
It's not a road video, but it's close! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Peter Green was there in 1970, but left the band later that year. Bob Welch was in from 1971-1974. I also missed Fleetwood Mac at the Warehouse in 1975. I also missed the "fake Fleetwood Mac" there in 1974.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
"Man Bites Dog in South End"
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I missed them at the opener for The Warehouse in 1970 (still in college up north), and I can't remember for sure if I saw them in '75 at City Park Stadium (I have no photos of that one, so it's like it never even happened :-) ). Both of those were before Nicks and Buckingham.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I've seen them both ways: with and without Lindsey Buckingham. Lindsey was with them at their last Jazz Fest appearance. I saw them in the 80's at Lakefront Arena without him. http://jdthedj.com/JazzFest2013FleetwoodMac.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I don't know. I ask her, and all she says is "Meow." And she goes into heat every so often.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
George-Michael identifies as female, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
So maybe that funky 7-tower pattern of WNOE's actually worked sometimes, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
So sorry, Terry.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's post.
Have a Happy, John! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Not exactly a jet! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Did you fill the tank recently?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
It's the one that I want!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Tom Downs, I only have the photo, not the layout. And down here, I certainly don't have a basement!
Jay Douglas replied to Rusty Galle's comment.
Yeah, it does, kinda! I wonder if it has anything to do with the all-seeing eye at the top of a pyramid on our dollar bills. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Cars usually use lithium-ion batteries; my drones and most others uses lithium-polymer (LiPo) batteries.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Matthew Schlenker, less impact on an electric car than an electric airplane! And those are coming.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Here's my old HO layout in the basement to satisfy your cravings.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Maybe he didn't realize batteries lose their oomph in the cold. Not enough power to get it back to him and it auto-landed?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
In the words of Sam & Dave, Hold On, I'm Comin'! So is Miss Rose.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
"To" is a preposition; "come" is a verb...
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Did the soundtrack for "The Magic Christian" with Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr. See it if you haven't.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Like it or not.
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Canned lights? It's Colorado. Wouldn't frozen lights be better? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
That's a lot more questions! Liberals must not know nearly as much as coal miners! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
If it was the back window, it would be all in one piece like the front window!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'm oriented, but maybe not all the way to the Far East. Mecca, maybe. No, just Mississippi.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Perfectamundo! Stuff shows up where I expect it to, and moves in the direction I expect it to!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
I'm disoriented. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Earth set on fire? Now *that's* global warming!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Looks good to me. Go for it!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Can I ask her what we should tell the kids in Venezuela and other socialist bastions who don't even have food?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I don't have a foot-long. :-(
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
For sale in the flea market years later. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
ISIS crushed, Trump cleared, Avenatti in jail...What a country!
Jay Douglas replied to Stacy Raiford's comment.
Stacy, you can visit my Web site for more drone stuff, including a few from River Road. Glad you liked the photos. And bring your drone sometime! http://jdthedj.com/Fun7.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Stacy Raiford's comment.
No, they're from a CG03 camera on a Yuneec Typhoon H hexacopter, Stacy. Frame grabs from 4K video.
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Maher's post.
Hickory dickory dock...
Jay Douglas commented on Don Kelly's photo.
Mole crickets?
Jay Douglas commented on Earl Bonin's photo.
Hardly working! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah, pretty much. There was lots of batture exposed.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Of course! That was fun while it lasted. Then it was politically incorrect.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
So close! Jags end a great season after #1 seed Jackson State came from behind 3-1 to win 4-3. Jags second chance at the SWAC final match on ESPN ended with a 4-2 loss to #2 seed Prarieview. Congrats to the Lady Jags on a third place finish.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Jags just beat Ptairieview in 4. Win one more match (against Texas Southern) and they bowl for all the marbles tomorrow.
Jay Douglas replied to Steff Diangelo's comment.
You're welcome, Steff.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Too late! You already got into it. No backing out now! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to James Godwin's comment.
Fox News was not part of the Disney deal.
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
The falls, or the lights?
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
Today's mailperson didn't break it again.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Good. It's been happening for millennia. Republicans are probably already prepared. It's the Democrats we have to worry about.
Jay Douglas commented on Eddie Gibbons's post.
Hey, I recognize you, too, Eddie!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I guess this means you're defending the GOP senators, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
I'll drink to that. Shiner Bock is my go-to beer when I can't get Dixie Voodoo or Abita Amber.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
And New Orleans' Al Hirt was there with Allen Toussaint's "Java."
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Did Hitler start that way, or did he ban everything right away?
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Schlenker's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Is that a still from "There's Something About Mary"?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Just call Roto-Rooter. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
But will he look like a "very stable genius"?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
So I'm not a Top 40 DJ; I'm Top 10! Worked in #4 and #1. Live in #7.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
I'm glad that one was distant!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
That's it! Ruin it for us cheapskates! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
A school buddy's dad had one. We shared a birthday.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Matthew Schlenker, my aunt & uncle's was red, I think.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
BTW, are you collecting answers to security questions with this one?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Anything but that yellow snow that Frank Zappa warned us about.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I was gonna hire you to do it.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
My aunt and uncle had one, and so does my poker buddy and wife. Looks like the same color.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay, but two thoughts: (1) we must remember that because government has no money of its own, there are no government subsidies (for anything), only taxpayer subsidies; and (2) there are plenty of misconceptions about energy subsidies (https://www.forbes.com/sites/drillinginfo/2016/02/22/debunking-myths-about-federal-oil-gas-subsidies/#3a672ef06e1c). Once we get government involved in anything, things get complicated and expensive.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
If the climate scientists can't agree on the cause and the diagnosis (they don't), then how likely are they to come up with the correct fix? What if they screw up and make matters worse for our kids and grandkids? There's nothing wrong with pursuing new non-carbon-based energy sources. But there is something wrong with pursuing them without regard to their cost. Only the poorest among us will suffer and die if we make energy unaffordable.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
At least he didn't say if I liked my climate, I could keep my climate.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Then there's this Greenpeace hippy (thanks, Bummer!) https://youtu.be/UFHX526NPbE
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jud Hindes , the "government runs on cigarette money." I guess they now want to run on carbon tax money, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Don't look at this one, Chris!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Tom Downs, probably Trump. But I doubt he lists Forbes Magazine among the Fake News outlets.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Good. I worry more strongly about getting a bad kidney than an extra warm summer.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Who's in charge of climate science--NASA, or the NOAA? Maybe we need more government involvement. Not enough agencies in on the action.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Ah, the old "impugn the source" argument. I notice you offer nothing contrary in the way of scientific facts. You likely owe the fact that you can still buy your cigarettes to the Heartland Institute. I'm not saying that's good, but you might show a little gratitude. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's photo.
What emoticon do I use for a mix of praise and sadness? Maybe this one? 😐
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
I'll pass, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Kick a bowling ball at your own risk.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Have a Happy, T-Mac! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
No need to vote in Albany. Corning was elected mayor for life, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Love that trumpet solo. I saw them live at a private concert at a Microsoft convention in the Georgia Dome in 2000 or 2001, believe it or not. Paul Rogers of Free and Bad Company, plus a couple of other folks also played.
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
I still have a Sony Betamax remote with beagle bitemarks. Not quite that bad, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Tony O'Terrible :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Kenneth B. Michael, or Michael B. Kenneth? Which is it? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Karen Gares's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Dat's her.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice. Shoulda brought a Scotchbright® pad so you could clean off that one manatee. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Pilots use cheatsheets, er, I mean checklists.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
If elected, I will not serve.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
At least I wasn't texting. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Let me know when I can sue politicians who didn't keep their promises.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Hell, I haven't yet flown one made in the current century!
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Yup. Billy Preston and I were the only Beatles not credited on "Flying." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Tom Soden.
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
"Good morning, good morning, good morning."
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I love the counselor's name: Hugh Jripov. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I wasn't denigrating Mel's performance. Some good jobs just take a long time. Reworking a giant machine tool originally built in 1914 for WWI was no easy task. Mel was great!
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Made a career out of the 27' Niles. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Nah. Belief is for religion, not science.
Jay Douglas commented on Quinn P. Ford's post.
Indian Hills in Slidell is for nudists.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I think it's one of his daughters.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
There ya go!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yup. It's in his house.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. The one by The Pitt movie theater across from UNO on Elysian Fields. Loved it!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Must be New Orleans East. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Vickie Schmersahl's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
George Hastings second from left.
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Vitrano's comment.
Thanks, Doug!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I'll do anything with Brian, but I won't do that. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Brian and I did everything together! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Excellent, Dude! Sell the video rights to the Old Homosassa CoC!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
We roll numbers often.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
As long as it's not May of '95!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I'm not gonna chance it. I'm mowing today. I've installed an ELT on my mower. So tune in 121.5 in case I sink out of sight. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
"Kashmir" I think.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Here's Led Zeppelin.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
I remember the look of dismay and disappointment on his face when we hauled his Marshall gear into the studio at Vanguard Records and the engineer told him he was going to instead plug into a little 6" Fender box he already had miked up. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Turn it down, Bruce! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
I did at WPTR and got in trouble for it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Standard DJ response to all you folks requesting songs: we'll see what we can do.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
When I started in college radio, I was doing it when I should have been *in* class! Thanks, Matt.
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Whitehurst's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Is that when people used to dress up to be on the radio?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I can legally shoot the bird down (well, maybe not an eagle), but I can't legally shoot the drone down.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
This is a nice set of views. I like it!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ah. Well, I guess they had video back then.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's video.
Daughter? Did you just have a baby we don't know about? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Have you ever been in Valuable? I hear it's just like actually BEING valuable.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Now THERE's a video worth 21 minutes!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And a famous disc jockey more than once said "It never rains in Southern California, and that's why they have all those wildfires!"
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Get them to rename the festival properly as "Luminaria Night." I doubt they will have many luminaries (people of prominence or brilliant achievement, or celestial bodies) attending. The candles in paper bags, which they are likely to have, are properly called "luminaria." Look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
Wow! Pretty snazzy!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
You said the magic 4-letter word: beer! Absolutely!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Where's the horse? Did it drown?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Maybe because Sonny Fox spent time at WNOE-FM hearing stuff from down the hall at WNOE-AM and thinks that's normal speed!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I don't remember much at all these days.
Jay Douglas commented on Eddie Gibbons's post.
Great photo! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
I've never given permission to anyone to penetrate my body with RF. Do I have a tort case? I could get radio stations declared illegal. Oh. Wait... Never mind.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Looks like you may have shot it through a window? I just added a bit (well, quite a bit) of contrast.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Your photo was nice to start with.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
I did a little processing on your photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
You know I've never grown up!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Shorter lanes, eh? I could waste less time waiting for my ball to miss the pins! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
He'd really just gotten started. "Hill Where the Lord Hides" (the single) is my favorite from him. That was 1972, the year I got down here. Chuck's dad was friends with Dizzy Gillespie, who stayed at the Mangione's house a time or two when he was on tour. https://youtu.be/w68XEqGt-Eg
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
LOL! Our DC lawyer niece honeymooned there recently. At least she brought us a bag of Cost Rican coffee. Pretty good stuff. Not Community Coffee & Chicory, though.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Chuck was one of my Rochester homies.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I don't think Mr. Smith ever took this approach.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Cheer up! Get out and socialize! I know you can do it! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Hope somebody wrote down where the pieces go. 😢
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
Yay! Landscape!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
If only we could teach Rittner to shoot in landscape orientation! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Scoot On The Air's photo.
Yikes! Recover quickly, Scoot!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Soxless Scott Segraves gets a mention!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
What do we want? Low-flying airplane noises. When do we want them? N-e-e-e-o-o-o-w-w-w!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Cool! An interview with Angela Davis! Isn't she wanted for something? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
It's okay. The bad ones will get jobs as climate scientists. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
You mean it's not for LSU?
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
You may think it's snow, but it snot.
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's photo.
I've had tea martunis, but I'm not as drunk as many thinkle peep!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
He kinda sounds like Sam Cooke. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Seldom stops them from cursing, though.
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
Then how come when you drive your AMX, they call you "Speedy"? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's photo.
Have a Happy! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
No harm done. The levee was dry.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Don wasn't involved. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Nope. It's broken.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
But is it autumnal?
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
I don't see no stinkin' attachment! (says its "unavailable")
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
They're still searching the Ohio TV studio to see if they can find it. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
The transparent scrotum is a nice touch.
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
But Jerry, you were bowling yesterday, not golfing! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Good job! And with sea cows, there's always an udder one!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Not if it's still on. It's only cold if you freeze your ass off!
Jay Douglas commented on Kris Keller's post.
There's a reason we pilots go through a pre-flight checklist. It's because if we relied on a post-flight checklist, the previous pilot might have failed to do it. That is all.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Wouldn't having to spend the money on a re-do make an excellent incentive for ensuring that it never happens again?
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Enxing's comment.
Of course they did.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
First pic has Lakefront Airport off in the distance at the right edge. Later pics show the I-10 Twin Span, US 11 bridge, and the Norfolk & Southern RR bridge across Lake Pontchartrain.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Are those gas logs now?
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
What happened to the roof? Did a drone crash on it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Bono and Bruce should ask Billboard for the numbers on their album sales in capitalist countries versus socialist countries.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Or deport them.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
3 out of 4 ain't bad.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
So you recovered your deleted video?
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's photo.
Looks like the Thursday Special!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Just don't make it excessive! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Salter's comment.
Should be playing their "Mass in F-Minor" for the Saints.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
If she's elected to anything else, I'll be like Meat Loaf: praying for the end of time!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I used to be 6' 2", but old age has compressed an inch out of me.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Hope it's not sticky shed syndrome (Google it). Hygroscopic binder was a common problem in some tape formulations. Mostly with Ampex reel-to-reel tape from the 70's. I figured it was gone by the 8mm and Mini-DV era. If that's what it is, you can try "baking the tape" to drive out the moisture from the binder. But don't run the tape until you do or you'll peel off more oxide.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nothing useful will happen.
Jay Douglas commented on Ali Bass Aldrich's photo.
Where's your bottle, Kevin? I suggest Jack Black. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
All the calls/no-calls potentially affect the outcome. It's why they need to get them right before the next play. Or we need time-travel.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I thought a semi-colon was for half-assed people. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
It would work a whole lot better if it said "Biggest Hits" (say it out loud a few times)! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nice photos!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
He left his shadow behind. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
I guess you're glad it's a "quick" trip, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's video.
Nice car! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Ignore enough of these non-emergencies while keeping in place an absolutely stupid system of immigration policies and loopholes, and pretty soon you have 10-20 million illegals in the country. Laying all the blame on Republicans is wrong. Without 60 votes in the Senate (and 2/3 of the House and Senate to make it veto-proof), Republicans haven't had true control of government in ages.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Did Nancy Pelosi have something to do with the Vatican budget, too? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Among other streams, I guess.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Some folks in Irish Bayou took exception.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Let me know when the protection shows up at the southern border.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
I cleaned my local Cracker Barrel out of the last of their Skybars.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Sure is. Slavery is when the fruits of your labor are confiscated. Anyone who pays income tax knows all about it. It's just that most folks pay at a rate less than 100%. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
FAA ATC and TSA folks are working, but not getting paid. Many others are furloughed.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Same nurse he had for the Steel Wheelchairs Tour.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Douglas got svelte and sexy! Phhtttttttt!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I've got moves like Jagger, so I can't get no satisfaction.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
You'll notice the narrator was less than thrilled about the idea of government regulators like the FAA getting involved.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
This photo was too early for Happy Feller. He wasn't drafted 'til 1971, and even then, it was by the Eagles. I think he showed up as a Saint in 1972.
Jay Douglas replied to Michael Chance's comment.
So I guess Cuozzo is still looking down-in-the-mouth, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Maggie May, but Natalie Wood!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
What makes me think this should really be called the "Facial Recognition Data Expansion and Privacy Reduction Challenge"?
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Fence, barrier, wall--call it what you like. If the wall costs $25B, that's less than a quarter of the cost to taxpayers of the illegal immigrants ($116 billion). So the savings to taxpayers will more than pay for it.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
My solution is the same as Trump's and all the Democrats who supported it before: put up a fence!
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
BTW, if you like NASA (and who doesn't? :-) ) and climate science, you might want to check out http://www.drroyspencer.com/
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The Trump tweet was just a convenient place to grab the pertinent part of the video, ready to go.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
When it comes to irony, I don't have a side.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
The NYT reporter seems to be a she, not a he. "Kendra has a Master of Science in Science Writing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a Master of Arts in Sustainable Development from the SIT Graduate Institute, and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Cornell University. She is also the author of the book Green Washed: Why We Can't Buy Our Way to a Green Planet. You can usually find Kendra on Twitter or achieving dramatic feats like living in France without eating butter. "
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
That's fine. But science is nothing if it is not questioning. Question everything. Reading wattsupwiththat every so often won't hurt.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Well, of course he's not just a random guy with a blog. He has more experience in climate science than the average reporter at the New York Times. Today at the Watts Web site, there's a guest post by Willis Eisenbach. Willis is not a climate scientist, but you don't necessarily need to be one to recognize bad science. Review Eisenbach's numbers and take issue with them if you will, but don't simply impugn his credentials, as many will. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/01/11/a-small-margin-of-error/
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
So the fact that we ignored thousands of immigrants who overstayed visas and stayed to become illegal means we should also ignore the significant number who just sneak in? I don't think so.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
I was at that party, sans camera.
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's photo.
Looks like Jesus to me. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Good thing he wasn't Jon Bon Jovi. ;)
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Which one's Pink?
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Bouler's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
WRNO DJ, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Ruth Hellkamp's comment.
Isn't Schenectady "The Electric City"?
Jay Douglas replied to Ruth Hellkamp's comment.
I guess General Electric isn't so general, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Careful! One of those icicles could fall and put your eye out!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I got a hundred dollar hamburger a time or two at Franklinton's golf course clubhouse, which was just a short walk from the runway.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
Way to go, Gary!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Bring that Big Ass cockroach to the French Quarter and get him a Big Ass Beer! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Never mind. It’s the Franklinton Airport that’s next to a golf course, not Bogalusa.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Bogalusa Airport is right next to a golf course. Ya gotta remember to check the runway for golf balls before you take off from there.
Jay Douglas replied to Quinn P. Ford's comment.
There ya go!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Drink up!
Jay Douglas replied to Quinn P. Ford's comment.
Oh sure! Credit the camera, not the photographer! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Does it feel that good getting used? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Oddly enough, when I check the focal point in the Nikon editor, it puts it right on your belly! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Rose says thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Album shared with Family only.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Gotta play it! A 7-letter word wins!
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Well I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Y'all, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
The sad part is that illegal immigrants don't have to vote to influence elections. All they need to do is reside in blue states (most of them do) where Democrats are already elected by people who can legally vote. Non-citizens count toward the number of Congressional representatives that state gets. For every 775,000 (or so) of them, they get one representative. If there are 20 million of them, that's about 25 more likely Democrats in the House. If it's 30 million (which the Yale-MIT study suggests is a possibility), then it's 38 extra Democrats.
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's post.
U2, Chief.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Same to you, Jeff.
Jay Douglas replied to Bruce Tannenbaum's comment.
Same to you, Bruce.
Jay Douglas commented on Leona Sperrazza Owens's post.
Here are the cost details from 2010. Probably higher now. https://www.fairus.org/sites/default/files/2017-08/USCostStudy_2010.pdf
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
You too, Lonnie!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
ROFLMAO! Of course, if your parachute doesn't work, just bring it back and they'll give you another one, no charge. 😃
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Don't you know these things are just designed to get your security question answers (e.g., what's your favorite movie)? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Rhonda Miller's comment.
U2, Rhonda.
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Deboever's comment.
Got me confused with James Taylor? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
But it's not Xmas yet! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
Which one? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Schlenker's comment.
I call it a "Mikey." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steff Diangelo's comment.
Thanks, Steff. Same to you.
Jay Douglas replied to Francis Hebert's comment.
You too, Francis.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
This article is fine as frog hairs!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Same first name as the wife of Candid Camera's Allen Funt.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
How long before it goes the way of Lake Forest Plaza?
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's video.
Have a Happy, Allen! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, Allen! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's photo.
Ask your neighbor about it and weigh your options.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Once upon a time during a friendly poker game with some work mates, a hand was played with wild cards. That put in play the possibility of five of a kind. We got one, as well as a straight flush. We weren't sure which hand was the winner, so one of our players who was acquainted with Black Cat and had his number called him as an unimpeachable arbitrator. Black Cat immediately knew that five-of-a-kind beats everything except a higher five-of-a-kind. I can't remember if we got any horse-picking advice during the call.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
There was a young man from Verdun.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
There's a man from Kalamazoo
Whose limericks all end on Line 2.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Well, we can thank Congress for the WWII wage controls that caused that to happen. They didn't want companies competing for workers by offering higher wages, so they offered healthcare and other perks instead. They never went away.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
And a few years later, Mrs. JD and I were riding with the Krewe of 'TIX on one of the steamboats racing on the river for charity. The Bright Field crossed just in front of us. She had been renamed Bright Star. Our captain pointed her out to us.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Tang fish are what the astronauts eat, right? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Barium? But he's not dead yet!
Jay Douglas replied to Daniel Ferrari's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Imagine that!
Jay Douglas replied to Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's comment.
Stay Chatty, Cathie!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
And he kinda sounded like John Boutte. [reference HBO's "Treme"] :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
[bending over toilet] Ralph! Ralph!
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Maher's post.
There are no stupid questions; only stupid people who ask questions.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
It's because the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
This is an update of the old add-"in bed"-to-whatever-your-fortune-cookie-says thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's post.
Today's the day that folks in Hawaii woke up and discovered there was a little Nip in the air!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Come Back When You Grow Up, Girl.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
We know there was no womb for him at the inn.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
That's invenereal as far as I (and Norm Crosby) are circumcised.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Must be Patrick Swayze's or Demi Moore's house.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I dunno. I'll shoot some Christmas lights in the neighborhood tonight if I get a chance.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Sony FDR-AX53
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Ah, the old redefine-the-words ploy.


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · [more]
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · [more]
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Now show me a functioning, successful "Democratic Socialist" and we'll do just what they did. https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/11/30/democratic-socialism-the-impossible-dream/
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Is that what that is?
Jay Douglas commented on George Bonnell's post.
Thanks, George!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Kern's post.
Thanks, Johnny!
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
Thanks, G. R.!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Thanks, Bob!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Thanks, Rhonda!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
No harm! Thanks, Cathie!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Arena's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on Mabel LeCates Wickboldt's post.
It was as good as the 68 others. Thanks, Mabel!
Jay Douglas commented on Frannie Miles's post.
Thanks, Frannie!
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Thanks, Bill!
Jay Douglas commented on Milton C Couvillon's post.
Thanks, Milton!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I'm sure that's why it was successful! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Schultz's comment.
Thanks, TK!
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's post.
Thanks, Scotty!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I can vouch for "The Bomber Boys"!
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
I can vouch for The Bomber Boys!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Thanks, Theresa!
Jay Douglas commented on Leslie Threlkeld's post.
Thanks, Leslie!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on James Hadley's post.
Thanks, James!
Jay Douglas commented on John Volpe's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Scott Harrison's post.
Thanks, Scott!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Thanks, Gary!
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Lambert's post.
Thanks, Ricky!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Relax. "As you can see, since the First US National Climate Assessment some 18 years ago, the US average temperature has gone up by … well … about zero degrees Celsius. Or for Americans, it’s gone up by … well … about zero degrees Fahrenheit." https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/11/23/the-froth-of-the-fourth/
Jay Douglas replied to John Hughes's comment.
Thanks, John! They're hard to fly with wings and engine detached!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Thanks, Matthew!
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
It probably doesn't get an annual inspection from an A & P mechanic anymore.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's photo.
It's also a diet with no taste!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Only after I buy my hang glider. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Thanks, Ben!
Jay Douglas commented on Stanley Beck's post.
Thanks. Stanley!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Thanks, Kevin!
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's post.
Thanks, Nan!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Hanzo's post.
Thanks, Jim!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
"S" before "T" except after...oh, never mind!
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Desjardins's post.
Thanks, Bobby!
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Thanks, Barry!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Eberts's post.
Thanks, Kenny!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Thanks, Jeff!
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Lenny Minutillo Jr's post.
Thanks, Lenny!
Jay Douglas commented on John Stogner Jr's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Thanks, Doc!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Thanks, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on Francis Hebert's post.
Same to you, Francis! Thanks!
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Oh boy! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Thanks, Steve! Do you have a need to know? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Thanks, Steve! Will do! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Thanks, Doug! As it turns out, I did pay no attention to him. Forgot to tune in. What'd he say?
Jay Douglas commented on Geoffrey P. Clement's post.
Thanks, Geoffrey!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Fontenot's post.
Thanks, Gary!
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
Thanks, Andre!
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Thanks, Mary!
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Scheuermann's post.
Thanks, Jay!
Jay Douglas commented on William Scott Fontaine's post.
Thanks William!
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Kilroy's post.
Thanks, Killer!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeremy C Fell's post.
Thanks, Jeremy!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hahn's post.
Thanks, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Bacques's post.
Thanks, Lisa!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Thanks, Jamie!
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
Thanks, Mark!
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby D. Ezell's post.
Thanks, Bobby!
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Thanks John, er, Scotty! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
Thanks, Eric!
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Maher's post.
Thanks, Michelle!
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Sherry Armm's post.
Thanks, Sherry!
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Frank Marro's post.
Thanks, Frank!
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Thanks, Bonnie!
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
thanks, Stephanie!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Thanks, Lee Roy!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Thanks, Gail!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Thanks, Weerd-o!
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Thanks, Nathan!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Thanks, Warren!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Thanks, Mike!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's post.
Thanks, Chris!
Jay Douglas commented on David Constant's post.
Thanks, David!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's post.
Thanks, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's post.
Thanks, Allen!
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Windhorst's post.
Thanks, Ricky!
Jay Douglas commented on Eileen Dorn's post.
Thanks, Eileen!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Soixante-neuf. Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls! :-) Thanks, Jay!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Might have to go digital. That's only two candles (for now).
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ah, okay. I forgot you were there, Dennis. I guess I'm just not a globalist. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Well, that certainly soaks, er, sucks!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Thanks, Roxanne!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
You're a few hours early with this, but I'll take it. Thanks, Dennis!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Glad you didn't if you were sick. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I didn't see any bowling going on here.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Probably so, but parading comes naturally to New Orleanians!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Shouldn't a Pie Night be only on March 14th?
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
Yeah! Where can I get one of those daughters? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
If I get the vaccine, can I eat the lettuce? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Hahn's comment.
Dat's it!
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Tauzin's comment.
You drove me to do it!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
And it was Vanguard Records, not Roulette.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Not sure how I missed that article in the Poly. I have absolutely no recollection of it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
When you turn it over, does it smell like an armpit? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
They weren't lying? I can't see any lips moving. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
You don't remember? What kind of historian are you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
No clowns in that family. They taste funny.
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Schultz's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Schultz's comment.
Bose, eh? So you paid twice as much as it's worth! :-) Just kidding. I reckon I need to drag out the calibration mic and re-check the levels.
Jay Douglas replied to James Joseph Maumus's comment.
Al & Chris are decent enough announcers. But they get drowned out. And I have no issue with other games on other networks.
Jay Douglas commented on Carey Westbrook's post.
Just have Ariana Grande lick it for you and tell you what it tastes like. Nothing happens to her.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Sounds like a plan!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! I always thought "P" was for "Pneumatic," but I'm an engineer.
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's photo.
Oops! I missed it? Hope you had a Happy and didn't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Some are blank. I was thinking about auctioning those off to the highest bidder.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I just tried the Christmas Cookie flavor. Not bad.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Shouldn't shoes be located below the jewels? :-) And I hear they're having a sale on apostrophes.
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Hoffert's album.
Excellent, Dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Stay strong, Rhonda.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Walthers's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
I have some reluctance to do that.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's photo.
Congrats, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Burbank's post.
Mix a laxative with Viagra and you get a Bobby Sherman song: "Easy Come, Easy Go."
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Did you take your broom to work? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Craig D. Heslor's comment.
I took it with a Polaroid camera during the summer of the Teamsters union furlough (after the switch from NABET). 1969. You and I often manned Master Control at WOKR pretty much by ourselves to run the late movie, roll through the commercial breaks as quick as we could, then get to the bar across the street in the back after sign-off before thy closed at 2AM.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Don't lose your head!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay. I guess the only other picture takers I saw at WRPI were Peter Adamiak and Eliot Graham. They used SLRs.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
Love it! Do you recollect who took the photo? Looks like a Poloroid print from a Colorpack camera like I had. But I don't remember taking that one.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I will no longer a lot a single moment of my writing time to "alot." I had no idea it was not a word. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Blade pitch changes automatically to keep propeller (and engine) RPM constant. Pilot can set flatter pitch for higher propeller speed during takeoff and climbs, then set a steeper pitch for cruise so the prop takes a bigger "bite" of air at a slower RPM. Kinda like using first gear in a car for start-up, and higher gears for cruising. Engine turns faster in lower gears.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Controllable-pitch props (aka constant-speed props). They’re feathered in the photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
A turbojet engine spins a propeller, which provides the thrust.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They're how turboprops work.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Wow! Dat brings back some memories!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
That's a provisional Like.
Jay Douglas replied to Maggie Clifford Panelli's comment.
As long as they don't refer you to a mortuary, you're okay. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Studio II Lounge!
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
It was on the I-10 Service Road, near Clearview. "Studio-something," if memory serves (which obviously it doesn't). Wasn't in Fat City.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Barkers on Chef Hwy?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Saw him play live at a little beer joint in Metairie where lots of DJs hung out. Can't remember the name of the place. 1973, probably.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
No test spins. And they had a bit of audio trouble at times. Don't know what was to blame. Somebody finally twisted the wires together, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Bummer. At least they're looking.
Jay Douglas commented on George McCarlie's post.
She'll put her eye out! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Up your nose with a rubber hose! :-) Hope it fixes things.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
That's redundant. Besides, it says the same thing twice!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Plural, after a little editing.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Wilbanks's comment.
More specifically, "Hold my Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager"!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
It's not spelled at all like Holly Brown!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Now I know.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
"Wieblefetzers" is the German spelling. It's "Veeblefetzers." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
This is a spare.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Like so many TV programs, I only ever saw 2-3 episodes, and by accident.
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
My Hess SUV
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
Must be a DJ thing. I've got a bunch of the Hess vehicles myself.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Also keep in mind that electric cars can be a bigger burden on the electrical distribution infrastructure as well as one's wallet. An engineer friend sent me this information. I haven't vetted it for accuracy, but here it is in boring detail:

In case you were thinking of buying hybrid or an electric car:

Ever since the advent of electric cars, the REAL cost per mile of those things has never been discussed. All you ever heard was the mpg in terms of gasoline, with nary a mention of the cost of electricity to run it . This is the first article I've ever seen and tells the story pretty much as I expected it to.

Electricity has to be one of the least efficient ways to power things yet they're being shoved down our throats. Glad somebody finally put engineering and math to paper.

At a neighborhood BBQ I was talking to a neighbor, a BC Hydro executive. I asked him how that renewable thing was doing. He laughed, then got serious. If you really intend to adopt electric vehicles, he pointed out, you had to face certain realities. For example, a home charging system for a Tesla requires 75 amp service. The average house is equipped with 100 amp service. On our small street (approximately 25 homes), the electrical infrastructure would be unable to carry more than three houses with a single Tesla, each. For even half the homes to have electric vehicles, the system would be wildly over-loaded.

This is the elephant in the room with electric vehicles. Our residential infrastructure cannot bear the load. So as our genius elected officials promote this nonsense, not only are we being urged to buy these things and replace our reliable, cheap generating systems with expensive, new windmills and solar cells, but we will also have to renovate our entire delivery system! This latter "investment" will not be revealed until we're so far down this dead end road that it will be presented with an 'OOPS...!' and a shrug.

If you want to argue with a green person over cars that are eco-friendly, just read the following. Note: If you ARE a green person, read it anyway. It's enlightening.

Eric test drove the Chevy Volt at the invitation of General Motors and he writes, "For four days in a row, the fully charged battery lasted only 25 miles before the Volt switched to the reserve gasoline engine." Eric calculated the car got 30 mpg including the 25 miles it ran on the battery. So, the range including the 9-gallon gas tank and the 16 kwh battery is approximately 270 miles.

It will take you 4.5 hours to drive 270 miles at 60 mph. Then add 10 hours to charge the battery and you have a total trip time of 14.5 hours. In a typical road trip your average speed (including charging time) would be 20 mph.

According to General Motors, the Volt battery holds 16 kwh of electricity. It takes a full 10 hours to charge a drained battery. The cost for the electricity to charge the Volt is never mentioned , so I looked up what I pay for electricity. I pay approximately (it varies with amount used and the seasons) $1.16 per kwh. 16 kwh x $1.16 per kwh = $18.56 to charge the battery. $18.56 per charge divided by 25 miles = $0.74 per mile to operate the Volt using the battery. Compare this to a similar size car with a gasoline engine that gets only 32 mpg. $3.19 per gallon divided by 32 mpg = $0.10 per mile.

The gasoline powered car costs about $20,000 while the Volt costs $46,000-plus. So the American Government wants loyal Americans not to do the math, but simply pay three times as much for a car, that costs more than seven times as much to run and takes three times longer to drive across the country.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Keep in mind that all-electric cars don't need gas, so their owners pay no gasoline taxes which are used to maintain highways. Need to make up for that somewhere.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Glad I could unintentionally help!
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Had I looked at Facebook while I was on the air, I guess I could have helped. I did play a twin spin by the Zombies (Time of the Season and Tell Her No). That's kinda like playing Argent! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jude LeBlanc's photo.
I presume that's low-calorie shit you're eating. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I wonder if California will be the first to ban wind turbines...
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I spent as much time laughing at this as I have at anything!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
If you pour root beer into a square glass, you'll end up with beer.
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I've already planned mine. I pick the future where I don't pay a carbon tax or anything stupid like that!
Jay Douglas commented on Sylvia J Smith's post.
I noticed during football today that one of the fictitious tweets or texts on a CBS promo for their new "God Friended Me" series which debuts tonight was from a Sylvia Smith.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Mitch just followed the Biden Rule on that one: no Supreme Court picks confirmed for Presidents in the last year of their term.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg was confirmed 96-3 on August 3, 1993, a mere 50 days after Bill Clinton nominated her. What's taking so long with Kavanaugh? And if you still want the FBI to investigate, you weren't listening to Uncle Joe.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Something like that.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
He's still playing!
Jay Douglas commented on Sylvia J Smith's post.
And the other one.
Jay Douglas commented on Sylvia J Smith's post.
Here's a processed version. Slightly improved.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
No, of course not. Rochester only has three days of weather each year that you can put a top down! You should know that!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
No, of course not. Rochester only has three days of weather each year that you can put a top down! You should know that!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nope. Wouldn't have even wanted to be the cameraman!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Look, she's all in one piece!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
We have no travel plans, so there's nothing to postpone. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! Indeed! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
New Orleans is one city familiar with over saturation.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
In a rendition of Focus' "Hocus Pocus"!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Bicycles can't stand up by themselves because they're two-tired.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Are you sure you don't have a Canon AE-1? That's different than the A-1, Leona.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
LOL! Well, just shoot digital at high ISO and you can get an effect akin to film grain. Not exactly the same, but close.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Here's an HD-size 1:1 crop, Chris:
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I once left that A-1 (and a bunch of other photo equipment) next to a bench on a crowded day in the French Quarter. I was a block away when I realized it, to my horror. Ran back to the bench and looked around. Nothing. Through his open doorway, a shop owner saw me looking and asked if I lost something. I told him, "Yeah, a case with all my camera stuff." He called me into his shop and showed me the case, asking if that was it. I smiled and thanked him profusely. Every thing was still in it.

As for the film, that Fuji 200 film was new stuff, maybe a year old when it got used. I started using it last December during our rare snowfall. The shot I posted was from a couple weeks ago. Seems kinda grainy to me. I may try a roll of Kodak Ektar 100 just for comparison. Maybe I've just been spoiled by grain-free digital.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Gordon looks a little phallic!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Crystal Gale says you just have to be really, really sad to turn brown eyes blue.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
Great shot, Shaleen!
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
They're okay if a spinning prop turns them to mist! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Don't think my piloting could be quite that precise.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Not again, Tom. I'm out of veins. They'll have to use Tygon tubing.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
"Research heads Zohar Ringel and Dmitry Kovrizh found that in order to store the information found in just a couple hundred electrons, the simulation computer's memory processors would require more atoms than the number that currently exist in our universe. "

But if our universe is being simulated, maybe the folks in the real universe figured out a compression algorithm for universes so that they can be simulated with far fewer atoms--like a JPEG photo simulates an uncompressed RAW or TIF file. What about that, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Of course not. That is still the premiere dish!
Jay Douglas replied to John Gabriel's comment.
There's probably a Gorilla Glue variant available for that. If all else fails, there's duct tape. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Barkman's comment.
I'm all for it. Everything's better with bacon!
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
FB thought I was a robot at first
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Why would anyone try to sell their cars to their parents? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
But I did!
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
And all this time, I thought it was just a Dan Fogelberg tune. https://youtu.be/qUgUcVnT3NI
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Ya think he'd like a miniature Reese Cup for dessert?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Did they preview "When the Levee Breaks"?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Aug 28, 2018, 1:12 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Not in California.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
There is no tired like re-tired. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Nobody cares.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Dentists there are always looking down-in-the-mouth. Make your appointment for tooth-hurty. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
I have multiple boxes, and a couple of grocery bags of them. Trick is to make a list of them in your computer and number the boxes they're in. I did get one boxful done.
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
And worth every penny!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Aug 23, 2018, 8:10 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
I'm sure that would have been his question for the judge. Then he would have asked where the law was requiring ordinary American citizens to file and pay.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Love that Kodachrome color! Some weird artifacts from the stabilization in places, like the background moving differently that the foreground.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wow! The video terminal looked like one I used to have in the early 80's when CompuServe would let you dial in and program their mainframes!
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Sylvia, Rose's sister.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I got mine in the Boy Scouts and at a state-run conservation camp.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Weren't they all? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Indeed. How was it down in Canadaigua?
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
In case you are Kevin H. Lowe, or just too young to remember: https://youtu.be/MYP1OBZfFK0
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Steve Gravelle and Tom Downs went, but I had to work at Channel 13 that weekend. :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Jude LeBlanc's photo.
Better stop on the way home and pick up a quart of Liquid Plumber. :-) Glad you're out!
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's post.
How much did he pay you, Diane?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
You must be growin' some GOOD grass!
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Chiarella's comment.
Yeah you right, chère!
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Better than "D.O.A." by Bloodrock.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
WRNO's (now WTIX-FM's) front door got shot up once.
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's post.
Aug 4, 2018, 5:50 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
Aug 4, 2018, 1:52 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Ed Clancy's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Great stuff, Ed! Apparently, the "Sue Me, Sue You Blues" got started long before "He's So Fine" and "My Sweet Lord" (perhaps with This Song), and even involves New Orleans! Thanks for this tidbit!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I'm sensing a theme here.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
And moments after this shot was taken, she was nice enough to tip over a glass of water directly into the keyboard!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Nobody cares.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I mostly play on the clay courts. They were busy this time.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I figure I like everything it's made from, and they don't spoil it with anything I don't (like putting raisins in bread pudding).
Jay Douglas commented on Jo Ann Reifsnyder Mezaraups's post.
And? How was it?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Whatcha huntin'?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Is that Margaret Orr in the pic? I shot some crepuscular rays for her at the tennis court the other night. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gloria Whittington's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
My condolences to Billy's family. He occasionally rode in with Brian Gorr and I.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Angelo Mysterioso
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, I get that. But I hear people (like the AP Style Manual writers) saying all the time that we should do away with the Oxford comma. Just giving them some ammunition.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
Somebody call Oxford. Their commas are getting into places they don't belong!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
That's not how CNN says it! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yup! Scary to see stuff from 1988 and 1989 treated as ancient history! :-) Thanks!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Yeah, it was still downtown then. Up the street from the Xerox tower.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Probably Laurence Tribe. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Are reservations required?
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Schlenker's comment.
LOL! And set-up of those monsters was way more than just a quick button press or two!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
LOL! In the photo is a transistorized color RCA TR-70. Our "elephant" was an old, all-vacuum-tube TRT-1B, which was like three racks wide! Monochrome. I think you could add a fourth rack to it and get color.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
He needs none.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
Love it, Matt!
Jay Douglas replied to David McCrary's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Tom, had we all voted for Hillary, it looks like we'd have cozied up to Russia anyway. This was her in 2010 as Secretary of State:

“One of the fears that I hear from Russians is that somehow the United States wants Russia to be weak. That could not be farther from the truth. Our goal is to help strengthen Russia. We see Russia with the strong culture, with the incredible intellectual capital that Russia has, as a leader in the 21st century. And we sometimes feel like we believe more in your future than sometimes Russians do.”

Okay. Go play golf. I'm gonna play tennis tomorrow morning. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
BTW, the best part of this morning's show was Sgt. T-Ben's mention of the filth in San Francisco's streets and its mayor blaming it on Shinola®! LOL! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
It's "Gene Lafitte" Street in Chalmette.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
We've got to secure our borders! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Here in America, we stand behind our erections!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Another example of violence depicted on Facebook! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
RNO Speedwagon? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Dorie Gibbons O'Neill's post.
Yes, Deer.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I think I successfully avoided all of those. Why do you ask, Two Dogs?
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's photo.
112 in Dog Years! :-0
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
There's a simple solution. When I go to a Chinese restaurant, I just order the MSG on the side. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's post.
Mechanical engineers design weapons; civil engineers design targets.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Lisa! I'm home!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Are there Grammy awards for thunder now? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Spittin' mage of Joe Cool! Oh, wait. That's John Laborde's baby picture!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
I watched the sky the whole time. Didn't see a single UFO! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
If the nominee isn't proven to be a mother raper or father stabber (to quote Arlo Guthrie), and is otherwise qualified, Senators should vote to confirm, regardless of party. Each President will get his share of Justices. If you don't like the Court's makeup, elect a different President. Trump let his list be known before the election, and at least partly on that basis, he was elected. The people spoke.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Yeah, I saw this one somewhere.
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
Mitch was just following the Biden Rule.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And if we outlaw straws, who gets the last straw?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Speaking of a waste of water, I just joined the "Pave the Lake Foundation" You'll be able to drive straight across to and from New Orleans and the Northshore, anywhere the lake was. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Paul Seeger's video.
Where's the cat box now? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Looks more like a split and a likely open. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's post.
Have a Happy! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Decisions, decisions...
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Oh. Got anybody that charted in the U.S.? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I thought it was supposed to be "Bedknobs and Broomsticks."
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Jul 7, 2018, 9:11 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Aaron Weinstein's comment.
Yes. The town could have been named "Mission Pendejo." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Oh, I guess I did Michoud, too, after the tornado.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
I really could start with NOLA! Only thing I've done there is Fort Pike, and that's barely in the parish!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Cool! But I doubt I could pull off focusing during the explosion. Not that coordinated. Also have no ND filters handy.
Jay Douglas commented on Leslie Threlkeld's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jul 3, 2018, 11:04 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
Hear, hear!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Some fortuitous bolts!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
What does a thesaurus have for breakfast? A synonym roll. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
For your viewing convenience, I've added a Slide Show button so you can see all the photos in a slide show with no need to exert yourself with repetitive mouse clicks.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
For your viewing convenience, I've added a Slide Show button so you can see all the photos in a slide show with no need to exert yourself with repetitive mouse clicks.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Are you sure? Douglas Adams says it's 42.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
The way the bill is cut off, it looks like they want you to mail payment to their po-boy. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Possible, I guess. Anybody else wanna weigh in?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Okay, so which station grouping is this one? http://jdthedj.com/BigPic.aspx?sp=RadioReunion2018.aspx&PID=396
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jun 29, 2018, 11:33 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I've managed it. Only took a month or so. Still not sure I like it, but with proportionally-spaced fonts, I see the reason for it. But don't ever try to take my Oxford comma! It ain't happening!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jun 28, 2018, 7:30 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Marchese's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That's okay. I didn't pay a dime for it. I merely inconvenienced a few electrons.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Long gone [sniff] :-(
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Nope. Cousin Brucie is alive and well at Sirius XM's "Sixties on Six." Scott Muni did indeed precede Big Dan in death in 2004. Muni got his start here in New Orleans in 1953 at WSMB.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
At least it's not in Cleveland.
Jay Douglas replied to George Bonnell's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, maybe that's it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My WRPI didn't make the list.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Never be at the edge of the frame with a wide-angle lens! It will put 162 pounds on you! See how skinny Tom looks in the middle of the frame? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Have a Happy, T-Ben! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Let us know!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Extremely cool!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I ain't worried.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
New Orleans/Baton Rouge?
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Here's the telegram from WPTR to the FCC about it.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
These might be the droids, er, diodes you're looking for.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I can't wait!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Seth Rich-ed, maybe?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Okay, it's summer now. Jud has his Solstice video. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
No, but a cannoli was also reported missing.
Jay Douglas commented on Judy Thorne's post.
And tell the dog to keep up his payments to the exorcist or he'll get repossessed!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Jun 19, 2018, 8:29 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Wait! You mean it's okay for men to murder women right now? BRB... :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Are you sure that's not an Atomic Rooster? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
But it's not what you were thinkin'. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah, I don't get my water from Terrebone Parish.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
Hope it's nothing more serious than excessive nose-picking. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Even got the props to stop while horizontal! No prop strike. Not bad!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Following the FCC's 2015 imposition of "net neutrality" regulation modeled after the regulations developed for the era of the Ma Bell monopoly and rotary dial phones, network investment fell by billions of dollars. We could have left it like that. I'm sure the government would have come up with something. An "Internet Investment tax" maybe?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I saw that lineup at UNO's Lakefront Arena.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Rock's greatest mumbler! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'm glad Mike Campbell found a home after the Heartbreakers.
Jay Douglas commented on Judy Thorne's post.
I notice he took the peanut kind!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I am. Which is why I don't fly on days like today.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
What she said!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
My format clock?
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's photo.
Can I expire now?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yup. Once again, you talked your way out of it.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Also noticed to guys (cops?) under an umbrella back down and get out of your way.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
They need to do something about those speeding ECVs! Somebody's gonna get killed! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Nope. It was Jeremy Spencer who disappeared from Fleetwood Mac to join the Children of God.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
As seen on TV! Sock Slider®!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I wanna see action!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Make it happen!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Jun 5, 2018, 9:03 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
And here's proof that T-Ben & Terry Walsh have attended before: http://jdthedj.com/SlideShowRR2014.aspx?pn=11
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
What if your pencil is pointless?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Duly noted.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Miss Rose used to make good stuffed peppers--'til I made the mistake one time of mentioning that I thought they were a little dry. They'll probably be off the Rocky & Carlo's menu soon, too. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
That counts. I can't remember who won The Big Snatch (1,000 albums and a Honda motorcycle).
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Maybe next year we can bring in WIXO's Jim White and WRNO's Sambo from Dallas. They both made it in for the WRNO reunion at Michael's place a few years ago. But once again, John Laroquette was a no-show. :-)http://jdthedj.com/WRNOReunion.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Richard Schultz's post.
Who you callin' old?
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Maybe a little drier than usual, but pretty good.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I was the only one from WIXO. Nick Bazoo is gone, and Tom Owens & Jeff Bennett didn't make it from out of town. We didn't bother with a photo. LOL!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Not me. I had stuffed pepper with mac & cheese and red gravy.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Not me. I was just one of those Master Control button pushers and projectionist. I have a face for radio, not TV.
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
Behind the camera.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You called up the TV people, Bob. I asked you if two summers at Channel 13 in Rochester during college counted.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks for being the community organizer, Bob! Great party!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
And I didn't take any selfies. Somebody will post pics of me.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Yup. Ho-Z was dere.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Drinking your beer through a straw these days?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Aren't you coming to Rocky & Carlo's this afternoon? What the hell are you doing eating breakfast?!? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's photo.
I'm deeply sorry for your loss, Lonnie.
Jay Douglas replied to Jason Hoffert's comment.
Might be easier to replace your whole head. Whose would you prefer--Chris Evans? Tom Cruise? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Thanks for the plug, Weerd-o!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
I got a car for my wife, too. I thought it was a good trade. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I've heard the story before, Blair, but this was a great presentation. Thanks!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No. Butterflies Are Free!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Hmmmm. I wonder what the asymmetric thrust is like when you lose an engine and the good one is way out on the other wing.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
The tires on my car rotate automatically as I drive. I only have to pay for the gas. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
May 20, 2018, 3:09 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Maybe we could. Lemme know what you're planning.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
I'll bet there'll be a substantial penalty after his early withdrawal!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I don't play records on Saturdays, so it's a royalty-free anniversary! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Michael Moore directed "Canadian Bacon," Kevin.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
For what?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
John Candy and Michael Moore were right!
Jay Douglas replied to Kirsten Copeland's comment.
That's what tipped me off there was something amiss. Nobody has a basement in New Orleans East!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Or not. The video above must be from a confused Canadian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EThrEvmqsKU
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Apparently some confused Canadian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EThrEvmqsKU
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's photo.
The instruction book calls it an "Outdoor Lounger."
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Think we'll see one in Bayou Bienvenue? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yikes! $31K? There'd better be a hell of a discount!
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
FM simulcasted with Worldwide on weekends.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
I spent half my weekends that year in WRNO's studio in the Wonderwall at the World's Fair.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Excellent, Dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Kern's post.
Want some opioids? The first one's free. :-) Hope you feel better.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Our grandkids (if any) are just gonna wake up poor, when the $20 trillion comes due.
Jay Douglas commented on Kirk-Spider Streetman's post.
Of course he walked away! How's he supposed to drive that pile of junk? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Black Labs Matter!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
A tutone. That used to cost extra.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
So, same as with the deal, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
I will!
Jay Douglas replied to David McCrary's comment.
Yeah, you right!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
May 6, 2018, 3:29 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
We could use some of that down here to solve our coastal erosion problem!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fertitta Mobley's post.
Rose, Toni only has one address. If she gives it to you, she won't have any! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
The Dude abides!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Standard as in 24-hour?
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Somebody took matters into their own hands.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Are you a cop?
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
In Red Stick.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Damn! You let the soup get away! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's photo.
I drove over it this weekend. Does that count?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Burkart's post.
And in a 5/4 time signature. Charted at 25 in 1961. "Take Five"
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
Mechanical engineers build weapons; civil engineers build targets.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Very cool! I've never seen one.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Eating dinner? What's on the menu for that?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah. He delivered Leno. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Ricky Rupnarain's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
After the 6+% drop in LMT yesterday, maybe I'd be better off putting my 401K into SpaceX. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Much better.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'm sure it's just a fad, anyway.
Jay Douglas replied to LeBron Joseph's comment.
You, too, LBJ!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Of course it had trouble focusing! You know very well birds have anti-focus feathers!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
It was WDCD for a while, Tom. Christian format. But, as Gary says, now it's dormant.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Magnolia, you sweet thing. You're driving me wild... --J.J. Cale
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
it's his blank stare.
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Go for it, Eric! Can't steer you to a club there, but Yuneec and DJI are probably the best drone manufacturers at the consumer and pro-sumer level. I wish an American company would get in the act, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Only when the plane has two wings on each side.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
I'm not a wingist. I like 'em both.
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's photo.
Nive exposure! Pure white is always tough.
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Just decided I wanted to ride inside for a bit.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Dat one!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
All but Steve Jason.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I knew you'd love it!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
It's a gas cap, not a "knob." And I told you before, unless it's an experimental aircraft, cameras have to go on the inside!
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's photo.
Was the surgeon looking down-in-the-mouth?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Well, there are a zillion acorns on the ground just two trees over in the side yard. All it has to do is go feast.
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
They can eat year-round down here. They don't have to pack on extra pounds in spring, summer, and fall. heck, we don't even have winter, spring, and fall. We just have this summer and last summer. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
Did you know that the death penalty has been proposed for people convicted of video recording in portrait orientation? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
[In my J. D. Sumner voice]: Way on down!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Bergeron's photo.
Way to go, Charlie!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Nice job, Bummer!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
Looks like a post about border security!
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
Apr 11, 2018, 3:23 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Nannette Benoit Gibbons's comment.
Did a little bird tell you that? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Sometimes I park in handicap spaces
While handicapped people make handicap faces
'Cause I'm an asshole!

--Denis Leary
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Not as bad as Charmin's "Shiny Hiny" spots!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
I watched just to see some of that famous Kodachrome archival red that should be good for 100 years! Good job, Bummer!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Well get crackin'!
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Thanks, John! How many names do I have? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's video.
George Michael. I get it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I was in St. Louis in 1972. Went to a Cardinals game or two. But I don't remember listening to Harry. I could have, but I don't remember.
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Suzanne Garsh Albright , Okay. CU there! I'll bring mine, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Sure! I guess I didn't sign your yearbook, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Harry Carey was Chicago, wasn't he?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Way cool, Chris! Always roll tape!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
Sure enough! Thanks, Tom! 😊 That aircheck is also here: http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Yup. Hillary sold the Russians a good chunk of our uranium supply. And her hubby sold China much of our rare earth metal processing capability. http://theweek.com/articles/765276/how-china-win-trade-war-1-move
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Oh my God, Marge! It's a flautist!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
"An remember, if you don't like the weather, MOVE!"
--Al Sleet, Hippy Dippy Weatherman
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Jay Douglas replied to Mike Tauzin's comment.
Had a Happy, or got some on ya?
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
"The likelier option is that this would translate extremely well into drone aircraft used to patrol the skies for years at a time, which, admittedly, sounds a little terrifying.” My drone stands ready for reactor installation! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
How much Cane's Sauce do you get for 36¢? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Koch's comment.
You too, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Nobody's taken a shot at it so far. And for the first part of this video, I was only at about 130 feet. Had to climb later so I wouldn't lose direct line of sight to it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Mar 31, 2018, 8:28 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Mar 31, 2018, 8:21 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
If it moves, and it shouldn't, use duct tape. If it doesn't move, and it should, use WD-40.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
And there was a huge Nipper high on the outside of the RCA building in Albany near where I went to college. And there were plans floated for its removal some night as a Cal Tech-style prank. Never happened, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Yeah, Travis, but it was from a high school buddy. What does he know? :-) Actually, he was in the debate club back in the day, and pretty good, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
BYW, it was considered uncool to use the belt loop for the case.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
That's why he allegedly used a knife instead.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
A "technicality" called the Constitution.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
It originates naturally. That the English don't recognize it may be one of the reasons why we declared our independence from them. And to be frank, I don't much like Scalia's take on the Amendment, either. He says the right can be limited. I say it can't. But that's just me. And you *do* know the Canadians are going to invade us some day, don't you? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
All rights are alienable. Just ask the 6 million Jews whom Hitler disarmed and then murdered. Or those killed by Mao and Stalin in similar circumstances. And if you know I have a gun, you're not likely to attack me with your fists, are you? National Review's (and my) point is that while the Amendment was a creation of the Constitution writers, the right it protects already existed.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Do you have a right to defend yourself from physical harm or death? Of course you do. Everybody does.

Did someone confer that right to self-defense upon you, or were you born with it? I think it's pretty clear you were born with it. Even animals, who wouldn't understand the concept of rights, don't hestitate to defend themselves when threatened.

Do you have a right to use any weapon at your disposal to defend yourself? Of course you do.

May anyone prevent you from using a particular weapon or method to defend yourself? No, of course not. They would be depriving you of your natural right.

And to answer your question about keeping guns from crazy people, we deny them in the same way we deny murderers and sex offenders their freedom.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I don't care what his party is. If you think like he does, you're wrong.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Yup. You don't have one? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Moose are hard to come by in these parts.
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
Wait! Whaddya mean? That's still Felix. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Hey Moe! Dis coffee tastes like paint!
It IS paint, you numbskull!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Today, pretty much nothing was up with it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jd Dusenberry's post.
Did I say "birthday"? Nope.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Robert Lightfoot is Acting right now. He seemed to be a good guy in his MSFC days.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
It's a gyrocopter. I have the wrong kind of license for that. Still pretty cool, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Nah. It's the jocks. They're violating the format. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
An open mind collects dirt.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I poured root beer into a square glass and ended up with beer.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
14 years later, my tonsillectomy (2 days in the hospital) was $127. Ice cream included.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I notice his open-carry of a semi-automatic handgun.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
We need to appoint a Special Counsel to "get to the bottom of this." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I wrote a song about Stormy. No, wait, that was Norm Yost, er, Dennis Yost.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Sit on it and rotate! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Have a Happy, Terry! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Mar 16, 2018, 3:25 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Dorie Gibbons O'Neill's photo.
I just take photos of flowers. It's much easier!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
She meant to do that! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Russell Pearsall's post.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
I have one for format transfers. Bought on eBay in great shape from a Buffalo rental company.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Das ist wahr! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
It's okay. They'll only be dumping sewage from Democrats into the aquifers. They're, um, "stuff" don't stink. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Tauzin's post.
Mar 12, 2018, 10:19 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
You're welcome, Jamie! Glad you offered it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
There's a bigger dose of the Doctor at http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! Sounds like our Geordie!
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Lucas's comment.
Did you try the *front* door, Chris? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Much better!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Morning has broken? It figures! The warranty just ran out yesterday.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Or, FB mangles every frame and makes the quality suck! When's the YouTube version due?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
So just plan to go for two hours when we switch back in November. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Nope. Not even after reading the book that Clarke wrote after the movie.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
Still being run by Dr. Paul Wagner from Michoud's Quality Lab?
Jay Douglas replied to Carl Fuglein's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
John Young, Bob Crippen.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
LOL! That place is right near the Slidell airport and I never remember to look!
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's video.
Hey, can either of you set me up with Bertha Butt--you know, one of the Butt sisters?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Harley Davidson is in Wisconsin. Bourbon from Kentucky and Tennessee. Wisconsin certainly qualifies as a swing state.
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
San Francisco. Have they seceded yet? I'm sure there are plenty of swingers in that state!
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's post.
Boudreaux's says it all!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
3E, but I don't heed no hexes on my car!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Musta passed under one of those burning bridges.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No. That's the Camaro.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Then PETA would go after them for putting nutria in captivity.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
You'll notice that possession of nutria is illegal in California, but they got 'em anyway!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Didn't what?
Jay Douglas replied to Judy Scheurer's comment.
I'm speeding along at 0 mph in the carport, having just started the car. If I buckled my seatbelt, I wouldn't be able to take the camera out of my pocket. So there!
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
At least she correctly states that they are "needs" and not "rights."
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I missed it. So did Doug. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Roger Bull's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
A bunch. But I doubt many stations will actually go dark. Maybe just a new corporate conglomerate running the places.
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Maher's post.
Mar 2, 2018, 5:58 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Excellent, Jud! I like the ultra-close look at the manatees' skin texture. Looks like you cleaned a couple off after a mudbath. Also looked like some had prop marks on their backs. Bad boat drivers! "Propeller tracks all across your back; I can see you've had your fun..."
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Speak for yourself! I just turned 29 a few months ago! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
I hope you heal BETTER than your ability, Bonnie!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Feb 27, 2018, 11:36 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
That's the way we like it.
Jay Douglas commented on Christine Couvillon's post.
So, no thanks for me because I only took 30 seconds to do it?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Can you go film that for me in SuperVision? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Um, the Cherokee were completely disarmed by the government before their forced removal. Government is dumb, but not THAT dumb! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bv8iucG-wY
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Let fear alone hold you back!
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
I'll vouch for you. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
From my cold, dead claws!
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Um, Bobby Keys on The Rolling Stones' "Can't You Hear Me Knockin'"?
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Doesn't this presume that it was working BEFORE death?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
In the 50's, I had to "duck and cover" in kindergarten. I turned out okay (I think).
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Feb 21, 2018, 3:21 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
If I ever lose Dixie Voodoo Lager again, Yuengling Black & Tan will be my go-to beer.
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
Feb 21, 2018, 9:09 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Joy Anderson's comment.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Can't be too far from WNOE on Bienville St.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Have a Happy, Danny! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Say something, eh? Well, this post is pretty corny.
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
Instead, just point your AR-15 at the robber and pull the trigger...30 times. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Look! A squirrel!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Eberts's post.
Thanks, Kenny!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
And Randall must be Canadian, eh? Or British.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Gravelle's post.
And it's pretty horny! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Caveman with a Facebook account! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Yup. I covered it for the radio station. I was there when the cops came in and read the judge's order to get the hell out. We did.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
6 - 4 ≠ 4
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
They just didn't change the withholding tables 'til this month. You can collect January's cut when you file for 2018.
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Feb 13, 2018, 11:09 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Let me know when you're ready for the real thing. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Somebody wanna explain the 16:9 flat screen monitors in this pic?
Jay Douglas replied to Doc Watson's comment.
Yeah, plenty of my stuff has been expropriated, too. As for the shower, there WILL be a royalty fee for that! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Clearly, you're missing the art, Pat! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Sirius XM could get Sonny Fox to program it. At least he spent some time here.
Jay Douglas replied to Doc Watson's comment.
They're both mine, Doc. But have at 'em.
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
Obviously, you're not the artsy type!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice work!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
It was a movie, too, wasn't it?
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Nothing in this decision stops them from cutting a benefit already being paid out.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I say we let the DACA kids stay and instead deport all the government officials responsible for letting their illegal parents come in and stay.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Robert Stack beat the crap out of all of 'em.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
45 times less boring than real life, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Reminds me of the hospital screw-up when they tried to send the Wong family home with a Caucasian baby. Fortunately, Mr. Wong was on the ball, and told them, "Two Wongs don't make a white."
Jay Douglas commented on Leslie Threlkeld's post.
Feb 5, 2018, 11:53 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Hillary did it, but she won't be charged.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
It's Geordie! Another One Rides the Bus!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Q: What did Grace Kelly have that Natalie Wood didn't?
A: A good stroke.

Okay, I'm out of bad taste jokes (on this subject, anyway).
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Q: What's the only kind of wood that doesn't float?
A: Natalie Wood.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
And to point the nose up, you just lean back in your seat, right? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Maggie May, but Natalie Wood!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's photo.
Have a Happy, Warren! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Great pics!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Have a Happy, Jud. Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's post.
So sorry, Scotty.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Jan 27, 2018, 8:46 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Stones? Hope they don't find beetles in there, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Hoffert's photo.
Nice ass! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
And finally, not to get too geeky, in the usual sense "1 and 1" really means "1 plus 1," a single mathematical operation. So to say "1 and (plus) 1 is 2" is completely grammatically (and mathematically) correct. So there! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Which reminds me of the joke about the three logicians who walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "Do y'all want beers?"

The first logician says, "I don't know."

The second logician says, "I don't know."

The third logician says, "Yes!"
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
A computer programmer would say " 1 and 1 is 1"
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
The puppy made a lot less noise than the drone.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
King Arthur? I didn't vote for you!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's video.
That's a good-lookin' car, Paw Paw! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jan 20, 2018, 2:07 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Like when my daughter visited my dad's apartment up there?
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Yup. Oops.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Have a Happy, Drew! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Only Marcus Williams does.
Jay Douglas replied to Aaron Handy III's comment.
Make belive Charlie's dressed up like a pirate.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy Werner Pollet, for the record, what you apparently deleted were remarks made by Hillary Clinton, not me. And yes, I do mind.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
So now ducks are not allowed to reproduce? Sheesh!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Looks a little breezy. Wind at 510 mph? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Here's one of our 70's kitties. Old-school black & white film.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Obama's policy sure didn't make our folks any safer in Benghazi. Well, maybe it was just his Secretary of State.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
When has Trump ever said he thinks some race is superior to another? The answer is never.
Jay Douglas replied to Judy Scheurer's comment.
Nope. That's way too tall for Rose.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Objection, You Honor. Speculation. Assumes facts not in evidence.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I resemble that remark!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
He's not a woman. He's not allowed to change his mind. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Even the USA has been called a shithole. https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-shithole-index-the-shithole-index-global-rankings-of-march-2013-2220743/1/20 :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
So was Rev. Jackson lying then, or lying now?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I was tied to a chair. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's photo.
Well, it's not a squirrel, but it's still cool! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
They have to be SMART investments in human capital, or there will be MORE store closings.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
If the store is unprofitable, continuing to pay those folks won't change that. It's a business, not a charity.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Businesses have to make tough decisions. They can't print money or confiscate it from taxpayers to pay expenses like the government. If a Sam's Club location is unprofitable, the only option is close it.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
That says "All associates hired before Jan. 1, 2016 will earn at least $10/hour. " Today's announcement raises the starting wage to $11. That sounds like an improvement to me, not backtracking.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
You'd have to ask those companies. I'm not privy to their business strategies.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
So you expect taxpayers to finance inefficient business practices/ Good luck.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
All I'm saying is I can't corroborate your claim that Wal*Mart was previously projecting a wage increase to $13, unless it was for some time in the more distant future. Can you point me to that information?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I guess I missed the news about any previous wage increases. Can't find anything in a cursory Internet search. Meanwhile, this should be read for a dose of Economics 101. https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/10/16/walmarts-efficiency-wages-are-working-so-dont-raise-the-minimum-wage/#7f6e16a377c3
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Who the hell is she, other than a purveyor of Resistance?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Got any proof that any of that video didn't actually happen?
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
The spacecraft was seen in a TV studio in Ohio. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
What's up? Dock?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Galaxy S2 had FM chips, but apparently not the S6. Sorry.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Laissez le bon temps rouler!
Jay Douglas commented on Zacharias Fulbottom Pfiffingsten's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's photo.
Have a Happy, y'all! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
All it takes is 32 of 'em. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
She blows Eddie Van Halen away. Might even be better than David McCrary! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Bach's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
These numbers are only the top 5 stations out of 17 subscribing stations in the market. Arbitron/Nielsen has historically made the complete 12+ rankings available to news media generally. Several years ago, they started making only the subscribing stations' numbers available to media like newspapers and Web sites. I believe this small excerpt is Fair Use of copyrighted material.
Jay Douglas replied to David Dunn's comment.
Group: Political Games
Some folks have no sense--not even one of humor.
Jay Douglas replied to David Dunn's comment.
Group: Political Games
So when Al Gore explains that the bitter cold is "exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis," he's not equating weather with climate? Yeah, right.
Jay Douglas replied to David Dunn's comment.
Group: Political Games
In that case, we agree with liberals.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
How about posting this article a few dozen more times? Some may have missed it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Weird. They let me in. I was dressed up as Jay Douglas.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's photo.
Mine's always on my keychain.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's video.
Don't work too hard, Pal!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Back when a fill-up was $5 or less, I never tipped a dime. I was a struggling student.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Fix "Balitmore" in the summary on IMDB. People will think nobody in Horton Strong can spell. :-) Hope it's boffo!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
What do we want? More deaths! When do we want 'em? Now!
Jay Douglas replied to Neil Silver's comment.
Group: Political Games
To attempt to balance nearly every other post here.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Actually, Jesse Jackson said they loved him.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I guess I'll post mine again, too. http://www.nationalreview.com/…/new-york-times-trump-russia…
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
"New Year's Day" is always good for U2!
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
U2, Travis!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Who was the third? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
U2, Toni!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Uranium One.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
NVidia, eh? That's one of our RPI guys! Happy New Year, Chris!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
You mean Happy *Old* Year? :-) Same to you, Phil.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
It took a couple of days, but first it melted, then it evaporated. Today, it feels like it might be back. Expecting 30° at midnight for the end-of-the-year toasts, and then down to 24° for 7 AM on New Year's morning. No snow expected, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Great shot! Hope you didn't wear him (or her) out!
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
[With my mouth curled up like Dick Cheney's] So? *Everyone* has had dirt on Hillary since her husband was President!
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Vitrano's comment.
The drawback is that when RealSense® is on, my drone's max speed drops from 37 mph to 11 mph.
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
Dec 30, 2017, 3:51 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They all got MBE status in '65. That's not knighthood.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Just stay out of the new R-4403 restricted airspace south of Picayune Airport! That must be a real PITA, eh? Old farts not allowed! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
No I wouldn't. The Jews and I would still have our guns, and Hitler would be dead already.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Or not.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Funny how Democrats never mention this poll as a possible reason for all the polls that say more people thinking everything Republican is bad. I have to admit, Dems are great brain washers!http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/pew-trump-media-three-times-more-negative-than-for-obama-just-5-percent-positive/article/2644448
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's photo.
I saw somebody wearing one of these and I thought it was great!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I talked to him at the Radio Shack on Harrison Avenue in Lakeview in the mid 70's. It ain't dere no more. Don't know about Al.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
So where do I buy one? Does that pilot come with it? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
I notice you're in sunny Florida, these days, Damian, and not sliding down the hill at -26° F to 8 AM freshman Chem lecture!
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Harness's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my brother!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's photo.
Same to you, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Thanks, Connie! U2!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's photo.
Merry Christmas, Chris!
Jay Douglas commented on Eddie Gibbons's photo.
So what is Ann Druyan--chopped liver? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Filet (of blackened catfish) from Copeland's. Definitely cheaper.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Sorry. I didn't look first.
Jay Douglas commented on Errol J. Terrio's post.
Dec 23, 2017, 9:39 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
What a krewe! Sorry I missed it, y'all! Merry Christmas!
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Wow! That brought back some memories I didn't know were still in there! Especially the Midtown clock thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
At least she's firm on the comma!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Wow! Look at all those blue states! Do the Republicans know this is coming? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I denies de allegations and I despises de alligator!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I present the science; you deny it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
I voted for George McGovern in '72. Then I grew up.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
The article explained the facts to Barbara. And I know I can always come here and find plenty of dung to fling.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Why not? It's their money!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
From the linked article: "Put simply, the use of a government server, like the use of an employer’s server, does not control the privilege or privacy analysis. Instead, courts typically employ a four-factor test, that tends to be very fact-intensive, email-specific, and individual-specific." The transition team did not necessarily give up its ownership of the emails, nor their Fourth Amendment rights merely by using a Government-furnished server to facilitate communication. Mueller MAY be within his rights to have the emails, but I'd like the question decided in court, not on Facebook.
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
By 2027, millions of Americans will have saved thousands and thousands of dollars o lower taxes. I challenge Democrats at that point not to extend the tax cuts. Remember when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts? https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2017/12/19/leftleaning-scorekeeper-so-the-gop-tax-bill-cuts-taxes-for80-percent-of-americans-n2424201
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
I see Scientific American has already learned its news was fake, since they took down the linked page. But in case you missed the story: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2017/12/19/fake-news-no-trump-admin-conservatives-at-the-cdc-didnt-try-to-ban-words-like-fetus-and-transgender-n2424580
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Well, that doesn't make for a clever play on my name, now, does it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
47% of the country pays nothing. It's hard to cut their taxes.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I try to limit myself to two political posts a year. Would be different if I did a talk show. But its hard to take somebody who plays "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep" by Mac & Katie Kissoon seriously about anything. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Um, Andrew Lloyd Webber? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, Beebe! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
You got a million of 'em, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Explains why it's so costly to certify a new airplane design. Test after test after test...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We'll see. Oliver North saw.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Oh, very close. The emails belong to the Transition team, not the government or the GSA. Mueller, therefore, did not get the owners' permission, nor is there any evidence he obtained a subpoena for this effort. http://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/365371-mueller-makes-reckless-move-with-seizure-of-trump-transition-emails
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Rodrigue Rocker Richoux's post.
What's the tuning for a 3-string shovel?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Hamburger's post.
Well done, Kevin!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Do I ever take anything seriously?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Fox News, as always, is just reporting the facts. If you have evidence that the Trump lawyer DID NOT accuse Mueller as reported, I'd like to see it.
Jay Douglas replied to Rene Tetro's comment.
Group: The Broadcasting Club
Thanks for the add to the group, Gary Liebisch. I remember well the Gates Yard and mini-mation from my stint as Jeff Douglas on weekends and overnights at WPTR from 1970-1972. Oddly enough, when I worked at WNOE (1974-1976) way down yonder in New Orleans, it had the same mini-mation set-up with two ITC triple stacks.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Can't see it. It's a closed group.
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
Move On without me.
Jay Douglas commented on Alan Smason's photo.
How much flem do I have to cough up when I pronounce it correctly? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
Food and health care are needs, not rights. When the government steps into deprive people of the fruits of their own labor to provide these needs to others, they actually deprive people of real, God-given rights. Should Government create a "medical draft" and conscript doctors into a "health care service"? Government has no money or assets except those they take from people. If you want to be compassionate, be compassionate with your own money, not mine. The more of us who take care of themselves, the better off we'll all be. And, just as was done before the government usurped churches and private charities, people unable to take meet their own needs will be cared for.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Modeled on the Clinton Foundation, no doubt. Where's Comey when you need him? He could have kept that grand jury from convening!
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
Coitenly! US citizens should get the best health care their money can buy.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yup. Count 'em. 6.
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
Nope. I truly believe the ACA sucks all on its own!
Jay Douglas replied to Michael R. Burch's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yet still so much better than the alternative.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Nope. 'Til now, they've been livin' on a prayer.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Nope. It's a cold-hearted orb that rules the night.
Jay Douglas replied to Julie Fernandez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Julie Fernandez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Just to be clear, we're talking Obamacare here, purchased in the individual insurance exchange marketplace, not general employer-offered or employer-subsidized group health insurance. Did you buy coverage as an individual (before and after the ACA), or are you getting it from an employer?
Jay Douglas replied to Julie Fernandez's comment.
Group: Political Games
You must be rich. Watch out! Democrats are out to tax you! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm glad you're the exception that proves the rule, Jamie! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Marco is lobbying to jack up the child care tax credit so folks will have more kids. We need 'em for the workforce to pay today's Social Security recipients. Sounds like a Democrat to me.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's video.
Don't quit your job in da day
Dats what I gots to say! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Awesome stuff! Thanks, Warren.
Jay Douglas replied to Connie Hayes's comment.
That should keep you snow-free. We still have some snow about.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's album.
Great stuff, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Eileen Dorn's post.
U2, Eileen! Nice squirrel!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
48 minutes to go as of 5:38 PM. Its 4K video, and takes forever. Started early this afternoon.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Prehistoric times, as far as we're concerned. We've only been in Red Stick since summer of 2014.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Way to go, Rhett!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
No problem. I was a plant engineer as well as a DJ. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Looks better with your name properly spelled!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Big open studio, live orchestra, no close-miked instruments, no overdubbing. They don't do it like that no more!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
An army of pumps is a good thing to employ if your sea levels are *actually* rising.
Jay Douglas replied to Wade Heyl's comment.
Group: Political Games
Fine as frog hairs, compared to many others in the political realm.
Jay Douglas replied to Wade Heyl's comment.
Group: Political Games
Nope. President has the authority to declassify anything on the spot--the same as Senators speaking on the Senate floor.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
I *know* you're not a Nixon guy. Nixon complained in 1972 of the Democrats’ “dishonest” platform language declaring Jerusalem Israel’s capital. So things have changed a little bit.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Impugning the source is what you do when you have nothing else.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Shows you only 5 stations in the market think Nielsen is worth the money.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Thanks, Warren!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilbert J. Etienne's post.
Have a Happy, Gilbert! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
But the real question remains: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
People in government are (supposed to be) trained to recognize sensitive information by its content, not its classification marking.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That's correct. They were supposed to use the State Department system for the non-sensitive info, and the Government-furnished classified system for the sensitive stuff. No sensitive information for any department belongs on personal computers or servers.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
After the damage was done.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Do your bawls have dimples? ;-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Oh, yeah. Surprisingly (or maybe not surprisingly), I was too involved with WRPI to bother with the railroad club. It's still there, in the basement of one of the frosh dorms.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I realized I screwed up as soon as I saw the images on screen at home. That's a tad late.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Huh? Oh,! Depth of field. Yeah. I forgot I had taken the camera out of aperture priority and was wearing a new pair of glasses. Couldn't check focus worth a damn!
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Huh? All I remember is uncoupling a real one behind Heritage House Apartments! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Schlenker's comment.
Would have been nice to catch it earlier.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Keep this up, and the reason will be because they can't find a headset big enough for him to wear on the sidelines! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Nor political.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Nope. Just that candidate Trump didn't "direct him to make contact with the Russians" as reported. He was President-Elect by that time.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah. Mike Flynn was guilty for lying about his perfectly legal behavior. Sad!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
And to think that a couple of years ago, Christmas was going to have to be cancelled because global warming from fossil fuel was going to melt everything at the North Pole! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Best's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Where will their tech support be based? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Just make sure you're off by 7 PM! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Nothing. The pilot was holding their beers while they did it.
Jay Douglas replied to Kenny Eberts's comment.
Refresh my memory. I'm like Al Franken: I meet a lot of people, take a lot of pictures... :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Right where it always was, even 5 years ago.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Here's 320 from a flight 5 years ago, Kevin.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
It's hard to get 800+ acres in one frame, even from 2,000 feet.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene Silver's comment.
Group: Political Games
Armed forces? Yup. It's a Constitutional responsibility for the Feds. Post Office, too ("postal roads" actually). Police, fire fighters, teachers, OSHA, parks? Nope. Not in there. All can be local responsibilities, if desired, with state or local taxation and control.
Jay Douglas replied to Danny StRomain's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Go ahead. The old cover photo for the group is an earlier one I took.
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Barkman's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Nope. Michoud is shown on the charts as a VFR reporting point. The FAA WANTS you to overfly the place so you can tell ATC you're "over NASA Facility."
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene Silver's comment.
Group: Political Games
Let's have the government by spending less money--FAR less money!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene Silver's comment.
Group: Political Games
Then let's REALLY go back in time, to the time when there was no income tax!
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
The day after, actually. Also, a hurry-up-and-get-one-more-flight-in-before-my-medical-expires-at-the-end-of-the-month-and-I-gotta-get-it-renewed flight.
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Thanks, Nathan!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
My wishful-thinking alarm is going off...
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Somewhere on the Northshore (or as Nash would say, "Da Nort' shore")
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Bergeron's post.
Thanks, Charles!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Donna sees it the other way. And I thank her for that acknowledgement. My only argument was about the non-crime of "collusion."
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Eberts's post.
One of those guys who, when arrested, says "Do you know who I am?" :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's post.
Thanks, Allen!
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
Thanks, Johnny!
Jay Douglas replied to Connie Hayes's comment.
Thanks , Connie!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Arena's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Thanks, Cathie!
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
Thanks, Damian!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Eberts's post.
Thanks, Kenny!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Thank you, Dear!
Jay Douglas replied to Elaine Scheurer Strahan's comment.
Thanks, Elaine!
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Thanks, Bruce!
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's post.
Thanks, Carolyn!
Jay Douglas commented on James Hadley's post.
Thanks, James!
Jay Douglas commented on Eileen Dorn's post.
Thanks, Eileen!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Doesn't bother me. I'm not defending him.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
Thanks, Jimmy!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Thanks, Warren!
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Miller's post.
Thanks, Robert!
Jay Douglas commented on Sylvia J Smith's post.
Thanks, Sylvia!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Thanks, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Desjardins's post.
Mister Douglas? It's not my dad's birthday. :-) Thanks, Bobby!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Much better! Thanks, Chris!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren Montet's post.
Thanks, Warren!
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Lambert's post.
Thanks, Ricky!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Thanks, Jeff!
Jay Douglas commented on Geoffrey P. Clement's post.
Thanks, Geoff!
Jay Douglas replied to Debra Palmisano's comment.
Thanks, Deb!
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Thanks, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Dale Stiller's post.
Thanks, Dale!
Jay Douglas commented on Robert H. Friedman's post.
Wow! From the date stamp on that photo, it took years to get developed. I'm guessing the car has a cracked distributor rotor. Thanks, Rock!
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Thanks, Billy!
Jay Douglas commented on Frannie Miles's post.
Thanks, Frannie!
Jay Douglas replied to Karl Jacobs's comment.
Thanks, Karl!
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Thanks, Mary!
Jay Douglas commented on Scott Harrison's post.
Thanks, Scott!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Thanks, Matt! What good-lookin' guys!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Downs's post.
Thanks, Tom!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's post.
Thanks, Chris!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Apparently not old enough to know better. Thanks, Jud!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Thanks, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
Thanks, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Thanks, Jamie!
Jay Douglas commented on Mabel LeCates Wickboldt's post.
Thanks, Mabel!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Thanks, Weerd-o!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Thanks, Alt-Jay!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Thanks, Suzanne!
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
Once upon a time, we did have some turntable cats.
Jay Douglas commented on Sherry Armm's post.
Thanks, Sherry!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Thanks, Gail!
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's post.
Thanks, Peggy!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Thanks, Lee Roy!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Thanks, Dennis!
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's post.
Jay Douglas commented on David Constant's post.
Thanks, David!
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
How 'bout a Whatever Twin Spin? Thanks, Steve (both).
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
Cute! Thanks, Stephanie!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Try as I might, I can't find a mention of "collusion" as a crime. Yet I hear it mentioned all the time and attributed to the Trump campaign. Only that wacko Maxine Waters mentions treason. But just not liking Trump is reason enough for her. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/449002/relevance-collusion-russia-not-crime-argument
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Cite the US Code reference.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Having a political agenda is, of course, legal. Collusion with a foreign power is, in fact, not a crime. As for the rest of your laundry list, you'll have to describe specific crimes and who you have evidence committed them. Hint: start will Bill and Hillary.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The sunny side. And other sides in the video. It hasn't been edited yet.
Jay Douglas commented on Zacharias Fulbottom Pfiffingsten's post.
Group: Political Games
Somebody needs to let Mr. Richter know that the Nazi philosophy is far closer to that of liberals than conservatives. Conservatives believe in individual rights and liberty; liberals are all about control by an elite few.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene Silver's comment.
Group: Political Games
My point is about people who disparage Fox News as right-wing garbage, while upholding the Washington Post as absolutely unbiased news coverage..
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And this is related how?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Nov 25, 2017, 11:49 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Errol J. Terrio's post.
I'll take it early. Thanks, Errol!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
We have leftovers. Want some?
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
I have the CD and bought the movie on Blu-Ray not long ago. The red VW microbus still has Troy, New York license plates!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The Famous 1540 is for sale. I've got details if you're interested.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I've got a video editor that has the computer generate royalty-free music. Might come to that. Who knows? It might turn out a big hit. Instrumentals were big back in the 50's and 60's! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
At least those "trash" Web sites are proud of who they really are and unafraid to tell the world. But go ahead and impugn the source when that's all you have. PATHETIC!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
U2, Mike!
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Don't credit me; credit The Daily Caller--it's their headline.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I'm sure Zacharias Fulbottom Pfiffingsten is a real name, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Bryan Ory's photo.
Sorry to hear that, Bryan. My condolences.
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
Somebody explain to me how NO tax cuts, or even tax increases, will be better for me.
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's photo.
Uphill both ways? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wade Heyl's comment.
Group: Political Games
3 million votes in the wrong states.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
There's your proof how bad Democrats are. People would rather vote for an alleged child molester than a Democrat! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wade Heyl's comment.
Group: Political Games
Election Denier!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I never said I thought it was wrong. I just was amused by the story and posted for your thoughts. And , as far as I'm concerned, take another toke.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
Nah. Republicans can't seem to coordinate *anything*.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I dunno. He doesn't say. Also didn't indicate whether any of them were asleep at the time. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wade Heyl's comment.
Group: Political Games
Trump was tried in the court of public opinion and acquitted. We didn't find out about Franken until it was too late.
Jay Douglas replied to Wade Heyl's comment.
Group: Political Games
Plenty of others here took care of that for me. Hope you didn't miss those.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
My drone stops at 400 feet up.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Never heard of Southern pine?
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Nobody's identified it. It seemed to be flying. So I guess that makes it an unidentified flying object. Sorry. That's the best I can do.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
A mystery.
Jay Douglas replied to George Bonnell's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Gwen, I think you need to get your sarcasm and irony detectors serviced. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
They're here to fight World war Z, right? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
I'm pretty sure I stepped in there once, but it must have been very brief.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
CD or vinyl?
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant."
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Can I let go now?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Musta been an IFR flight--I Follow Rivers. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Plenty of public critique, though.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
If there's an audience to be found, it likely won't be at an NFL game these days.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Call Mary Poppins. I think she knows somebody. Guy who used to work at Channel 6 in New Orleans...
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
True dat.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's album.
Good-lookin' shots, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
He felt comfortable doing it. There was almost nobody in the stadium! And where was that shameless hussy, Ethel?
Jay Douglas commented on Leslie Threlkeld's post.
She also said he's Big. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
As long as you're in Nashville, kick some shit for me.
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's photo.
Now, just double your pace, and you might be able to win a full one! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
This moment (5 hours after your post) N7855A is enroute from Dallas to Orlando. I heard flights at Orlando were delayed 5 hours earlier today when a camera battery exploded and folks thought it was a gunshot. So are you in Nashville yet?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You're a French major. I expected that!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Saw this once before. Wondered about using it as a dummy load for a radio transmitter. At WPTR, we used a 1,000-watt tower obstruction bulb on the auxiliary transmitter to tune it before switching it to 5 kW. Made a great color organ! Main transmitter was 50 kW, so we couldn't use it on that.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I have now! Thanks, Angie! Sounds like the one in Ascension parish. But this one is in Da Parish!
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Miller's post.
Shape up and ship out, Robert!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
Not good if you're trying to win concert tickets from the radio station!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
One of the best. NRHoF is in Chicago.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (2007): The Amendment does not protect “the right of militiamen to keep and bear arms,” but rather “the right of the people.” The operative clause, properly read, protects the ownership and use of weaponry beyond that needed to preserve the state militias.
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
We are no longer a nation of laws because we are no longer a nation with a judiciary that can read plain English! How can this court conclude that the 2nd Amendment authors didn't think "arms" were weapons of wars? They even referenced militias in it! [SMH]
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure this study has already been discredited by every climate alarmist in the world! No surprise there.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
So I listened to the three guys talking about some fantastic speakers, and they love them so much that they never once turned them on! Were they afraid that YouTube, my Kenwood amp, and my Radio Shack Optimus 5 speakers couldn't accurately portray their sound? Pshaw!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Watcha got for volcanoes?
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Cheer up, Cindy. Democrats are winning all the races tonight!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Folks I know have warmed pizza in the final amplifier cavity of a broadcast FM transmitter. Takes more power at 100 MHZ or so than it does at the much faster 2.4 GHz, the frequency of microwave ovens.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yup. Last 4 digits are the plate dissipation in watts.
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Do it without Novocain if you want to transcend dental medication.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
I don't mess with anything less than a 4CX5000. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Cross traffic can look pretty scary if you kick the fast parts up even faster (to 2x) on YouTube.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Has he figured out where the ions are yet?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
And often, he does play bad! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jay Schmitt's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yup. But I don't have video from that one.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Sounds like American farmers will have less money to pay their farm workers who come from--wait for it--Mexico!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hahn's post.
I think I read Facebook changed the notification algorithm a few days back so that you would see notifications "most important to you." It wasn't clear what happens to notifications they think you think aren't important.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
According to The WaPo, more than 97 million (80 percent, not 80 people)) will receive a tax cut. And what link "brings you to an application"?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, right. Meanwhile, the Twitter bots were hard at work to bury the DNC Leak and Hillary emails tweets. http://dailycaller.com/2017/11/01/twitter-buried-dncleak-podestaemails-tweets-in-last-two-months-of-campaign/
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
At least until a worse day, Hillary is not my President.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Mine are the Washington Post, the New York Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC...
Jay Douglas replied to Robert Crouch II's comment.
Group: Political Games
Mueller is not a man of character, so there's nothing to assassinate. http://news.wgbh.org/2017/10/17/silverglate-how-robert-mueller-tried-entrap-me
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
LOL! I KNEW you'd go there!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Okay, thanks, Darci. I'll keep that in mind. Don't think I've been there since a WRNO Kite Fest. The other issue is that Lafraniere Park is in Class B airspace from MSY airport. Have to get an ATC clearance to fly there.
Jay Douglas commented on Kirsten Copeland's post.
Thanks, Kirsten. It's less of a rarity these days since they stockpiled a year's worth (supposedly) before putting any out this time.
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
I married one. She won't let me hire another one. But she doesn't ask what I want my income to be. She just tells me how she's spending it. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
My daughter's just yanking my chain. She knows my pet peeves.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And as long as I'm ranting, why do we need "fail" as a noun rather than a verb when we already have the perfectly good noun form, "Failure"? To save three letters in a text message?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I'd like to ask "dictionary woman" above about the word she says was combined with "regardless," "irrespective." I hope she won't deny that "respective" and "irrespective" do not have identical meanings like "regardless" and "irregardless."
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I won't argue that "irregardless" is not in the dictionary. It obviously is. I just claim there's no legitmate reason to use it in place of the perfectly good "regardless." When English adopts new words for reasons of stupidity of its speakers, it diminishes the language.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Her spin and nuance to justify "irregardless" is a crock, and I think she's uneducated (so she got that part right). :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, hey! If all it takes is money, we could impeach Hillary! Of course, she's have to get elected President first! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
No, I'm pretty sure that's a zebra. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Armageddon outta here!
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's post.
Oct 28, 2017, 4:44 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Hell, remember the cent sign (¢)? Hardly ever see it used today, especially on a menu! Most folks probably don't even know how to type it on a computer (Alt-0162).
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Right now, Class A airspace, which starts at FL 180 (18,000 feet), is the only airspace off limits to VFR pilots. I haven't heard about any proposals to lower that limit. Where did ou hear or see it?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Bubba Sigur's comment.
Not before *I* was born!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
"...according to sources..." Well, hey, it must be true then.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Just like he delivered on the Atlanta Olympics Game bombing, attempting to nail the wrong guy (Richard Jewell).
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Or not. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-fbis-political-meddling-1508883468
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
A GOP donor, not the GOP itself, hired Fusion GPS for straight opposition research, but the donor dropped out of the picture. Sometime afterward, Fusion GPS hired the British spy with Kremlin ties and preparation of the dossier began.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
My longtime flight instructor who signed me off to take the private pilot checkride was one. Great guy!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Here, I've got some climate change research performed by oil company scientists for you to read.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
The Trump-hating National Review. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/01/standing-athwart-history-yelling-stop-donald-trump/426504/
Jay Douglas replied to Beth Harris's comment.
My childhood kitchen sink was a single, and the plastic tub left room alongside it for rinsing, as Beth points out. I'm of British descent, if that matters.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We're obvious arguing from alternative facts.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, right! "The idea that a Republican donor first hired Fusion GPS came about in a New York Times article published on Jan. 11, a day after BuzzFeed News published the Trump dossier. "According to The Times, a Republican who strongly opposed Trump hired Fusion GPS in Sept. 2015. "Few other clues about the donor have surfaced since then, though a BBC reporter who had been in contact with Fusion GPS prior to the election reported back in January that a Jeb Bush donor was Fusion’s first client. But the reporter corrected the article after being contacted by Mike Murphy, the chairman of Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise. The BBC article now states that the Fusion GPS client was a donor to an anti-Trump super PAC. "Murphy denied to TheDC back in January that a Right to Rise donor had hired Fusion GPS. He still holds the same view. “I just think I would have heard something if [sic] Jeb donor,” Murphy told TheDC through email this week. “.Don’t think it’s true. I would have heard, I think and I have heard zilch.' Katie Packer, the founder of Our Principles PAC, the most well-funded of the anti-Trump super PACs, also says she does not know the identity of the Republican client, or even if there is one."
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Localism? What's that?
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
The end of localism is now final.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
BTW, I HATE Web pages that require you to click through endless pages filled with ads to see only a sentence or two of content on each page! This is one of them.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
This message brought to you by the makers of Tylenol®--damaging livers since 1955. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
I'm sure he was on an IFR approach--I Follow Roads.
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Yes, and the best time to have the seat in front of you reclined is NEVER!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Right. It's OUR problem.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I assume we can't punish Trump for any sins of his family members.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"After some back-and-forth with Grayson and Royce, Cotton relented and withdrew the amendment."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
John Podesta's brother, so irrelevant, right?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The good ones are stainless steel.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Stainless steel? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You're absolutely right about our government having mortgaged our kids and grandkids up the gazzing with the Federal debt. But I don't think it's all due to voters voting in leaders who promise to cut taxes (I can only name 3 tax cut candidates before Trump: JFK, Reagan, and Bush); I think much of it has to do with voters supporting politicians who promise "free" stuff, which, of course, is not free. Out and out waste is another. For example, the mission of CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is “…to assure safe and healthful working conditions for every working person.” However, back in 1970 Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to “set and enforce protective workplace safety and health standards.” Requiring taxpayers to fund two different agencies to perform the exact same task is wasteful and creates a bloated bureaucracy. How much "safety" do we need? I'm sure we've both benefitted to some extent from that (I've yet to be electrocuted by a workplace microphone), but calling it "welfare" will only confuse folks.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Beats having to watch a stupid chick flick about the ones in Madison County!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Maggie May, but Natalie Wood!
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I always figured it was the piano player. It was a live recording, wasn't it?
Jay Douglas commented on Frank Cipriano's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And who remembers Dan Ingram on WABC cracking open the mike and yelling, "The skate key!" at that point in the song?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Sehr gut, Frau Albright!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Maybe they have connecting flights on Delta where bags are anything but free.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Love dem big 620 (or 120) roll film negatives! Made decent prints just by contact printing sans enlarger!
Jay Douglas commented on Suzanne Garsh Albright's post.
I *knew* it!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Fox News Alert: Corporations always pay zero taxes. They pass them on to real people to pay: customers, shareholders, and dividend recipients. Read the Walter Williams column.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Maybe the BLS needs to hire Beaver Cleaver's mother, played by Barbara Billingsley. She speaks jive (in the movie "Airplane!"). And when I use the BLS calculator at https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=102.34&year1=194107&year2=201709, I get exactly the number that CNSNews gets inflating $102.34 from July of 1941 to September of 2017: $1,718.33. As for paying a fair share of taxes, Walter Williams had a good column in today's paper on that very subject at https://townhall.com/columnists/walterewilliams/2017/10/18/who-pays-what-in-taxes-n2395681 And as for me personally, I haven't received a dime of welfare payments yet. Define "fair share." Income tax is already on a percentage-of-income basis, the same as a tithe. That's fair enough for God. Shouldn't it work for us, too?
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Good. I like happy criminals. They smile in their mugshots. :-) But to repeat, I don't want legitimate sting and undercover operations to stop. That was your interpretation.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Started at 9:55 AM today. Not sure about tomorrow, but probably a bit earlier with all the coaches meetings out of the way.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
When the people who want to kill us come from other parts of the world, then providing "for the common defence" requires "policing" other parts of the world. And liberal economist Paul Krugman says public debt can be a good thing, although, like you, I'd rather not have so much. But keep the military strong. Otherwise, we may have no nation to worry about.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
1,300 feet or so for the video. Radio control range spec is about 1,900 feet. I usually quit moving it away if the video starts freezing. That was why I quit moving toward the sailboat. Will automatically return home if it loses control signal.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
So attempting to entrap someone (a crime) is doing a "good job"? {SMH]
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
No, that would have just been Mueller lying. It's perjury in court or testimony. Entrapment is a practice whereby a law enforcement agent induces a person to commit a criminal offense that the person would have otherwise been unlikely to commit. That's precisely what he was doing to Silverglate.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yes we do. But, as you liberals and the ACLU know, entrapment is a different matter.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Okay. Didin't know that. But I saw a Thanksgiving Day Cowboy game there in the 80's. No turkeys then.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Glad you had the camera on the correct side of the phone selected for that one!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I don't think the Cowboys have anything to do with it.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Sometimes, a policeman is what people need to keep them safe. And I don't want you deciding how safe I need to be.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Um, the chart is in constant 2017 dollars.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
That's what it says.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Well, like I said, it's Weerd! :-) Still acts up for me. In Edge, it erases the whole post; in Internet Explorer, it won't get a preview, but it does post. In Firefox, it works fine. Wouldn't be the first time FB has screwed things up for Microsoft browsers.
Jay Douglas replied to Jude LeBlanc's comment.
I haven't so far, but I can. I got a Part 107 Remote Pilot in Command certificate that allows me to fly drones commercially the day they were first offered. Did some free stuff for my tennis club, but haven't actively sought commercial work.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
You're correct about the "need" for education. And I'm glad you're seeing it as a need and not a "right." Very early in the country's history, education was often "public," meaning it was provided by community-funded schools. Nothing wrong with that. But why must the Federal government be involved?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Somebody please do me a favor. Try creating your own post to the link above and let me know what happens. For me, the link just vanishes and the new post disappears as soon as I hit Enter after typing or pasting the URL.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Seems to me many of those "needs" were somehow being met before FDR. Answer the REAL question: when will we have enough?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"America was founded with a federal government whose primary function was to protect the liberty and independence of the people. We now have one whose primary activities make people dependent on the state."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's photo.
Zebra. That's the size Dolly Parton wears, right?
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Before the drone flight, I was in Mandeville to get my teeth cleaned. I guess having lunch beforehand would have helped me get my money's worth.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
It was a Tuesday. Were you off?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Looking at actual production, U1H, via Willow Creek, produced an estimated 210 tons of uranium, or 11 percent of the 1887.5 tons extracted in the US in 2014.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Photo is from 2015, but they've resumed the tradition this year.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
As The New York Times reports, “The commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellow cake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.” The Times report continues: Mr. Christensen, 65, noted that despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada. Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license. Instead, the transport company doing the shipping, RSB Logistic Services, has the license. A commission spokesman said that “to the best of our knowledge” most of the uranium sent to Canada for processing was returned for use in the United States. A Uranium One spokeswoman, Donna Wichers, said 25 percent had gone to Western Europe and Japan. At the moment, with the uranium market in a downturn, nothing is being shipped from the Wyoming mines. The “no export” assurance given at the time of the Rosatom deal is not the only one that turned out to be less than it seemed. Despite pledges to the contrary, Uranium One was delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange and taken private. As of 2013, Rosatom’s subsidiary, ARMZ, owned 100 percent of it.
Jay Douglas commented on Alverez Labat's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yup. Great flick! Missed it in the theater, so had to buy the Blu-Ray.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's live video.
Randy Jackson of Zebra, bro'!
Jay Douglas replied to Nancy Reiff's comment.
Group: Political Games
Which is why the investigation must resume.
Jay Douglas replied to Nancy Reiff's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm right here, with the bottom of the Snopes article: "On 17 October 2017, The Hill reported obtaining evidence that Vadim Mikerin, a Russian official who oversaw the American operations of the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom, was being investigated for corruption by multiple U.S. agencies while the Uranium One deal was up for approval — information that apparently was not shared with U.S. officials involved in approving the transaction. The Hill also reported receiving documents and eyewitness testimony “indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow,” although no specifics about who those Russian nuclear officials were or how the money was allegedly routed to the Clinton Foundation were given. In any case, none of these revelations prove that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton participated in a quid pro quo agreement to accept payment for approval of the Uranium One deal."
Jay Douglas replied to Jay Gauthreaux's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Don't know about Buffalo, but he was on in Rochester. The Walrus! [sniff]
Jay Douglas replied to Walter Buddy Knowles's comment.
Group: Political Games
That's right, reporting on reports by your beloved New York Times and The Hill.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
I still remember answering the request line at WIXO in 1973 and having a gal say (in this exact dialect), "Today's my sistah's birthday. Can you play 'Da Way We Wuh' fuh huh?"
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
The fact that 7 agencies approved it is what makes it a scandal!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Sheri Gardner Overman , read the Amendment. It doesn't say "guns"; it says "arms." And it doesn't say anything exempting cannon, explosives, or future weapons.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Stay tuned!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war...
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Hearing voices again, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Absolutely! Why do you get to decide what arms I can have? That right comes from God. What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand? And to a "progressive", a "weapon of war" is any semi-automatic rifle that looks scary, like an AR-15. Sorry to have to take what looks like such an extreme position, but liberals force me into defending myself from creeping restriction by redefinition of words. You're so good at that!
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Once upon a time... Yeah, right!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'd lose my war weapon, for one. As you know, the 2nd Amendment wasn't worried about whether people could hunt or not; it was worried about having citizens who could participate in the defense of themselves as well as the nation. It's a war out there. Look at Chicago.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm all for common sense, just not gun control. Let's start by fixing what's wrong in liberal bastions like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore. They already have maximum gun control, yet the number of blacks being killed is out of control, and it ain't the cops who are shooting them!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Doesn't make Hillary's actions legal.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Ah, but there's evidence the uranium IS being exported!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Correct. She essentially sold it to them for her Foundation's gain. From my other post about Russian bribery: "Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews. Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show. They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill."
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Ah, but the Administration did know.Hillary was part of the Administration. And Robert Mueller was the FBI Director. Rosenstein knew, too. They both must resign, because they sure as hell can't investigate themselves! Trump will have every right to can them both now!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevan Kenney's comment.
Moan back anytime, Kevan!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
They have been. But not for the past couple of years.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Oct 16, 2017, 5:38 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Oct 16, 2017, 2:27 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Go look at a sea-level chart that goes back 150 years. That's how long sea-levels have been rising an average of an inch a year. That's well before man's activities could have had anything to do with it.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Oct 16, 2017, 10:36 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
I've been to the road race course at Watkins Glen (saw the United States Road Racing Championship in 1967), but never the Curtis museum. Never heard about it. Guess I'll have to put it on my list for my next trip up there.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Denver, (Careful! Don't click on this!)
Jay Douglas commented on Quinn P. Ford's post.
Been there, done that.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
So, after all that, what you're telling me is that the posted meme is a fake quote, as I said. Thank you.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
BTW, this quotation has not been found in the writings of Thomas Jefferson. This quote is itself fake news. https://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/when-speech-condemns-free-pressspurious-quotation
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
What did Tom say about a man who condemns a fake press?
Jay Douglas commented on Annie Mae's photo.
Did you let Tom Brady work on your car?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Until just recently, Uncle Sam knew nothing about air. He said CO2 is a pollutant, not realizing it's essential to plant life and creation of oxygen.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
My six-pack comes in a cardboard carrier with a handle.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
Because none of the energy sources should be subsidized. If they can't make it in a free market, they don't belong. And land-based wind turbines have killed so many eagles (and other birds), some have probably decided to head for the sea. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Amazing what you can do into a good, stiff headwind!
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
Go for it. Just fund it with private investment and not taxpayer subsidies. And try not to kill too many eagles.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
My gun won't make love to a man of your caliber.
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm cleaning my gun and reading scientific papers on climate change. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A bit old, but still valid. https://youtu.be/B5ELyG9V1SY
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
"I'm not a climatologist or a scientist but a self employed cartoonist" - John Cook, Skeptical Science, and author of the "97% Consensus" study.
Jay Douglas replied to Verone Thomas's comment.
Group: Political Games
At least they weren't getting taxpayer subsidies like solar and wind today.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Probably more censorship of PopTech. http://www.populartechnology.net/2012/09/skeptical-science-censorship-of-poptech.html
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Not so. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/05/03/lindzen-soon-and-spencer-debunked/
Jay Douglas replied to Verone Thomas's comment.
Group: Political Games
"For centuries, Hemp oil was used as lamp oil. It began to be phased out in America in the 1870s when petroleum was introduced." I wonder why? Could it be petroleum was cheaper? When the free market comes up with a replacement for gasoline that is truly cheaper and at least as clean-burning, I'm all in!
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
Did I mention that PopularTechnology.net is Internationally recognized by over 300 independent sources including Forbes, the International Journal of Modern Physics, and the United States Senate? SkepticalScience.com is recognized by Wade Heyl.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
So not a single one of those 1350+ papers is credible, eh? Okay, I give up.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
You're an Admin. Rearrange it. It belongs to your yin/yang commnet below.
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
You must be talking to Wade, right? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Your argument has as much merit as you believe the Web site I referenced has: zero.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
So, Wade, PopularTechnology is the exact antithesis of SkepticalScience.com, which of course promotes nothing but climate alarmism. But somehow only one of them has no credibility? The papers it lists are not fake or faulty science. They're just not what you and your ilk want to hear.
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
Somebody has to mind the store!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
BTW, along with friends in New York's wine country, I do have friends in California, and I'd like to see the fires out. Has to be devastating to lose your house that way.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
If I set the Earth's temperature outside two degrees higher right now, my freezer will still keep my Blue Bell Bride's Cake ice cream nicely frozen. In the meantime, you alarmists can go read all 1350+ of these peer-reviewed scientific papers. Get back to me when you've finished (and only when you've finished). http://www.populartechnology.net/2009/10/peer-reviewed-papers-supporting.html
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
The surface temperature records are only accurate to +-0.2°C at best and almost all of the last 35 years of satellite and weather balloon data fit between -.2°C and +.2°C. The exceptions are the 1998 and 2015 El Ninos and a few other anomalies.
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s post.
Should we praise or bemoan government inaction on this? I can't decide.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
It's the second thing to go. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
The political part was California's idea. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
So what's a Duck worth, anyway?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nah. Not Shatner. Jimmy Dean did some rap in 1961, three years before Lorne Greene. https://youtu.be/KnnHprUGKF0
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
I dunno. Two of the Beatles are still alive. Can't say that for the Cartwright clan. Don't know if popularity translates to longevity.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
We had 'em here for the 1984 World's Fair. Took you across the river to Mardi Gras World. Disassembled and sold not long after.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
For all the little devils?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Excellent shot for a photo booth!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Ask the NYT.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Tommy Gros's comment.
Just ask 'em for flying lessons and then DIY!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Where'd ya get the camera that could take a selfie back then? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tommy Gros's comment.
Go for it!
Jay Douglas replied to Tommy Gros's comment.
Thanks, Tommy.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
Even more unbelievably, this record was #1 in the year of The Beatles, 1964!
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm just like Bill Nye: a B.S. in engineering (mine's electrical; his is mechanical). The difference is, I don't hold myself out to be an expert in climatology.. I hope you don't, either. But I'm glad you're at least likely to know the difference between carbon and carbon dioxide. And maybe you've got a line on a good, cheap replacement for plastic, since we won't have that once we stop drilling for oil.
Jay Douglas replied to Debra Palmisano's comment.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
For a quick fix, you can listen to Bobby's 2014 aircheck here: http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Keith Dellsperger's comment.
Hey, at least I caught the 3-wire! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
I suppose there's something wrong with the credibility of Richard Lindzen of MIT, too, eh Joe? That's okay. There are hundreds on our side of the debate. Maybe thousands. https://youtu.be/OwqIy8Ikv-c
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
Seriously? Take a look at the scales on the axes of your chart. The temperature scale on the left is less than 2 degrees. The time scale covers only 120 years. We're talking climate, Joe, not a few years of weather. Plot that data (to the extent we can believe it hasn't been altered deliberately to fit a government agenda promoting anthropogenic global warming as an agenda item) on a far more meaningful scale of 10 degrees or so, and over a time scale of centuries, and you'll get a far more meaningful picture of climate. It will still show changes. As the former CEO of the Greenpeace organization (hardly a bastion of conservatism) puts it: "The only constant... is change. That's true about life. And it's true about the climate. The climate has been constantly changing since the earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago. For example, in just the past 2000 years, we have seen the Roman Warm Period, when it was warmer than today...Then came the cooler Dark Ages... Followed by the Medieval Warm period, when it was at least as warm as today... Then we had the Little Ice Age -- that drove the Vikings out of Greenland. And, most recently, a gradual 300-year warming to the present day. That's a lot of changes. And, of course, not one of them was caused by humans. During the past 400,000 years there have been four major periods of glaciation -- meaning that vast sheets of ice covered a good part of the globe -- interrupted by brief interglacial periods. We are in one of those periods right now. This is all part of the Pleistocene Ice Age which began in earnest two and a half million years ago. It's still going on, which means that we are still living in an ice age. That's the reason there's so much ice at the poles. Thirty million years ago the earth had no ice on it at all. So, then, what about carbon dioxide, the great villain of the Global Warming alarmists? Where does that fit in to this picture? Not as neatly as you might think. Temperatures and carbon dioxide levels do not show a strong correlation. In fact, over very long time spans -- periods of hundreds of millions of years -- they are often completely out of sync with each other. Over and over again, within virtually any time frame, we find the climate changing -- for reasons we do not fully understand. But we do know there are many more factors in play than simply the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere -- factors such as the shape and size of the earth's elliptical orbit around the sun, activity from the sun, and the amount of wobble or tilt in the earth's axis, among many others. Even the relatively short 300-year period from the peak of the Little Ice Age to the present has not been steady. The latest trend has been a warming one, but it began nearly a century before there were significant carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. And, there has been no significant warming trend in the 21st century. Contrary to media headlines, the trend over the past couple of decades has been essentially flat. Meanwhile human-caused CO2 emissions are higher than ever. About 25 percent of all the CO2 emissions from human sources have occurred during this period of no net warming. So, what are we in for next? Will the temperature resume an upward trend? Will it remain flat for a lengthy period? Or, will it begin to drop? No one knows. Not even the biggest, fastest computers. All the information I've presented -- the increases, decreases and plateaus in temperature over the ages and into the last centuries -- is available to anyone who wants to seek it out. Yet to state these simple facts is to risk being called a "climate change denier." Not only is that absurd, it's mean-spirited. It's absurd because no one, not even the most fervent skeptic, denies that the climate is changing. And it's mean-spirited because to call someone a climate change denier is to intentionally link them to people who deny the Holocaust. So, maybe it's time to stop the name-calling. Predicting the climate, one of the most complex systems on earth with thousands of inputs, many of which we don't understand, isn't an exact science, or anything close to it. Maybe it's just a tad arrogant to suggest that we can predict the weather or the climate or just about anything 60 years from now. The science is not "settled." The debate is not over. The climate is always changing. It always has. And it always will."
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
There is scant connection between higher levels of CO2 and warming. During the Ice Age, CO2 levels were 10 times higher than they are today. More than 700 scientists from 400 institutions in 40 countries have contributed peer-reviewed papers providing evidence that the Medieval Warm Period was real, global, and warmer than the present.’ University of London professor emeritus Philip Stott: “Climate change is governed by hundreds of factors, or variables, and the very idea that we can manage climate change predictably by understanding and manipulating at the margins one politically selected factor (CO2) is as misguided as it gets. It’s scientific nonsense.”
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
The guys that are wrong on climate "science" are the guys who aren't scientists at all, like Bill Nye (the mechanical engineer) and Al Gore (the politician and failed Presidential candidate). Second, weather is not climate. Finally, there is no evidence that the almost imperceptible warming of the past few decades is anything but natural variation. CO2 levels are not the planet's thermostat. Many peer-reviewed studies have found the Medieval Warm Period was as warm or warmer than current temperatures. Give it up. "Climate change" is religion, not science.
Jay Douglas commented on Verone Thomas's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
The locals often say "career."
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
So how do you say "Carriere, Mississippi"?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I'd be happy if they just visited--like me.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
LOL! Only if they weren't up against The Archies!
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
He might have been executed later, by a firing squad, but he wasn't run over by the tank. Nobody really knows his fate.
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
I don't know the answer, but it will require the focus to be on people, not the inanimate objects called guns. And the guy in China stood up to a tank. Just think what he could have dome if a few million of his friends could and did own guns.
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
And you knew Dr. John before I did, way up there in upstate NY on WRPI!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
The Rolling Stones, who sought them out to open on at least one of their tours, will certainly root for the Meters induction, as would Lee Dorsey, Dr. John, Patti Labelle, and Allen Toussaint.
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
And what's the backup plan if the rule of law is gone?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And before anybody goes there: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jan/30/the-gun-show-loophole-myth/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That's right. We have background checks already!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I like 'em. Good with added banana slices, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Had to think for a minute to remember mine: KBSF0974, "Autopilot." And just like real radio, if you only have three letters in your call sign, you were in early!
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Bergeron's comment.
Probably termite-proof, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
She's been hitting the Summer Wine too much!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I'll assume from that it didn't suck. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's video.
My BestBuy doesn't have carts. Probably a good thing. I'd be tempted to fill 'em.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Yeah, just when I got to liking their Tin Roof Sundae, they quit making that, too. A tennis buddy who works for Blue Bell says they've amassed enough Bride's Cake for a year, but they're only distributing it in Louisiana.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Don't know about better, but I still like their Pecan Pralines & Cream (which they still make), and Mocha Madness (which disappeared a couple of years ago).
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's photo.
Open and eat it in the store while you shop for the rest of your stuff! Don't forget to pay for the empty tub when you check out.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Not right away. I'd have to get a rotorcraft rating.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Good stuff, Bummer!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Eberts's post.
Thanks, Kenny!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
That is the question.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
I gotta admit this stuff is pretty tasty, King Bob!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That number means nothing without a unit of measure. When I said I wanted to get down to 230, I meant kilograms! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
I'll take a STAB at it: O.J.?
Jay Douglas replied to James Joseph Maumus's comment.
Before he violates parole, or before somebody rubs him out? They seemed a little skittish about his safety?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Whaddya expect? They left the damn roof open, and it's October in England! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Too soon?
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Sep 29, 2017, 11:57 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I found some words in the parking lot at Rocky & Carlo's, Aaron. Are they yours? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
This just occurred to me. Most castles are brick- or stone-colored. Did they whitewash this one to indicate the purity of Louisiana state government?
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s post.
Why stop at drones? Why not a "supplemental" ordinance to ban overflights by manned aircraft during those hours as well? They fall out of the sky sometimes, too.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Where is Russ these days, BTW?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I sent Phreddie a phriend request a while back. Nothin'. How quickly they forget! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
Technically, like Viagra, rigor mortis is only temporary.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Russ Horton?
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Doe his obit have a centerfold?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Looks like a practical restoration rather than original. Wide tires (one, at least, could use more tread), and what looks like A/C.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
"Family Guy" is still on AFAIK. Don't know about "American Dad."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'll assume you don't watch "Family Guy," either.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Only if it was about a pig and a spider.
Jay Douglas replied to Mary Mcfarland's comment.
And General Motors loves you! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Maybe your birds don't hum because they actually know the words. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
It ain't the Three Stooges, but it's funny!
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Where I live (or used to, anyway), Indian Hills is a nudist camp.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Yeah, I liked 'em. Even liked 'em as part of The Champs. Tequila!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Good luck understanding them:
"Oh hummingbird
Lend us your wings
Let us soar in the atmosphere of Abha
Lift us up to the heaven of holiness
Oh source of our being, oh hummingbird."
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
I hear King George had a thing for interior decorators. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Original recipe Trix are back.
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
He looks pissed!
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Twain thought the medieval architecture was way out of place on the banks of the Mississippi. See his "Life on the Mississiippi."
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
See my reply to Jud above.
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Gravelle's comment.
The Alan Parsons Project? I have no idea, but my guess would be none.
Jay Douglas commented on Christine Scheller's post.
Get the CD or download the song from YouTube, Christine, and listen closely at the end. You'll see why I said it. Hard to hear on the radio or the 'Net. And its only on the album version, not the single.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
BTW, the photo is in the correct orientation. This guy was hanging under the bottom of a storm-damaged branch he was pecking.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Only briefly.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Have we ruled out Rensselaer?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Not bad, but I like the flying ones better.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Sep 22, 2017, 10:42 AM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Hillary Clinton and her foundation had no problem with that. She wasn't the President (thank God), but an office holder nevertheless.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I noticed how well America did under the friggin' peanut farmer.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Yeah, but only 43 bathrooms. Not really enough! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I dunno. It's big, but not big enough to fly Delmar inside. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, the blue word was a little tough for me, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Nothing to it! And all this time, I've been told I have a slight red/green defect.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
There's a big difference between owning one peanut farm and the massive business holdings of a guy like Trump.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
What if I mess with your toot-toot?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
The CM is now seeking treatment for PTSD. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Only in Washington can a monumental screw-up get you a reputation for "impeccable credentials."
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Second Prize is two Paris Hilton CDs, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Like when he nailed the wrong guy in the anthrax case? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/05/21/when_comey_and_mueller_bungled_the_anthrax_case_133953.html
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah: breading! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Real men don't eat breading! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Apparently they were debunked by Comey himself, since he started writing his justification for not prosecuting her long before all the witnesses, including Hillary, had been interviewed. It was a foregone political conclusion, based on neither facts nor law.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "Y'all want beer?" The first logician says, "I don't know." The second logician says, "I don't know." The third logician says, "Yes!"
Jay Douglas replied to Walter Buddy Knowles's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Good no matter who raises it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Football player J. J. Watt raised about twice that I think. Maybe NFL fans have more money or are more charitable than music fans.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
James Comey rattled off some of her crimes on July 5, 2016. He just refused to recommend prosecution and usurped Loretta Lynch's authority. But let's not stop with Hillary. let's go for Cheryl Mills, Huma Abadeen, and Lois Lerner, too.
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
Sep 12, 2017, 9:19 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
It ain't over 'til she's in jail! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
If the lake isn't in the house, it's all good!
Jay Douglas commented on his own GIF.
Sorry. I still think of you as Georgia relatives! I'll edit it. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's photo.
Picked a good day to get out of Florida.
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
Having evacuated for multiple Louisiana hurricanes over the years, including Katrina, we've learned to do it a day or two earlier than everybody else. If it turns out you didn't really need to go, you just count it as a few days of vacation.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
There's a North Pole, NY, too. Been there. Have photos of it somewhere.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Yup. It's a place. But I can't find my photos of it. :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Hey Moe! Dis beer tastes like paint!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Hope y'all don't have to be flippant like Flipper!
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
James, Iran is buying and using North Korean technology.
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
You get Walfare when you retire from Wal*Mart.
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
Sep 6, 2017, 12:36 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Just remember: Maggie May, but Natalie Wood!
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
I wish we could re-Joyce! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
At least he knew better than to hit back! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Terry Young's comment.
:-) I'll mention that to the MD/PD/GM and owner.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Those could have a big impact, small as their sample size is. BTW, Nielsen now owns what was Arbitron.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
The Bee is the newspaper in Fresno. Ingraham and Coulter's publisher is Regnery Publishing.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I said it because Nielsen does radio ratings as well as book sales ratings.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
K-Love! We've got one of those on the 'TIX tower!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Sep 4, 2017, 10:06 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin Hamburger's comment.
Wow! I remember that! And how's that live "A Christmas Story" thing going that you're working for Fox, Kevin? Better be good. One of my daughter's all-time favorite movies. Even has the Ralphie lunchbox! She's primed to watch.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure they don't.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Don't know who that would be, but, if true, he'd probably vote to uphold the Dred Scott decision, too.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
What Francis said!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Nope. http://www.freedomworks.org/content/health-care-not-right-0
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act in 1986, requiring hospitals which accept Medicare payments to treat all comers at no charge. That does not create or confer a "right." Hospitals could stop accepting Medicare (admittedly not likely), or Congress could repeal the law (also admittedly not likely). So, no right, regardless of the size of the Congressional asses.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
Violence belongs in war, not politics. Your example is war. We're talking politics here.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
I doubt the video is conclusive on who cast the first stone in Charlottesville. But that was preceded by the Antifa attacks on peaceful Trump supporters at rallies doing nothing more violent than wearing a "Trump hat or shirt. Don't tell me there's no equivalence. Violence is violence.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
I'll try to make this simple. Nazis don't have a right to beat me up. Neither does Antifa.
Jay Douglas commented on Joe Joyce's post.
Group: Political Games
On Aug. 3o the Washington Post departed from its previous line by publishing an opinion piece declaring “Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis.” The author, Marc A. Thiessen, stated “Totalitarian is precisely what they are,” and noted that Antifa’s followers are mainly communists, socialists, and anarchists who believe physical violence is both justifiable and effective. “In other words, they are no different from neo-Nazis.”
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Repetition does not make it so.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
What part of "it's not a right" didn't you understand?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I suspect I could get my medical care a lot cheaper if the government and insurance companies were not involved. Like college tuition, when the government gets involved, prices go up? When it stays out, prices (e.g. LASIK surgery), go down.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
What do I do if I intend to oppose it? http://www.afcm.org/hcinar.html
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
Geaux, Jimmy, geaux!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
Suzanne, we're married, not dead!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I guess Reverend Jackson is turning his other cheek so he can show his second face. Different story in 1999. https://youtu.be/J5lcART6TTE
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
You may have another (Slidell Car Show)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I'd put my money on the power supply being bad. But don't leave it on there. Might catch fire. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I don't raise chickens, so I have no need to candle an egg. But I'll bet Sophia's will make beautiful babies! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Martha Laux's comment.
Sehr gut!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
"The report makes a global-warming-level case for the terrestrial radio industry to upgrade or face obsolescence." So it's a hoax, in other words! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Suppose 20 Nazis or KKK folks held a protest, and nobody for Antifa (or anyone else0 showed up. Would there be violence. Would they destroy the park and set stuff on fire? I doubt it.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
On the radar at the moment, it looks like one big blob of precip headed your way, and another headed due north, leaving us in the middle with nothing much going on.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
I don't see anything that spells "OT." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
I always thought so.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
ButtCam? LOL!
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
In these parts, there's always a threat of flooding But we're good so far. Just a few puddles in the street. Sun's actually out at the moment. Thanks for thinking of us. Will gurgle if we have trouble. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Francis J DaRoza's comment.
Group: Political Games
Just think: all the money spent on rebuilding we be counted as part of the GDP, and Trump will get credit for it!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'm so tired of "awesome," I'll accept anything as a synonym!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
That's so 90's! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Got a word to replace "awesome"? It really needs one.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Here's an Antifa tutorial for you, Cindy. http://dailysignal.com/2017/08/17/far-left-antifa-agitators-on-the-rise-in-the-age-of-trump/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Top5&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWkRsbE1tUTRaREF4TnpZMSIsInQiOiJEOTE4Um1BYVlRM3U2V05KZXBBRUVkQnBCZTV4WDE3S0VSMmFVNDl2aWJXRWd6WnZsaVhlQlBvbDluK0pJRFF4MGtOWVErRnFmT0p0Q0NUb0VLdDExbHFhbE9uaCtxK0l5ZmVLdklCVVRYUWVaSDFxMUhkUWUrNFA0b2tzcWc3TSJ9
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Don't think I'd want to land my quadcopter on that! Especially if I was in it!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Thanks. They called my cell phone. I put in a claim.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Must be NBC fake news. How do I "See if your number qualifies..."? The article links the settlement PDF, but the Web site it lists is just "www.website.com"
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Gosh, I had no idea this was fake news. Humor should be outlawed! Thanks to Donna A Wiederhold for taking all that trouble to go to Snopes and check out this well known joke! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
This should be good. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
At least there's no Fire!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I thought you'd rather have Harvey miss Texas.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
"And the winner is...Miss Texas!"
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Zimmerman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
There's an inside catwalk near the ceiling at the 205 foot level. Around 230 feet or so to the rooftop I reckon.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Cat lady? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, apology accepted. And you saw me at the radio/TV lunch, although I don't think we got to talk.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
All I can say about racists, white supremacists, and the KKK signing up as Republicans is that they probably want jobs and lower taxes just like the rest of us. They sure as hell won't get that from the Democrats.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
Happy Anniversary, y'all!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
As far as I know, only three Southern Democrats actually switched parties and became Republicans: Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and Mills E. Godwin, Jr. That's not much of a takeover.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
James, please consider this: https://www.prageru.com/courses/history/inconvenient-truth-about-democratic-party
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Donna A Wiederhold, Democrats got those statues erected just as soon as they could. That was during the Jim Crow era. Now, Democrats have decided they're a bad thing.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
James Francis, slave ownership is never okay, regardless of how well treated they may be.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
When the statues are gone, the books have been burned, and all vestiges that a Confederacy, a Civil War, and slavery ever existed or happened, how will Liberals play the race card (or at least justify the play)? Oh, nevermind, I'm sure there's no end to it.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
So it's okay to hold slaves if you're holy about it? I'm trying to understand this stuff.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Same to you, Aaron!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But crawfish live in ponds and mud, not the sea. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Nannette Benoit Gibbons's comment.
Hey, you got a cat with your eclipses, too? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Opthomologist clinic stock is a buy, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Right after they tear down all the mosques because Muhammed was reportedly a slave owner.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Oh, I'm sorry Ms. DeJean. Your Jupiter and Mars are out of alignment. We'll have to replace both your upper and lower ball joints and Pittman arm. I'm afraid it will be a little expensive... :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Okay. I'll put it on my list. Seems like everybody and his brother is making an IPA. Abita here makes "Wrought Iron IPA" that's pretty good.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I didn't know Italians had anything against crawfish. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Connie Hayes's post.
So...crawfish, jambalaya, boudin, red beans and rice?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
My favorite beer.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Surely you don't want me to drink the stuff that comes from the Clydesdales!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Suzanne Garsh Albright I went for it last night. Couldn't wait 'til tonight! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
I took me weeks to find some, and now you want me to boycott it?
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Now brewed in Memphis rather than Wisconsin. Next stop is back in New Orleans, where it belongs!
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Burkart's comment.
Right you are, Matthew. Covington and Mandeville have always kind of run together for me. They share the same I-12 exit.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Any relation to 21 Pilots? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Thanks, Matt. I always meant to take a picture of that thing, and apparently never did.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Couldn't pick you up. I wasn't current for passengers. Had to go solo until I got in 3 takeoffs and landings. Shot a couple of touch & go's at Slidell, so I'm good now.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Sometimes, I like to fly stuff from the inside,
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
No footage. Just a still photo I grabbed out the window.
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Well I certainly wouldn't date you. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
And I didn't have to pay $28.75 to get in like the folks do tonight. Of course, I was with fellow rock 'n' roll DJ and PD Tom Owens, who was working in Memphis at the time.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Oh, THOSE Lowe's.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Does the Acworth Lowe's have anti-aircraft missiles?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Much better! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
And you get gluten free!
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
So fly United. They'll take you there badly.
Jay Douglas replied to Kenny Eberts's comment.
Born with hydranencephaly. Brain was mostly missing. Not known why.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's photo.
Drop it, quick! It might have been used on a man bun!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Lemme know if you happen upon any Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager. I came up empty in Winn-Dixie yesterday. Nothing but empty shelf space.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
You and the family could move to Sturgis and become Sturgeons. But then you'd have to stay in water. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
I'm sure we see hurricanes more frequently than you.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Downs's comment.
How 'bout the 5-day one during the August, 2016 flooding?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The first 2 GB are free. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
We've got a battery on ours, too, but it can't help if there's no incoming service.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Video Ready Access Device. Fancy name for a neighborhood network node. Fed by fiber cable and feeds out to twisted copper pair or more fiber to the residential premises. DSL on steroids. Provides Internet, VoIP phone, and U-verse TV via IP. Uses utility AC, and is supposed to have battery backup. But...
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Sandra LaBarge Neumann's post.
Where's the silver sauce dish? There's no plate like chrome for the Hollendaise.
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
Aug 9, 2017, 11:45 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ha! You weren't missed! Nobody cares! Oh, wait, that's T-Ben's line. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Aldrich's post.
Are you dragging your feet to slow the circles down, yet?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Aug 7, 2017, 10:37 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Carolyn Angel's comment.
Michael's s'posed to be back on Wednesday.
Jay Douglas replied to Carolyn Angel's comment.
I'll bet you wanted to hear "Sweet Carolyn," eh? Sorry, couldn't find it. Michael must have taken the record with him. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Aug 7, 2017, 3:43 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Owner doesn't park very well. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
My wife told me to stop acting like a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
You need to flip the bird! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Not on the 3rd floor, I hope!
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Schlenker's comment.
I've seen a couple. Keep forgetting to watch.
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Not if you pump it out.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Salter's comment.
I saw them do a 43-minute live version. The rest of the band left the stage (and presumably went out for coffee) while the drummer did his thing. When they returned, one of them brought a towel with which to mop off the very sweaty drummer, and then the band chimed in to wrap it up.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Eagle 98.1?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I guess you're gonna keep us in suspense about what radio station it was, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You didn't put the request line on busy-hold? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Does it have all those attachments to sharpen knives and stuff like my mom had, or does it just suck? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hope you had a Happy, and didn't get none on ya Bob! Your timeline wouldn't let me write on it yesterday. Figured you were winding it down.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
I have the trumpet sheet music for Big Al's hit "Java" written by Allan Toussaint. I can almost play it. Great pic, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I think I link this one best, though I'm not sure why. It uses less screen real-estate, but still seems better.
Jay Douglas replied to Julie Gocker's comment.
Thanks, Julie.
Jay Douglas commented on Susan Kelley's post.
At least somebody shot me! Thanks, Sue!
Jay Douglas replied to Suzanne Garsh Albright's comment.
Doug Fogg is my "heir name." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's album.
Hey, David McCrary, if you can see this post, how about refinishing Tab's guitar? Looks a little beat. I noticed it at Jazz Fest. Maybe a nice paint swirl? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Progressives, not progress.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Headaches do get a brief mention for fluorescent lights. So does my alma mater (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute). Now THAT was a headache! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Vitrano's comment.
There are three green lights that indicate gear down and locked. Beyond that, I dunno. I've never flown an Airbus.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jul 29, 2017, 9:50 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Hey, Joan Buckner Torres, maybe the pilots were just men IN drag. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
I hope you captured the carbon emissions from all those burned calories, young lady!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Women pilots. [ducking]
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I dunno. I always have the stuffed pepper. The Mrs. won't make 'em anymore.
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's photo.
That one might be over the weight limit to qualify as an sUAS (small Unmanned Aircraft System). I'll bet it's a tad over 55 pounds.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Schlenker's comment.
And my camera still works! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Wonderful...NOT! :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's album.
Okay, I just added my photos. No tags yet, but you can always view them and their captions at http://jdthedj.com/RadioReunion2017.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's photo.
I wish LMT would do the same!
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's video.
Jay Douglas replied to Patrick Farrell's comment.
Technically, if I remember the ordinance right, 5 dogs or more make it a kennel in Slidell. Gotta have a permit.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jul 24, 2017, 10:31 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Jul 24, 2017, 10:20 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
It may be rice wine to you, but it's sake to me!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Michael was indeed PD through the 80's. The format was his usual.
Jay Douglas replied to Ray Fisher Toney's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I think so. Go back to pre-radio days, and there's this fact: by 1840, New Orleans had become the wealthiest and the third-most populous city in the nation
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Will meetings between them be deemed as collusion, and an attempt to influence ratings? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
That's my bowling beer, 'cause they have it on draft!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I did a 9 AM to 12 midnight stretch one Saturday in college at WPTR in Albany, NY. I filled in for the 9-2 guy, Gil David, who was sick, as I recall. The 2-6 PM guy was Billy St. John (who grew up to be Max Kinkel at WCBS-FM), and was snowed in down in the Hudson valley and couldn't make it in. I did my regular 6 PM - 12 midnight shift to cap it off. But that's only 15 hours.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
And I've renamed our bathroom from John to Jim. Now I can say that the first thing every morning, I go to the Jim.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I put a cinder block in the living room. By the end of the day, I've walked around the block many times.
Jay Douglas commented on Debra Palmisano's post.
Jul 14, 2017, 9:03 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Paul Seeger's video.
You may think that paw is covered with kitty spit, but it's snot.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Bergeron's post.
Jul 12, 2017, 9:51 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I think this involves neither Trumps nor Russians.
Jay Douglas commented on Joey Sanders Falgout's post.
Sheesh! Good luck with all of it, Joey.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Stanley Beck's comment.
Thanks, but I doubt I'll ever be in Stockholm with a drone. I hear all the buildings there have hot and cold running blondes, but I didn't see any in that footage. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Yeah. Hadn't thought about getting high before flying my drone. :-) Might be a good idea!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
You don't think those electronics are gonna work in a place with no air-conditioning, do you? I mean, you don't wanna drive in it, right?
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I imagine the drone laws *are* different. Just making the point that such a flight over, say, New Orleans, would be tough with my drone. My video link craps out at about 1,500 feet away, so I can't use that if I lose line of sight to the drone, which is illegal in the US anyway.
Jay Douglas replied to ワイス マーク's comment.
That's good, unless the destination was supposed to be San Francisco. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! I posted about the same thing a couple hours ahead of you.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Yeah you right.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But if this one is viral, it's probably not good.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
My formula IS the answer!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You're welcome, I think! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's video.
Any Smoke on the Water?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Sheesh! I'm getting old! I just realized the last time I heard about a coati-mundi was when Mr. Greenjeans brought one onto the Captain Kangaroo Show!
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
And what about Chuck Berry's 6-year old Marie from Memphis?
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Nah. It's a song about a city in Wisconsin. He even says,"Eau Claire" at the end. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Jul 9, 2017, 12:18 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
You never tried the tri-color?
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Still cheaper than ink jet printer ink!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Should make Jeff Bennett happy!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's photo.
Last I checked, it's in Da Parish, near The End of the World.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ah! Okay.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
Job Fair?
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
Getting an early start on it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
He might walk a mile for a Camel, but wouldn't he really rather have a Buick?
Jay Douglas commented on Sylvia J Smith's post.
Group: Scheurer Family
So, you're unique...just like everybody else! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Guess I won't need the Reynolds Wrap. "No extra aerial needed."
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
Jul 7, 2017, 8:28 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Was your dentist looking down-in-the-mouth?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Thunderstorms don't like their privacy invaded.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
LOL! That may be! Nick's was one of Weerd Wayne's favorite places! As for the floor cleaner, the story goes that a huge batch of skunky Dixie beer got brewed when it absorbed the fumes from the brewery's floors undergoing a major cleaning at some point. Made a lot of folks quit drinking Dixie. I never much liked the stuff, but I love my Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
It may come to that. Crescent City Distributing.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Maybe you got some of the infamous batch of regular Dixie with the floor cleaner in it!
Jay Douglas replied to Michael J Uhl's comment.
New Orleans is only in 9th place at the moment in per capita murder rate. But we can rise in that ranking just by having some more folks pick up their computers and leave.
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
Jul 5, 2017, 6:19 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Okay, cool. I watched for several minutes, and nobody showed any interest at all in Louisiana. Guess I don't have to rush to update my virus software. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jeremy Bordes's comment.
Known fake.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
Haven't tried a dye sub printer since the late 90's or early Aughts. I'm sure they're better now.
Jay Douglas replied to Nannette Benoit Gibbons's comment.
Color toner always has that "baked on" look.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
U2, Debra!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Again, it's decent color photo printing I want. Can't get that with a monochrome laser printer.
Jay Douglas replied to Nannette Benoit Gibbons's comment.
Tough to print good color photos with a laser printer. That's primarily what I want color for.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Wore it to a Horton Strong gig or two, as well!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
I tried to take that shot from the UNO parking lot in 1973 with a cheap Polaroid. It didn't work out too well.
Jay Douglas replied to Nannette Benoit Gibbons's comment.
And I've never bought toner for my ink jet printer, either! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
BTW, I know I've played fast and loose with conversions from fluid ounces to avoirdupois (weight) ounces, but I don't speak French. My daughter does.
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
Nice to have a real runway handy when it does!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Thanks for posting, Warren.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
"The legal system has not yet caught up with the issues of privacy, trespass and aerial rights raised by private operation of inexpensive drones, but the right of a property owner to “defend” their home up to at least 83 feet above the land has been established since the 1940s."

Huh? The legal system pretty clearly says the woman committed a felony under 18 U.S. Code § 32 - Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities. Drones are aircraft, and are in the "special jurisdiction" of the US at any altitude.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Cool! Got a pick-up truck? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's post.
Can you put them back after they're removed? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Blaze's post.
Just ask Andy Kaufmann.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
You own just as many Piper Cubs as I do! C'mon over! The other reason is I'm grounded 'til I get over some eye surgery.
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
Jul 1, 2017, 6:09 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Found my Greg Koontz video and I missed the landing! Too many spectator heads and a gazebo in the way! Grrrr!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
I'll have the crawfish etouffe, please, with a side of boudin balls. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Missed your calling, eh? You should have gotten a gig at WPTR. You could have talked to the cop who used to park in front of the Gold Studio. He got me out of a red light ticket, :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Gotta go look for my video of Greg Koontz doing this at the Slidell Air Show a few years back.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
Easy. Heat is always faster than cold.
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Hart's post.
Have a Happy, Linda! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Zephyr (now Baby Cakes) Field often hosts a WTIX Beatles Night for AAA ball games. We made the mistake of providing Beatles songs on a stereo CD. Their PA only picks up one channel. Of course it was the one without the vocals on several tracks! We re-mixed the CD to mono for the next Beatles Night.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
My voice used to be on Jessie's telephone answering machine back in the late 70's.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
True dat!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Have a Happy, Ben! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
RF Ablation?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Feet of sea level rise avoided? Is that figure handy? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Have a Happy, Maureen! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I would be the anonymous source in this case.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
It's a joke, Tom. Ya know how everybody rags on the NYT and WaPo for reporting fake news with nothing but anonymous sources? Nevermind. You know what they say if you have to explain 'em.
Jay Douglas commented on Mabel LeCates Wickboldt's post.
What's your password--"secret"? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The New York Times and Washington Post both report they have an anonymous source who says Jay Douglas' "Rock 'n' Roll Flight to Midnight" is #1 in its 7-Midnight time slot. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
That wouldn't be fair. They didn't do it to Hillary. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Who knows? WTIX doesn't subscribe to Nielsen.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
LOL! ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
And when all is said and done, more is said than done.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Same to you, Phil!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That adjective is already taken.
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
Hang on! You look like you're upside down to me! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Here's a little present for you from one of my old cats, making the most of the opportunity to hunt in the Thousand Islands in upstate NY.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
I think that'll be the plan.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Great stuff, Blair!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
LOL! No, the slab is only 6 inches. Base of the generator adds another 5 inches. So about 11 inches of freeboard.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to John Gabriel's comment.
Installation cost also includes the "smart" transfer switch which starts the generator and switches your house to it automatically when the power dies. Switches back to the utility when you get power back and shuts off the generator.
Jay Douglas replied to John Gabriel's comment.
In my case, installation was $100 less than the generator itself. All depends on the length of the electrical and gas runs required. In our case, both are pretty near each other on the same side of the house. Less than ten feet to the gas service and maybe 25 feet to the electrical service entrance.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
If you take the trim off the base, there are lifting holes for a crane. How big of a crane do you have? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
22 kW, air-cooled. Bigger than this, and you have to look at liquid-cooled. Bigger price tag. House has an ancient 9 SEER 5-ton A/C. Heat is gas, so that's not a load.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Like a Boy Scout.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
It does have a so-called "Smart" transfer switch.
Jay Douglas replied to Nannette Benoit Gibbons's comment.
First time I've heard a generator called "beautiful." I should show you the alternator in my car. You might think it's "cute." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I was doing weekends as "Jeff Douglas" while in college when Max was at WPTR as "Billy St. John," so we didn't intersect often. Found an old survey with both of us on it.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Dorie Gibbons O'Neill's post.
I call it "playing in the dirt."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I suspect by the time anybody has made it to WABC, they all recognize the other guys are good, too. At WPTR, Max seemed to be more of a Drake fan than a WABC fan, and ended up spending some time at The Big 8 before moving to NYC.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
I second that emotion!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Indeed. And I never realized Max Kinkel was there so long. I worked with him when he was Bill St. John at WPTR in Albany in the early 70's. I made no secret of my liking Dan Ingram (on WABC at the time). I don't think Max was quite so enthusiastic about Big Dan, yet there they both were at WCBS-FM!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
With Marc Sommers, of course! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Tauzin's post.
Also good for cleaning the contacts of a 110-volt electrical outlet. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's photo.
♪♫♪ Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends? 
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Which one of you wants to be eaten first? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Which is to say you're working for Paula exclusively. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
I knew it!
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
I never noticed his shoes. What have I missed?
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Indeed! Ya think I can get some like it over Lake Pontchartrain?
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Happened to my wife when she drove past a city crew doing some weed-eating. They paid up--eventually.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Nyuk nyuk nyuk (nyuk)!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You'd think a Tv person would know that TVs are landscape, not portrait! Grrrr! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
It's a trap!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
He looked much smaller where I was. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
We'll look for you. Glad I did the morning show today.
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Yup. Gas heat, gas water heater, gas stove, gas starter for the fireplace. Need a higher volume meter though. Entergy's coming Tuesday to put in a bigger one. Free upgrade.
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
Huh? Whaaaattttt!? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Where's he keep his quarters?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Hope it goes well.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Hope all goes well.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I still have stereo.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Been kissing people? Maybe you had a case of mono. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
If they're good cuss words, you can call it profane. If they're not so good, call it amateurfane.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Does that one have Ferris wheels?
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
We know. There was that time you submitted a whole bunch of them to a pun contest, thinking surely one would win. But no pun in ten did.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Roll bar and everything! Cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Eberts's post.
Thanks, Kenny! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
There are a few more transmitter pics here: http://jdthedj.com/WTIXxmtr.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Does this make me a bigamist? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
If posting this is your way of saying he's not great, then I'm making progress!!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Good luck, Marleen!
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
What happens when one of the ducks figures out that grapes taste good, too?
Jay Douglas replied to Mary Steele-Stieffel's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I thought I noticed fewer hugs at this year's reunion! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Doc Watson's comment.
Settle for one of each? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
What 70's show? Oh, That 70's Show? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kenny Eberts's comment.
Got ya covered, Kenny. About 9:30 AM or so.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Thanks. Saw it somewhere else a while back. Pretty cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Which came first? ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
You ate Bambi?😮
Jay Douglas replied to Gail Delaughter's comment.
Looks like Michael took all the Monkees records home with him for now. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I see a few of my photos in that video.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
This car must have rudder pedals, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Cheney's post.
Damn. Sorry to hear that, Mr. Skinny.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks to both of you! Another great time. My photos now in post-production. It's hard making radio people look good. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Soixante-neuf. Look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls.
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
And wherever you go, there you are!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
If I was mixing music, it would have to be "Purple Rain," or Deep Purple, not purple flowers.
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Only in the broadcast biz! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
You should never smoke until your cremation.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I don't HAVE to smoke.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Only for the mathematically-challenged.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And 90% here.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
The tax man's taken all my dough,
And left me in my stately home,
Lazing on a sunny afternoon.
--Ray Davies
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Aw hail!
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
He's a TV guy. It's called a "tease."
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
As for fathom, I changed "understand" to "fathom" just to see if you were paying attention. Nothing unconscious about it. Congratulations!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
He *is* a fool, and this has no connection to climate science, other than his mention of religion. The religion is climate alarmism.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
What part of "no problem" don't you fathom?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And when he gets a question about whether the President believes in climate change, launch this one: https://youtu.be/OwqIy8Ikv-c
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
There's already a process for this in place. They can file for an airspace restriction from the FAA. Texas needs to butt out in this instance.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
♪♫♪ He's a travelin' Pal, made a lot of stops, all over the world...
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
How do you spell "simplex"? Well, it's "S" as in "Sierra," "I" as in "India," "M" as in "mneumonic," "P" as in "pneumatic," "L" as in "lima," "e" as in "echo," and "x" as in "xylophone." What could be simpler?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I note that none of it looks like Picasso painted it. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Pratt's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
They were the house band there for sure.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
So I see. I didn't even notice.
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
May 27, 2017, 2:08 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
LOL! I think I have a shot of a 737 on final to Stennis when I was riding with a buddy pilot shooting touch and go's there. It was one of those casino shuttle planes brining in gamblers to the Gulf Coast. Have to look for the photo. Maybe it was video, come to think of it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
In my experience, when you take a good shot, the compliments you may get about it are never about your photographic skills. They're always like, "Wow! You must have a really good camera!"
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Start with a right: the right of the people to bear arms. Now command that the right not be infringed. Finally (or firstly in this case), state one reason (and not necessarily all reasons) for not infringing that right. See how easy it is to understand? The right would still exist even without militia, because the people were endowed with it by their Creator, not granted it by some document.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Nice shots! No struts. But there is an airplane part in that third one. You always chide me for that! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
May 26, 2017, 9:44 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
The vinyl is only $35. Got turntable?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Mmmmm, good!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
It's not blue?
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
'Scuse me while I kiss this guy. ♪♫♪
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Lee Circle? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
There ya go!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Listen to me. You might learn something. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
May 21, 2017, 3:08 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Just a little AM (After Marrage) static. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
It's a rare circumstance when a court reads a law and understands the clear text.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ha! Now they'll probably double your tuition!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Did you donate or something? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
One of my college classmates, the late Gary Skala, was the long time president of The Jerry Lee Lewis Fan Club. Gary worked at WRPI, my college radio station, and with a piano and mike, could almost *be* The Killer! I wish I had a copy of the tape we made.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Only a smart cookie knows the difference!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's photo.
I guess you wanted to give it to 'em straight. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
1 is approximately equal to 2 for large values of 1.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
They don't if it doesn't make sense economically. And the numbers are always calculated in the insurance company's favor.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And if we truly had a free market, there would be some company willing to sell Sandra a cheaper policy that omits coverage for prostate cancer.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And I'm sure Letterman is well enough off to be self-insured.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
There was no woman involved in the Congressman's example. Had there been, and she was of child bearing age, then I would hope her (or their) insurance purchase considered that.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Bad analogy. Someone might smell that flower after all. He might actually visit that park, or gawk at that piece of art. And, if he gets into the right situation, that tax cut may eventually apply to him. But there's no way in hell a 62-year-old man is going to need and use maternity care!
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's post.
Have a Happy, Luke! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
"This comes after researchers from Boston University found that people consuming less than 6g of salt a day have higher blood pressure." I'm obviously salt-deprived!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
So, the first singer is a future Mariah Carey?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I talked to Brian a few minutes ago and have edited the post above to include the visitation scheduled at 1:30 PM. Service is still at 2 PM.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
The "natural cause"? Kool-Aid!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Early in my career, yeah.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
I didn't think to shoot the traffic jam for B-roll footage.
Jay Douglas replied to Damian Cameola's comment.
So, you think I should be selling ice cream from a truck with bells? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Dammit, Jud! I'm a DJ, not a lawyer!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Hamburger's post.
Because you had dinner with Jean Shepard when you were at WRPI, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
That would make it too long to Tweet.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
They all got punched out by Robert Stack.
Jay Douglas replied to Diane Weldon-Jaffe's comment.
Somebody thought it was a tear but it's not?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
His ears look good, too!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Forgot to turn on RAW (via a CHDK hack), so this is the JPEG straight out of the P & S camera (Canon SX40). No cropping. Shot through the front door window. Highlights are blown, but it still looks decent.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
When your nose runs and your feet smell, somethin' ain't right!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's photo.
Yet not a single mama!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Lookin' good so far.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Nah. My right eye just fell apart again like it did 26 years ago. Both times at the N'Awlins Air Show. Had surgery Thursday. After a vitrectomy, the retina's back in place with a gas bubble in there to keep it there while it heals. Vision is creeping back.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Get some photos! I'm recovering from a retinal detachment. Wondered if y'all would show up!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Here ya go.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
Let me know when you see a lily-livered, yellow-bellied sap-sucker.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
What did you say?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
I was thinking the same thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Looks like that one was just a low approach. No touch.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Was that the A/C unit you just "fixed"? ;-) Nice jet ski nevertheless!
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Lucas's comment.
NVidia was cofounded by Curtis Priem, RPI '82, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
It's okay. Canada has free medical care, don't they?
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Dat's "ersters" to you! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
The guy and his wife who live across the street from my cousin in The Villages have his and hers Corvettes. He won the second one with a $500 raffle ticket at the Corvette Museum in Kentucky. Last 427 off the line, supposedly.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Her other option was to talk about preferring figs.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Watch out for Bettha Butt--one of the Butt sisters. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Ah, okay. Didn't realize you were there yesterday. How long to get out of the parking? Two hours for me to get off base.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
You went today?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Oh, a wiseguy, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Pal Al Nassar's comment.
Had to be fun! When is it my turn?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
No boom, but close.
Jay Douglas replied to Yvonne Riviere Pond's comment.
I've never had a problem getting out until today. Two hours before I even got off the base! In the 5 or 6 years with no air show, they apparently forgot how to control traffic.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Listen to many of our national newscasters completely mangle the pronunciation of the Communist candidate in the French election. Every Cajun here knows how to say "Melancon," and it isn't MEL-lon-kahn.
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
I prefer the bigger, hairier yellow balls of tennis. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's post.
I will indeed be watching them this weekend! Weather better cooperate!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Right now (1:32 PM on Friday), there's only a 20% chance of rain tomorrow, and that's after 4 PM when the Blue Angels should be done. I gotta be on the radio Sunday, so Saturday needs to be good! http://jdthedj.com/Weather.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's post.
Farm house!
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
Thanks, Jerry!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Takes after Mom, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's video.
Thanks, Allen! And it all goes back to WNOE in the mid 70's.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Looks like a couple of those were last night's pictures. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's photo.
If you floor it, you might be able to get your speedometer needle to cover up the temperature so you won't think about being cold. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Turns out the story above is fake news from a fake newspaper that was picked up by a bunch of media. Shame on them! What would happen if everybody on Facebook opened a command prompt on their PC and typed "ping mississippiherald.com -t" and let it run for a while? I'm not saying that I hope that will happen. I'm just wonderin'... :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Did Odia Coates ever have his baby? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Wow! Not only do you *know* everybody, but you're *related* to everybody!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Happy birthday to Jeanelle! Any relation to Tony? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Cut it down and make something out of it, Charlie!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Do I have to be dead before I read it?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Ah! There we go. A food picture!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
No picture of it?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Good shots!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
So, the Metro, the Louvre, and was that the Arc de Triomphe? Do the Eiffel Tower, and you'll have Paris wrapped up. Then you can come home. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Also need to make sure you don't use any other apps on which you may have elected to "sign in with my Facebook account." Good luck remembering, and good luck with the suit.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Looks akin to one of these. 12 meter diathermy machines, something you always read about possibly causing radio interference. http://electrotherapymuseum.com/FischerImaging/SW12/index.htm
Jay Douglas commented on Matt Young's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Any idea what the date of this ad was?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Tried to post this last night, but Facebook was broken.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Rose told me to stop acting like a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I guess it boils down to whether you think that when you agree to employment, you agree to relinquishing basic privacy and other rights that have nothing to do with the job. I happen to think that you don't. Employers who track your eating habits at their vending machines to keep their health insurance costs low might do better to just stop offering health insurance. None of them did before the government installed wage controls during World War II. Offer to cover some of the costs with bigger paychecks and let employees pay their own health care costs, either directly or by purchasing insurance. Let the employees deal with insurance companies to get lower rates by proving to them that they eat healthy.
Jay Douglas commented on Kirk-Spider Streetman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I got a big framed one from the big art giveaway at the end of the ET Program.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Apr 6, 2017, 9:24 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Apr 6, 2017, 5:30 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Sounds like a story they tell tourists. Like, "Atlanta" is an Indian name for "place where people wait for airplanes." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Errol J. Terrio's comment.
Yeah, but it's the New York Post this time, not Popular Mechanics. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
Hey, look! Field Effect Transistors with heaters and glass envelopes!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's photo.
That looks far too healthy!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Film at 11?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
The only shooting I want to do from my drone is of the photographic variety. If I wanted to do the other sort, I'd see if I could buy that F-4 Phantom parked near Exit 19 on I-12. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Phil above is first.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
You second.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
§ 91.15 Dropping objects.
No pilot in command of a civil aircraft may allow any object to be dropped from that aircraft in flight that creates a hazard to persons or property. However, this section does not prohibit the dropping of any object if reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
You first. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
Mar 31, 2017, 9:53 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
She was also the mother of a Monkee (Mike Nesmith). He didn't tour with them in 1986, but the rest of them are here: http://jdthedj.com/Monkees.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Will do.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
How quickly they forget Barqs!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Just don't watch any doctor shows. :-) And feel better.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Did for me. Had two episodes of a-fib: one two days after heart surgery, and another a week later (both right after Saints games, for what that's worth). Took that stuff for a month and no problems since (4 years).
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
I haven't been there since the 70's. Of course, as a Lutheran, I always feel obliged to nail a message up on the front door whenever I'm there. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Let me guess: amiodarone for a few days?
Jay Douglas replied to Harry Hayes's comment.
Except that they wouldn't stay put. What do the folks in NYC do for TV when the asteroid's over South America? Although I guess with the right transmitter power and a steerable receiving antenna, curvature of the Earth wouldn't be an issue.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Mar 27, 2017, 11:55 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Mar 27, 2017, 11:54 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
We should clear by 50-100 feet. By Blue Angels standards, that's a mile!
Jay Douglas replied to George Artigues's comment.
Sure! See the knobs labeled "OBS" on the two dials at the right? Most pilots think that stands for "Omni Bearing Selector." We DJs know it's the "Outstanding Bass Selector." ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Duck you suckers!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
PD? As for slowing them, just go look at the album of stills here on FB. Set your own pace.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Cool! Hysterical, er, I mean historical! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
It was a Canon, actually.
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Vitrano's comment.
You must be Doug R. R. Vitrano.
Jay Douglas commented on Stanley Beck's post.
You must be Lawrence Welk! "A1 and A2,,,"
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Tara Bonin's photo.
I'm so glad you didn't say "better half," Tara! :-) Have a Happy, Earl! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Mar 23, 2017, 10:03 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Very ccol!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Mar 22, 2017, 7:49 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Mar 22, 2017, 2:25 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
How patriotic of you, Charles!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
The shirt is pretty artsy! Is it crafty, too?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'm duly worried!
Jay Douglas commented on Cheryl Taylor White's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Thanks, Cheryl. Here's a link to the article. http://www.nola.com/community/st-tammany/index.ssf/2017/03/infinity_science_center_raises.html
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
Thanks for all the fish!
Jay Douglas replied to Errol J. Terrio's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Errol J. Terrio's comment.
I'll keep that in mind if I ever buy one, Errol.
Jay Douglas replied to Stanley Beck's comment.
See the dial that says, "ALT"? It says 2,100 feet.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Slater's post.
Shouldn't I get professional courtesy from Lockheed Martin? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Have a Happy, Terry! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
He stole the toilet from the police station. Cops have nothing to go on!
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
I suspect they're not too lazy; I suspect they're too smart to work, what with the perverse incentives we provide for them to avoid it. Doesn't take long to figure them out.
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
What part of "paradigmatic" don't you understand?
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
I think back then you got three or four steps!
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
I know so little about flowers, I wouldn't know Amaryllis from Omarosa! :-) Flowers are my wife's department. After all, her name is Rose. I just take pictures.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's photo.
Big deal! We even get that stuff down here in Louisiana. Here's the roof of my car, 3/12/1993. A whole inch! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
One of several.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I can see a bit of myself there!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Pediasure or Pedialyte.
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
ISIS squirrels, probably!
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I'll bet she says Feb-u-wary, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Rut-roh! Seeing the cardiologist might not be a bad idea, unless he's a bad cardiologist. Good luck, Marleen.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Had a few of those eye shots myself. Good luck, Wayne. Hope this drug stops you from being a degenerate! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
A people person? Then you'll probably socialize excessively. Pass.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Is there a blue flame coming out of your ass?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
The one that's wrong most of the time?
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
I'll drink to that!
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's album.
Nice stuff! Are those bicycle wheel reflector plants native to the Hammond area? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
I'm gonna be sick! :-O
Jay Douglas replied to Allison Young Mulhern's comment.
What was I talking about?
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
Type "green", first in Song Title, then in Artist. You'll get 22 and 19 hits, respectively. http://jdthedj.com/Top40.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Phred Simmons's comment.
Can I engineer it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Bruce, Russ, and Fred? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's post.
Looks like a nice Neumann U87 mic! (Sorry. I'm an equipmophiliac.)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Bugging? That would be the CIA or the NSA, impersonating the Russians.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Mar 10, 2017, 11:45 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
I...just want to celebrate...♪♫♪
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Like a blender on puree.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I think you're pulling my chain, you tree-hugger! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Beatlemania! ??? Oops! Copy & paste error on the Web site. Better fix that!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's post.
Sure takes a while for those last big ones to inflate, doesn't it?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I submitted a bunch of puns to a pun contest. I thought sure one would win, but no pun in ten did.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Always hurts when they use one of those seam rippers.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
I won $3 a time or two. I spent it all in one place.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
"I shall dispatch some of my Nubian associates to your place of abode for a less than social call."
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Do you also have Bill Oponnick's translation into the King's English?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I weigh in at 250, so there!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Cool. I guess you think I'm a nerd. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
That would require more paperwork than it's worth.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
The one on the right is reminiscent of some default Windows wallpaper, so it ties in with the Internet theme. As for saving the planet, only George Carlin comes to mind. :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W33HRc1A6c
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Government? Work? Those two words never validly appear in the same sentence.
Jay Douglas replied to William Kaupinis's comment.
Wipe it off. Folks might mistake it for cocaine! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Not the same one.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Great shots, especially the bird close-up!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Kinda reminds me of the "Live and Let Die" boat chase!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I ain't the Captain, but I'll be ridin'!
Jay Douglas replied to Errol J. Terrio's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
The director himself probably treats women and the rest just fine. It's the leadership of his country he should denounce.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
How quickly they forget J. Bennett Johnston and Dan Quayle (not that Dan Quayle was from La., but he did come at one point).
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Hanberg's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Still doin' it. http://jdthedj.com/
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Hanberg's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Hmmmm. Sounds like the data are not correct.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Not! It was already illegal!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
If she has babies in her mouth, then we need to charge her with child abuse!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Needs a facelift?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
What are they lookin' at? Nice shot.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Rut roh. Will do.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Hey! The tigers get to play with drones. How could that be deplorable? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
George Takai has swerved hard left. I suspect Harrison Ford tends to go right.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But dogs have a disability. They can't talk or express their desires. Maybe boxers really like stubby tails. Shouldn't we make allowances for that? And if you can't tell by now, I'm just pulling your chain, er, leash. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Stephen Isherwood's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Not much gray hair in that crowd!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
It's just body modification. Not cool with that? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Harrison Ford, not George Takai.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
So? There was a young man from Verdun.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! Cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
No mountains? :-) Seems to be a better mounting arrangement than last time.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
97X. Bam! The future of rock 'n' roll!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Your used motor oil can be easily recycled. Just dig a hole in the backyard and pour it in, right back into the ground from which it came. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Is 28" at about 18' away big enough? It's all I got in 4K, and that's brand new. Looks great. 1440p, which is the max YouTube seems to offer on this one so far.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I got a crick in my neck watching the return trip! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Look! There's Pink Floyd! (Which one's Pink?)
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Shouldn't we be typing, "Yes, Ma'am"? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You've heard it!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
And no mention of the urban legend about how the group got its name. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Got spinach? Popeye should be showing up any minute now!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I did! I shot (in the) RAW.
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Like a farmer, I'm out standing in my field, eh? Thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Dorie Gibbons O'Neill's post.
She'll tell me I'm doing it wrong!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Although I'd rather see SDR (software defined radio) chips in them so you can pick up almost anything on them, not just FM.
Jay Douglas commented on ReneAndrea Ryan's post.
Group: A Warehouse on Tchoupitoulas
"Taxi" by Harry Chapin
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
"I know a few who this would apply to...." Puleeese! That should be, "I know a few to whom this would apply." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
If someone has no right to be in the country, and we allow them to stay, or even facilitate their stay, I'd certainly call that "harboring."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Since I myself am biased against illegal immigration (and a conservative), I guess it's only natural that I would cite a well-known conservative source. I assert that illegal immigration increases income inequality, and is harmful to our democracy. How about a few words from the independent, non-partisan, non-profit Center for Immigration Studies: http://cis.org/The-Cost-of-a-Border-Wall-vs-the-Cost-of-Illegal-Immigration ?
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Tauzin's post.
Feb 18, 2017, 6:53 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
A day without illegal immigrants will save the US approximately $309,589,041. The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America -- according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I've been scarfin' down Coffee, Pecan Pralines 'n' Cream, and Mocha Almond Fudge since they made their way back into the stores months ago. No problems yet.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Remember when John Young and Bob Crippen flew the first Space Shuttle mission without benefit of any unmanned test?
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
A blimp has the right of way over Delmar, of course. Other than that, they're just another aircraft. I suspect they were talking to New Orleans Approach Control at the time, as was I.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Here ya go. 1984 during the World's Fair.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Never go against the grain!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Lockheed Martin Friends
Yeah, I saw that. I was quoting Donald from his news conference today.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Lockheed Martin Friends
Chaos? The system is running "like a finely-tuned machine." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
I take it she's not The Real Don Steele's Tina Delgado. Although she's apparently alive. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
I can't get a butterfly to sit still on a stationary flower long enough to take a good photo, let alone a moving koala bear!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Set off a few H-bombs and we'll make more.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Just post your SSN on Facebook to save the rest of the folks from having to ask. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
The right equipment is an airplane. Go for it, Gene!
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
You can! Just post a photo from 1979! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Were those the offices of Karen Weldon and Steve Stefancik, maybe?
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
They're pretty much all like that. Has a barometric sensor that gets a little confused in ground effect, and when the landing gear starts to get a little support from the top of the grass. Wide angle on the camera makes it look way worse than it is.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Stennis Space Center has restricted airspace over it, normally off limits to both drones and manned aircraft. But Michoud is flagged on the New Orleans sectional chart as a VFR reporting point, meaning Air Traffic Control encourages flying over it in order to give a position report over a recognizable landmark.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Did he require you to post this? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
If they don't tell the FAA about it and get a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) published, there's no TFR in effect.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
That would be enough to bury Steven Tyler's big 10-inch...record of the band that plays the blues! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
As a pilot, I can tell you there's *no* temporary flight restriction in place as the article indicates.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Had 'em close, but nothing got us. I was in New Orleans East today, though, by the NASA facility. They got some damage.
Jay Douglas commented on Paul McKean Jr.'s post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I know that particular office window well! Great video, Paul!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Yikes! When did this happen? My surgeon gave me a ten year warranty on my bypass. You'd better ask for a refund on the first one.
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
I had the former in mind. What if it comes from a primarily Islamic country? Won't the 9th Circuit want to make sure there's no discrimination in our response?
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
He's pulled the trigger. Effective in March. He's training his replacement.
Jay Douglas replied to Carolyn Angel's comment.
Okay. I presume he wasn't in it at the time.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
Wow! He shoulda retired quicker!
Jay Douglas replied to Carolyn Angel's comment.
Car windows?
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Weidenbacher's comment.
Yeah, I didn't figure it was a single-point failure
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's video.
Put camera in landscape for the next one, though, please.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's video.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
My passenger will be an instructor. Gotta get a biennial flight review done before I can take anybody else. Old one ran out in December.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Maybe not quite enough to get a free roof. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Ever so briefly.
Jay Douglas replied to Thomas Odend'hal's comment.
Maybe so. Like all movies with a zillion sequels and prequels, I get 'em confused!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You always have to be diacritical! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
When somebody says "si" to me, I think they're speaking Spanish, not French. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yes I need to keep it, or yes, I no longer need to keep it?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Does this mean I don't need to keep it on the DVR?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Falcons are still like a cell phone in airplane mode: no ring.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
She'll be on in a minute. I wanna see her drones. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Good to the last drop? Oh, sorry, that's the Maxwell House slogan.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren Montet's comment.
Well get back into the refrigerator! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
The politics are all on Facebook now! Ask any estranged family. Even the closed political group I was invited into doesn't seem to like the politics. They started censoring me because they didn't like *my* politics.
Jay Douglas replied to Philip Scheurer's comment.
Got smething against drones? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Jose, can you? Si.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
That big snail drives around in its own car. It has a big "S" painted on the side. When people see it go by, they say, "Wow! Look at that 'S' car go!"
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Snot me. My day job was at the rocket factory.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's photo.
Have a Happy, Wayne! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Nor homophobic, nor xenophobic, nor misogynist.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Kinda like watching grass grow or paint drying. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
All that is invenereal as far as I'm circumcised!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I spoke too soon. 2160p was there for a bit; now it's gone! The bastards!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Um, yeah. But I have a drone, so when they get Lasecki, I can do a great aerial pull-out shot just like the movie! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
How do I know this is the real you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's photo.
Feeling like Peter Fonda or Dennis Hopper?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
For the record, I wanna dance (but not with Bobby). Has he got a sister? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Tyler Hadskey's comment.
What T-Ben said!
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's post.
It's okay. It was an open-book test. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
She's not Dick Durbin, but Marge Baker, exec VP of People for the American Way, is protesting Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch on the steps of the Supreme Court. She says her group looked at all 21 picks and decided none were acceptable. just now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
It got a little darker here. Mars is definitely there at the top of the frame.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Recorded at Sea-Saint Studios on Clematis Street in NOLA!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Lemme know.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I figured!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yippie! Wanna go? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
I also wonder what it will do to FAA 3rd Class Medical Reform, which was long-delayed and finally scheduled for implementation in May of this year.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Looks like T-Ben drank the most beer.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Fine video, there, Bummer! I trust you wore your training pants while making it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Hanzo's post.
Have a Happy, Jim! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Great job! Probably your nicest yet!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
What happens at a Facilities Appreciation Night stays at a Facilities Appreciation Night! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Mark Woketman's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Sure beats the IRS hot tub thing, or whatever that one was.
Jay Douglas replied to Mark Woketman's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Like the NASA guy in the video says, "the biggest, best government boondoggle ever!"
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
As I read the chart, the bottom of the dip was down 1.29% from the day's opening price, and 2.87% from the pre-dip high.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
So did they tell you what you DO have?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
One of my dad's favorite TV shows.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Duck you, sucker!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I hear she runs a travel agency reserving special places in hell for women who neglected to vote for Hillary.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Miss Rose used to do it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's photo.
People must be resisting.
Jay Douglas commented on Blaine Michael's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I listen to this, but I hear George Carlin's "WINO News! WINO News! WINO News!"
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
You made it sound like Gaga poked her eye out on the cactus. But I guess it's you getting the eye surgery. Had a couple of those myself. Good luck, and don't sneeze while it's in progress!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
You mean share BIGLY, don't you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Pineapple should use the bathroom like everyone else!
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
He was already one of the Commissioners. His term expired, but he can continue to serve through 2017. http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/161886/report-trump-picks-ajit-pai-for-chairman-of-fcc?ref=mail_arbs
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Best of luck with it, Roxanne!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's photo.
Good defense, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I use alot once in awhile.
Jay Douglas replied to Marleen Blair's comment.
That's Geek, not Greek! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Well, lookie there! Today (1/19/17), YouTube is offering 2160p viewing for this! Maybe there's hope for some of my 4K uploads!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I dunno. Last I heard, Billy-O helped JB move, but I forget how long ago that was.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeremy Bordes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeremy Bordes's post.
Thanks, Jeremy, but I'm committed to help the Mrs. pick up her team travel van from the rental place. I see Billy-O pretty much once a month anyway for our probability research (poker) meetings. He won't miss me.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
:-) Seems to me I've seen you shoot some 4K, too!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Didn't work for Duran Duran.
Jay Douglas commented on Richard Schultz's post.
Sorry to hear that, TK.
Jay Douglas commented on Dave Danzara's post.
What am I missing? I keep reading my copy of the US Constitution. Neither the word "education" nor the word "school" is anywhere to be found in it. My suggestion to Senator Liz: Get the Federal government out of the education business and don't collect any taxes for it. Let the states and local school boards collect and use those taxes as they see fit. Butt out!
Jay Douglas replied to Marleen Blair's comment.
Play the video, click the little gear icon for settings, and look at the quality options. You'll see they only go to 1440p. True 4K is 2160p.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Not if you're really an air-conditioner.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Hope Rose Fogg doesn't know this guy!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Have a Happy, Jeremy! Don't get none on ya! How's Chad?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Very nice!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
I didn't know Frank knew American Sign Language. Did he have a deaf relative or something? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Sehr gut!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Only if I upchuck.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Wait. Who are you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
In fairness to Facebook, it turns out my Web host for jdthedj.com had blocked Facebookmail.com (from which Facebook's email notifications are sent). I just got them to unblock it, and it looks like all is well again. 'Tweren't Facebook's fault.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Three native American women are sitting around a campfire, each on a different animal skin. One is on a deer skin, another on a bear skin, and the third on a hippopotamus skin.

They start bragging to each other about their kids. The woman on the deer skin says, "I have a son, and he's going to grow up to be a great warrior."

The one on the bear skin says, "I have a son, too, and *he's* going to grow up to be a great warrior!"

The third says, "Well I have *two* sons, and they're *both* going to grow up to be great warriors!" Proof that the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! Okay, now I have two versions of the same math formula joke. You've heard the other version, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
No bunny slippers? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Maybe so.
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
Dr. Fong's a bowler, so he's probably got it right!
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
More to come later.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jan 9, 2017, 9:26 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jan 8, 2017, 11:04 PM
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's video.
I'm celebrating it this afternoon 1-6 PM with plenty of Elvis twin spins streaming at http://wtixfm.com/
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Take your shirts in and get them ironed. Marietta clearly has an Irony Department.
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
Two thumbs up from me!
Jay Douglas replied to Alan Ater's comment.
And good for the poker game.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Started working 7 minutes after this post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It's a miracle! I'm getting email notifications again! I wonder if the Facebook folks did anything?
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
I doubt it. Just don't get any email notifications from FB anymore. Even at a new email address.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Nope. My Facebook is broken.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
So how was it?
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
You may think it's bad, but it's snot.
Jay Douglas commented on Wenny Webb's post.
Looks like it misses the Grand Canyon, but hey, that's just a hole in the ground.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
That's what happens when you listen to those pansies who tell you to diversify! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
I'm sure she'll chime in here sooner or later.
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
Dammit, Wayne! I'm a DJ, not a horticulturalist! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's photo.
Too bad you weren't all-in on it, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Yeah, pretty cool!
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Let me see you go listen to your precious vinyl analog recordings without benefit of anything electronic! Phhhtttt! (And, yeah, I know, there were all-acoustic recorders and players way back when, but I'll bet none of 'em sounded like Led Zeppelin, brah!)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I wonder if the horse vanished before the bartender could ask him, "Hey, why the long face?" I guess it doesn't matter because right afterward, Secretary of State John Kerry walked in and the bartender asked him the same question.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I like it! A variation I hadn't heard before! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jan 2, 2017, 1:46 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jan 1, 2017, 2:23 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
She learned everything she knows from Ashley Simpson! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Urban expression for "cool!"
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Just like downtown!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Happy New Year, Aaron! Hope it's great!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
A proton walks into a bar and the bartender asks if he wants a beer. The proton answers, "Yes."
The bartender asks, "Are you sure?"
The proton says, "Yes, I'm positive!"
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The first thing you learn about nature is that it doesn't care.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
How come the bees don't catch on eventually? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phil Gilligan's comment.
My 5740 was doing that for a while, too. I forget what I did to fix it.
Jay Douglas replied to Alan Smason's comment.
Wow! And I thought I was talking in hyperbole!
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Lucas's comment.
Thanks for the tip, Chris.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I figured this post would stir up some sympathy! In fairness to HP, I've had this simple 5740 inkjet since the XP days. The Windows 10 driver for it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the OEM driver, but it works, and doesn't do a bad job printing photos as well as run-of-the-mill documents. It just irritates me to have to put a $50 ink cartridge into a $99 printer every so often. I suspect the last cartridge had been on the store shelf long enough to expire. Usually, I get pretty reasonable yield. The idea of ink tanks intrigues me, and I've started looking at these for next time. https://epson.com/For-Home/Printers/c/h1?q=%3Aprice-asc%3AdiscontinuedFlag%3Afalse%3APrinters+Facets%2CPrinter+Series%3AExpression+EcoTank&text#scrollTgt_onRefresh
Jay Douglas replied to Terry Young's comment.
Moved to the suburbs. They're in Slidell at I-10 and US 190 now. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to John Hughes's comment.
I figured both you and Bill Olson would know about this car's existence. Hope your son didn't have riveted pockets on his jeans at the time!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Speaking of grammatically correct, how about this perfectly fine sentence? Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
But not ending a sentence in a preposition is a lot of nonsense, up with which I will not put!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Sean Payton is 14-18 in his last two seasons, ain't he?
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Thank Gawd Davy Crockett patched up the crack!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
Sure! No problem! But who's gonna wake me up at 6:55 AM every day so I can do it? I'm not Michael in the Morning all the time! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
It won't do anything? Must be a liberal, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
Have a Happy, Felix! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Whoa! Boa!
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Although if you're a broadcast kinda guy, your tubes look more like this.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
That was my mom's drink, too, Pal!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
I'll vouch for you!
Jay Douglas replied to Aaron Handy III's comment.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
I'm sure you mean Eartha Kitt. I'll bet she was singing "Santa Baby" to the end.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Same day 10 years ago, it was James Brown.
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
"Feliz navidad." That's Spanish for, "Don't let Trump build a wall." Right? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Have a merry one, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
Have a merry one, Gary & Kathy!
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's photo.
Merry Christmas to you (and Alissa), Travis!
Jay Douglas replied to Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's comment.
I'll second that emotion.
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Same to you and yours, Doug!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
U2, Marleen!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
U2, Jud! Stay away from the wheat ale!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Don't you really mean "implant"? "Transplant" implies replacement of an existing organ. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Whatcha doin' in Red Stick?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Temples have bars? I never knew. I may have to convert! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Tauzin's post.
Beer #10 of the 12 Beers of Christmas. From Texas this time. Thanks, Mike!
Jay Douglas commented on Alida Thibodeaux Shutts's post.
Their first album was "Get the Knack," so I did!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Like digital, but with a sample rate of infinity!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Lotsa folks couldn't even run one radio station profitably, even in good times, let alone 850 in bad. Let's take up a collection here and prepare to scarf up a few stations on the cheap! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's photo.
Just be sure not to drop the second "great" from the sentence you posted or you'll be in real trouble. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Some people quit doing that. Steak, baby!
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
Thanks, Jerry!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Can't remember whether I ever ate some, but the eye and beak on the "d" in the logo should be a hint.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Fried chicken?
Jay Douglas commented on John McGrath's post.
Vewwwy intewesting!
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
Ah, but does it taste better than 200-proof Cokes made with WRPI Coke machine Coke and pure ethyl alcohol? :-) In any case, Merry Christmas to you Damian, and we'll make this #8 of the 12 Beers of Christmas.
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's post.
I thought it was a picture of Pepe with a great racquetball player!
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
I dub thee #7 of the 12 Beers of Christmas. Never had it, but I'd probably like to. Thanks, Ben!
Jay Douglas commented on Allen Beebe's photo.
Have a Happy, Allen! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Then I guess you gotta hope the IRS never garnishes your paycheck!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
It's a blue thing with wings and a propeller, but that's not important now. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Okay, thanks!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They've already done it.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Looks good to me, Ben! #4. Stay tuned for #5. Same brewery.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Of course it's a true story! Facebook wouldn't have let you post it if it was fake news!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I dunno. I'll have to get Bruce Spizer to weigh in on that Beatles tidbit.
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Tauzin's comment.
Do the crabs get in the hamper when you toss your underwear into it? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Only found in the waters of Louisiana.
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Mechanical Engineers build weapons; Civil Engineers build targets.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Martin Marietta had a Christmas party downtown at the Marriott Hotel the same night the Rolling Stones played the Superdome, December 5, 1981. Wife and I went to both, arriving at the Marriott in time for the "breakfast" at 1 AM. George Thorogood and the Neville Brothers opened for the Stones. http://jdthedj.com/Stones.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
Dec 15, 2016, 11:13 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Never had a case of the crabs? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Terry Young's comment.
Yo, TY!
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
Okay, here's Beer #3. Got the Christmas tree from Charlie Brown, eh, Ben?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I guess that works if you buy into the wage-price spiral thing. I never have. The natural tendency for prices should be to go down as we figure out how to make and grow things more productively. They go up when somebody cheapens the money. The wage-price spiral may be an effect, but what's the cause?
Jay Douglas replied to Karen S Couvillon's comment.
Nobody NEEDS it, but many of us WANT it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
If prices go up 2%, that's not growth, even if your wages go up 2% as well. You can't buy anything more than before. Normally, inflation results from governments printing money and devaluing the currency. I suspect the only reason we haven't seen inflation from the monumental money-printing we've seen the past 8 years is because it's gone to the big banks, who in turn haven't lent it for increased consumer spending. We certainly haven't seen wages go up. In the past 8 years, we haven't seen a single year of GDP growth of even a measly 3%.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Especially if the cat is in your bed with you!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Wife and I rode one of the riverboats in the annual steamboat race on the Mississippi a few years back. MV Bright Field, now repaired and renamed to something else (with "Bright" in the new name, as I recall), passed by in close proximity. Our captain pointed her out. I was thinking I have photos, but apparently it's video, nd that's far less organized than my photos. I'll have to look later.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Song? Do I look like a disc jockey or something? The song applies to the 12 Days of Christmas, which start on December 25. Yeah, if you add up all the gifts in the song, which increase by one each day, you get 78. But I'm starting with the beer tonight and going through Christmas Eve. And instead of just adding a beer each night, let's do 12! (that's 12 factorial, or 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12). That'll be a total of 479,001,600 beers for the period. That's what a rocket scientist would do! And I'm sure Ben Walsh would approve. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Not likely to happen in our part of the country.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Huh? This rocket scientist isn't following your math, even after just one beer.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
He's on the cover of an album of summer hits in the same pose. The album is titled, "My Ass Is Grass."
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Aw hail!
Jay Douglas commented on George McCarlie's post.
Can't read the fine print in the photo, but there was a brand of those made in Bend, Oregon. When I was too little to figure out the assembly on my own, my mother helped me. She was momentarily puzzled, not knowing what part of the airplane was the Oregon, nor how she should bend it. She was afraid the balsa wood would crack. True story. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
I love it. I'm kinda partial to ales anyway.
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
Well, I like this one, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
Damn! Too bad. Nice car!
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
Not necessarily, but variety IS the spice of life (or is it Tony Chachere's? I forget).
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
I knew he would. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
The Krewe of TIX is an all-male krewe. We did have them at the party, though.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Exactly. It's what you do when women won't cooperate. After all, as a Republican, I'll be accused of misogyny whether I am or not.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Just put both the seat AND the cover down after each use. That means everybody has to raise at least something before use.
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Dec 9, 2016, 9:50 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Ya think he'll go for 2 (hundred)?
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's post.
How 'bout I put my cell phone where the napkin is after I put the napkin on my lap? Jus' sayin'. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
There's a few folks I recognize!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Dec 8, 2016, 12:15 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Dec 8, 2016, 11:00 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Earl Bonin's live video.
Cool! Thanks, Earl!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Wife and I saw it a year later.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Those bloody English chaps sho' got the blues down!
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Dec 6, 2016, 11:20 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
Dec 6, 2016, 9:22 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
Dec 5, 2016, 10:39 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
How's they do against Little Sisters of the Poor?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I'll have a Blue Christmas without her.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Got any shots of Neitherway?
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's post.
Have a Happy, Bob! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Time to get a Comrex and just phone it in. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Our condolences, Kevin [sniff].
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Motown, I guess.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
What will we do on Mondays? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
What are you talking about? I made all my money jockeying discs! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
If we keep taxes high and let the government invest it, we'll get shrimp on treadmills!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Arena's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Thanks, Aaron! Better not talk about returns during Christmas shopping season, though. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hahn's post.
Thanks, Ken. Better get with T-Ben for some practice with that one!
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
Do you need to vacuum off your iron?
Jay Douglas commented on Greg West's post.
Thanks, Greg!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nov 27, 2016, 3:30 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Thanks, Bonnie!
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
Thanks, Stephanie!
Jay Douglas replied to Annie Mae's comment.
Showoff! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
I guess I get birthday greetings a day sooner when they come from Down Under. Thanks, Roxanne!
Jay Douglas replied to Darci Jones's comment.
Dammit, Darci! I'm a DJ, not a botanist! :-) I just know them as "yellow flowers."
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
U2, Jerry!
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Koch's comment.
U2, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's post.
Need to put a whole bunch of cop cars out there to make red, white, and blue!
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Cameola's photo.
Same 2U!
Jay Douglas replied to Mike Tauzin's comment.
LOL! I'll bet!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Abscess makes the heart grow fonder.
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's photo.
I may have some reluctance to doing that.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's photo.
Great shot, Gail!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Nov 22, 2016, 5:27 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's video.
Cool! One of my poker buddies has one like that!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yup. They still fly, and that's the turn-on!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Best dam site in Egypt!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
All of them make me horny!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's photo.
Runnin' down the road may loosen your load, but doctors recommend milk of magnesia.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I guess you were in the right place at the right time to get that shot!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Oh. Four years ago. Never mind!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Guess I flew over the wrong lake!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's photo.
It's like the Electoral College and the popular vote. We should do away with the touchdowns and field goals and just go by total yardage! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dorie Gibbons O'Neill's video.
Hold the camera in landscape orientation (like you're supposed to!) and we could probably see them both. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Did you pull out the nail, feel its point, and say, "Gee, sharp!"
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
I always wondered: is Dee Dee Sharp the same as Dee Eee Flat?
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Wright's comment.
Too bad you sold yours, eh, Charlie?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
I was still a fetus that day, swimming rather than boating.
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's photo.
Just stop chewing gum. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nov 16, 2016, 6:44 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, George! Don't get none on ya! And I just sent you a Friend Request.for this version of you.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I love the notifications I'm getting that say "George Bonnell and George Bonnell are having birthdays today." LOL!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah. I think I still see that third account out there somewhere.
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's post.
Now you won't be able to say she's got a lot of damn gall! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Many think it's useful, but it snot.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Yup. And if you dig a tunnel all the way through from one side of the Earth to the other through the center, you can jump into it on one side and then you'll just oscillate endlessly between sides of the Earth. You would have to suck the air out of the tunnel to make it a vacuum, ensuring there'd be no air resistance, so you'll need a space suit.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Might be a tad warm, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Yup. You'll also be weightless there.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Technically, you don't need to jump all the way to the Moon. You just have to get to the Lagrange point somewhere between them. That's where their respective forces of gravity exactly balance in opposite directions. Once you're there, the Moon will do the rest of the work and you'll just fall to it. As you know, I'm not just a DJ; I was also a rocket scientist. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jack Dedert's comment.
Here ya go.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren Schroeger's comment.
But wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And a Florida, NY, too, if I recall.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
New York even has a Mexico.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
So what's Illinois like this time of year? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
She was likely just making sure you were really at the camp. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
To quote Denis Leary, is the bottom of your heart the "sub-cockle area"? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
We had the printing press. I'm sure there'd be archived op-ed pieces or political cartoons (albeit in black & white) making fun of any previous orange-hued Presidents, especially if they were Republicans.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I thought they might be useful in some really big wooden roller bearings. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
I wonder how circular they checkout on a CMM.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Sure. We eat everything in Louisiana, don't we?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Orange as in his spray tan color. Sheesh! You know what they say if you have to explain 'em.
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
I guess orange is the new black.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Lost a bet, I'm guessing?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Shopped at the Radio Shack on Harrison Avenue (it ain't dere no more).
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Yeah, I'd agree on most of those. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Free to MEN who want better jobs. Small additional charge for women. But don't bitch about it. Ladies drink free on Ladies Night.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
LOL! Nope hadn't heard that one. Ultimately no different than any other politician, of course.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I remember covering an election night for WRPI and asking Erastus what he was going to do to celebrate his re-election. He replied (and weak memory requires paraphrasing), "After umpteen years, you don't do anything special."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Life (and death) happens.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I figured he had somebody available to resurrect him.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Don't tell me Erastus Corning is still in office!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Indeed! I warped mine; did you warp yours?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I remember having beers in the Pumping Station waiting for my '73 Chevy Vega GT to dry out in the parking lot after getting it flooded by one of those famous Fat City gullywashers!
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
Nov 7, 2016, 12:28 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
If I wasn't in it myself, it wouldn't be a "selfie" now, would it?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Right arm! Outta state!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's photo.
So, in a switch on the TV ad, you're not really a DJ, you're actually a Certified Financial Planner, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Are any of them also on Anthony Wiener's computer?
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
How many times did I sleep through a midnight movie in that place?
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Lemon tree. Very pretty. And the lemon flower is sweet. But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat. ♪♫♪♫
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Sadly, many manatees remain unaware...
Jay Douglas commented on Steven DeBruhl's post.
Better keep an eye out for him.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Must be a No-Wake zone.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nov 1, 2016, 1:26 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Nov 1, 2016, 1:24 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Kevin, let him answer a different question.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeri Henson Dies's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
[in my Mr. Rogers voice] I knew you would!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeri Henson Dies's post.
Group: Political Games
I will! I HATE that he didn't bring charges against Hillary!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I didn't write this, but I should have: Someone asked a woman how she could vote for Trump, a “misogynist, a racist and a bigot”. Here is her answer: Because I use my head to research and find out what candidates really are, not what the media wants me to think. Because Donald Trump has more women in executive and managerial positions than any comparable company, which tells me he is not a misogynist. Because he pays these women the same or more than their male counterparts, which tells me he looks for capacity and skills in people, not color, gender or race. Because he fought the West Palm Beach City Council to be able to open his newly purchased club, so he could include blacks and Jews as members, who had been banned until then. This tells me he is not a racist. Because he has raised wonderful children who have turned out to be outstanding, hard working and compassionate adults. He must be doing something right. Because his economic plans makes sense, are conservative in nature, and I vote based of what is best for my family, my friends and my country. Because everybody, the left and the right are afraid of him, the media is trying to destroy his image, and even foreign governments are voicing their opinions, so he must be doing something right. Clean house maybe? Because I want a Supreme Court that will uphold the Constitution, not behave as minions of the administration. I have had enough with judges who are more like political activists than law enforcers. Because I fear for my family’s safety if the current trend of not confronting blatant terrorism continues – which is a threat to our way of life. Because I am fed up with the rampant corruption of this administration. Accountability in government is paramount, and as this administration has demonstrated, it is a foreign concept to them. Because I am fed up with the political correctness gone wild, and because Trump is not afraid to say what everybody thinks but does not dare to say. A thug is a thug, regardless of color, and that's it. Because it is about time someone puts America 's interests ahead of other countries. Because I know he recognizes and embraces America 's exceptionalism, and will not tour the World apologizing for who we are. That tells me he is a patriot. Because, unlike HRC, he has actually held a job, worked hard, and achieved success. And last, but not least, because I am one Helluva lot more offended by what Hillary does (and has done for 30 years), than by what Donald Trump says.
Jay Douglas commented on Dana Svigel Schuster's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's photo.
♪♫♪ I'm just mad about saffron...
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
The article hardly proves that vote suppression happens more frequently than vote fraud. After all, vote fraud is hard to detect and can seldom be prosecuted. The article cites only four cases, and does so without proof that these folks were inappropriately denied IDs. My point is that whenever vote fraud occurs, the result is identical to what happens with vote suppression. Neither should happen. See this if you're interested. http://thefederalist.com/2016/10/13/voter-fraud-real-heres-proof/
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
No matter what party I'm registered with, if my vote is illegally offset or suppressed, I'm the one who's cheated.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Explain to me how that's any different than someone keeping me from voting. The result is exactly the same!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If an illegal vote is counted that is opposed to mine, my vote is suppressed.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
537 votes in Florida gave a Presidential election to George W. And of course, the 23 (if that's the number) are only the ones they caught.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dana, this stuff happened as late as 2010.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Doesn't happen in Philly, either. http://6abc.com/politics/action-news-investigation-voting-from-the-grave/1575596/
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Wasn't there a musical group in the early 70's called "Curved Air." Maybe that's the answer.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, but I still went to see him at Jazz Fest. http://jdthedj.com/JazzFest2014BruceSpringsteen.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Walter Buddy Knowles's comment.
Group: Political Games
Lola? ♪♫♪♫ I met her in a club down in old Soho / Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like Coca cola / C-O-L-A cola. ♪♫♪♫
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Catalanello's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Kinda looks like a WJBO pennant hanging from the table. But the card atop the qeuipment clearly says "WTIX."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Laura, I'll provide the Liberal-approved response to questions one chooses not to answer: What difference, at this point, does it make? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So, Joe, do all viewpoints which may differ from yours come from trolls by definition? If I'm a troll, then what's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
George Soros is not mentioned in the article above. As for Smartmatic voting machines in the USA, the company's Web site says they were "in charge of the maintenance services and preparation of 58 thousand voting and tallying machines sold to 307 jurisdictions. Among these machines, approximately 10 thousand were optical scanners used to digitally capture and count votes cast in paper ballots and 47 thousand voting machines." But the only visible tie of George Soros is that Smartmatic's CEO serves on the board of Soros' Open Society Foundation. Draw your own conclusions.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
As opposed to Wikipedia, that anybody can edit? Yeah, right!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Lipps's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Watch those birds! They're probably fishing from the bridge!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Knock yourself out, Dana.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Cool! Congrats, Mary!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The quote is from the About page of their Web site. I see Wikipedia says they're "conservative or ultra conservative." So? I'm conservative. I like conservative. They are also doctors, not politicians. Politicians are the liars.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - AAPS - is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country."
Jay Douglas replied to Parthenia McClain's comment.
Group: Political Games
I do surf into MSNBC every now and then. I go for Rachel Maddow when my snark gauge is low.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
At least you give "twisted" people credit for thinking. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gwendolyn Foster's post.
Group: Political Games
At least you tuned in Rush initially. There's hope for you yet! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
A rough cough and a hiccough plough me through.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
The link says, "A statement released by *his* partner, Michael Simpson, his ex-wife, Lynne Corlett, and his manager and former band member, Steve Coy, read: 'All of *his* family and friends are devastated by the loss of our special star. He was a true visionary, a beautiful talented soul and will be missed by all those who loved and appreciated everything he was and all of the wonderful memories he has left us with.'” Emphasis mine.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Such a nasty woman! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Someone's not reading.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Does Jester know Maverick and Goose? :-) In any case, it sounds like he believes in American Exceptionalism.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It doesn't take flipping 100 million votes. All it takes is flipping a few in key battleground states. The DNC knows down to the ward and precinct level which locations will be easiest to flip. Bingo! Electoral college victory. And why would anyone not believe this video? If O'Keefe fabricated it, he should get an Oscar for special effects.
Jay Douglas commented on Dana Svigel Schuster's post.
Group: Political Games
Except his are inconsequential. Hers involve national security and criminal activity.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Cosmic rays...
Jay Douglas commented on Dana Svigel Schuster's post.
Group: Political Games
Will they give Hillary's lies equal treatment? Probably too many pages for that.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I've done it with a "hashtag" plenty of other times (usually my drone videos). Always worked then.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Well, Bob Walker, this time the share worked. ?!?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Funny. Tucker Carlson says the same thing about Joe Joyce.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Remember back in the Benghazi days when Hillary blamed the intelligence community for getting it wrong and blaming a video? Now she seems to have all the faith in the world that they are right.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Superior grade. If I wasn't, you'd argue on logic and merit rather than attempting to malign a source.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Funny. The Daily Caller says the same thing about stuff from Trey Mustian.
Jay Douglas replied to Laura McClure's comment.
Group: Political Games
But an illegal immigrant can (and is) used to boost the population of mainly urban (and, therefore, blue) states to boost the population count used to determine their Congressional representation and electoral votes. They affect elections whether they vote or not.
Jay Douglas replied to Laura McClure's comment.
Group: Political Games
CBS. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-opens-drivers-license-applications-to-illegal-immigrants/
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Did you drink it all? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
I was told fat-bottomed girls make the rockin' world go 'round.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Hope you don't have leftover parts. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Have you stopped beating your wife, Joe?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hillary probably made a deal with the FBI to unclassify it years ago.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, Diebold. The machines with the easily hackable memory card. Ok, thanks.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Nope. Still can't make myself do it.
Jay Douglas replied to David G. Stroemer's comment.
A nasty woman!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Oct 20, 2016, 3:24 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
He said he'll do exactly what Gore and Kerry did before him.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And, BTW, it doesn't matter who stole the emails; what matters is their contents. And further, with the IT non-expertise of the DNC, many hackers, not just Russians, cold have stolen them. The DHS says it was the Russians? That same government's FBI says Hillary didn't commit any crimes! Yeah, right!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
John Podesta's email shows he's okay with illegals voting as long as they have a driver's license. Meanwhile, Democrats in California are handing out driver's licenses to illegals hand over fist. That's not rigging? C'mon, man!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"Smokin' me"? She's not even using complete sentences! But, pay attention. The voting they have now in Russia is just like what we'll have in this country once the Democrats take over completely. We can see that clearly from the Podesta emails and the undercover Robert Creamer videos.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Guess I should have bowled while I was in that area for college! I'm sure it has something to do with the lanes! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
My daughter posted this on my timeline, but I hid it 'cause of the F-word. I told her we broadcasters aren't allowed. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The film could be lying. The Republicans could be hacking voting machines. And yes, you could be lying. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So does the Left have a contravaling film that will convince me there is absolutely little or no chance that what this film shows can't happen. I'm willing to watch it. The Dems have reps in every county, each familiar with the local process. Who knows? I don't know who made this film, or with what intent. I posted it merely as an eye-opener. Meanwhile. George Soros seems to think it's a good idea to have the voting machine contracts.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll take my chances with lightning. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/elections-expert-now-4-million-ineligible-dead-voters-american-voter-rolls-video/
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Attachment unavailable (to me, at least).
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Warren Montet, Davey O'Donnell and others show up in the WRNO Reunion video here: http://jdthedj.com/WRNOReunion.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Here 'tis in the flea market in the Quarter in the 70's.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I'm relieved to hear that, Loweski!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Which "moon" are you talking about? ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Sure. Sorry to hear that.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
If he did, I bet I could tell you where he got 'em.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
He ain't got no shoes!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
Oops! I missed you in my Thursday birthday notifications. Sorry. Have a Happy, and don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
Dryer lint.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I wasn't there.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Oct 13, 2016, 9:42 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Oct 13, 2016, 3:22 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Racing with the wind...
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Trump says he'd never grab a woman's cigar-holder. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
My freshman year at WRPI, I remember asking engineer Al Miller to cue up a Dylan single for me. He almost threw the record back at me. He HATED Bob Dylan!
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
Ah, I didn't know there was one there. Figured Minnesota 'cause Dylan grew up there. There was one in Virginia, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
Minnesota, I presume?
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
Where dey at?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Rachel doesn't say "treaty." But that's understandable. It was called an "agreement." Some today would say that means it doesn't require Congressional approval. Bush did indeed sign some sort of ceremonial paper along with the Mexican leader in December of '92 right before leaving office, but it Clinton's signature that put it into effect. I'm going to log off for now. I have to pick some nits.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I have no reason to doubt you, Joe. But is the guy in the video acting (lying)? I don't know. I understand the one-book/one-signature-line concept. It's the same way here in Louisiana. But if these folks are being bussed around, they're voting as different people in each polling place. I think the guy in the video says they can't be asked for ID. Even if they are, every 17-year-old who wants to party knows how to get a fake ID. Illegal books would not be required to pull this off; all that's needed is some knowledge of who's in the books and not likely to vote for real (perhaps because they died, or at known to be out of the country). Do they delete the signature lines for folks who vote early, or are the same books used for the early voting? If not, there's always the old "vote early, vote often" routine.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Wade, can you write Michelle Malkin and let her know the details on your Obamacare plan? She's having trouble keeping one, despite paying a $6,000 yearly deductible and $1,000 monthly premiums. I'm sure she'd like to hear from you. http://townhall.com/columnists/michellemalkin/2016/10/12/obama-lied-my-third-health-plan-just-died-n2230966?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Take it up with the Commissioner.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
As long as it sounded good, what the heck?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
So were Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, and Eric Clapton all on stage together? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Damn! The warranty just expired yesterday!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Me, too. But they all looked good.
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's photo.
Been there, done that. Have fun.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Sick of 'em yet?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Still more.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Some older ones.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Had flocks of Thunderbirds at the 2003 N'Awlins Air Show. These are the ones that didn't belong to the Air Force.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Gotta remember Bobby's musical career, too. Here's one with The Infurnos written by Dr. John (Mac Rebennack) https://youtu.be/LVtLbhcWQy4
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
He'd been in the hospital for awhile, then got out for a couple of weeks, then right back in last week.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
But can you get satisfaction?
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
Heart problems.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bobby at the WTIX-FM Christmas Party in 2015. http://jdthedj.com/BigPic.aspx?sp=WTIXFMXmas2015.aspx&PID=112
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Post both insurance polices and their prices, Wade. I can't agree whether one is "better" than the other until I read them, nor can I explain why one may be cheaper than the other. But if you're happy with your Obamacare policy, I'm happy for you. Yours may be the exception that proves the rule. Even Bill Clinton thinks it's "the craziest thing ever."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Yup, COBRA is a law, passed by government, mandating insurance coverage in the same way as Obamacare. It has no tax subsidies like Obamacare, but tax subsidies don't make Obamacare cheaper, it just shifts the burden of the expense. Why is Obamacare bad? Here: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2013/10/why-does-obamacare-make-health-insurance-so-expensive.php
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
So, she's just like Hillary, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Well, COBRA is *another* government program, notorious for being way overpriced. So I'm not surprised.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's easy, Wade. Other people pay for your insurance. That's fair, right?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Why should we believe ANYTHING Hillary says at this point?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Tell Hillary to release her own copies of the emails so Megyn Kelly can vet them.
Jay Douglas replied to Nancy Reiff's comment.
Group: Political Games
More classic hypocrisy from a liberal woman. You can call Trump a pig, but he can't say the same about Rosie O'Donnell?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And while you dream about open borders, consider this: https://www.yahoo.com/news/islamists-win-morocco-parliamentary-elections-provisional-results-011355834.html
Jay Douglas replied to Nancy Reiff's comment.
Group: Political Games
You mean like when Hillary defended her private email by saying Colin Powell did it, too?
Jay Douglas replied to Dasnee McChristian's comment.
Group: Political Games
Trunp was all talk and no action.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
If being credible is a requirement for an apology, then Hillary CERTAINLY shouldn't get one from Trump!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Sounds like you're asking for more.
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Krasnoff's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yup. Corporate America is full of them. Radio stations, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Trump will do just fine without my defense. He's apologized. What more do you want--Hillary as President? Absolutely not!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Trump wasn't running for President at the time of the comments, either.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I've heard far worse in radio station control rooms. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The FairTax prebate mechanism should alleviate any concern about regessiveness.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Oh, wait, was Hillary disbarred? I forget.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hey, The Donald can hire Hillary as his defense lawyer. She'll get him off on a technicality like she did for the guy who raped the 9-year-old, and then she can laugh about that, too!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
As Hillary is so fond of saying, there is no evidence Trump did anything wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So now we have TWO people making frivolous claims and unsubstantiated allegations.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Snopes says nothing about witnesses.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
And as Snopes reports, "As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by "Katie Johnson," and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her." Meanwhile, Bill Clinton was indeed impeached for his actions.
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Blaze's post.
In the summer of '69, Bryan Adams got his first real six-string.
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Blaze's post.
Jackson Browne was 21, and he called the road his own.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I attribute the deficit decrease to the sequester and the makeup of Congress at the moment. It's what controls the nations purse strings (or is supposed to, anyway). The Republican House of Newt Gingrich was indisputably the reason the Bill Clinton administration finished with a balanced budget and a surplus. And with all the loopholes built in, nobody has ever given up 90% of their income to Federal taxes, even during Eisenhower's time. That would truly be wage slavery. And it's why we need to scrap the income tax altogether and replace it with a sales tax like the FairTax.
Jay Douglas commented on Leona Sperrazza Owens's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's video.
Litterbug! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Eisenhower's own words on what should happen to tax rates: "And now, our last subject: taxes. In spite of some things that I have seen in the papers over the past 8 or 9 months, I personally have never promised a reduction in taxes. Never. "What I have said is, reduction of taxes is a very necessary objective of government–that if our form of economy is to endure, we must not forget private incentives and initiative and the production that comes from it. Therefore, the objective of tax reduction is an absolutely essential one, and must be attained in its proper order. "But I believe, and I think this can be demonstrated as fact by economists, both on the basis of history and on their theoretical and abstract reasoning, that until the deficit is eliminated from our budget, there is no hope of keeping our money stable. It is bound to continue to be cheapened, and if it is cheapened, then the necessary expenses of government each year cost more because the money is worth less. Therefore, there is no end to the inflation; there is finally no end to taxation; and the eventual result would, of course, be catastrophe. "So, whether we are ready to face the job this minute or any other time, the fact is there must be balanced budgets before we are again on a safe and sound system in our economy. That means, to my mind, that we cannot afford to reduce taxes, reduce income, until we have in sight a program of expenditures that shows that the factors of income and of outgo will be balanced. Now that is just to my mind sheer necessity. "I have as much reason as anyone else to deplore high taxes. I certainly am going to work with every bit of energy I have towards their reduction. And I applaud the efforts of the people in Congress that are going in that way. But I merely want to point out that unless we go at it in the proper sequence, I do not believe that taxes will be lowered. We might for the moment lower the “chit” you get for this year, but in the ensuing years, it would be a very different thing."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Looks like at least the Federal Debt graph is still headed up through the start of fiscal 2017. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/debt-under-obama-9000000000000
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Feel free to post whatever newer data you have, Joe.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
Well, there is likely a small cash problem. Paying 40 million people $1 million apiece would require $40 trillion. That's about twice our current national debt. But don't let that stop you. It wouldn't stop a Democrat. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Fantastic POTUS!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Is your head down?
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Scott Sandifer's comment.
Better built than the Richlieu, I hope!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Should I start now?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I've been with him at Zephyrs games and he's never even tried to be batboy.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I suspect advertising agencies can subscribe. Why not a Facebook group, or any group that puts up the cash and signs some non-disclosure agreement that I'm sure is part of any deal for the data?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Do you know where that finger's been?
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
Not my cup of tea, but I'd rather have coffee and chicory anyway.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
As my broadcast buddy Sgt. T-Ben Boudreaux put it, "Tim Kaine is getting poor reviews for his debate performance. I don’t want to say he was obnoxious, but his new Secret Service code-name is 'Kanye.'”
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Probably won't be long before it starts looking like Ft. Macomb, its companion fort over on the other side at Chef Pass--completely overgrown.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
No way to know. Maybe this group should take up a collection and subscribe. I wonder if they'd let us.
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Whitehurst's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Likely 33-45-78, top to bottom. The motor spindle gets skinnier (and thus slower) as you go up with the capstan idler.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
One word: FairTax.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Oh, *that* Jack--as in, "Wendy, I'm home!" LOL! Yeah, there is that resemblance! I never noticed before.
Jay Douglas replied to Joe Joyce's comment.
Group: Political Games
Welcome to the group. Joe. Any relation to James? I had a couple of English teachers who loved him. :-) As for what this post is about, it's meandered such that even I have lost track of it, and I started it!
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Whitehurst's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Too bad these photos didn't emerge in time for Dominic Massa's book on New Orleans Radio.
Jay Douglas replied to Laura McClure's comment.
Group: Political Games
The giveaway came when Hillary and Barrack walked away from Iraq, preannounced. When Bush left, Iraq was stable.
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Whitehurst's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Great stuff!
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Slater's comment.
Should have taken a photo of the sign. "Closed" was all that caught my eye.
Jay Douglas replied to Charlie Everhardt's comment.
I looked down the road at Ft. Macomb as I drove past it today. Pretty overgrown. I do plan to drone it one of these days, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Karl Jacobs's comment.
Very cool, Karl!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Must have pretty good incomes for lifelong civil servants. I wonder where they get it from.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Is he [hic] a pilot [hic], too? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Reminded me of what it felt like to me when I made a crosswind landing at Albany County Airport as a student pilot in the early 70's. I had two instructors aboard, and neither of them freaked, so I guess I done good!
Jay Douglas replied to Thomas Odend'hal's comment.
Ever see one land with an engine out--the dreaded 7-engine landing? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I guess I'm blatantly partisan. The deficit may have been cut, but the debt has been massively expanded to nearly $20 trillion.
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's photo.
Does bird poop represent the Devil? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I've noticed the Facebook Leftists are already preventing links like this one from showing previews.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
And nothing's preventing us from changing the laws here, save stupidity.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We had roads, police, a military, and schools long before the income tax came along.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Any of those that have no income tax.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's taxing me to death.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nope. Just suggesting the government stop trying to run the store.
Jay Douglas replied to Ken Barkman's comment.
Mine, too. They're just mean-looking. Loved it when the local pilots at Belle Chasse got into them at the air shows there and put the pedals to the metal!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The non-sequitur is yours, not mine, Laura. Bush gave away nothing. Our enemies took it, just as they did on 9/11.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I have no doubt that the Clinton Foundation is highly valuable--to Bill and Hillary!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Thanks to Hillary, I've gone nose blind to hypocrisy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands." LEARNED HAND, The Art and Craft of Judging: the decisions of Judge Learned Hand
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
But Bill can't drive 55, either. He forgot how to drive at any speed, having not had to do it for so long.
Jay Douglas replied to David Dunn's comment.
Group: Political Games
Well, now have NO say-so in how it's run. Enjoy!
Jay Douglas replied to Laura McClure's comment.
Group: Political Games
So this is Bush's fault? What a terrible dude. But I note Hillary seems happy to have all those Bush endorsements.
Jay Douglas replied to David Dunn's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yup. And it was working just fine, even with US oversight.
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
My keyboard and mouse both have wires.
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
I resemble that remark!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
This could be your namesake storm, Matthew!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Don't we have enough laws by now? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Geri Pourciau's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure no reasonable prosecutor will bring such a case.
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Took about an hour to run for me after power-up. It never hung. Don't know how long it whirled at shutdown the night before. I went to bed. Broke my drone telemetry video overlay program (Dashware).
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
He seemed to be the no-nonsense guy in the WPTR newsroom when I was there in the early 70's. Good guy.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Did you run into sweet, sweet Connie, too? ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's photo.
I put my foot down and said, "Whatever, Dear." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Doesn't not paying income taxes just make Trump part of the 47%?
Jay Douglas replied to Carey Westbrook's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
Prior restraint?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I can tell you the English Department there doesn't teach JudSpeak.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Has Ehrlicher weighed in on this yet?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
You'll notice the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is quoted in the article. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
LOL! Looks like he's got a beagle, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Color, at least 'til you put a polarizer on the monochrome shot.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Sep 24, 2016, 4:44 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Sure. Dropping my name should only marginally depress their chances! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, Kim Kardashian. Do you want her supporting Hillary?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
politico.com = politi.co, just like YouTube.com = youtu.be
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Thus, my comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Think of John Holmes :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
In the words of Tony Joe White ("Polk Salad Annie"): "Chomp! Chomp!"
Jay Douglas replied to Laura McClure's comment.
Group: Political Games
LOL! I *always* do it in a sleeve!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
And it helps not to have so much sunshine in the background.
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
There's some old Johnny Tyler (from WRNO in 1984) over at http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Welcome back!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
Nothing important, I hope.
Jay Douglas replied to Lynne Anne Campo's comment.
I may have come close to flying my drone over your place. Check "The Boats of Bayou Castine" at the bottom of http://jdthedj.com/Fun2.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Wait! Is that a wing strut I see intruding into that photo? Tsk, tsk, tsk! L-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Not again!?! I just ate some Pecan Pralines & Cream.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's photo.
I had one, same year. Got 24 mpg. Transmission died in 2009, though. Don't remember the mileage. Got "Cash for Clunkers" on a trade-in.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Sep 21, 2016, 9:31 PM
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Sep 21, 2016, 9:28 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nice sunny afternoon, but it was a bit too breezy for the motion detection script. Feeder was swaying and triggering the shutter with no hummingbirds around.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
And here's the other.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
Here's one of the only decent bird shots I have.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
LOL! In my experience, birds (of all kinds) all have anti-focus cloaking devices. I can never get one acceptably sharp.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
"Most perfect?" It's either perfect, or it isn't, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeri Henson Dies's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course, he was talking about 9/11/2012 and the Benghazi attack. Obama was golfing, wasn't he?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Gotta try some more, but at 1/1000s instead of 1/250s to see if I can stop those wings. Maybe this afternoon when the sun is full on the feeder.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
A boat!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And at our 2010 Reunion: http://jdthedj.com/RadioReunion2010Display.aspx?Pic=28
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
How many pieces of flair does Wal*Mart require? Could Jennifer Anniston work there?
Jay Douglas commented on Greg West's post.
Take the yellow stick from the plus sign and lay it diagonally across the equal sign to make 6-4 ≠ 4
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
Look good to me!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
For the moment, but there's a move afoot to loosen some of the preemption.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Well, just like the FBI takes heat when they blow a big crime investigation or let terrorists slip through their fingers, I think the CFPB should get scrutiny, too. After all, when we let government create these things, we're told they'll keep us safer. Let's hold them accountable for results.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Don't they know how many people have been killed by dihydrogen monoxide? It's extremely dangerous stuff!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Why didn't Senator Warren's darling Consumer Financial Protection Bureau detect and stop this fraud? I think *she* should resign!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I'm in a state with a Senator who drafted a bill to force drones to fly above 350 feet over private property, while the FAA was requiring them to fly below 400 feet, giving us a whole 50 feet to work with. Fortunately, sanity prevailed.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Usually when I drive to Hammond, it's to rent a real airplane and fly that.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Yay! Let's hear it for the boats!
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Farm house! Right arm! Outta state!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
LOL! I'll need some help with that project!
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Yet her fans love her.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, I'm sure Trump will apologize to Obama for demanding to see his proof of birth location just as soon as Obama apologizes to Trump for falsely telling Trump that, under Obamacare, he could keep his doctor.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Who needs a sombrero if you have a burqa?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice lightning bolt, too! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I hope she is, too, Lisa. She's obviously not "from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders." She should have no problems (other than the usual bureaucratic morass), nor be a problem herself.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
[sniff] Saw Sugarloaf live in the early 70's. Twin lead guitars rivaling those of Wishbone Ash.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
The link is perfectly safe. But if you're still skeered, here's the text: Donald Trump is gaining support among African-American voters — whose enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton is eroding, a tracking poll released Saturday revealed. Trump saw a 16.5 percentage-point increase in backing from African-American voters in a Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California tracking poll, up from 3.1 percent on Sept. 10 to 19.6 percent through Friday. Meanwhile, the same poll showed Clinton’s support among that group plummeting from 90.4 percent on Sept. 10 to 71.4 percent. Clinton’s nearly 20-point crash began Sunday, said Dan Schnur of USC. Sunday was the day Clinton was recorded collapsing while entering a Secret Service van at a 9/11 event. The survey, which spanned through Friday, included the days in which Trump reignited the divisive “birther” issue — which critics contend is a thinly veiled attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the country’s first black president. SEE ALSO Clinton and Trump are neck-and-neck Clinton and Trump are neck-and-neck Late Wednesday, Trump had refused to acknowledge that President Obama was born in the United States, demurring on the topic in a Washington Post interview published the next day. But at a bizarre press conference at Trump International, his new ­hotel in Washington, DC, on Friday, the tycoon conceded, “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.” For the week, the poll found a 6-point rise for Trump. The Republican is now at 47.2 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 41.2 percent. “It’s the largest shift we’ve seen in a one-week period since we began polling in July,” Schnur said.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Jeri Henson Dies's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's post.
I only remember getting them through about third grade. I'd have been in 6th grade for that issue.
Jay Douglas replied to Daniel Ferrari's comment.
Sep 18, 2016, 4:15 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Sep 18, 2016, 4:14 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Krasnoff's comment.
Group: Political Games
Your satire indicator isn't flashing? Might need a new bulb. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Joni Mitchell would do the giggling (like at the end of "Big Yellow Taxi") and the songwriting. Judy would just sing the result.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Ask Judy Collins about the other sides.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Sep 17, 2016, 2:11 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Three native American women are sitting around the campfire, each on a different animal skin. One is on a deer skin, the second on a bear skin, and the third on a hippopotamus skin. They're bragging about their kids. The woman on the deerskin says, "I have a son, and he's going to grow up to be a great warrior."

The one on the bear skin says, "I have a son, too, and *he's* going to grow up to be a great warrior."

The third woman says, "Well, I have *two* sons, and they're *both* going to grow up to be great warriors." This is proof that the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
If one freely decides to work for shit, then shit must be worth something.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Cool! All I had as a kid was a U-Pedal tractor and a fire engine.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Won't see it on Fox News because it's misleading. Minimum wage was only applicable to about 1,500 people in the SeaTac area, already a high wage area. Restaurant closing rate is on the rise. See http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/03/16/we-are-seeing-the-effects-of-seattles-15-an-hour-minimum-wage/
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'll be glad to supply more if you need them. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on George McCarlie's post.
E to F for under $5
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
You think blacks are too stupid to figure out what's happened to them under decades of Democrat rule in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, and Detroit? I don't.
Jay Douglas replied to Walter Buddy Knowles's comment.
Group: Political Games
You're right, Buddy. That myriad of loopholes, write-offs, and what-not are the ticket to hiding government favoritism and hanky panky. We need the FairTax, or at least a flat, low, fixed tax rate for all.
Jay Douglas replied to Walter Buddy Knowles's comment.
Group: Political Games
In comparison to United Arab Emirates' rate of 55%, the U.S. rate of 40% is indeed lower. But still too damn high (like the rent). And tax collections this past year were the highest ever! How much more do you want? http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/obamas-tax-collections-surpass-20000000000000-still-incurs
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Krasnoff's comment.
Group: Political Games
Sure looks like it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Um, autumn starts at 10:21 EDT on 9/22.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice backgrounds.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Sep 16, 2016, 9:31 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Sep 16, 2016, 9:23 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin Apper's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I think I used the Edward M. Noll book ("Broadcast Radio and Television Handbook" or something like that). It was in the bookcase 'til we moved a couple of years ago. Must be in a box somewhere now.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Sep 14, 2016, 10:04 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That yellow one I posted was a renewal. My first one from 1971 was blue. Don't know if I still have it.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
To use da vahnaculah, yeah you right, bro'!
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The ol' 6-week Wonder course from Elkins, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Mine's staying pretty clean because it's hiding in the same frame underneath the "General Radiotelephone Operator's License" that replaced it when they did away with the various classes, as well as the expiration dates.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Awaiting the Climate Change Blame.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Thankyouverymuch! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gilbert J. Etienne's post.
Sep 14, 2016, 10:04 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Mark McCloskey's post.
Oops! Guess I missed it! Have a Happy, Mark! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Your class must have skipped over "Comedy of the Absurd," Lisa.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Who's Bill?
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Even with the new model H, if you rip off more than one prop, you're going in.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
The idea is if I bump into the bridge, lose the props, and crash to the ground, I can go pick up the drone without needing SCUBA gear and maybe just replace the props.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Maybe when they drain the lake to take out the stumps on the bottom. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Nope. Just glad it wasn't any worse.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
They take lots of pictures and throw most of them away.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Well, you know what they say about good photographers.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Apparently had their anti-focus cloaking devices turned off for some of them. Good.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice butterfly shots. That's a big un!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Sep 11, 2016, 8:33 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
We can blame that one on Belgian singer-songwriter Jacques Brel and American singer-poet Rod McKuen. If it doesn't make sense, there's a good chance it was written by a poet.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Bertha Butt!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep by Mac and Katie Kissoon.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
See ya later, alligator!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
They don't like Grand Funk's "American Band," the song that immortalized sweet, sweet Connie "doing her act"? Blasphemy! http://rulefortytwo.com/secret-rock-knowledge/chapter-5/sweet-connie/
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
Excuse em wah!
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Probably because somebody commented on it 15 hours ago.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
What's she allergic to--press conferences? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Sep 9, 2016, 12:06 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
What's Aleppo? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Sep 8, 2016, 4:08 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Sep 8, 2016, 2:10 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
If we'd brought a trailer, we could have dragged the classics back to Billy-O's house and sold 'em! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
How does Chile do it? Only 27%? That's a lower corporate tax rate than the 39% in the U.S.! We'd better jump on that train!
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
The Rocket Garden is at Kennedy Space Center, I think.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
And Will Rogers said Carlsbad Caverns is the Grand Canyon with a roof over it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq. , just click the Login as Guest button and you'll get there.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
"Had this been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ferguson effect?
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
#2! Congratulations!
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
No problem. Just make it contingent on a Super Bowl win THIS year.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Still have your free "Raise Heaven and Earth" book on the history of Martin Marietta?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
Glenn L. Martin, not George. George Martin was the Beatles' producer.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I did it just for you (the droning, that is)!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I always thought the Saturn V booster at the NASA Michoud Main Gate in New Orleans East would make for a great unlimited class dragster! But it ain't dere no more. Moved to Mississippi. :-(
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
It records telemetry and very low res video on a microSD card in the controller. This flight was about 65 feet. Telemetry includes GPS coordinates of aircraft and controller, distance from controller, ground speed, vertical speed, bearing, etc., in addition to altitude. The 4K video is recorded on a microSD card in the aircraft. Visit the Fun page archives and you'll see some flights with telemetry overlaid on the video.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's video.
Nice! Did he ever raise his landing gear?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Sounds like a T-Ben catch phrase.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Every time I'd drive by it, I'd say, "I need to take a picture of that thing." Finally did this morning on my way out to do some droning.
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
So which is it?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Are you sure it wasn't "Oops"?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Great shots, Joan! I can't get butterflies to sit still for me.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Sep 3, 2016, 11:12 AM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You're welcome, Peter. I agree with you that folks sunbathing in their backyards in the airplane (manned or unmanned) era shouldn't expect not to be seen. I wish AMA would acknowledge that, too. Their ethics course is more hardline about it. It says "Unless you are filming your own property or you have obtained written permission from the individual property owners or managers, you are forbidden from imaging an area. That includes collecting photography, video imagery, or the mere act of surveillance." No weasel words. That's here: http://www.fly-robotics.com/amaflightschool/mod/lesson/view.php?id=69&pageid=173
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
[in my Monty Python voice and accent] It's not dead yet!
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
Great job, Peter! Clear, concise, and right on the major considerations for operating model aircraft. Hobbyists who enjoy shooting aerial photos or video may also need to consider that following AMA safety guidelines may prove too onerous. It's why I obtained Remote Pilot certification and reregistered my drone for Part 107 operation. The AMA Safety Guidelines, including it's "Privacy" section, are at http://suas.modelaircraft.org/ama/images/sUAS_Safety_Program_web.pdf
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Good in Hammond and Red Stick, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
States that rely on Federal aid wouldn't have to if they could tax their citizens themselves before the Federal government imposes and hogs all the tax revenue.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
I know nutting.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Keep your head down.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Love bugs Fly United.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
♪♫♪ Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nope. Not this guy. But flight instructors seem to be having trouble lately.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Too easy. They can only turn left.
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
That's a Federal crime, even in states that purport to make it legal.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
That would be 265 Carr Dr.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Okay, it's official. I'm a newly minted, certificated "Remote Pilot in Command." For my second trip of the day to the FAA FSDO, the folks there had trained up on their computer system and process. After a few clicks on their part, I had my temporary certificate in hand. They done good! Forgot to ask them if their phones were working yet.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
And remember, love bugs Fly United!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
BTW, I just drove to the FAA FSDO in Baton Rouge to make an appointment to get a temporary cert.. The guy said their phone system has been royally screwed up since the flood. That's why it's continually busy at the moment. He apologized. He asked me to go have lunch and come back so he'd have time to figure out their process on the computer.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
As far as I know, it's free. But if I wasn't already a certificated private pilot, I'd have to take the live, $150 training course and pass the test at one of the official FAA Knowledge Centers. As a pilot, I just had to take the online course and test, and show proof of a Biennial Flight Review in the last 24 months. Anyone can fly as a hobbyist under the model aircraft provisions of Part 101. No certificate required, but you can't do anything commercial.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
They probably took their phone off the hook like disc jockey's do with request lines.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Or at least Lennon.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Amazin how common the #25 Dream is. Beatles should have done a song about it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I took that salary because I figured if I didn't, the government would do something stupid with the money.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Um, because the government is stupid?
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's post.
Happy anniversary, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Where is the love? Axe Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Kinda like NASA recording over the Apollo 11 tapes, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Paul Seeger's video.
Unless your spouse takes the chair they're on for his poker party and moves the keys and blanket to another nearby pile of stuff. Then you can blame your spouse.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Facebook: Destroying families and friendships since 2004™.
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
Aug 26, 2016, 3:30 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Here's what the AMA says about aerial imaging:

The use of imaging technology for aerial surveillance from sUAS where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy is strictly forbidden. Unless you are filming your own property or you have obtained written permission from the individual property owners or managers, you are forbidden from imaging an area. That includes collecting photography, video imagery, or the mere act of surveillance. Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in confrontation with those being observed or worse yet being charged with invasion of privacy.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
He seems to run his business successfully. Can't say the same for the government of the past 7 years or so. And Clinton corruption is already well documented. I think I've made my decision.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
For whom should I vote to avoid corrupt government?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
No, but we don't get to vote for them
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
But I'm against corrupt government.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure she does! Birds of a feather...
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Did I mention that Pharma Ho is the daughter of Sen. Joe Manchin, D.-W.Va.?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Okay, I enjoyed it.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Aug 24, 2016, 6:28 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Paul Seeger's photo.
Wie heissen Sie?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Got one for "orange"?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I'll bet Hillary would have accepted that doh-nation!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Easy. Put Hillary up against him.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
If it wasn't his truckload of supplies, then I guess we can't make fun of him for passing out Play-Doh from that truck, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I guess she figures that since her Son can walk on water, she doesn't need any of that stuff.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Of course, I'm just going for a little levity with this post and the "Thanks, Obama." Nobody (including me) cares whether I can fly anything here today. Folks here care only about getting some help to get back into homes, as it should be. Some ways to give and get help are posted at http://wtixfm.com/events/20-great-louisiana-flood-2016
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Sigmund Freud on SNL: Sometimes, a banana is just a banana, Anna. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Denise Lyddy's comment.
Are you sure you weren't working in radio?
Jay Douglas replied to Quinn P. Ford's comment.
Only if the F-15's didn't get my drone first. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It's from 11:15 AM to 4:30 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It wasn't flying at all. I shot the Virgin Mary with my DSLR from my bike. Just up the street.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Now, you just have to avoid the bugs!
Jay Douglas commented on K Kinnon Thomas's post.
I'll cop to liking many of their singles! Even saw (most of) them live at the Treasure Chest Casino in Kenner some years back.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
And dere was one on Harrison Ave in Lakeview next to da Radio Shack dat ain't dere no more.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's album.
Cool! Never knew Downman Road had a Lafayette Radio store. It was gone by the time WIXO put studios next to the Pik-Qwik there in '72. And a disgruntled ex-Radio Shack manager opened up a Lafayette Radio in Chalmette in the late 70's. But that's the only LRE I ever saw.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
There's also the flooding video at http://jdthedj.com/Fun3.aspx#Flood2016
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I took a few. Here's one suitable for a Catholic like you. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
You want the government deciding what everyone is worth? I don't trust 'em to do that for me.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Sounds fishy to me.
Jay Douglas commented on Leona Sperrazza Owens's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Looks like spotty work to me! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course not. A free market takes care of making them pay wages.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's photo.
For us men, the choices are only red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, white, and black. Which one is this flower? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
I haven't seen a comment from you-know-who yet.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Aug 21, 2016, 1:33 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Aug 21, 2016, 11:27 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Aug 21, 2016, 11:09 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
“Where is the money going? Nobody knows,” said Franklin Spinney, a retired military analyst for the Pentagon and critic of Defense Department planning. https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-army-fudged-accounts-trillions-dollars-auditor-finds-150803338--finance.html?nhp=1
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Do you know where the money is? They don't, and I don't.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm relying on the IG report. It says what it says.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Ever notice that Louisiana only floods when there's a Democrat for governor? Simpson in 1927, Edwards in 1983, Blanco in 2005, and John Bel Edwards in 2016.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
They can't fire civil service COBOL geeks, so they keep them and their software around.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure the money was spent rather than "lost." They just don't know on what. And it's likely many of the things they bought with it are now lost. If you know you had the money, but don't know what you did with it, it's as good (or bad) as lost.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Maybe somebody already bought the replacement software with the $6.5 trillion and they just don't know it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Of course the DoD says the only fix for their accounting problem is more money so they can replace the 60's-era COBOL software that DFAS is forced to use.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Trivia: On the single, the label titles the song as "Only Women." On the LP, it's titled as "Only Women Bleed."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ahem. "Only Women" and "I Never Cry" both peaked at #12 on Billboard. "You and Me" got to #9. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We could certainly stand to cut the parts for which they can't account.
Jay Douglas replied to Laura McClure's comment.
Group: Political Games
I've never seen their assessment of the Nazi Party, but if it is as you describe, they're likely wrong.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Maye I can get Fox News to sponsor my drone!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Forget WND. I posted a direct link to the report they cited. I even thought most folks here would applaud that I was pointing out that the military (always a conservative favorite) was losing money, not some favorite social program. But that didn't happen. If the link is from that Douglas guy, it must be a lie. But that's alright, I can take it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I guess you didn't recognize calling me liar. You've been name-calling so long, you don't know when you do it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I knew Krous would get down to name-calling soon enough when his impugn-the-source argument failed!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And that all government is wonderful is standard liberal fodder.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
The PDF of the full report is 74 pages. And I know enough about accounting to know that journal voucher adjustments are what you do to balance general ledgers when they don't. The report says they lost millions of records that might justify some of those undocumented adjustments. That means they're not sure where the money is or went. You're right; it's not complicated.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Tell me that after you've read it. You obviously haven't yet. Even Evelyn Wood couldn't have gotten through it that fast!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Meaning we now have no idea where it went.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren Montet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Ain't much of a war machine if it loses that kind of money!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Here's the report without the clickbait if you prefer. Perhaps the horse crap originates with the Inspector General, not WND? http://www.dodig.mil/pubs/report_summary.cfm?id=7034
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's video.
For you, I won't mention "I Never Cry," which would also seem to qualify as a ballad. :-) As a matter of fact, I just played it.
Jay Douglas commented on Kris Keller's post.
Technically, it's just another income tax per 26 USC 3101. Although paragraph (a), which establishes the tax, is titled "Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance," the title is not considered part of the law, only the verbiage that follows: "In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of every individual a tax equal to 6.2 percent of the wages (as defined in section 3121(a)) received by the individual with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121(b)) " The title contains the only mention of "insurance."
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Will he be carrying Ellen? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I suspect that $2.3 trillion was the start of it.
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
The Clinton News Network?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's photo.
Zeppelin, brah!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, Keith! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
And lost it again at 1 PM, and got is back again at 1:25 PM.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Aug 17, 2016, 1:02 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Aug 16, 2016, 10:26 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
It started hurting sometime in 1979. Or was it 8/8/88? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's comment.
Ha! Fat chance!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
They keep calling it the Great Flood of 2016. I don't think it was so great. I think it sucked!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Just got our power, A/C, and Internet back 90 minutes or so ago. Wet substation finally dried out. Powerless since shortly after uploading the video on Sunday afternoon.
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Saw it! Amazing! Just got our power, A/C, and Internet back an hour or so ago, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Lost power (and, as a result, Internet service) at the house late Sunday afternoon. it's still out at the house. No cell service there, either, save for intermittent text messages. On from borrowed Internet right now.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's photo.
Red Dress Run?
Jay Douglas replied to David Brauner's comment.
It's not far away. just a little south and slightly east of us. Flooding I saw at the Amite River was at the end of North Shore Road. Things seemed generally dry down that way except for right there in the cul de sac.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
We specifically are high and dry. But there's a boatload of trouble just north of us, pun intended. Drove to the end of the subdivision here to have a look at the Amite River now cresting. Looks like the house nearest to it may have gotten wet inside, barely. But an inch is as good as a mile when you talk about soggy flooring. Too many people ogling there to launch my drone safely, so we headed to the grocery store. All the ones the Mrs. wanted to go to were either closed or admitting people a few at a time after a long wait outside. She hates the store I go to, and it was open just fine. Would like to get my drone up, but its better if we stay off the roads and out of the air. My drone can't rescue anybody.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Nope. And luckily, I've been able to keep them dry, at least at our house.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
High and dry, thanks.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Everybody's telling me I should have my drone up to look around. But I don't want to get it rained on, or interfere with any rescues.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
That'll put a crimp in my travel plans!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
While we're at it, let's amend the Constitution so as not to count non-citizens toward the population number used to determine each state's Congressional representation. That was a compromise to include slaves and Indians. They are now citizens and counted anyway.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Nice pics, Pal!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Do you know where dem "horses" have been?
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
I wonder if it snows in this part of Japan. If so, I hope they have salt!
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
Aug 12, 2016, 3:18 PM
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Wow! Gorgeous! [at least that's what the narrator said :-)]
Jay Douglas replied to Daniel Pogue's comment.
Group: Political Games
D'oh! I resemble that remark!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Same guy was at the Superdome for the Super Bowl!
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Aug 9, 2016, 6:32 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jo Ann Reifsnyder Mezaraups's post.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Aug 9, 2016, 3:28 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Barry Cantin's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Snopes on Social Security "borrowing": "The Social Security Act specifies that the monies in the fund may only "be invested in securities backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal government," such as treasury bills, treasury notes, and treasury bonds, as well as special issue bonds. So, essentially, the government can "invest" Social Security funds by lending them to itself, then spending that money on programs not related to Social Security (e.g., defense, foreign aid, education). The government "pays back" this money when the Social Security program redeems the bonds, but critics of the program contend Social Security will eventually fall into deficit by 2018, and the Treasury won't have the necessary cash on hand to redeem the bonds and pay back the fund. " The ability to borrow from it has been there since it's inception. Good luck on figuring out who borrowed the first dollar from it. But I suspect it pre-dated Reagan. Lyndon Johnson altered the budget process for it.
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Vote for the crook!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
But can you drive under a bridge and have both halves look like one bridge? The panorama looks a lot better than just one half. I'll give you that.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Support as in FINANCIAL support. You know, paying their salaries, whether we like what they do or not.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Well perhaps I should have citeda n additional case that makes it a little clearer that income in the post-16th Amendment world still means what it did pre Amendment in the 1909 Corporation Excise Tax act. Bowers v. Kerbaugh-Empire Co. 271 U.S. 170 (1926) This was a case concerning a corporation. "It was not the purpose or effect of that amendment (16th) to bring any new subject within the taxing power. Congress already had power to tax all incomes. But taxes on incomes from some sources (corporate property) had been held to be 'direct taxes' within the meaning of the constitutional requirement as to apportionment. The Amendment relieved from that requirement and obliterated the distinction in that respect between taxes on income that are direct taxes and those that are not, and so put on the same basis all income 'from whatever source derived.' 'Income' has been taken to mean the same thing as used in the Corporation Excise Tax Act of 1909, in the Sixteenth Amendment, and in the various revenue acts subsequently passed. In determining what constitutes income, substance rather than form is to be given controlling weight."
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
And some (including the Supreme Court in Peck & Co. v. Lowe 247 U.S. 165, 172 [1918]) would say that the Federal income tax can apply ONLY to corporate profits. Individuals shouldn't be paying any of it.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Just checking up on Vince Marinello. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Barry Keegan's comment.
Hope she's not coming to take me away, ha ha!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Hillary could do it all with a big red Russian Reset button, if she could just label it correctly.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
53% of us support Congress (everybody but the 47% who don't pay Federal income tax). Ever see the paychecks and pensions those guys make? And half of 'em are millionaires!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Our government has a history of conjuring regulations creating perverse incentives that pretty much guarantee businesses will outsource. We need to change the governmnet and its policies.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I'm still waiting for the explanation.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeri Henson Dies's post.
Group: Political Games
It doesn't matter whether we call it ransom; the Iranians are calling it ransom, and have already snatched three more hostages. That's what happens when you pay ransoms. And for the idiots who claim it wasn't ransom because we're just giving back Iran its F-14 money for which they got no F-14s, they need to remember that Iran has been demonstrably killing Americans in the meantime. Once you do that, we owe you nothing, and it's our money. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/438744/iran-ransom-payment-president-obama-broke-law-sending-cash-iran
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Hillary thought it was a good idea, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
"Countering Netanyahu, government and most of opposition, nation's Atomic Energy Commission maintains pact will prevent Tehran from developing nuclear" So, in other words, contrary to pretty much everybody in Israel, their AEC says the agreement is cool. I'm gonna go with everybody else.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Can I speak of Hillary as "the proven liar"?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Glad I got to see him at least once playing in his streetcar on Mardi Gras.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Syria has Russians. Iran may have nukes.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Thanks, Dennis. I have it. Working on posting those photos. Should have reunion video up very shortly. You're in it!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
And I'll bet he didn't get an answer!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Pot, meet Kettle.
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
She means pay for it by adding weight to yourselves, not pay for it by the weight of the food.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
No Eggs Benedict? If you do get them, make sure the sauce comes on a chrome plate. There's no plate like chrome for the Hollendaise.
Jay Douglas commented on Francis J DaRoza's post.
Group: Political Games
I got a tonsillectomy in 1957. Three days in the hospital for $127. What do they cost now?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Silence all dissenting speech!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And just for the record, RationalWiki is hardly an objective reference.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Now that you're done not attacking the messenger, I notice nobody has any response to the issue raised: namely that Khan has a clear monetary interest in continued immigration.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Yup! Cool! (Wet, too!)
Jay Douglas replied to Daniel Pogue's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
LOL! I didn't know white trash Americans ever flocked to ME.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't even know where the Block button is.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
All true. That's why I was surprised to see the exemption for hobbyists as the last section of his bill.
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
Markey's bill has a section which says nothing in it would apply to model aircraft per FMRA. But FMRA recreational flyers who claim compliance with AMA and its Draconian privacy policy may as well leave cameras off their drones.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, quit trying to steal Hillary's job, Noe!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, Facebook. Destroying families and friendships since 2004.™
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hey Julie! Wanna buy some baby parts? You can put 'em in a blender, bottle them, and sell the as salsa!
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
That's it!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And forget the headline. Just consider the general sliminess of the transactions when Hillary WAS involved.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
True, as is the article's headline. You just have to parse it like Hillary would. She WAS a director of a company that gave money to ISIS. That those events are not contemporaneous matters not to the truthfulness of the headline. Misleading? You betcha! Just like Hillary.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
They obviously love liars.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Looks like Michael will be back Wednesday morning after all, so look for yours truly on the Hump Night Rock 'n' Roll Flight to Midnight.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Give it up, Donna. Hillary is an "inveterate liar," and she's lost all credibility with me.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
As for Khan and the Muslim Brotherhood, I read the original story from Theodore and Walid Shoebat. Again, Breitbart is likely just reporting what they said, so if they accurately portray what they said, then I'm fine with Breitbart. Other outlets have reported the Shoebat claim, and I'm reserving judgement on whether their claim is true. But don't blame Breitbart for reporting it. Shebat's story is here: http://shoebat.com/2016/07/31/what-the-media-is-not-telling-you-about-the-muslim-who-attacked-donald-trump-he-is-a-muslim-brotherhood-agent-who-wants-to-advance-sharia-law-and-bring-muslims-into-the-united-states/
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
In the case at hand, it certainly seems that Breitbart accurately reported what Binney said on a radio show, and that's ALL they did. They even published the audio of him saying it. So unless they "Photoshopped" the audio, I'd say this Breitbart report passes muster.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So, Francis, you think Breitbart doctored the aircheck of the Aaron Klein radio show they posted, and William Binney didn't actually say what he said?
Jay Douglas replied to Jerry Swearns's comment.
Beatles Fan #1
Jay Douglas replied to Jerry Swearns's comment.
Don't let Michael hear ya! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jay Scheuermann's comment.
Me, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Jay Scheuermann's comment.
I was asking the same question at the station today. Seems to be a mystery.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
FBI said they only had SOME of the deleted emails and couldn't recover all of them. NSA says they have 'em ALL.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What hearing? There are so many, I can't keep track!
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
You didn't REALLY expect them to put a nude photo of Hillary (or Bernie) on their cover, did you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
How 'bout a Congressional draft lottery? 535 citizens get picked randomly to serve for two years. Can't be any worse!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I'll bet the debunking has been debunked.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Stay tuned for video.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"But Sean Davis of The Federalist examined Clinton Foundation records and concluded only about 15 percent of the money goes to actual charity work to help needy people." So where does the other 85% go? And from where does it come. And isn't supporting only women a bit sexist? http://townhall.com/columnists/johnstossel/2016/07/27/clinton-cash-n2198790
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So the streak ends with Trump. Big deal. Releasing tax returns is not a legal, or even ethical, requirement. Presidential candidates prior to Woodrow Wilson had no income taxes to release because the Democrats hadn't yet invented the slavery of the income tax (at least a Constitutional one). While liberals fantasize about what's in Trump's tax returns, conservatives will wonder what was in Hillary's speeches to Goldman Sachs.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not releasing tax returns while you're under audit just means you have a good tax lawyer. How the heck does it mean you're crooked?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, that invalidates the whole thing. How did Snopes miss that?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
How did you get over Hillary's constant lying? Try the same thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Mabel LeCates Wickboldt's post.
It's on my list. Just hope I don't pick the time when the caldera blows!
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Folks with no jobs never start.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I wanted you to think of the pun yourself.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
What's not real about a Cessna 172?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
As I said when I stepped off the scale this morning, I wouldn't have it any other way! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Gwendolyn Foster's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, I know. As it turns out, it wasn't a horse with the long face that walked into a bar. It was John Kerry. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
And the song New Orleans-born "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" bandleader Branford Marsalis played when New Orleans-born Richard Simmons pranced onto the show stage as a guest. Best inside joke ever!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We're talking voicemails, not emails, Donna. If Russian hackers altered those, they'd make damn good impressionists!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Having a bad spell?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
I get it. *That* George. Wasn't spelled that way, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
We had Neumann U87 mikes at WRPI. The gold standard in mikes.
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Much better than those old Morse Code stations!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
George Kraengel, Bill Pashka (Steinman's roommate), me, and Gary Steinman (l-r)
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Have at it.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jul 29, 2016, 12:07 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
I inherited this Sunday night oldies show for a couple of years 'til I started doing weekends at WPTR. But still did a Friday morning show for fun at WRPI with a few other folks.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I posted some in a Picassa album somebody started ages ago. Don't have the access info handy. Don't even know if it's still out there. And there was a subdomain at JDtheDJ.com, but I took that down when moving to a new server and haven't resurrected it. with 'em,Maybe I need to put an album on FB.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Not surprising there are Republicans who aren't Trump fans and think the party got it wrong this trip. I'm probably one of them, but I'm certainly not a big-government liberal fan!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Well tell her to go get it and bring it back. Those balls cost money, Mister!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Jul 28, 2016, 11:46 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Don't need to read the lyrics. I know 'em: "Politicians say mo' taxes will solve every thang!"
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, if they altered any of the hacked voicemails that WikiLeaks just released, I hope they remembered to hide their Russian accents! http://sputniknews.com/us/20160728/1043695928/wikileaks-audio-recording-release.html
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
What music is playing on those headphones? That may be animal abuse! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
You're speeding!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Keep talkin', Buddy. Every time you comment, this thing goes to the head of the news feed!
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The same is said about Buddy Knowles.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A 7 minute video I posted 4 minutes ago. Obviously, you didn't watch it, Buddy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Bogus or not, nothing will come of it. She is, after all, a Democrat. The rules don't apply.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm with her...and her...and her...and her...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jul 27, 2016, 10:23 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
With the continued neglect and decline of our military, we're gonna *need* Israel's protection!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I just grew taller than my hair. Most of it is on the inside now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
He's gonna audition for the part of The Cowardly Lion in the remake of "The Wizard of Oz." :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Yes, on an absolute basis, more white than black. babies end up dead But the rate for black abortion is 3-4 times higher. https://youtu.be/wC3gS9KlzLw
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
My intent was to reflect that I've been told by many Democrats and liberals that Trump is racist.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Read my lips: it doesn't matter what her intent was. Look at the result. Are you happy with all those dead black babies?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That was not a quotation. That was his summary of the effect of her work.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
The policy of the Democrats has always been that black votes matter. Black lives, not so much.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
I did. None.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
The was no quotation of Sanger in the article I posted. None.
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Irrespective of Sanger's motivation, the facts are that by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution. In the United States, black children are aborted at nearly four times the rate as white children and Hispanic children don't fare much better.
Jay Douglas replied to Elaine Scheurer Strahan's comment.
We spent the day and still missed plenty of it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Donna, the email chain shows the lawyers for the DNC said they can’t publish the price for the tickets because the joint event would be illegal. The Washington Post and DNC still held the joint event, they just never left a traceable paper trail (to outsiders) showing their combined efforts.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Indeed! And dismaying that the wiring apparently deteriorates with age.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Interestingly enough, I just tonight finished reading a book by one of Chomsky's compadres, Steven Pinker, "The Language Instinct." My daughter gave it to me. Chomsky's work gets plenty of mention in it.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
No, stats don't lie. Hillary does. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Hell, no, DNC! I won't vote for Hillary!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Frankly, Silver was so wrong about the Republican primary, I don't put much stock in his polls or his models, no matter whom they show in the lead.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
And "Book of Taliesyn" was on Tetragrammaton Records, a label started by Bill Cosby.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I find myself saying "Pardon my French" all the time. Will that do?
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Still have another 50 or so of the GC to upload. Then, it's on to the Petrified Forest and Santa Fe!
Jay Douglas replied to James Joseph Maumus's comment.
That's dihydrogen monoxide, but that's okay.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Kinda reminds me of Bill Clinton.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Your VP candidate isn't credible?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
I'll drink my Big Gulp to that.
Jay Douglas replied to Andre C Labat's comment.
Except for when I backed it into a street sign pole and sheared off a couple of props, it's never been broken. Took it along on vacation some 2,000 miles, but never flew it. We were always either in a National Park, or in a hotel across form an airport, it seems. Then there are those itty bitty private airports and heliports you can't for which you can't easily find contact information to make the required notification.
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
It could only have been better in a VW Thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
A year younger than Wonder Man (me)!
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
You and Kenny should have stopped in here at the other end of Bluebonnet (George O'Neal Rd.)!
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Nice to know we were walking in your footsteps.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Jul 24, 2016, 12:28 PM
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
At the very least, they got it coordinated.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
Thanks. No White Sands. No Sandia.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Now that you belong to the AOPA and the NRA, is it time to outfit Delmar with a 20mm cannon? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I seriously doubt Neil has read the article. And I know you didn't read it!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
I dunno. Don't think I heard about that one.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Pretty good for a point & shoot! I've thought about buying one.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Obama's method to decrease unemployment (U3) is to make the economy so bad that 100 million people end up out of the workforce, totally disgusted and no longer willing to look for a job. http://unemploymentdata.com/current-u6-unemployment-rate/
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
287K new jobs wasn't enough. The unemployment rate increased by 0.2 percentage point to 4.9 percent in June, and the number of unemployed persons increased by 347,000 to 7.8 million.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Great shots!
Jay Douglas replied to Warren Montet's comment.
Cool! Was David Bowie related? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Tauzin's comment.
Makes sense. Looks like it could have been growing for 100 years. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jerry Swearns's photo.
Which one of you is The Joker?
Jay Douglas replied to Elaine Scheurer Strahan's comment.
Thanks, Elaine.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll bet you can vote, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
I submitted 10 puns to a pun contest. Thought I'd win for sure, but no pun in ten did.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Unless maybe he was tying to type, "Nanu nanu!"
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Move to New York City, Noe. I'll bet the bureaucrats will let you vote long before they'll let you carry a gun.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
You're correct. The right to vote is restricted to citizens, while the right to bear arms applies to all the people.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What we need is common sense voter control: things like universal background checks at registration. In urban areas like Chicago and New York, perhaps you should have to prove your need to vote. Liberals should be fine with this. Treat voting rights like they do gun rights.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
And that's definitely a laugh!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I'll take that as a laugh.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Does Mike know he needs to change his name to Mork? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Rut-roh! Can you still hold up cards?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So they let them register to vote on their own recognizance?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No one has yet answered my question.
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
I wonder what its impedance is. Might make a good dummy load for a radio transmitter.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Right where it's always been. Some folks are just better at ignoring it. And they're not in the Tea Party.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I am part of "all."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't care how you vote. Just assure me that you're entitled to do it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What about my voting rights (assuming I was a Texas citizen) not to have my vote nullified by a fraudulent voter? Am I not entitled to some confidence that voters are legitimate?
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
One of the many movies I haven't seen.
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
It has one? They didn't tell us. And no photography allowed inside.
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Let fear and a bum knee alone hold you back, Leona!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
And you were no longer the woman with the most carefully pronounced last name at Martin Marietta! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Speaking of Col. Augustus, we saw a ceremony in front of the Alamo right before it opened that morning. Some guy named Jones becoming a two-star General or something.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
No John Wayne pics that I saw. Nor Fess Parker.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
And notice the sign that says, "Move accidents from travel lanes." On that bridge, where? I'd say you just declare that the lane in which you had the accident is no longer a travel lane!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Big day for musical birthdays: John Lodge, Buddy Knox, Kim Carnes, Carlos Santana, Michael Anthony (Van Halen), Paul Cook (Sex Pistols), Mick McNeil (Simple Minds), and others. http://www.jdthedj.com/Almanac.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Now you tell me!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Just checking to make sure you weren't still there! :-) Plus, we drove on to Carlsbad Caverns, the Grand Canyon, The Petrified Forest, and Santa Fe before heading home.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
I gots mine!
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's video.
I hope you were wearing your training pants!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
At worst, she's guilty only of "extreme carelessness" in her speech writing. So sue her.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, if you use common phrases, I'd expect some repetition. And George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" sounds just like The Chiffons "He's So Fine." The jury called it "unconscious plagiarism."
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
"Your word is your bond." Has that phrase been copyrighted or somethin'?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
They didn't mention Joe Biden's plagiarism, either.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Bernie Leadon of the Eagles has a birthday today, too. http://www.jdthedj.com/Almanac.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
We'd have to drive back there. We be home now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Ain't got no Alamo in da French Quarter, 'cause after a night in Da Quarter, most people can't remember nuthin'!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
And dey got horse-drawn carriages, too!
Jay Douglas commented on George McCarlie's photo.
Good luck with it, George.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Seems so obvious now, eh? I remember writing down every request I got at WPTR. The list showed listeners really wanted to hear what became known as "Recurrents," the big hits from a month or two ago. But 'PTR used to lock those cartridges away in the music library so the jocks couldn't play 'em.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Here we are!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Here I am!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Here you are!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Excellent, dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
If flying at night and engine fails, if you don't like what you see when you turn on landing light, turn landing light off.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Care to take on "fail" used as a noun in place of "failure"? That's the one that puts me in rant mode!
Jay Douglas commented on Donita Brannon's post.
I wonder what his crayon budget is.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I won't believe it if MSNBC is your only source.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Maybe Cindy would prefer to hear it from Fox News. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/07/07/state-department-reopens-internal-probe-clinton-emails.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And James!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Thank, you, Steve!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Don't blame Republicans. This is Hillary's own State Departemt reopening their internal probe.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
2 hours old, according to the AP.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Yup. It's one of my security questions. And so far, I've been hacked by three childhood, um, friends! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I sure had fun, Travis and Blair! And a few beers!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
ColoRadar sounds like it could be a tool for doing colonoscopies.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Sure. Let's see if he blows this one, too! http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Nate-Silver-Trump-Predictions/2016/07/05/id/737049/
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
All that money on fireworks simulation software, and it doesn't even do HD!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I don't *know* it's fake, but it sure *looks* like it's fake, and probably is.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
Play some Zeppelin, brah!
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I wonder if any of the government-always-does-stuff-better-than anyone-else proponents here will take a bow for this?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I read the Tampa Bay Times. http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/national/politifact-what-we-know-about-the-fbis-investigation-into-hillary-clintons/2277241
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's photo.
I'm either a city boy, or a know-nothing.
Jay Douglas commented on The Drone Guy - Peter Sachs, Esq.'s link.
Loretta hits the nail on the head with this article. The rules for flying as model aircraft are now a mess. And the AMA privacy policy, as I read it, rules out ANY photography or video except over your own 800-acre ranch, maybe. Otherwise, you need picture-taking permission from everybody who may end up in your camera's view.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's photo.
You give your butterflies names, or just ranks?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
When did I ever say that? ;-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
LOL! He was many things, but never a thespian.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jeri, Jeri, Jeri. Intent is not an element that must be proven for Hillary to be convicted of some of the crimes with which she very likely could be charged.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I've never been lost, but I've been a might bewildered for a few days.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And you know Hillary was not a target of the FBI investigation because____?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Ah, okay Lisa. I never took you for the parody type. I do take Dolly Parton as a pair-o-D type though. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And you know this because __________?
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's photo.
And afterward, you'll think you are a chicken!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Looks like shrimp, not carp. Oh, you said "crap." Nevermind. (And I guess it was boiled in Holy Water, eh?)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Just call ATC and request vectors to the airport. If you're willing to confess you're lost after you land, confess beforehand while you still have plenty of fuel.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
I think Friedman taught me all of those. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Taylor, you shameless hussy!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Jul 2, 2016, 7:42 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Um, looks like a kayak on the roof of a car in an upside down photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
China just put up a so-called trash collector with a robotic arm for snatching orbiting junk. But the arm works just as well to grab working military and GPS satellites.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Jul 1, 2016, 8:31 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
So there's something to that cat scratch fever thing, eh? Does Ted Nugent know?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Jul 1, 2016, 2:05 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
What's wrong, Frank? You rented "Long Dong Silver" and forgot to return it? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
How much would you want to stand at the wrong end of a shooting gallery?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Could I buy back my introduction to you?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You're just wasting your breath! And that's no great loss, either!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
I was once asked if I smoke after sex. I said, "I don't know; I never looked." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Forget the prefatory stuff. It could say, "Great DJs like Jay Douglas being necessary to the enjoyment of radio, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The result is the same. If JD stopped being a great DJ, the people would still have rights to their guns until we decided to repeal the Amendment. Get over it, just like you tell us to get over Roe v. Wade (and that's not even a Constitutional amendment)!
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Now, if you could just be helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent, too, you could be a Boy Scout! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Fortunately, the court comprised at least five other much more intelligent justices who declared gun rights as individual, not collective, rights. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/second_amendment
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly.
Jay Douglas replied to Mark Woketman's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I was hoping *somebody* would get the reference! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Case law doesn't change the Constitution. And go have a look at how many State constitutions have been amended a zillion times.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Those dead white guys did include a way to change the Constitution if it needs updating. But one of its marvels is how little it needs changing.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
I just called JPSO. They really *are* coming for you!
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Paul Seeger's comment.
Of you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
In Alaska, many puppies are a little Husky.
Jay Douglas replied to Nancy Reiff's comment.
Group: Political Games
Wring. Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls. Nothing there about applicability of the word to only freed slaves. NOUN 1. a person who is entitled to full political and civil rights. 2.(historical) a person who is not a slave or serf.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Obviously you ignored our Founding Father's admonition against entangling alliances!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Krous is hallucinating again. Here's another one I never posted before. The Judge addresses the just-doing-her-job excuse. https://youtu.be/QSACC20zM1I
Jay Douglas replied to Nancy Reiff's comment.
Group: Political Games
George may have been talking about the military, but I'm not. Thomas Jefferson clearly wasn't either when he wrote a draft of the Virginia Constitution which said simply, "No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Since when do I ever listen to you?
Jay Douglas commented on Kahla Peterson's post.
Way to go, Berto!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Got a crick in my neck from one of those tree shots! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Nancy (and Snopes), you're absolutely right about that meme. George Washington actually said only the first ten words quoted. So I said the whole thing just now, and corrected the meme, which I present here: :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Lemme know how it looks. I don't have a 4K monitor on either side of the Mason-Dixon line!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
But they are scary looking, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
And both did it thanks to Republican-controlled legislatures.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Or elect Democrats. They'll take your extra (and maybe a little more) and give it to the people they want to have it. Probably other Democrats.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I have no idea who Alexander Higgins is.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Do you propose killing them, too?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure Hillary has deleted it by now.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
So, you're okay with polluting the oceans? ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Potential U. S. citizens killed by abortions since 1973: 56.66 million.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
You missed the point. I wanted to test to see if I was surrounded by assholes. Would look for a difference if you stepped away. Oh well. You know what they say if ya gotta explain 'em. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Jun 26, 2016, 7:29 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
That would probably hurt more.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
It's that bowler/pilot bond!
Jay Douglas commented on Shane Rowbatham's photo.
He tried charging the cat for the bath, but the cat refused to pay.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
If you treat drones like guns, it would be the drone's fault, of course. Don't you know nothin', Gene? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Jun 25, 2016, 6:00 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Marleen Blair's comment.
Facebook doesn't always grab a photo from a link to put in the little preview.
Jay Douglas replied to Marleen Blair's comment.
I just thought a photo of a completely blank sun with no sunspots was ripe for somebody to paint on a smiley face. Just my strange take on things, I guess.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
Charlie, could you step away from Facebook for just a second? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's album.
Lemme see ya hug one, Charlie! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
That's not a horse! You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em together! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Absolutely not, Lisa! Inconvenient as it may be, in this country, we don't deprive you of your rights without due process. Find another way.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Oops. Guess I need a double shot of my baby's love!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The FBI investigated Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen twice, and placed him on the watch list at least once. But they eventually closed their investigations and took him off the watch list after determining he had not broken any laws. If Democrats have their way with "No Fly, No Buy" and similar new gun regulation, it is clear that citizens will lose their gun rights without having violated any laws. They'll not get due process before paying the penalty. But cheer up, Hillary supporters. Maybe the FBI will also find that she has not violated any laws!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
What about "Jeans On" by David Dundas? "Hey Jean, Hey Dean" by Dean & Jean? The Swinging Medallions did "Hippy Hippy Shake." Many of the answers are easily obtained with a query at http://jdthedj.com/Top40.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
But ya gotta paint 'em right.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
"Gun related murder is extremely rare, accounting for about .005% of all deaths in the country last year. Even rarer are murders committed with so called “assault rifles,” which pans out to about .0002% of all murders in 2011." [numbers are based on mathematical analysis of FBI Uniform Crime statistics, and statistics from the U.S. Center for Disease Control.]
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Not quite bullshit. Just not quite definitive. "The usefulness of this information to make a point about gun issues is somewhat questionable, " --Snopes
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Actually, we're now afraid you'll take away our due process rights. What right will you go after next--freedom of speech, freedom of religion, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness?
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Brad Pregeant's comment.
So, a Carlos Marcello kinda guy, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
No, but at 20 weeks, it will look a lot more like a homicide, assuming it's something deliberate, and not just a miscarriage.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
It is a "death." That's the starting point.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
We have 'em. Now enforce 'em!
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Don't have to imagine the price tag. It's right there in my link to Nikon above.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
The full TV version has one of my photos in it. http://jdthedj.com/img/jgeils3.jpg
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I did. I watched it. Loved some of the mostly-true story lines and characters. But it didn't grab me like "Treme."
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Glad I didn't get to into it.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
While I was out droning.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
Yeah, I got 'em straight from the FAA this morning. Thanks, Phil.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If you can’t predict then your science is wrong. Failed predictions prove that the science isn’t settled.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
I'll need a few million for that.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Have a Happy, Maureen! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Um, it's called a "Strawberry Moon" not because of any color or tint, but because it's in June, which is strawberry season.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Hmmm. Looks like Jamie got Norman to do what Sally Field finally got Burt Reynolds to do in "Smokey and the Bandit": take his hat off! ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
This could rank right up there with sending a text message using voice recognition to compose it!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Jun 20, 2016, 3:55 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Like Peter Sellers in "The Magic Christian"?
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Too hard for me! Good job, Phil! Technically, I kept using Bing and coming up empty, not Google.
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
All I could get from Google was the fact that it was held more than once a year in its early years, ruling out the simple math solution. And the 100th Classic was in 2010.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
That's not good. How fast does your bike go at idle? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Yikes! Hope that's not your poker hand!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Duck! [No, it's a turtle, not a duck]
Jay Douglas replied to Rick Rupnarian's comment.
My bowling skills, too! And Happy Father's Day to you, too!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
What part of "Early on, it was held more than once a year" did you math geniuses not understand? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Throw him a bone? I thought Bill was in charge of that sort of thing. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cassandra Roy Bolden's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Nothing like that could ever happen at Michoud, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Fine by me!
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Harness's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
The bastards!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No, that would be a sin. And it goeth before a fall.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
And KOCK? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Nobody pokes on Facebook anymore.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Nobody had to tell us. We remember what happened in 1913 when we sat still for an income tax we were assured would only apply to a tiny fraction of rich people.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Relax, Charlie! I said I liked it! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
You mean there's a Liberal echo chamber worse than this one?
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Katz Wvue's post.
My condolences, Bruce.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
What tripe! The Crusades are over, and so is the Reformation. Let's focus on who's killing us now.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
Or Photoshop.
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
He shoulda been dere!
Jay Douglas replied to Kenny Eberts's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
Ya can take da boy out da Nint' Wawd, but ya can't take da Nint' Wawd out da boy!
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
LOL! You can always listen to some WIXO airchecks at http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yup! Not quite as cool as actually doing it, though!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Me, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Cynthia Campbell's comment.
Group: Political Games
Neither you nor anyone else but me gets to decide what I "need" in a firearm. We have a Bill of Rights in this country, not a Bill of Needs. An American gun owner isn't required to demonstrate a need to own a firearm or a particular type of firearm, because that citizen has a fundamental civil right to own any kind of firearm he or she wants. the 2nd Amendment in not about deer hunting. It is, and always has been, about the right of the people to defend themselves and to resist tyranny.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Now you'll have to ask for them, like you used to have to do for condoms.
Jay Douglas replied to Cynthia Campbell's comment.
Group: Political Games
Fully automatic weapons (those that shoot multiple times as long as the trigger is pulled, aka "machine guns") have essentially been unavailable to every day citizens since 1934. The AR-15 is only semi-automatic: pull and hold the trigger and you only shoot one bullet. It's just like any other hunting rifle that holds more than one round. You have to pull the trigger for each shot. The only difference is an AR-15 looks scary.
Jay Douglas replied to James Francis's comment.
Group: Political Games
* Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606).[6] And readers of Newsweek learned that "only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The 'error rate' for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high."
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I'd put my faith in the good guy with a gun. If there hadn't been legislative action outlawing good guys with a gun, there likely would have been one (or more).
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Okay, I looked. Here are some numbers for Neil to look at: http://www.gunowners.org/sk0802htm.htm
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's post.
My daughter just asked me what I wanted, and she explicitly excluded expensive camera stuff!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
What you mean "we," Kemosabe?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Who needs a Russian AK-47 when you can buy an All-American AR-15?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jun 13, 2016, 8:20 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Yeah, another friend posted the same link on my timeline last month. Pretty cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Katz Wvue's photo.
Best of luck, Bruce.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Always good to pick up some green slime!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What Trump claimed was that the Mexican judge had a conflict of interest, not that he was of an inferior race, exactly the same sort of objection raised by the Obama administration in the case of the Iranian-heritage judge. Yet, somehow, only Trump was immediately labeled a racist. Look up "racist" in your Funk & Wagnalls. "A person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another." If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I didn't know them all. I looked 'em up on the Internet. But first, you have to know the song.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
All my friends know the low rider
The low rider is a little higher

Low rider drives a little slower
Low rider is a real goer

Low rider knows every street, yeah
Low rider is the one to meet, yeah

Low rider don't use no gas now
Low rider don't drive too fast

Take a little trip, take a little trip
Take a little trip and see
Take a little trip, take a little trip
Take a little trip with me

Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice! Fun to watch the lower level clouds go by overhead.!
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
They shoulda built a wall, and made Europe pay for it!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's video.
Source of our being, O Hummingbird! ♪♫
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
For true, AFIK.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I said she was brilliant. What more do you want? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Love dat trumpet solo!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
And Irwin Schiff, and Aaron Russo, and...
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I heard he was on Hillary's Veep list. That way, they could dispense with that highly inconvenient information classification system.
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Warshauer's comment.
Jun 10, 2016, 7:27 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Hey, that's my line to telemarketers and survey takers when they call me!
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, Lisa! Don't get none on ya! Wish I'd known sooner.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hey, there's Aaron again! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Now you know why Trump calls her "Crooked Hillary," James!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Glug is when you drik it; glub is when you drown in it.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Bernie is probably familiar with stems and seeds.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
You don't have to settle for Hillary, James. Republican arms are open for you! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
Glub glub... :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Village Square in Chalmette? Eeeewwwww! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Chantal Dabdoub's post.
Group: New Orleans Radio and TV Broadcasters
Here's a link: http://www.allaccess.com/
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Phew! I thought we were gonna crash!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The whole country didn't pay its bills. We owe $19 trillion!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
The other got 3,500 blow jobs.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
My mom had one just like that. The Kirby, that is!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And Hugh Johnson?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And Richard Noggin?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nor in the Big House.
Jay Douglas replied to Theresa Lew Brossette's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Is that Garth to his right?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
That's Ben Dover? Where's Mike Hunt?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A minuscule civil case. You need a better strawman, Now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If she wasn't a criminal, I wouldn't hate her. Well, maybe...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Good luck with arguing she wasn't!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It sure as hell is! 18 USC 793 (f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Bernie's probably been a head his whole life! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
My parents stereo Zenith console had a cartridge with a dual flip-around stylus. One was for 33 and 45 RPM records, and the other, larger stylus was for 78s. I wonder if this record was cut with the smaller 33/45 RPM stylus size in mind?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
When I walk into a bar dressed as a neutron and ask the bartender how much for a beer, they always say, "For you, no charge!"
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Or title.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
There are other music choices. Just go here and type in "Dog" for the artist. http://jdthedj.com/Top40.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Pat Matthews Helmstetter's comment.
It's actually Mrs. JD's ride. I get a crummy Malibu.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jun 6, 2016, 12:59 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
And it's actually Mrs. JD's car. Mine is a crummy Malibu!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jun 6, 2016, 10:50 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jun 6, 2016, 10:45 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Jun 6, 2016, 10:44 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
I wonder how I missed you.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's album.
Glad I washed the car. Didn't know it would be in pictures!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Don't forget the Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager! It's made in Wisconsin now, but still great! Dorignac's and Rouses are about the only places to find it.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's photo.
Hope she got Federal approval first!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
How do you know the Bible wasn't talking about beer?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
The cop running the lineup told me to say, "Give me all the money in the register." I protested, and said, "That's not what I said!"
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Jun 6, 2016, 8:06 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Jun 6, 2016, 8:06 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Keep your head down!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I mean, can you imagine Ralph Kramden asking the Feds for permission to send Alice?
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Aren't you just as hardy as you are handy, Aaron?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's photo.
Fire up Ted Nugent for some Cat Scratch Fever!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's photo.
Doug must have been using Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak 'cause I completely missed him!
Jay Douglas replied to Mary Steele-Stieffel's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You're welcome, Mary. Now, if I could just put all the call letters with all the names and faces. I can't keep all of those straight. And some of us would have a list of call letters way longer than our names!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Great job, Matthew!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hey, there's Aaron Handy III!
Jay Douglas replied to Aaron Handy III's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Well, it can be helped...next year!
Jay Douglas replied to Aaron Handy III's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
LOL! Well hidden! Sorry, Aaron. Your omission wasn't intentional. I realized I had none of you when I got home at looked. You need to be poised to get into every pic like Stanley Beck seems to! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
How quaint, rustic, and Democratically Socialist (on the east side).
Jay Douglas replied to Jamie DeJean's comment.
I could almost resemble that remark! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Pant, pant, pant...
Jay Douglas replied to Warren Montet's comment.
It's perfectly welcome where it was built: Michoud!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Yup. A hazard of being a licensed pilot as well as a drone flyer. Non-pilots who drone can't get punished like that. Meanwhile, despite the FAA saying commercial drone flying is illegal for now, they've yet to charge anybody with doing it. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-faa-has-never-fined-anyone-for-flying-a-drone-commercially. They don't think they can make the charge stick, so they're afraid to bring a case unless it was reckless flying.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Everybody in NOLA who's never seen it should drive out and take a look. There's a tiny parking lot right in front of it on Old Gentilly Road near Michoud Blvd. Do it before it's too late.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene Silver's comment.
Group: Political Games
True dat.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course it didn't The right was granted by the 2nd Amendment. Even the Supreme Court doesn't get to make law.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
And not just airborne, but supersonic, not that that matters once it's in the vacuum of space. The booster at Michoud is right by the Main Gate fence. Visitors can't walk around it, but they can get within 20 feet or so of the business end. In space program jargon, it was called the MGDA--Main Gate Display Article--similar to GVTA (Ground Vibration Test Article) and other acronyms for specific vehicles.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Jun 1, 2016, 6:28 PM
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
How's that a conflict of interest? At $19 trillion in debt, our government probably owes the same bank!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Thanks for your service.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
I still have my 1966-vintage Ampex 860 consumer deck, but it barely works. Have an Otari MX5050BQII for when I really need one.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Richard Wright's comment.
Aren't rockets basically fireworks? The Chinese should be experts!
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
And every dollar Trump has given to or raised for vets is a dollar more than Hillary has.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
I guess the big check he quietly wrote to Sgt Tahmooressi while he was held in Mexico before Donald was running for anything doesn't count as an "emotional investment" in vets.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
"Who Dat" watah! I remembahed!
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Indeed! And that was posted in the EU Times back in January? Wow! I hadn't heard anything about it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
She was a class act. Got to do a remote with her and Benny Grunch peddling a local bottled water at a Pearl River supermarket a few years back. Can't remembah da name a dah watah.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
If true, that's clear proof we need the FairTax. I guarantee he pays sales taxes.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Well, if you know everything that's in his tax returns, why does he need to produce them? Just tell us, Cindy. Or did you sign a non-discolsure agreement?
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
May 31, 2016, 12:14 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
You're entitled to your beliefs, of course. I was just pointing out in a subtle way that Teddy Roosevelt didn't explicitly say (as quoted in the meme, which I'm merely assuming is faithful to his actual words), that the solution would be to have government coerce its employer citizens into paying some sort of minimum wage or abide by some setting of maximum hours. Perhaps he did indeed want employers to pay employees more after seeing the wisdom in his words, but he didn't say he'd force them to do so.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, but there's an exemption for crazy people who think they haven't committed any crimes. They can indeed be indicted.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, an indictment is a stretch. We stopped being a nation of laws roughly 8 years ago.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Therefore, anyone aspiring to be a good citizen should strive to better himself to achieve the necessary wages and be productive enough to require fewer labor hours. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's link.
Assuming the link was supposed to be to the story about the C-150 landing on I-10. Yeah, I saw the story elsewhere. Glad the guy nailed the landing and that car traffic cooperated. The gal who gave me my private pilot check ride in 1975 wasn't so lucky when she had to put one down on Williams Blvd. Car got in the way at the last second. But no serious injuries.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And, no, I don't want more Federal regulation. Not unless you privatize it. Maybe give Halliburton or Blackwater the ride inspection contracts. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Disney won't hurt you unless you take pictures where you're not supposed to, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, Dan, Krous' reaction to that meme would have been *entirely* different if only it weren't Memorial Day! Shame on you for posting it today!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
May 30, 2016, 12:59 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
I remember it longer!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
So would you rather wait in line there, or at the VA? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
ROFLMAO! But nobody ask for some Zeppelin, or Free Bird!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
LOL! Now how would I look with that between my legs?
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
It's a joke, Charlie, a joke! Sheesh!
Jay Douglas replied to Charles Gudaitis's comment.
Crash all you want; we'll make more. [apologies to Jay Leno and Doritos]
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's close enough for me. We "right-wing idiots" don't do nuance. Besides, if a religion establishes a caliphate, it's exactly equivalent to a terrorist country. But left-wing idiots can't fathom that.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
So are Hillary's denials she did anything wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Phew! Even I am tired!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Here's a nice little meme for people thinking about voting for Hillary.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
May 26, 2016, 9:53 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
The All America City!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
I mowed my lawn, too. But I was to lazy to drive to my pool.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
May 26, 2016, 5:26 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
I still have to binge-watch Season #2 on my DVR!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
When I was about 5 years old, my dad and grandfather took me to my first major league baseball game. The Cleveland Indians stretched a night game to 19 innings, finishing around 2 AM. Needless to say, I was not awake at the end.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Wilbanks's comment.
Cat? The rally possum identifies as a Tiger!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll let you sleep until Mr. Obama pardons her for it (like Ford did for Nixon). That will be about 30 seconds after an indictment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A careful reading of the report will show that the State Department IG felt the the wrongdoing on the part of Hillary was in a whole different league as compared with the previous Secretaries of State who had private emails while the rules were indeed different, and also did not use private servers, nor conduct all government business on private email accounts. We're not buying the old "other people did it too" excuse, Donna.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Warren's comment.
After you take some of that generic Viagra. What's it called? Oh yeah--mycoxafloppin.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
The red one is positive.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
There was a time when your Social Security Number was also your pilot's license number. The FAA was nice enough to post all the pilot data in public on a completely searchable database on the Web. How's that for stupid, especially when many Social Security cards, including mine, say, "Not to be used for identification"?
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Yup, that's what it was. But it's okay. I was wrong once before. Back in '63, I picked the Mets to win the Series. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Yeah, my 20 additonal hours beyond the private license statement was in error. Requirements are more than that, and a bit more complicated depending on how much and what kind of time you actually log on the way to a private license. I'm too lazy to try to figure out what the bare minimum would be.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
There's a misleading headline for you. The Justice Department has argued on Clinton's behalf before a Federal judge. But only he gets to "rule."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And, BTW, drones aren't really registered; only the operators (people) get registered. They don't even ask for the serial number of your drone. I guess 'cause the drone won't go to jail; you will!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
VFR only. Instrument rating takes at least another 20 hours.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Cindy Werner Pollet, a private pilot certificate can be earned with 40 hours of flight time.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Any commercial use of drones such as traffic reporting already requires FAA approval and operation by, at minimum, a certificated private pilot.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Bruce, if I've told you once, I've told you a billion times, don't exagerate!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
All together now, in hominy.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Always make dental appointments at tooth-hurty.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
Where's the chrome plate? There's no plate like chrome for the Hollandaise!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Like the toilet paper commercial says, I hope he enjoyed the go!
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
It wouldn't be, but I knew you'd like to hear about it. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Meh. He's a local here. I can hear him anytime. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
BTW, it looks like it was edited with a bad jump cut, but that was Facebook's crummy video processing.
Jay Douglas replied to David Brauner's comment.
This article credits it to Pinker. Footnote 2. I looked on the 'Net. My daughter gave me the Pinker book, and I'm only halfway through it. It's out in the living room, and getting to the 'Net was easier. http://www2.ccr.buffalo.edu/halfon/courses/Resources%20for%20Students%20and%20Postdocs/PointsOfView/visualstyle.pdf
Jay Douglas replied to Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
I think that one is in the Pinker book. I gotta check.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Nah. That was a terrestrial-based shot.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Probably concocted by Steven Pinker.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
At least with a C-150 there can be no back seat driver!
Jay Douglas replied to Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's comment.
Ask Rhonda. She's got a broomstick! She parks it in the corner. Show her the picture, Rhonda!
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
More people might make system restore disks today if they'd fit on a 1.4 MB floppy! Sticking it up with a magnet is not good, though!
Jay Douglas replied to Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's comment.
I don't see a broomstick. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Black Labs Matter.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Yeah, pretty cool! I saw it somewhere before, actually.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
May 19, 2016, 11:53 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Went like buttah for me on my desktop several months ago.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And, of course, you can always add, "But that's not important now."
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's photo.
With helpful information demonstrating that when some one asks, "What's nu?" your answer should always be, "C over lambda."
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I've had the ol' needle-in-the-eye a few times for macular edema. Sounds way worse than it is.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Bummer! Better lower your age!
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Kern's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Number Nine...Number Nine...Number Nine...
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Not a Nielsen subscriber. Don't get to see the numbers for the non-subscribing stations.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Very cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
May 17, 2016, 10:29 AM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
May 17, 2016, 10:24 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
LOL! Yeah, nothing very lumpy around here.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I hear Mitt Romney is talking to Bernie about that very thing!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
May 16, 2016, 3:50 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Once you have the necessary cutlery, Larry, go see Charlie's Web site at http://www.vachead.com/
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
May 16, 2016, 9:36 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
May 16, 2016, 8:41 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Never give sine waves a square deal!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
May 15, 2016, 12:37 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Did you yell at him for not cleaning the tub when he finished?
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
LOL! And to think that if Senator Dan Claitor has his way, taking down drones with spears (or any other weapon) will soon be legal in Louisiana!
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's post.
No collisions, and all with absolutely no FAA air traffic control!
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
You beat me to posting this very meme, Dan Pogue! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Selfies are usually taken with phones, not cameras.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Ain't dere no more.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
But did you then inflate the arm rest to the proper pressure, or did you have Tom Brady do it?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, this is Facebook, not Twitter. You get more than 140 characters. Who's "he"--Trump or me? Define "it."
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I already explained how he's not my guy. But he *is* the guy for more Republicans, probably more Independents, and probably more than a few Bernie supporters. And, in the same way you and most of your fellow Liberals don't care what Hillary's done (or not done) in the past, I don't care what Donald has either.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
I loved it when Dan Ingram on WABC would tag the hot dog commercial with, "Shickhaus Franks, the most carefully pronounced meat in the world."
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Too late. Nixon already filed the nation's bankruptcy in 1971 when he devalued the dollar. Bankruptcy is when creditors only get some fraction of the money owed them. And that's exactly what they got with a devalued dollar.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
May 12, 2016, 9:03 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Should save your from mowing quite as often.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Title track is still my favorite.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
As James Taylor's "Shower the People" plays softly from the adjacent waterproof speakers.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Make sure they all get parking tickets and toad away!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
But what would they think if I expressed adoration for Hillary?
Jay Douglas replied to Trey Mustian's comment.
Group: Political Games
I didn't fact check it before posting, either. Since when do Liberals care about facts, anyway?
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Not to mention NBC, CBS, ABC, and PBS!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's photo.
I had one a dem!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Yeah, you right! (as we say down here)
Jay Douglas replied to William Kaupinis's comment.
Where's Ken Barkley Up the Wrong Tree?
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's photo.
Who da ho?
Jay Douglas replied to Elaine Scheurer Strahan's comment.
Actually, this was right before he did the jazz hands. LOL!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Keep dem snide comments coming, folks! Help the trend!
Jay Douglas replied to Elaine Scheurer Strahan's comment.
Check your email.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
I had one (or more) in soup yesterday.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
That's not the question. It's WTF is Hillary talking about? First, Trump's immigration plan does *not* call for deporting 11-12 million people. When she says it does, she's lying. Second, she very clearly said The Donald was going to "deport 12 million Americans." She didn't say 12 million illegal immigrants.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Yeah, I had one in our old backyard in Slidell do that to me, too. Squirrels must all be Democrats!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
But they have that "cute" factor.
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
A decade ago, the DC sniper duo ate there, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Mark Woketman's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Norris worked as a draftsman in Facilities Design Engineering.
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Could always try a DeChoker as seen on TV!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's photo.
Hope Frankenstein doesn't *give* you the boot!
Jay Douglas commented on Rudolph Tillman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's photo.
I'm just gonna wait here for Godot.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You mean knowingly like this? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-asked-aide-to-remove-classified-markings-more-than-once/article/2579993
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What part of the Espionage Act don't you understand, Donna? It is indeed a law, and very likely broken. We'll see when we get the FBI report, or a truthful deposition from Mrs. Clinton.
Jay Douglas commented on Brenda Houston Romero's post.
Group: Political Games
Nice to know so many Democrats are now suddenly concerned what the Bushes think about Republican Presidential candidates.
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Vitrano's comment.
Cardinal 177-Hotel-Whisky, check gear down; cleared to land. Neat!
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
She's got a bigger yard!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Ooops! Mine does an automatic return to the last GPS position it has for the controller if it loses contact. And autolands. S'posed to, anyway.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Sure does!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No, she's hardly worth that.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Dammit, Ken! I'm a DJ, not an ornithologist! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Would you prefer "hugely"?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
My guy is still in it for another hour or so. After that, are you gonna convince me to vote for Crooked Hillary?
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Good luck!
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
How 'bout taking down the rest of that scaffolding while you're there, Eric? Must be a government job. It's taking forever!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
I used to be conceited, but now I'm perfect.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's video.
Nice shot, John. BTW, you know about Senator Dan Claitor and his SB 124 bill in the state legislature to criminalize flying a drone below 350 feet, and authorize property owners to capture and destroy any they find? Won't be a very drone-friendly state. It was passed out of committee last week.
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
May 3, 2016, 8:44 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
"PEACEFULLY demonstrating"? This I've GOT to see!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
May 2, 2016, 10:14 PM
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Dead men don't talk; dead women probably do, though, as a reflex. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Thanks, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Ah, okay.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Didn't you have to be going the wrong way to see that?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Hamburger's post.
Way to go, Kevin!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
I guess that answers my question. You did go!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Needless to say, I didn't go this weekend. Glad I went last weekend!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
Elvin Bishop sittin' on a bale of hay
He ain't good lookin', but he sure can play
And there's ZZ Top and you can't forget
That old brother Willie's gettin' soakin' wet
And all the good people down in Tennessee
Are diggin' barefoot Jerry and C.D.B

[Charlie Daniels Band: "The South's Gonna Do It Again"]
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Several musicians and groups went missing, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
He ain't good lookin' but he sure can play! Where's his bale of hay?
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's photo.
Hope you found rain cover!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Over the ocean may soon be one of the only places to fly a drone legally if Louisiana legislators have their way. Of course, you'll probably need a "Drone Fishing" endorsement on your Wildlife & Fisheries fishing license, at extra cost, of course.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
More like I snapped at Marco Rubio. He keeps repeating the same crap!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Who knows. The FAA has created a "cheat sheet" for local enforcement to know the laws. But the problem is that right now, they're not laws. They're guidelines and Nottice of Proposed Rulmaking. This is the lawyer that really knows what's going on: http://dronelawjournal.com/
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
As a failed trumpet player in my youth, I first saw the name Allen Toussaint credited as the writer of "Java" on the sheet music I had for many of Jumbo's hits.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Clearly the RNC mail servers and what GW Bush may or may not have done with them, as well as everything else you cited as "facts," are irrelevant to whether Hillary broke national security laws. So I won't go down your rabbit hole of strawman arguments. I don't have time. Here's one of the applicable laws, the Espionage Act. It says, “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer — Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.” The "proper place" for such material is on Government servers or in Government-provided secure facilities. On a server that she bought and had installed by Brian Pagliano in a bathroom at his server hosting company is not such a place. Reports are that the server did not initially have so much as a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for encrypting data flows in and out of the server, the most basic of all such security measures. You'll note that the law does not mention "marking" of classified information, nor does it require intent to do harm. All it requires is "gross negligence," which the FBI says really just means "serious carelessness." I believe Hillary has already admitted to that. Of course none of the material on her server was "marked classified" because no material is ever marked "classified." Instead, the category markings are words like "Secret," "Top Secret," etc. And, of course, information is not classified because it is marked; it's marked because it's classified. Unless you have your own system for transmitting and storing it which bypasses the Government's system for applying the markings in the first place! And the Espionage Act is just one of the applicable laws Hillary is likely to have broken. The evidence of her guilt is overwhelming. I failed at keeping this short. But at least it really is relevant.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Me, too! http://jdthedj.com/WRNO.aspx
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
I didn't see any. But I've flown a Cessna 172 over the Fest above 1,000 feet and taken photos. Legal with a big plane, but not with a 4-pound drone.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Got to get my droning in before the Louisiana legislature all but outlaws it. Dan Claitor has a bill to keep them 350 feet above private property, while the FAA advisory wants the under 400 feet. That leaves 50 feet of sky in which to fly. Some drones are so small you can't even see them at 350 feet. How the hell is that safe? Call my Congressman!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You're not the judge.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
I'm on the same list. And I'll bet my day at Jazz Fest up close didn't help!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Objection, You Honor. Irrelevant. Not to mention way too friggin' long!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Congrats, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Got one o' dem in your collection yet, Dave David McCrary?
Jay Douglas commented on Katherine Boyea's post.
Now you can go on that see-food diet!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's video.
Did you get a package of those Pepperidge Farm cookies so you could do the Lido Shuffle?
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Not quite The Royal Teens, eh? But who wears short shorts, anyway?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm surprised they haven't done this already!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I've dispatched Martina Navratilova to your house. When she gets there, she'll probably ask you the same question she asked when she applied to the USA for asylum: Do you cache Czechs?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Get one!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
A misleading meme? C'mon now. You can't put a meme on the Internet unless it's true, or unless you're a Liberal. I doubt this one came from a Liberal.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Gravity has been proven to exist. Like climate change, we likely can't do much about it except learn to live with it.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Yup. You and Chris flew in the Cessna owned by Don Pechon, one of the pilots who got killed. I posted about it earlier.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
In New Orleans, we have the State Police, The New Orleans Police, The Mississippi River Bridge Police, The City Park Police, the Harbor Police, the Levee Board Police, and probably another department or two I've forgotten. Might as well have the Bathroom Police!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
We'll get together somehow! Should be fun!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
I should be there tomorrow!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Apr 21, 2016, 9:43 AM
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Apr 21, 2016, 8:37 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Looks pretty much like it did for the WRPI picnics in the late 60's.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Just wait 'til we pass that law to force rock musicians to perform before ALL audiences, irrespective of their sincerely held bathroom beliefs!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
And remember: Mrs. Cleaver speaks Jive!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Once a Democrat got into the Whitehouse, I had to start taking a couple: a beta-blocker and a cholesterol med. Before that, I was med free.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Not good.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Somehow I always knew I needed to be an engineer on the side.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Farm house!
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Outta state!
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Right arm!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Wish they'd put on another N'Awlins Air Show! It's been a while!
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Thanks, James, but I think I'll continue to strive to be a one-percenter rather than a part of a majority that likely doesn't have a clue. Doing that, I think I'll be happier than even a Dane.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
♪♫♪ " Oh, source of our being, oh hummingbird..." WTF? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I even created a subpage for you on the family Web page, but you went to MySpace eventually. At least I never did that!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I've got your tax return right here. Should I post it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Oklahoma has over 11,000 injection wells, the EPA favorite for disposing potentially hazardous liquid waste for years. Most predate fracking. But scientists say they are what may be causing the tiny earthquakes, not fracking. BTW, we had to get a few injection wells permitted at Michoud for the space program. So be on the lookout for earthquakes in New Orleans East.
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
How else am I supposed to taste 'em?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ouch! :-(
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Indeed! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
But is he a climate change expert like Bill Nye?
Jay Douglas commented on Bimbo Schwarz's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
If only whales could be as musical!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Great shots, Joan!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Come to think of it, I guess Buddy Diliberto knew! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Now you can visualize whirled peas!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
As you should! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
The taxpayers need a little debt-relief of their own, James. They're underwater by about $19 trillion right now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'd be interested to hear specifics on how Judge Napolitano's article in Townhall is factually incorrect, or why his pants should be on fire because of it.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Then why does she go to bed after I do and get up before I do?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
And we've already shared our politics. I have the daughter of one of the guys talked into the FairTax.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Trump's not my guy. Just waiting for my third choice to drop out.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I shot a 605 series the other night. That wasn't too bad.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Half my bowling team is black. Do I get a pass, too?
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
How did you get into my toilet? I bought it in Mississippi, and it's programmed to admit only genetic males! Don't tell me... :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
As a white DJ, I'll probably get charged with cultural expropriation the next time I play a Motown oldie!
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
No skin off his teeth. Taxpayers pay for it.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Careful. You already demonstrated you don't really like excitement from me. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I forget exactly. '69 or '70.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's link.
Too bad coming drone rules in the U.S. will make photos like this nearly impossible (no night flights, and nothing over 400 feet AGL).
Jay Douglas replied to Mark Woketman's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Or a painting.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Paint it up like this, Dennis.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Very nice!
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nope. Had tennis this morning, lawn mowing this afternoon, and bowling for cancer tonight. With some luck, I'll make Jazz Fest.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
You do have to click the link in Facebook first to open the WWL-TV Web site. Then you hover over the picture to get the slide advance arrows. But here are the 12, apparently in no discernable rank:
Dooky Chase
Parkway Bakery
High Hat Café
Ye Olde College Inn
Mr. B's Bistro
Liuzza's By the Track
Lil Dizzy's Café
Bevi Seafood Co.
The Munch Factory
K-Paul's Louisiana Kitchen
Sal's Seafood
Brigtsen’s Restaurant
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Lambert's post.
I get it, bra!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Kumm's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Hover over the big picture of gumbo and you'll get some arrows on either side to advance (or retrace) through the slide show.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Not quite crawfish red, but getting there.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Hot damn!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Won't the heavier breathing from human exertion on the pedals increase CO2 emissions? ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Oh boy!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Okay, cool!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
A supercharged V-8, maybe?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Delmar's lookin' snazzy! Who washes the mower?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Apr 6, 2016, 5:55 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Bruce Tannenbaum's comment.
They joke--you decide.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
What was the name of the news guy at WNOE who practically had an orgasm anytime Angela Hill was mentioned? It wasn't Dave Kushler or Art Scott. Some young guy.
Jay Douglas commented on Chip Ordway's photo.
I remember playing "Ring of Fire" as an oldie in the early 70's on WPTR. That was when Top 40 radio played almost anything.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
By the time they get to Woodstock, they'll be half a million strong! ♪♫♪
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
I'd seen it before, but that's a classic!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Is that why you'll be voting for Hillary--excitement?
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Apr 4, 2016, 3:18 PM
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
You have nothing to worry about, Dan. Whether a government program actually works never factors in. It's all about control, not results.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I feel better saying it because so many forget.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's photo.
We've got some similar, but where'd you get the white stuff from?
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
They're in last place, too.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Government spends *nothing* on education. Only taxpayers and the students who pay their own tuition by working or borrowing. You can argue over the results, but under our present system, there's absolutely no incentive to reduce education cost and precious little to improve results. The grotesque cost partly stems from the wasteful involvement of the government in it financing.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
You and Delmar could already do it pretty easily. Less regulation applicable, as a matter of fact. You can probably get a surplus Norden bomb sight for Delmar.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Apr 3, 2016, 6:49 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Apr 3, 2016, 6:16 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Apr 3, 2016, 6:11 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Apr 3, 2016, 3:56 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Like they "accidentally" censored the "Islamist terrorist" part of Francois Hollande's audio the other day, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
As was I.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
And I remember the missing rental truck keys. Just a few weeks ago, as I recall.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
To whom did you resend it? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
[sniff] :-(
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, nuance. Those stupid Republicans just don't understand nuance.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What's dumb is thinking Denmark is socialist. It ranks higher than the US in business freedom, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, property freedom and freedom from corruption. Then there's this: http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/us/the-liberal-lie-that-denmark-is-a-socialist-utopia-illustrated
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And I like to think I had something to do with his "higher" education.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
And thanks to the $15 per hour minimum wage, I can't afford to eat out anymore, including my hawt.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
"Exclusive to women." Sounds like clear sexism and discrimination to me!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Socialism: Communism without the communes.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
There's one thing worse: hailing taxicabs!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Sounds like the Army may have been guilty of cultural appropriation!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, she was dumpster diving in 1996 when Bill Clinton and the Democrats were in power. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
The article is by actress Margot Kidder. She's really taken her Lois Lane role to heart!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
In Chalmette, it's "coo-pawn."
Jay Douglas commented on Eddie Gibbons's photo.
Way to go, Dude, er, I mean, Dr. Dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Mmmmm. Where's my sauce piquant? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Apr 1, 2016, 2:30 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Apr 1, 2016, 2:12 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Apr 1, 2016, 1:36 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Apr 1, 2016, 10:07 AM
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Mar 31, 2016, 9:42 AM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
OK, let's see, where'd I park my F-22? I'm assuming you don't want my boots on the ground.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Al Qaeda, ISIS, more.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Is somebody gonna tell the enemy to stop fighting?
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
Great shot! Damn good photographer!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
A song about actor Ralph Bellamy's mother. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
So there's a world somewhere in which Horton Strong had a #1 record, eh? Cool!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
As a friend of mine put it, "If what I saw in that video was 'Simple Battery'....I need to apologize on here now.....for any of you I ever hugged, shook hands with, kissed on the cheek, high-fived, brushed up against or patted on the back....I didn't realize I had committed the modern day description of assault...."
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I know. Surprising to me that she'd pick Trump over any Democrat.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Well, Don't Just Stand There. Say Something Funny. Hmmm. Maybe too soon. [sniff]
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Good one! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
The question remains: why?
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Got anything in the Louisiana cockroach style? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Nice music! :-) And nice prep for me. We're headed off to get some blackened alligator for lunch!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bob and Nash are out?
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's photo.
Driven by Humpty from Pasadena.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I'd have gone with Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager, but suit yourself. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
Hey, Paw! When ya gonna get us a new Maw, haw, Paw?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Took it in the rump!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Some hold that Islam is a lifestyle, not a religion. Zero separation of church and state.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
I just had some!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
With a $100 handshake? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
It's not Monday.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nice manatees! Nice keel!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
I'm sure The Advocate loves it when the competition gets arrested.
Jay Douglas commented on Steven DeBruhl's post.
Will they make him rewind it?
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Doesn't sound like a third party to me. It sounds just like Bernie Sanders!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nothing. I need it here.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Was it consensual? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
In case the reference above was too Dennis Milleresque for you, WABC's Dan Ingram often extro-ed that song as "I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as Bruce Morrow," which was Cousin Brucie's full name.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
But not as much as Bruce Morrow!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But there aren't many who were also rocket scientists.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Or a lot.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Sure. All it takes is a little data tampering.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Every other year back in the day. Thunderbirds in between.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's already there.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Would be nice to have 'em here again.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Here's Old No. 7 at Belle Chasse NAS in 1991.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
At least we know if we put another Democrat in office, the terrorists won't have to worry about those pesky immigration laws. http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/22/according-to-democrats-its-un-american-to-enforce-immigration-laws/
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Brown's post.
Group: Political Games
The Republican Presidents did it to piss off the Communists. The Democrat did it to piss off Republicans. *That's* the difference.
Jay Douglas replied to Bonnie Poirier's comment.
Oh, *there* you are! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Bonnie Poirier's comment.
In which one?
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Piroozshad's comment.
Try being a sore loser to common sense. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Josh Hussey's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The above is all I ever see on All Access.
Jay Douglas replied to Josh Hussey's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Except that only subscribers get to see the book.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Sure liked it when Arbitron used to release the 12+ numbers for ALL the stations in each market, and not just subscribers. What's a subscription cost these days? Maybe this group could pass the hat. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Hmmmm. I don't know. We always used to tell Joe he was ugly. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, I have far more notions than the truth about climate model inaccuracy. Your claim that folks like Ball and Watts are science outliers is just as false as the claim that 97% of climate scientists agree on anthropogenic global warming. That claim has been thoroughly debunked by study after study (http://www.friendsofscience.org/assets/documents/97_Consensus_Myth.pdf). Admittedly, the Saul Alinsky tactic of repeating a lie over and over again until it is generally perceived as true has been very effective. I *am* really interested in science. I don't even deny that the globe has warmed slightly over the past century. But the science of why is far from settled. You admit that "no predictive model is completely accurate, particularly not one which is modeling something as complex and fluid as the entire global climate system." Wake me up when you've got one that's at least a little bit accurate. Then, if you don't mind, I'll take another nap while your modelers come up with a model that shows accurately what we need to do to "fix" global warming.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's photo.
Nice! They never sit still for me.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Congratulations, Dan. You've found your proverbial blind squirrel..
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
C.mon, Frank, you're too smart to go there. http://nypost.com/2015/09/27/yes-hillary-clinton-broke-the-law/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No, but I can point you to scores of failed climate predictions by a variety of climate alarmists such as the Reverend Al Gore.
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
[Sniff] Just when I felt I had gotten to know him from "The Bomber Boys."
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
Just ask Matt. He knows *everybody* in New Orleans! :)
Jay Douglas replied to Leona Sperrazza Owens's comment.
Asked and answered! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
We just had some of her famous grillade. Yum!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's video.
Hold the phone in landscape orientation, dammit! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The military is just an inconvenience.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Except the NOAA doesn't pay much attention to the satellite temperature data. It's much easier to fudge the surface temperature readings to suit the agenda.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
The purse is pretty well depleted at $19 trillion in the red.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's photo.
The yellow ???? of Texas?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Mar 20, 2016, 1:21 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
I just haven't been stored properly.
Jay Douglas replied to Jimmy Lasecki's comment.
Now it's tater tot casserole.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
That it did.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
Yeah, like that. Some sort of fall.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
You're proud? Rut-roh! You *know* what comes next, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Um, the singer on Canned Heat's "Going Up the Country" was Bob "The Bear" Hite. Nobody from Country Joe and The Fish. But I suppose he did sound like Sesame Street's Ernie. And your recollection of it is typical Sixties. Are you sure you weren't there? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You're just a Tennessee boy through and through, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's photo.
I looked after while.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Have a Happy, T-Mac! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
He, he's moving!
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Good. Let's spend that $1 trillion in savings on infrastructure. Oh, wait, you mean the savings is just a difference between two steadily increasing cost projection lines? Darn! I thought it was real money we'd already put aside in the Treasury.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
One minor correction: WGY is in Schenectady, New York, not New York, New York. Difference of about 150 miles.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
7 PM - 12 M Monday through Friday. 1 PM - 6 PM on Sundays.
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
Well, Anna, sometimes a banana is just a banana, Anna.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I will. Tonight. Just after 7 PM CDT. http://wtixfm.com/
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
Is that Golden Pond there? You wanna dance, or do you just want to suck face? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
You do know they're on Twitter and know how to Tweet, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Bird must be a ventriloquist. I never saw his lips move once!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Just start calling your toilet Jim instead of John. Then you can say you go to the Jim every morning.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Mar 15, 2016, 8:37 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My student-run college station faced some issues when it opened operation up to include volunteers from the community as well as just students from the school. It's amazing how intensely some volunteers take their volunteering.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Is that a hanging chad I see on that ballot?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
And stay home! Or, come here. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Hey, Kevin! Did I ever tell you about the time I almost went to Woodstock? I had to work that weekend.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Tauzin's comment.
True dat!
Jay Douglas replied to Ben Walsh's comment.
Or in a peck of pickled peppers.
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Tauzin's comment.
Pi=3.14159. Pi aren't square; pi are round. So round up to 3.1416, today's date.
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
There's always a geek in the bunch who gives away the test answers! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Charles Gudaitis's post.
I was there, too! Birdman scored 60 points! The next night, I was there fpr a game between WRNO and WDSU-TV at halftime of the Globetrotters game. I scored 2!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
With all the rain we had, the floating teacher probably floated away.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Well, then, let's do it! Oh, wait. Nevermind...
Jay Douglas replied to Bruce Tannenbaum's comment.
As long as it's not a saxophone being strangled, I'm okay with jazz.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I'm drawing a blank on the Caroline reference there, Dennis.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
I'm sure James Joyce or Samuel Beckett could lengthen that first sentence for you. I'm sure you'd prefer that to having your flight lengthened.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Set it on fire like Hendrix!
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's video.
Play some Zeppelin, brah! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Love that 12-cylinder Rolls-Royce Merlin sound!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Just a typical Louisiana heavy dew, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Looks cold!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Is that one of those new-fangled "floating" laminate floors?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hey, iHeart. I'll give you $1,000 cash right now for WRNO. Whaddya say?
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Looks like President Obama has weighed in on this. No impenetrable devices allowed. Not just because of national security, but because of tax collection trouble, too. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/obama-says-cannot-legal-case-apple-inc-223034884--finance.html https://ca.news.yahoo.com/obama-says-cannot-legal-case-apple-inc-223034884--finance.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Damn. I'm getting tired of making sad entries in the Rock 'n' Roll Almanac.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Feel free.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hey, we could use climate change to be more like Denmark! http://www.zerohedge.com/article/denmark-gives-away-7b-usd-or-2-gdp-carbon-credit-traders
Jay Douglas commented on Roger Bull's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
True. I can go flying, come back home, browse to LiveATC.net, and listen to an "aircheck" of the communications during my flight (archived for a month).
Jay Douglas commented on Roger Bull's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Very cool indeed! I wish smartphones would come with SDRs!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Is that you standing in the river? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
It's why astronauts are often told, "Your ass hurts!"
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
My "Like" is for the drone footage, not the actual flooding.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Looks good!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
He's shore got a purdy mouth, too. [Dueling Banjos heard]
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Mar 10, 2016, 4:52 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Mar 10, 2016, 4:49 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Mar 10, 2016, 4:09 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Oh. Didn't realize you were reprising a faux pas from three years ago. Sorry, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Geez! I even posted a reminder here the day before! Nice pic, though!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Dead men don't post.
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Mar 10, 2016, 8:40 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Disappearing clouds, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
You have to pay extra for dem skies?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Looks like the Crazy World of Arthur Brown!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
Glad you're not having a bad spell.
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Nichols Trout's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I think Warren Mussachia is there, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
How about around the old U.S. Mint in the Quarter? Or around former radio station studios? Might find some gold records!
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Nichols Trout's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Ed Watts went to Orlando.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Who doesn't?
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
That was an original purpose of the NRA.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Nobody's ever manufactured a defective breech?
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
Okay. I get one, and you don't. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Francis J DaRoza's post.
Group: Political Games
Why should a gun manufacturer be liable when a gun performs exactly as advertised it will? Having it explode in the user's hand when fired is one thing. But only the user is liable when a gun causes death or injury to someone he shoots.
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Lucas's comment.
The manual doesn't really say. But the firmware update doc says, " In case of loss of signal, Typhoon will return to home and remain in a hover until the signal is regained." And Yuneec never really defines "Home." Is it where the controller is at the moment (it has its own GPS as well as the aircraft), or the initial takeoff location?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
♪♫♪♫ White Lightning and that little boy's smile... ♪♫♪♫ (apologies to Allanah Myles)
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Slow learner?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Where was your drone? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Not exactly a Yyyyyuuuuugggggge wall, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to Judy Scheurer's comment.
True dat!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yeah, they talk about old stuff there.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Don't be sorry. Bernie's the kind of guy who needs plenty of OPM--other people's money! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Got an extra $18 trillion lying around to pay for the Bern?
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Great disc jockeys think alike!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Not bad. Chris! When the first stage drops off, you can really see some acceleration due to the reduced mass even before the second stage lights.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
At the bottom of the article:

"EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column originally appeared in the Peoples Cube. The author is the Kommissar of Viral Infections with additional reporting by Red Square."
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Obviously invented by Jerry Lee Lewis.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Only His name.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Makes you wonder when God will upgrade to FM,
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Very cool, Dennis! Thanks! And it's like a WRPI Reunion here!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Indeed you did! Since I digitized many of my tapes, I kinda lost track of where they came from. But that is your Magic Marker handwriting on the tape box. And I just added a credit on the Web site. Thanks, Gary! And I suspect it was WPTR's Guy Hill who made the actual recording on his summer trip to L.A.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's photo.
Well now they're *really* gonna die! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Um, yes?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
This is hard to hear, man.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Check your email.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Gotta wonder about a blogger who is thrilled by the writings of French economist Thomas Pikkety, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's post.
Stennis Space Center? They had one. Don't know if they still do.
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Hadn't thought of ought!
Jay Douglas commented on Jules Malarcher's post.
A rough cough and a hiccough plough me through.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Given that the President would likely veto anything they might vote for, it probably wouldn't matter.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Wow! This has to be a first! I agree with all three of you! I hope I haven't been Liberalized!
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
That periodontist is looking down-in-the-mouth. Was the appointment at tooth-hurty?
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Dan Janutolo, but if unbreakable encryption has turned a phone into a brick, you wouldn't bother writing a subpoena for it, would you? Should the unbreakable encryption be allowed?
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Jud Hindes's comment.
I'm glad you just missed the "T" key and hit the "R" to type "far" instead of "fat." You could have hit the "R" and then the "T"!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
That's why I have mixed emotions on this one, Cynthia. So we outlaw unbreakable codes and phones here. What happens when the terrorists get them from China or somewhere similar? And just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm thinking if we outlaw unbreakable encryption and unbreakable phones here, it just means they'll be made in Russia or China or Iran and used to our detriment.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
Wow! Some of those cars have been out there a long time!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I guess the reaction buttons are coming to FB Groups in a future update!
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's post.
Mind if I take a smoke break? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
My Thought Experiment posits an impenetrable box that only the owner can open. Warrant-proof. Should such a box be legal in the US? I strongly suspect that as a result of the Apple case, Congress will handle it by outlawing unbreakable encryption and un-unlockable phone possession in this country. Are you okay with that?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
LOL! Guy needs to be quicker on the joystick! Or fly higher.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just have to find advertisers who believe what the station ad salesman tells him about the station's ratings without question. Our station's salesmen just say, "I heard from Jay Douglas that the station is #1 from 7-midnight." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
But silly Socialist memes and comments about the stupid GOP are perfectly fine here, eh? Okay, I gotcha. What I expected were chuckles, but apparently few here can get, let alone take, a joke.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Feb 24, 2016, 7:58 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy Werner Pollet, a meme calling Democrats a special kind of stupid is trolling? I don't think so. It was clearly hate speech, and required immediate shutdown! C'mon now, is this group "Political Games," or "Political Correctness"? You, of all people, should know what happens when you tell a disc jockey what he can say and what he can't. It wasn't profanity.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Lisa Spomer-Krasnoff, I haven't decided yet whether a phone is more sacrosanct than a locked door. I'm still gathering input. Hence, my thought experiment.
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Whoa! Way too fast for me! My daughter posted a much shorter clip of this to my timeline a few days ago. Pretty impressive!
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I just tell everybody that WTIX-FM, especially 7-12 midnight, beats them all. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Phillip Colwart's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Not necessarily. WWL-FM doesn't subscribe to Nielsen, so the general public can't see their ratings.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Feb 23, 2016, 7:04 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Dan Janutolo, I'd be interested to hear your reasons for feeling that a locked phone is not a right. If you will, see the "Thought Experiment" post I made to my public timeline earlier today and feel free to comment. I stopped posting here a while back because I got censored. If James or anyone else here wants to chime in on it, you're invited, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Feb 23, 2016, 2:26 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Just not by the FBI.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. [hiccup]
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
In 10 years or so, it could be as much as 6¢.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Don't spend it all in one place!
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Feb 21, 2016, 11:08 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Jud Hindes's video.
Close-up indeed! Nice!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Susie R Shows's post.
Termites have been complaining about finding cheese in their wood products.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Tauzin's post.
Feb 18, 2016, 1:19 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's video.
How'd you get him or her to show off? Nice!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Dionne Warwicke knew when I was going to play one of her records.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just in case they ask about both Soxless Scott Segraves and Russ Boney, there's always this one. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Feb 17, 2016, 2:06 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
I still have my Ampex 860 consumer deck I had in my WRPI days. But it's ready for the trash. Ampex didn't use much cast iron in their consumer decks (although the problem really was the rubber belts).
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah. I bought me a used Otari 5050BQII on eBay for $300 or so. Has both 2- and 4-track playback heads. It's been fun and useful to have.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
LOL! Just us old farts!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Ain't nothin' simple no more! Remember analog tape?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Vegas seems to get mixed reviews. I started with Pinnacle Studio, which got bought by Avid, then Corel. Current product (I'm using Pinnacle Studio 18.5, but 19 is out) looks a lot like it did when it was Avid Studio. A consumer (maybe prosumer) level product for sure, but it has generally been pretty good. I'm not thrilled with the quality of it's current 4K MP4 encoder, but it's great at 1080p HD and below. 4K M2TS encoder is decent, but YouTube theoretically doesn't support M2TS files. It will ingest them, but alter the dimensions in its processing.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Lookin' good! What software do you use to edit?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
It's 1993. There's no Tumblr!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Break a leg! Hmmmm. Maybe that expression is inappropriate in this situation...
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's photo.
Will it continue to be safe to play poker at your place? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jill Dolese's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Go visit Vanguard Records while you're there and see if they're ready for some Horton Strong! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
This is not the solution you're looking for.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's link.
Very cool! Love the afterburners!
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
Thanks for devoting your time and energy to a great book about some great folks. And I paid a visit to a building Alissa probably recognizes a couple of years ago.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Will do.
Jay Douglas commented on Robert David Cameron's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
From what I remember, all the ETs were built on 2nd and 3rd shift!
Jay Douglas replied to David McCrary's comment.
Safe bet.
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
I can dig it, he can dig, she can dig it, we can dig it, they can dig it, you can dig it, oh let's dig it, can you dig it baby?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Sorry to hear that, Matt.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's photo.
Two Chimes locations in Baton Rouge, too. Get the Blackened Alligator appetizer!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's photo.
I guess that makes you a poser, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Out-of-town voiceover on that one.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And if I still had the '63 Bel Air, I could do my own crash test, 'cause I have a 2009 Malibu as well!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Let me know when they do a '63 Bel Air. I had one o' dem!
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Pratt's comment.
Nah, just a couple of propellers.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Best of luck with that.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Feb 1, 2016, 9:56 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's video.
Deep, too! ;-)
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Yeah, we're workin' on one from there. Praline Pecan. Pretty tasty!
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Check Rouse's. I wouldn't be surprised if they had it.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Feb 1, 2016, 8:49 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Thought he was wearing the same shirt he wore at Jazz Fest in 2007. It was black and gray, too, but a little different. http://jdthedj.com/JazzFest07JohnnyRivers.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Jan 31, 2016, 10:12 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Fully leaded!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
That was not WIXO. It was on the WVOG-AM tower when it was on the Westbank.
Jay Douglas commented on Elsie Cond's post.
Can I get one with bacon? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
And dead men don't sing.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
WIXO's FM antenna was on the WVOG-AM tower when it was on the batture on the Westbank near the Huey Long Bridge. If I recall, the WVOG antenna was a shunt-fed affair (no base insulator) and was fed with RG-8 coax maxed out at a kilowatt!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Looked toward the Huey P. Narrow Bridge and you might be able to see the old WIXO transmitter site on the Westbank from there. That should be exciting!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jan 29, 2016, 10:47 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jan 29, 2016, 2:34 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Didn't have it then. Had to tote my camera by hand.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Jan 29, 2016, 9:48 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Glad he didn't show us anything!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
This is the last time I'll crouch down in the front row of a group shot to keep from blocking the folks behind me!
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's post.
Just watch for white smoke. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's post.
And if you get several cardinals at once, they may be about to elect a new Pope!
Jay Douglas replied to Laura Rodrigue's comment.
Should be next to Yasgur's farm, but that's missing, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Rodrigue Rocker Richoux's post.
They left out the Bridge of Sighs. You have to go over it to get to Itchycoo Park.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Yeah, cool! I saw this earlier today somewhere. From Scoot, maybe.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
I did not read this post. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Best wishes to Kreg.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Good luck. Had a few of those myself. No lace, though. I'm a guy.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jan 24, 2016, 11:40 AM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Now, when it comes to your ass, you're all right, girl!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Left cheek or right?
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Great drone subject!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Very cool!
Jay Douglas replied to a comment.
Jan 21, 2016, 8:06 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Watkins's comment.
Ya really get a sense of what they do when you see the river like this!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Back in my college summer job at WOKR-TV (now WHAM-TV) in Rochester, we had a weather guesser who wore a chromakey matching tie that created a hole through his middle. I hollered to the director over the intercom that he should have the camera zoom in through his tie to go full screen on the background graphics. He didn't go for it, though. LOL!
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Santa had FedEx bring it to me from B&H Photo in New York.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Thanks, Mary! I didn't know there was such a day! Same to you.
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Not a cent! Santa brought it to me for Christmas!
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Okay, thanks, Doc. Of course, Pinnacle was owned by Avid for awhile, but it apparently didn't help, and Corel has it now. Out of curiosity, have you tried rendering 4K with Pinnacle? What version?
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Yup. Or, more precisely, *I* am registered as a UAS operator with the FAA. They don't ask anything at all about the drone. When it comes to drones, the FAA seems to be a microcosm of all things wrong with the way the Feds turn Congressional laws into regulations. See http://dronelawjournal.com/
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
Ah, if only Pinnacle Studio worked that way. With titles overlaid on the video and fades in and out, it does have to render, and even does so with nothing but the original 40 Mbps clip and no added effects. Output in my 18.5 version for 4K is limited to 22 Mbps. Apparently version 19 cranks it up to 40 Mbps. If you watch the Fort Pike video really carefully, at about 1:40 in you'll see a couple of glitches in the sky at the upper left. That's not YouTube; it's in the MP4 file from Pinnacle that I uploaded. It's not in the original video from the drone CG03 camera.
Jay Douglas replied to Bubba Sigur's comment.
Thanks, Bubba.
Jay Douglas replied to Bubba Sigur's comment.
Yeah, I know 4K is a strain. But the 4K material plays back fine from the timeline in the editor. It suffers when the output is rendered. Blue skies get torn up in places, output flickers for a frame or two when titles get overlaid, etc. None of that happens with 1080p output. It's clearly just a shortcoming in the 4K render function rather than the editor. In 18.5, it's limited to 22 Mbps; in version 19 it will render 40 Mbps, a much more reasonable speed for 4K. But my drone's camera (CGO3) shoots 4K at 50 Mbps, so it's still a downer when output from Pinnacle 19.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Burkart's comment.
Yuneec Typhoon Q500 4K
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
I've seen folks tie-wrap pieces of styrofoam swimmng pool "noodles" to the landing gear for that purpose. https://youtu.be/Clb-RbcEWKc
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Hell, when it got up to 40° up there, we started taking the covers off the swimming pools, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I probably do have that many if I strap on the old ones!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Rule #1 when entering a pissing contest is to drink a lot of beer first, I hope you did! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Cool! Maybe.
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Rodrigue Rocker Richoux's post.
Planned Parenthood cake?
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
Thanks, Travis. Hope to visit both the river and Ft. McComb soon.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Ok, that rich person who's stealing is coming into focus now...why, it's Hillary Clinton!
Jay Douglas replied to Mark McCloskey's comment.
Yup. Our tax code punsihes success and rewards bad decisions.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
My logic is fine compared to the fools who can't figure out that the policies of the past 8 years have resulted in the very income inequality they so hate.
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But their must be way more who don't.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I imagine Hillary has a few shares.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Hmmm. That first one looks like hexagonal close-packing or something. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Yeah, you know, New Orleans. It's in Louisiana, one of the 57 states.
Jay Douglas commented on Chrissy Brown's post.
Jan 14, 2016, 9:53 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Let that be a lesson to you! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
Wayne Venus Fort Pike is closed to visitors at the moment. Supposedly for structural repairs. But we've been inside when it was open.
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
I guess I could, Wayne. Frankly, I've never investigated Fort McComb, by air or any other means.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Thanks, Warren! Jus' playin' with my new toy.
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
Glad you enjoyed it, Travis. I'm enjoying "The Bomber Boys" right now. Santa didn't bring it, so I had to get Amazon to do it. Your book puts me right into the B-17!
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Why bother? If it does that, it's toast. Might like to retrieve the microSD card for the video, though, I guess.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Nope. Wow!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
There are many possible reasons for a possible ocean rise. I'll leave it to the climatologists and oceanographers to explain why. I hope the mechanical engineers (Bill Nye) and astrophysicists (Neil De Grasse Tyson) will keep their mouths shut about it. It's not their field. Now, your turn, Mike. Explain why the dire predictions of the climate models have been so consistently wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Is she sure it's just not to see if the light really goes out when she closes the door? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
For the record, I don't dispute the *science* around climate change; I dispute the non-science and agenda-driven propaganda. Bring on the science!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Oops. Nevermind. Different board at WRNO and WTIX-FM *It* was the backwards board with Program to the left.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
It's the backwards board--Audition to the left and Program to the right! That was the on-air board at WRNO in the late 70's and the production board at WTIX-FM.
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
Got a hose?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Excellent, dude!
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Two hundred one, but we won't quibble.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
World's best inside joke was when the then-"Tonight Show with Jay Leno" bandleader, New Orleanian Branford Marsalis, struck up "The Cissy Strut" as Jay's guest, fellow New Orleanian Richard Simmons, walked out on stage following Jay's introduction!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
My drone is a Yuneec Typhoon Q500 4K. But I shot this photo from a full-size airplane. Piper Cherokee if I recall,
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
Take a few swigs of C2H5OH and you'll feel better, Beth.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Biggest friggin' stamps I've ever seen! 4 x 6" each? I guess they figure if it's gonna cost that much to mail, it must be a big envelope or package!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
So The Buggles were wrong. *Royalties* Killed the Radio Star!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's video.
The Mrs. and I thank you for lunch, Blair. Appreciate the Mars Pathfinder poster, too! Very cool for old rocket scientists!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
Is this why? :-) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/sex-robots-could-biggest-trend-7127554
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
I will have had my hundredth birthday mentioned by Willard Scott by then!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
New drone = better selfie :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Lipps's post.
Wow! Very cool, Gary!
Jay Douglas replied to Jules Malarcher's comment.
Gotta figure out when Easter is first, then go for Mardi Gras. Might as well show Easter, too, once you've gone to all that programming trouble.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I've probably overflown that place a zillion times in a real airplane going in and out of the Slidell airport, and I've yet to remember to look for it. LOL!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
1920 x 1080 on this monitor. Why do you ask, Two Dogs? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
That's what real airplanes are for.
Jay Douglas replied to Rose Fogg's comment.
Relax. I have no interest in going that high or far.
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Lucas's comment.
And the short answer to your hijack question is yes. It's radio!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
How do you say "chillax" in French?
Jay Douglas replied to Chris Lucas's comment.
This guy ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuhxC21Syeo ) takes it out nearly half a mile or so and up to nearly 1,500 feet. Altitude should be limited to 400 feet, and in Smart mode it's geo-fenced to 300 feet. I've not yet gone to either of those limits. And, if you can stand the wind noise, there's this guy's test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eniurZ-tYX4
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But wait! There's more! http://theadvocate.com/news/14450633-123/louisiana-lawmakers-and-the-incoming-edwards-administration-need-to-control-medicaid
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Jan 4, 2016, 5:26 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
The cows thank you. The alligators, not so much.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
How come you never wanted hot dogs when *I* cooked 'em?
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Jackson Browne was 21. And he called the road his home.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's photo.
How 'bout dem Saints!?!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's photo.
U2, G.R.!
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
Far out!
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
You're married to Davey Jones of The Monkees? Wow! I never knew! Wait...isn't he dead?
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
I remember those!
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Nope, not yet!
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's link.
We can only fly our drones at 400 feet here. This was shot at over 600 feet (200 meters).
Jay Douglas commented on Carolyn Angel's post.
I snapped this one in my backyard in Slidell.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
So who was sick? And why did he fall?
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Fun to mike for recording, too. Shove two mikes into the top of the Leslie 90° apart and spread across the L-R spectrum and it sounds really cool, especially in headphones!
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Kinda like putting a camera on an 80-foot tripod, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Steven Shashok's photo.
I won't go until I got some.
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
U2, Larry!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
LOL! Don't think I'd want to pay the parts and maintenance bill on that thing!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
U2, Jamie!
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
U2, Billy!
Jay Douglas commented on Stanley Beck's photo.
U2, Stanley!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
U2, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
U2, Lonnie!
Jay Douglas commented on Travis L. Ayres's post.
U2, Travis!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
U2, Terry!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
U2, Pal!
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Dec 31, 2015, 8:15 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's post.
U2, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's photo.
U2, Theresa!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Dec 31, 2015, 5:12 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Don Gosselin's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
If by "the rest," you mean the numbers for the other stations in the New Orleans market, no, I can't. Nielsen only releases the numbers for its subscriber stations. If you want the rest of the stations' numbers, you have to subscribe to Nielsen. I got these from http://allaccess.com.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bah! So much for formatting text on FB!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's photo.
Way to go, bro'!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's post.
U2, Jeff!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I was such a fan that once upon a time, I had Cosby's entire "Why Is There Air?" album memorized. Clinton never said anything worth memorizing.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Dec 30, 2015, 5:05 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Dec 30, 2015, 5:04 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Government blew hard to create that bubble.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
You saved up for an airplane. I spent mine on a camera.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
So, you got some on ya, eh? Eeeewwww!
Jay Douglas replied to Jim Pratt's comment.
Which drone do you have?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
After President Bush in late May 2003 signed the largest tax cut since President Reagan — including dropping the top marginal rate to 35% from 39.6% — government receipts from individual income taxes rose from $793.7 billion to a peak of $1.16 trillion in 2007, when the mortgage crisis began, a 47% jump. Stronger economic growth expanded the tax base and brought in so much revenue that Bush more than halved the deficit over that period. The budget gap plunged to $160.7 billion from $377.6 billion. The post-tax-cut surge in economic growth and tax revenues helped drive down the deficit from 3.5% of gross domestic product in 2004 to 2.6% in 2005, to 1.9% in 2006 and to a manageable 1.2% in 2007. Source: 2012 Economic Report of the President, published by the Council of Economic Advisers.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Get off my lawn!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
When reality is an $18.5 trillion debt, we'd better have a war on it.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
That's right! A war on Liberals!
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
The nudist colony (Indian Hills) is right near the Slidell Airport. As many times as I've taken off and landed at Slidell, I've never remembered to look for it.
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
I'd rather have an SR-71!
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Dec 30, 2015, 10:04 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
LOL! Now just scale it up for real people!
Jay Douglas replied to Ray Fisher Toney's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Looks cool! I'm happy with the Typhoon. Gimbal keeps the video rock steady. Sometimes I have to look for moving objects in it to make sure I'm looking at video and not a still photo!
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Enxing's comment.
But it's pretty much the same as flying one of those little toy drones I got a couple of years ago. I flew one of those into a storm drain and had to climb in after it. This one would be too big to fit.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
I do try to avoid clichés like the plague.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Down here, ISIS is one of the Mardi Gras parade krewes. We don't shoot or bomb them.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Nope. Just over my street. And over my local elementary school, to see if I could catch a teacher having sex with a student. But it seemed to be vacant today. Christmas vacation, I guess.
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Weighs about 4 pounds.
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
As long as they don't have big butterfly nets!
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
Yeah, it has a mic, but at altitude, there's not much point in having it on. Default is off, and I've yet to try it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Okay. It ain't 11 PM yet, but Larry can't wait. It ain't much, but here 'tis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcafcO1xEo0&feature=youtu.be
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
No "g"or apostrophe on the end? Jus' wonderin'.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Whose premise? What premise?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So, without government, we would have no mortgages and no student loans? Incredible! I did not know that! Oh, I see, you tempered your statement in the second paragraph. Of course, thanks to new government banking regs, we already have fewer people buying homes because banks are unable or unwilling to make mortgage loans. At least we're no longer giving them willy-nilly to folks who can't afford them. As for college loans, fewer sociology and political science majors may be just what we need!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
You mean they're not just strange?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
[sniff0] ♪♫♪ [Sweet Georgia Brown]
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So a huge government run by Democrats can do no wrong and is just what we need? Okay, gotcha. [shaking head in disbelief] and placing palm on face like Captain Picard above]
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Like everything else in which government has become entangled, education cost has gone sky high. Incentives to keep it reasonable are gone.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Then I guess he'll need to say to lower the mortgage rates, or again there will be no difference between a secured and unsecured loan.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
"Related to the devastating storm" could mean lots of things. But that's the story..
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
A disc jockey with poor taste might try spinning Little Feat's "Texas Tornado" or Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Texas Flood" about now.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
A basement is like a whole nuther house. One of the few things I miss about the North.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Dec 26, 2015, 6:35 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Not according to the Terms of Use. ;-) But I'll put 'em on the Web somewhere and send you a link.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yup. Chuck Phelan sent me some good quality MP3's a couple years back. All I had before was my 3-3/4 ips reel-to-reel aircheck of the broadcast. Message me a snailmail address and I'll send you a disc with Chuck's MP3's if you want.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
I sampled Bill for a few minutes. Sounds great! But Christmas Eve here is always WRPI's "Christmas Special 1969." Hope you had a good one, Den! I did.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's video.
So what's it like to have a basement? I have very dim memories of having one as a kid. That was the only time. My dad was into HO scale, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
If she divorced and remarried Allen Funt, she'd be Ella Funt.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay, thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Damn! Forgot to set my DVR!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Have a Merry, King Bob!
Jay Douglas replied to Kenny Eberts's comment.
The Quarter View on Clearview in Metairie.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Dec 24, 2015, 8:43 AM
Jay Douglas replied to Larry Roques's comment.
They just look funny! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's link.
Pretty bizarre!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's video.
Looks like you told your Christmas tree to get flocked! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Ya know, Frank, there's a reason conservatives are called "The Right."
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's post.
Dec 22, 2015, 10:51 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
I bowled with a guy who would sing "Santa Baby" to himself in his head whenever his approach timing was off. It fixed it every time.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's Jindal, not Vitter, I miss. Vitter's still in office. So Is Jindal, for that matter. As for single payer, I like the idea, as long as the payer is the person receiving the healthcare. That's the real way to control costs.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
And in case I was being too obtuse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiJ2_UrcMNs
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
I thought Doc was "lyin' out there in the street with an arrow clean through his neck."
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's photo.
A likely story! You were probably in that hospital in case you needed to get your stomach pumped to make room for more food! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's photo.
What's that--eat? :-) I see a paper plate and food there!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Cut it out, Diane!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
We are what we eat!
Jay Douglas replied to Steven Shashok's comment.
Made me think of the same, thing Steve. At least The Doors got away without altering the line "Girl, we couldn't get much higher" in "Light My Fire" on Ed's show as he had requested.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I agree. It should be a disc jockey! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's photo.
Always one of my favorites!
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Kern's comment.
Oh yeah. Guess we'd better add Alzheimer's, then.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I counted the one in the video, and then fell asleep.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's photo.
You see that red button on the panel? NO, NO! DON'T PUSH IT! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
ASTM probably publishes a test for it. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Johnny Kern's comment.
Don't know if I got all the diseases and conditions in the right order, but as T-Ben would say, nobody cares! Merry Christmas to you, too, Johnny.
Jay Douglas replied to Gary Liebisch's comment.
Now you're wishing you hadn't had dinner with me a few weeks back, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Beverly Wellmeyer's comment.
Haven't seen the movie. Don't know its pedigree.
Jay Douglas replied to Beverly Wellmeyer's comment.
"Classic Peanuts" is the original strip from Charles Schulz, re-published on the same day of the week from an earlier year. The one for this past Sunday was from 1960, if I recall.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Where's Ringo?
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's photo.
At least "Classic Peanuts" is still in the Sunday paper.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
One that looks nice...and not too expensive?
Jay Douglas replied to Brian Peterson's comment.
Or "Nobody cares!"
Jay Douglas replied to Nathan Ales's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Not quite so bad with a little help from a flash. But I guess I should beware of flashers, too, eh?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Our cameras have the blues.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
That's why you had a manager! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I don't know what it is about the blue ones, but the camera doesn't seem to like 'em.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
Hmmm. If that was opening for the Grass Roots, that would have had to have been 1971.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
6 toes, maybe, but not 6 paws, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
You can start worrying when they think the King is dead! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Nice! I just tried hand-holding my 50mm f/1.4 lens up backwards in front of my 28-200mm zoom. Couldn't see much. Would probably help a bunch to fix-mount everything.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's photo.
I missed a chance to see The Doors in college in '67 or '68. Always regretted that, along with missing every single one of the many Allman Brothers gigs at A Warehouse! Dumb!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Aren't you warmers supposed to be over this now after COP21?
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Don't have any photos of 'em there, though. Must have been cameraless at the time.
Jay Douglas replied to Bob Walker's comment.
Yup. One of several places I've seen 'em play.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Cool! Glub, glub, glub!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
The linked article is a tad outdated (at least regarding the iPhone). Instead of a 4-digit PIN, you can now have up to a 37-character alphanumeric password with 77 possible characters and symbols for each character, which would make that robot work considerably longer (77^37 key presses). You can also set your iPhone to erase all its data after 10 bad password entries. Waterboarding the owner for the password would probably be more efficient.
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Even if your name is Richard?
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Dave, I guess your next guitar project will be reproducing this irreplaceable guitar, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
As long as the phone hasn't been backed up to the cloud, the only way into the data stored solely on the phone is with the passcode. Apple and Google have no key.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
The latest Apple and Google phone encryption results in neither Apple nor Google having a key. They *can't* decrypt a user's phone, even if the user wants them to. Would you be in favor of forcing them to keep a key?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Better than an iPad? Let's not go overboard here! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
Nor do I, Dan. But keep in mind that the Apple and Google encryption even prevent searches of your phone *with* a warrant. Invoke the 5th on you passcode, and then the only way in is for a judge to grant immunity and then require you to disclose your passcode. And all bets are off if you store any of your phone data in the cloud.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Dec 11, 2015, 8:25 PM
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Here's one I used to run at WOKR-TV (now WHAM-TV) in Rochester circa 1969. It was an RCA, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
Cindy Werner Pollet , it was woman who came from Adam's rib. God removed and used the rib that held Adam's belly in. That's been a problem for man ever since.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
I support clean energy just like you, Cindy.
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Not as far as I remember. The Huey P. Long Bridge a couple miles upriver was often called the Huey P. Narrow Bridge for obvious reasons. But it's been widened now. I used to drive it all the time to take care of the WIXO transmitter just off its Westbank end at (and sometimes in) the Mississippi River.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Rodrigue Rocker Richoux's post.
Dec 10, 2015, 5:29 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeremy C Fell's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Used one at WRNO. Not bad. Seems similar to the EV RE20, but I've never really closely A/B-ed them.
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
1. If LBJ's tax rates were sky high, he must have revoked his predecessor JFK's highly successful tax cuts which created a well-documented economic boom. 2. Of course LBJ confiscated taxpayers' money! SS is an income tax. The money put in the SS fund to start originally belonged to the taxpayers! 3. Apparently, you can't take (or perhaps understand) a joke. Reagan was noted for saying, "I have no recollection of that." Thus, my tongue-in-cheek comment that was apparently to subtle for a liberal.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
And it was FDR who confiscated the SS money from the taxpayers in the first place--taxpayers perfectly capable of saving it and investing it on their own (the fact that some didn't is a matter of personal responsibility and accountability, and shouldn't be mine or anyone else's).
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
For the record, the SSA assures us that "There has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government." You believe them, right? https://www.ssa.gov/history/InternetMyths2.html
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
I have no recollection of that.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Lithium would be a good thing NOT to use in batteries. Only China and Brazil seem to have much of it.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
Oh. "Salty Piece of Land" *is* in italics already. Facebook took 'em away when I copied and pasted.
Jay Douglas replied to Matthew Dillon's comment.
It serves as proofreading: "passages form his new novel" should be "passages *from* his new novel." Oops! Guess I'd better fix it. And put quotes around "Salty Piece of Land." Or in italics.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
it was pointed out to me today that a religion is nothing more than a set of ideas. Isn't that pretty much what a political party represents?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll forgive Arnold for not considering the fact that electric cars pollute nearly twice as much as fossil fuel cars during their production phase, and that his little test of offering folks a choice of being locked in a sealed room with a running car is not a representation of what we do in the real world. I'll also forgive him for not mentioning how many more people would die of starvation rather than from pollution if we stopped using fossil fuels without a viable replacement to run farm equipment to produce food. And I'll forgive him for not mentioning how many more people would freeze to death if we shut off our fossil fuel-burning power plants prematurely. Why would I be so forgiving? Because Arnold's not trying to bullshit me by saying if we don't stop using fossil fuels the climate will apocalyptically change and kill us. So thanks, Dan Brown, for posting something I can almost completely agree with. Did I mention Arnold is a Republican?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, we know the alarmists are pretty good at PR.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Dec 8, 2015, 9:43 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Dec 8, 2015, 9:34 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Of course it was poorly attended. They threatened to arrest climate skeptics as criminals! http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/12/07/climate-skeptics-in-paris-branded-as-criminals-wanted-posters-go-up-in-the-city/
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
► Two are contradictory - Fig. 1 show average deviation from 1998 through 2015 as nil. Fig. 3 shows observed warming over 1990 - 2015 as 0.26 deg. C. Did all the warming happen between 1990 and 1998? It doesn't say. Figure 1 shows warming rate (degrees per century) vs. year. It varies widely, but averages to a 0.25° C. of warming per century and shows no upward or downward trend. Figure 3 shows observed actual average absolute warming in degrees C. over the 1990-2015 period, alongside the obviously inaccurate IPCC model predictions of warming. It's ending number (about 0.25° C. agrees perfectly with the average shown in Figure 1. ► Another, Fig 4, shows surface temperatures rising, but dismisses the rate as "much-altered", without substantiating how or by whom the data has been altered, and then dismisses the findings as of little concern because it averages out to a 1.1 deg C/century increase. I suspect he's referring to the well-substantiated alterations to the surface temperature datasets made by the NOAA. https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/06/23/noaanasa-dramatically-altered-us-temperatures-after-the-year-2000/ ► If the data itself is questionable, why even bring it up? Because the dataset is available and many folks expect to see it. ► Fig 5. also shows a warming trend, but again dismisses it as "just" 1.04 deg C/century. ► UAHv6 global mean temp over 1978 - 2015 shows an increase of 0.42 deg C. It then claims this is an "unalarming" rate. By what basis is this "unalarming"? A temperature anomaly of 1/2 degree C caused widespread famine in Europe and N. America during the "little ice age.' An anomaly of -5 deg. C is the difference between now and the last ice age, and that happened over thousands of years. Temperature changes during the last Ice Age were rather significant and abrupt. No one is sure why. But we do know for a fact they weren't 'caused by inductrialization and the burning of fossil fuels. But warming is generally good for people, crops, and the economy, not bad. Why are you alarmed. I'd say ISIS and a national debt of $18.5 trillion are a much more real and immediate proble, ► Granted, I'm just a philosophy major, but 1 deg is 1/5 of 5 degrees. If much of the world was frozen at -5 degrees, what will happen to much of the world at +5 degrees in another 400 years? I don't know. That's a hypothetical. But all else remaining the same, I predict we'll be done in by debt or war, not climate change.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
World's most frequently asked question: Huh?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
The first question to ask is not "why" but "if.." Current sea level rise rate is around 1 mm a year. Like global warming, the rise is happening, but not much. Even Al Gore isn't worried. He bought a $9 million oceanfront property in California not long ago. As for the "why," there are many factors, including ocean warming. But we had more to worry about thousands of years ago when the Ice Age glaciers melted.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Don't take my word for any climate change stuff. Instead, take the word of the scores of real climate scientists and experts who clearly show the science of climate is nowhere near settled. There's a nice list of them with which to start in this article: https://medium.com/@pullnews/what-i-learned-about-climate-change-the-science-is-not-settled-1e3ae4712ace
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Talk to me after four years of Democratic governorship in Louisiana. Then we'll know.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The charts come from different, non-identical data sources of course, so one would expect slightly different charts. They probably make no sense to a philosophy major, but they do to an electrical engineer. And the bottom line on global warming, as scores of legitimate scientists have shown, the earth *is* warming, but not quickly, not much, and not lately.
Jay Douglas replied to Darren Marshall's comment.
Darren Marshall, scientists *do* care about tax dollars, as they often fund their research, often to a greater extent than fossil fuel companies which hire scientists to do studies.
Jay Douglas replied to Darren Marshall's comment.
Darren Marshall, I'll agree Mr. Obama has no control over the IPCC. That panel has its own agenda. But the IPCC’s own projections show that the likely economic costs of aggressive government action to slow emissions will be higher than the likely reduction in climate change damages that this policy action will yield.
Jay Douglas replied to Darren Marshall's comment.
Darren, our President has espoused a clear agenda on climate change. This calls into question much of the "science" coming from NASA, NOAA, the military, and other government organizations under his control. And my article also illustrates how Wikipedia entries regarding climate change skepticism get erased or rewritten in a matter of minutes to control the narrative in favor of the alarmists. So please don't waste my time with references to Wikipedia.
Jay Douglas replied to Darren Marshall's comment.
Please also note that a section of the article I linked is devoted to listing the scientists who "deny" anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and similar "theories." I'll quote it here for your convenience:

"Now I’ll list the protagonists — people I think accurately represent the other side of the climate debate. This is a biased list — I’m curating for you, leaving out a lot of names on purpose. Almost all these “deniers” have PhDs (many with peer-reviewed papers), or have received significant praise for journalistic integrity."

Warren Meyer
An expert in forecasting of complex systems, his blog is widely read. He’s written a simple primer on the Climate Debate and produced an excellent video, Catastrophe Denied*.

Judith Curry
A professor of climatology at Georgia Institute of Technology, Curry changed from mainstream to skeptic after looking at the evidence. Here’s her testimony before Congress in April 2015*:

If you prefer reading, try the text of her speech to the House of Lords in London.

Matt Ridley
A very respected science writer has written a short essay on why he calls himself a climate lukewarmer*. Ridley’s essay, The Climate Wars’ Damage to Science*, should be one of the first things you read after finishing this one. Here’s an excerpt:

Look what happened to a butterfly ecologist named Camille Parmesan when she published a paper on “ Climate and Species Range” that blamed climate change for threatening the Edith checkerspot butterfly with extinction in California by driving its range northward. The paper was cited more than 500 times, she was invited to speak at the White House and she was asked to contribute to the IPCC’s third assessment report.

Unfortunately, distinguished ecologist Jim Steele found fault with her conclusion: there had been more local extinctions in the southern part of the butterfly’s range due to urban development than in the north, so only the statistical averages moved north, not the butterflies. There was no correlated local change in temperature anyway, and the butterflies have since recovered throughout their range. Parmesan’s paper continues to be cited as evidence of climate change. Steele meanwhile is derided as a “denier”.

Anthony Watts: a former meteorologist who specializes in temperature measurement, his blog is technical but popular. He has a Paleoclimate reference page with many good graphs of temperature history, he has formed an impressive group to measure and categorize weather stations, and he carefully debunks Al Gore’s claim that you can reproduce the greenhouse effect in a jar. His web site hosts an open debate on facts, figures, and scientific findings. I recommend his mailing list.

Donna Laframboise
A journalist whose exposé of the IPCC, The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert* will remove your faith in the United Nations and the IPCC. If you are passionate about saving the environment, this book should be at the top of your list.

Bob Tisdale: You can read his blog, or his book, Climate Models Fail. If your belief is based on the supposed accuracy of UN climate models, you’ll change your belief after reading his book. His latest epic work is a free ebook taking you gently through all the arguments.

Jim Peacock, an ex-NASA engineer, has gathered a group of ex-NASA people at TheRightClimateStuff.com; they have produced their own independent report on the state of human-induced climate change.

Craig Idso produces a site full of peer-reviewed findings at CO2Science.org*. He has written Climate Change Reconsidered, and CO2, Global Warming, and Coral Reefs, and is featured in many videos. Idso is also a lead author on the alternative Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. Their new book, Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming, is available for free at climatechangereconsidered.org.

Steve McIntyre’s talk on paleoclimatology recounts the ClimateGate story (in which IPCC emails were leaked) from his perspective as a participant. His web site is very technical and a particular pain point for the IPCC.

Robert M Carter is a paleontologist, stratigrapher, and geologist who was fired for being critical of the mainstream stance on climate change. Here’s a good short talk on YouTube* where he separates the signal from the noise:

William Happer is a physicist at Princeton. His testimony before congress is worth watching. He says, “I, and many other scientists, think the warming will be small compared to the natural fluctuations in the earth’s temperature.”

Richard Lindzen is professor emeritus of atmospheric sciences at MIT and former contributing member of the IPCC. His bio is impressive. In a video interview*, he explains that many people simply don’t understand natural variance and have confused it with a made-up catastrophe. His paper on the distortion and misuse of science in the name of climate change is important.

Nir Shaviv is a solar scientist with a good clear introduction to the science*.

Jason Scott Johnson, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Program on Law, Environment, and the Economy, has written an excellent “cross-examination” of the IPCC and reveals “what seem to be systematic patterns and practices that diverge from, and problems that impede, the application of basic scientific methods in establishment climate science.”

Michael Crichton, the late author, summed it up to Charlie Rose.*

Joanne Nova is a journalist in Australia. Her excellent blog is full of clear, concise reports on current topics in climate science. See her 2009 ebook, Climate Money.

J. Scott Armstrong, an expert in forecasting at the Wharton School of Business, teaches proper forecasting techniques. He cofounded PublicPolicyForecasting.com to give government agencies better forecasting tools. In his testimony before congress, he gives the IPCC model forecasts a failing grade.

The Breakthrough Institute takes a practical approach to finding technical solutions without penalizing the world’s poorest nations. Read their excellent report on climate pragmatism: Our High Energy Planet*.

Willie Soon is a solar physicist who has become a target of Greenpeace. His chapter in Climate Change, The Facts* convinced me that solar variations are largely responsible for earth’s temperature changes*.

Some researchers here are funded by the Heartland Institute. I believe these people would quit if they felt pressure to do anything other than authentic science and trying to get the word out.
Jay Douglas replied to Darren Marshall's comment.
Darren Marshall , the author of the article I linked is David Siegel. In the first few paragraphs of the article, he explains who he is:

"More than thirty years ago, I became vegan because I believed it was healthier (it’s not), and I’ve stayed vegan because I believe it’s better for the environment (it is). I haven’t owned a car in ten years. I love animals; I’ll gladly fly halfway around the world to take photos of them in their natural habitats. I’m a Democrat: I think governments play a key role in helping preserve our environment for the future in the most cost-effective way possible. Over the years, I built a set of assumptions: that Al Gore was right about global warming, that he was the David going up against the industrial Goliath. In 1993, I even wrote a book about it.

"Recently, a friend challenged those assumptions. At first, I was annoyed, because I thought the science really was settled. As I started to look at the data and read about climate science, I was surprised, then shocked. As I learned more, I changed my mind. I now think there probably is no climate crisis and that the focus on CO2 takes funding and attention from critical environmental problems. I’ll start by making ten short statements that should challenge your assumptions and then back them up with an essay."

I he a climatologist? No, his education was at the Harvard Business School. But that doesn't stop folks like Bill Nye (B. S. in mechanical engineering) or even Neil de Grasse-Tyson (PhD in astrophysics) from expounding as "experts" on climate.
Jay Douglas replied to Cadillac Jack's comment.
I got it, Jack!
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's photo.
I'd rather hear the Electric Prunes' Mass in F-Minor. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Dec 5, 2015, 8:07 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
Should be easy. There's no Constitutional right to bear pipes.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ask Bill Nye.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Dec 5, 2015, 3:40 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Too bad he doesn't.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm every bit as qualified in climatology as Bill Nye, another engineer just like me, Frank..
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Republicans simply want due process before taking someone's Constitutional rights away. Get over it!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Oh, sure, he "fell off the curb." LOL!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
As far as I know, Louisiana is already an Open Carry state.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
If true, this will make him just like President Bill Clinton, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Cool! Thanks, Matt! Nice shot!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
Even looks like they leveled it. It had been leaning like Pisa.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
What will happen to the Fed when it raises interest rates above zero?
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's photo.
Great photo, Leroy!
Jay Douglas commented on Darryl Held's post.
You're welcome, Darryl.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Yup. My sister had some.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I didn't know there was one. Guess I need to get out more!
Jay Douglas commented on Wenny Webb's post.
But "G" is pronounced "Jee."
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
And you get 'em from girls!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
I'll thank you tomorrow, Dave! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Both had Republican-controlled legislatures who made them stop spending.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Nov 28, 2015, 2:05 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Nice shots, Pal!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ron and Vince Marinello have a lot in common, don't they? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
Thanks, Toni!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Arena's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on Frannie Miles's post.
Thanks, Frannie!
Jay Douglas commented on Scott Harrison's post.
Thanks, Scott!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
So I guess Matthew resembles that remark, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Thanks, Weerd-O!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenny Vest's post.
Thanks, Kenny!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
So celebrate anyway!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Thanks, Marleen!
Jay Douglas commented on Tim Walters's post.
Thanks, Tim!
Jay Douglas commented on David Brauner's post.
Thanks, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Susie R Shows's post.
Thanks, Susie!
Jay Douglas commented on Frank Marro's post.
Thanks, Frank!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Thanks, Jamie!
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Phillips's post.
Thanks, Jay!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's post.
Thanks, Pat!
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Cheney's post.
Thanks, Mr. Skinny!
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Windhorst's post.
Thanks, Ricky!
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
Thanks, T-Ben!
Jay Douglas commented on Douglas Vitrano's post.
Thanks, Doug!
Jay Douglas commented on Jimmy Lasecki's post.
Jiiiim Lasecki! Thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Thanks, Cathie!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Tauzin's post.
Thanks, Mike!
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's post.
Thankks, G. R.!
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Reno's post.
Thanks, Bobby!
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Thanks, Nathan!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
Thanks, Den!
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's post.
Thanks, Jeff!
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Thanks, Chris!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Thanks, Kevin!
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Thanks, Theresa!
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Thanks, Bonnie!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Thanks, Bob!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hearrean's post.
Thanks, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
LOL! As long as I get my kicks!. Thanks, Bill!
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's post.
Thanks, Scotty!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Thanks, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
Thanks, Eric!
Jay Douglas commented on William Scott Fontaine's post.
It's getting harder to remember, but thanks, William!
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Thanks, Larry!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Thanks, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Stephanie Carra's post.
Thanks, Stephanie!
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
Thanks, Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's post.
Thanks, Leroy!
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Thanks, Mike!
Jay Douglas commented on James Joseph Maumus's post.
Thanks, James!
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Thanks, Doc!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Thanks, Pal!
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Thank you, Dear!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nov 27, 2015, 9:23 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Sylvia J Smith's post.
Thanks, Sylvia!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
Thanks, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's post.
Thanks, Wayne!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Thanks, Gail!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilbert J. Etienne's post.
Thanks, Gilbert!
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Scheuermann's post.
Thanks, Jay!
Jay Douglas commented on Joseph Tardi's post.
Thanks, Joe!
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
It has been. Thanks, Bruce!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Thanks, Cindy!
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Stanley Beck's post.
Thanks, Stanley!
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
Thanks, Beth.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Thanks, Terry!
Jay Douglas commented on Eileen Dorn's photo.
Thanks, Eileen.
Jay Douglas commented on K.P. Richardson's post.
Thanks, Karen!
Jay Douglas commented on Leslie Threlkeld's post.
Thanks, Leslie!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren Montet's post.
Thanks, Warren!
Jay Douglas commented on Rudolph Tillman's post.
Thanks, Rudy!
Jay Douglas commented on Annie Mae's post.
Thanks, Annie!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Kern's post.
Thanks, Johnny!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Berthelot's post.
Thanks, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Hanzo's post.
Thanks, Jim!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Thanks, Don!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Thanks, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
Thanks, Jennifer!
Jay Douglas commented on Elsie Cond's post.
Thanks, Elsie!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Thanks Matt, et al.
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
WYES-TV played it, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
Thanks, Ken. U2.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Thanks, Roxanne! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks, Phil. Same to you.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Noon and 6 PM today on 'TIX or at wtixfm.com
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Thanks for not being too obtuse.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hey, what about we lesser members? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Plenty of folks start non-profit businesses. Many stay that way and go out of business quickly. It's pretty easy to do, actually.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Nov 26, 2015, 8:16 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
LOL! True!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Small moves, Mark. Small moves.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
It was live at some point.
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
As long as your name isn't D.B. Cooper. He'd bail out with the gas money!
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
Dammit, Wayne! I'm a DJ, not a botanist! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Trey Mustian's post.
Group: Political Games
Democrats would have seen to it that his mom got a free abortion. He wouldn't have made it this far.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
If you say so. I have to put on my reading glasses to see any teeth in it.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Why the frownie face? I thought you liked it cold.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
For engineers, 1 is approximately equal to 2 for large values of 1.
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
How do I say "good luck" in French?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
About a year and a half. Dates are in the caption above.
Jay Douglas commented on Trey Mustian's post.
Group: Political Games
All 57?
Jay Douglas replied to Carolyn Angel's comment.
Hair today, gone tomorrow!
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
Hey, Pat. How 'bout you? Were you there at the start? I've forgotten.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I don't think they ever took my picture for a survey. The ones from the Michael Green era had no jock photos.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Okay, gotcha. I was s'posed to take a poker buddy up last Friday, but he had plumbing problems and had to bail. Maybe next week.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. What am I s'posed to do again--holler the next time I'm flying over your house and you're gonna toss it to me? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
I remember. There are a bunch of photos from it at http://jdthedj.com/Beatlemania.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I did check for hardcovers, and there are new ones out there starting at around $90. I'll have to get promoted to morning drive to swing that! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Travis L. Ayres's comment.
Will do, Travis. Thanks!
Jay Douglas replied to Trey Mustian's comment.
Group: Political Games
Earth is far more likely to be destroyed by a comet than perfectly normal climate change. Why not have an International Comet Conference?
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
Whaddya think I am, Stupid? Why would I send in more money without some guarantee that Liberals won't just spend it again?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
She hit the drive-thru? I wondered how that intercom housing got all bent up! :-) Happy Annivoisary (as dey say in da Nint' Ward)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Our biggest threat is $18.5 trillion of debt and counting.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I get it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, I'll take a couple. FM, please.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Tracey Butsch Higgins's photo.
Have a Happy, Berto! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Ever notice that women with a heart of gold always have teeth to match?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Doesn't he know the FBI is very busy on the Hillary case? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's link.
Thanks to both Dens!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Morning has broken? Damn, wouldn't you know it! The warranty was up yesterday!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's post.
ROFLMAO! I thought I had seen pretty much all of the early SNL stuff, but I missed this one somehow. Reminds me of the Bill Murray FM radio spoof on one of the National Lampoon albums.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
He plays "The Name Game" by Shirley Ellis, but doesn't encourage her to do "Chuck." :-) Oh well.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
Jay Douglas replied to Jeff Bennett's comment.
WHOOSH! Surprise!
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Love the reference to the WABC engineer, "Mr. R. F. Burns." That's what Dan Ingram always called him. Only radio engineers and maybe a few jocks "get it."
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
If that was taken from a drone, I suspect it was a tad higher than 400 feet AGL!
Jay Douglas replied to Onee Belala Buras's comment.
We're radio people. We get paid to do that.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Sorry, O Great Arbiter of Inappropriateness. I didn't know this was your thread. It says Bob Walker up at the top.
Jay Douglas replied to Onee Belala Buras's comment.
Have you ever noticed that real conversations tend to ebb and flow, and move in many directions?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
It's not also sad that we whitewash our political scandals? I do respect the dead. After all, they tend to be voters in many locations!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
*Somebody* has to post the Daily Caller stuff. You liberals won't seek the truth on your own!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Of course not. Zwalley is all in on climate alarmism. He's just struggling to explain away this data.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
The data showing Antartica adding net ice mass rather than losing it are inconvenient for alarmists.
Jay Douglas commented on Francis J DaRoza's post.
Group: Political Games
We have to keep in mind that NASA is run by an administration with a clear climate alarmist political agenda. It's why they caveat this inconvenient data with “I know some of the climate deniers will jump on this, and say this means we don’t have to worry as much as some people have been making out,” he (Jay Zwalley) says. “It should not take away from the concern about climate warming.”
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Now we settle for whitewashed political scandals.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Oct 30, 2015, 7:19 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Toni Alvarez's post.
His hair was perfect!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Here ya go, Lisa: http://www.ontheissues.org/2016/Mike_Huckabee_Drugs.htm
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Good news! There's an update to this story. Apparently the scrapyard hasn't destroyed it yet and it's still in one piece. http://www.engadget.com/2015/10/28/lunar-rover-sold-for-scrap/
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, you're right, Julie. Democrats and Republicans have both been complicit in the Social Security Ponzi scheme. But I have at least one choice: Mike Huckabee, who's called bullshit on breaking the promises made to SS contributors. And as Chris Christie pointed out, the evil bastards have spent those contributions on other stuff, and why would I possibly want to send more money to these bastards in Washington? My answer is: I don't. Here's what I want: Find out who's still alive that has contributed to SS and how much. Give that amount, less any amount they've already received, back to each and every one of them right now. Borrow it from China if you have to. That shouldn't be a problem because we borrow all kinds of money for every other things. Then figure out how to run the government on what's left in the Treasury or in the nation's credit line. Can't find enough to do it? Then figure out what you need to stop doing until you have enough, and STOP!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
I hope so. They have been taking my money for Medicare. Since I was 16,
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
I have ADHD.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
I understand the War on Drugs is scheduled to be declared a bust right after the declaration of failure for the War on Poverty. But, look on the bright side. The War on Women has been a huge success. During the President Obama era, men have started to regain jobs while women, especially minorities, continue to lose them. http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2011/07/06/two-years-of-economic-recovery-women-lose-jobs-men-find-them/
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
The forthcoming plan from Democxrats is just two sentences: "How much do you make? Send it in."
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
If kids can't have guns in the classroom, don't they need cellphones to call the cops if they're attacked?
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
From the very first line, I can see this will be a completely unbiased article: "The tax plans put forward by Republican presidential candidates rely on some fuzzy math, unrealistic assumptions and gallons of red ink." Liberals usually major in art, not math, of course.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. My dad and uncle were a couple of them--along with just about everybody they knew. Thanks for the steer on the book. I probably would have tried Amazon to start. I'll check it tomorrow morning. Got some other stuff I need to order. Might as well combine it all for free shipping!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And I didn't know about your book, "The Bomber Boys" until a few minutes ago, Travis. Oddly enough, I just went this past weekend to the WWII Airpower Expo at Lakefront Airport in NOLA. I chatted with a B-29 radio operator who flew 22 missions over Japan from Iwo. Got a photocopy of his handwritten log of the missions. Got his picture in the photo album I posted here on FB. Now, I have to get your book!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That had to be fun. Big Dan was my all-time idol, and I worked with Max Kinkel when he was Bill St. John at WPTR in Albany.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Drew Brees, Leonard Fournette, Peyton & Eli Manning, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Keep telling yourself that, kid.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
There's plenty of mustard underneath the dogs, Warren. Relish, too. That's my vegetable!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If we don't treat defense of the country as Job #1, we soon won't have a nation. Whether it's $150 billion or only $11.8 billion, keep it until Iran is no longer a threat.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Great minds!
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Yup. I can rent way cheaper than those, plus I get to fly it myself!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's why Democrats keep getting elected.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The folks running the government are pretty simple, too.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Thanks, Gene. More people there than I figured. Glad I didn't wait 'til Sunday. They cancelled it due to weather.
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
Does that mean some of the birds here are illegal aliens?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Oct 28, 2015, 1:40 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Errol J. Terrio's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Okay, good. At least it didn't get scrapped. Thanks, Errol.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
He remembered to bring his selfie stick. I hope he remembered to bring the new bulb!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's photo.
I thought the whole point of having a ship was so you wouldn't need a bridge!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Kinda like being on the radio, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's video.
I remember sticking a bunch of dead fluorescent tubes in the snowdrifts around the WPTR antenna towers like that just for fun.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Jackson's video.
Did you explain to the guide about portrait and landscape? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Krasnoff's comment.
Group: Political Games
It's one way to explain "we": Bernie and the mouse.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Bernie has a mouse in his pocket?
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Ron Brandon's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My Grandma lived just a block or two from the Stromberg-Carlson plant in Rochester.
Jay Douglas replied to Gail Delaughter's comment.
Yeah, I want to do that, Gail. But I already had a lot of plans (like the dinner with my WPTR buddy) for that day. Gonna make it my business to land there one day an go have a look around. Haven't been in there since flying club meetings in the 80's.
Jay Douglas replied to Peter Lerwill's comment.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Beat frequency oscillator? You turn it on and set it to a frequency a few hundred Hertz different than the carrier frequency of the station you've tuned. It beats with that frequency and produces an audio tone with a frequency of whatever the difference is. As the carrier switches on and off via a Morse code key, you hear the audio tone go on and off accordingly. Voila! The long and short beeps of the dots and dashes of Morse Code. It's also used for decoding single sideband voice transmissions, but that explanation needs more than 25 words.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Bruce! You're too loud!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Neither of us smoked. But sometimes, we'd hotwire the snowmobile a newsman kept at the studio and make a quick circuit around the three antenna towers just for fun.
Jay Douglas replied to Don Rittner's comment.
Sure wish that Horton Strong CD would come out! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Marleen Blair's comment.
No, I think that was taken in the old Central Avenue studio in Albany. When I was there, it was the Gold Studio, co-located with the transmitter in the town of Colonie.
Jay Douglas replied to Warren E. Wilson's comment.
They wanted up to $1,500 for a ride in it. $500 for a cheap seat.
Jay Douglas replied to Marleen Blair's comment.
Well, Matt lives in New Orleans, Marleen, and WPTR was directional the wrong way for him to hear Boomer.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
In engineering class, they taught us that 1 is approximately equal to 2 for large values of 1.
Jay Douglas replied to Robert H. Friedman's comment.
At least for another 20 minutes today.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Of course, Matt. I often followed him on the air, or filled in for him. A unique character!
Jay Douglas replied to Walter Buddy Knowles's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Cool! And you can kinda do the same thing here. Look up a song, artist, or year, then click the link(s) to hear most of them: http://jdthedj.com/rock100.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The victims' families think the hearing is a sham, too. http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/23/benghazi-victims-family-members-blast-clinton-after-hearing-video/
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
Here are the twins 21 years later in 1980.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Maybe Hillary won't be blamed. That's what the Benghazi investigation is for. And, BTW, the "Party of No" regarding the VA is the Democrats'. http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/20/democratic-sen-blocks-rush-vote-to-pass-va-accountability-legislation/
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Hope the microbiologist didn't cut off her ear, too!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Denying a funding increase is not necessarily a budget "cut," James. And since the Benghazi outpost was essentially a CIA operation, State Department budget status is irrelevant. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/barbara-boxers-claim-that-gop-budgets-hampered-benghazi-security/2013/05/15/d1e295cc-bdb0-11e2-97d4-a479289a31f9_blog.html
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
You feel sorry for Bernie? :-) http://hotair.com/archives/2015/10/20/the-anti-science-candidate-bernie-sanders/
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And you can listen when you're not in New Orleans at http://wtixfm.com/
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Oct 20, 2015, 8:06 PM
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Mondays and Thursdays.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's photo.
Got a guy named Garth in one of my bowling leagues. Should I introduce you?
Jay Douglas replied to Frank Arden's comment.
Group: Political Games
I'm well acquainted with Cindy, Frank. We've crossed paths at at least one radio station, and I've worked with her hubby, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
And if the Cubs don't win the World Series, it will be deemed totally wrong!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay, cool!
Jay Douglas replied to Donna A Wiederhold's comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Oh? According to my jump log, that would have been October 16, 1971. Static line from 2,500 feet with a 32' round canopy and a 28' reserve. Landed 100 feet from the target. I was first out of the plane, so I was the guinea pig for the wind.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Boomer was on the air at WPTR when I was there in the early 70's. What a kick!
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Janutolo's comment.
Group: Political Games
The good ones are on TV. Judge Judy, Judge Maria Lopez, Judge Karen...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Your stereotype needs updating, Lisa. http://newsok.com/article/3848700
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No, it's because Democrats are the party of free stuff.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
All things must pass. Hope they do!
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's photo.
There's a joke here involving Goofy, but I'll spare you! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And as this article shows, we don't have much need for Federal judges anymore. Just get yourself an administrative subpoena and have a look at all the medical records you want. http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/19/no-your-medical-records-are-not-private
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We have no Article III Federal judges. They're all subject to audit and having their income reduced unconstitutionally during their term in office by the IRS.
Jay Douglas replied to David Brauner's comment.
Oct 19, 2015, 10:29 PM
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Nah, they're okay.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
Don't tempt me!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
There is *no* good news where Hillary is concerned. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I cleared my browser data (cookies, history, cache) and this link worked for me again, this time, anyway.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's photo.
My wife's made several over the years.
Jay Douglas replied to John DuPont's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I call it the "Baby VAB." Here it is in early 2012.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
He certainly knows uncertainty, and that's what we have for dealing with climate change.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It let me see the article free a couple of times via a link from Drudge. Must have a pay wall, and the link is gone from Drudge. Sorry. You could try clearing your browser's cookies.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I dunno.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, you make the case for just about every thinking man regarding climate change and our inability to understand what we can do about it in a meaningful way. Climate is complex, and we're nowhere near knowing what we need to in order to choose a correct course of action.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So why are the Global Warming models always wrong? If you have the science correct, you should be able to correctly predict a future state from a set of initial conditions. Nobody seems to be able to do that.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Looks like Governor Moonbeam has been discredited by his own LA Times. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/10/19/even-la-times-thinks-governor-browns-latest-climate-claim-is-nonsense/
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
Dan Brown has been discredited. By me. And like the so-called "97% of 'scientists,'" I don't need any proof for my position. There certainly is none in the linked article.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Sell 'em to Commander's Palace.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Dude! That was, like, years ago!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Potted cat. It's better than Spam!
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
Too expensive.
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
Rensselaer, my alma mater.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
You need to relocate your windshield a bit further south. Moan down!
Jay Douglas replied to Jimmy Miller's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Probably back when the facility headcount was up around 12,000
Jay Douglas replied to John DuPont's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Hard to see in this shot I took from the back in March, 2011, but there's a flagpole there.
Jay Douglas replied to John DuPont's comment.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Replaced by a flagpole, wasn't it?
Jay Douglas replied to Billy C Thomas's comment.
The Tigers, Billy. You know, LSU's team? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Oooh! Can you get him to autograph my "Top Gun" Blu-Ray disc? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Wayne Venus's comment.
Well, the Tigers win was also a gold lining! They're my adopted SEC team.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
But Delmar has no back seat! :-(
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Gotta realize that Playboy will no longer be found in the "Whacking Material" section.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That couldn't be the title, Dan, because *I'm* not wrong. Likely many others aren't, either.
Jay Douglas commented on Rudolph Tillman's post.
My condolences, Rudy.
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Krasnoff's comment.
Group: Political Games
I was just doing my Hillary debate impression with that "No."
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
For future reference, I posted the "Aquarius" survey and several other early WRNO surveys at http://jdthedj.com/WRNOSurveys.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
15.3. NCIS got 15.7.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
The polls say Hillary loses to all the Republicans, and Bernie beats them all. I'm for Hillary! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's photo.
Enjoy the go!
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Ain't got no shoes!
Jay Douglas commented on Sally Stevens's post.
Group: Political Games
Frank Luntz's focus group of 28 Democrats, over half of whom when in as Hillary fans, enthusiastically said Bernie won the debate.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
There's only one crock in this thread. This is it.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Tough to have fingerprints without skin. Maybe it's been a while since you had a baby. http://www.babycenter.com/fetal-development-images-13-weeks
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's video.
♪♫♪ Get your motor runnin', head out on the highway...
Jay Douglas commented on Stephen Fisse's photo.
She lost 50 pounds on Nutrisystem®!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Just wanna make sure Bernie gets a fair shake.
Jay Douglas replied to Paul Hope's comment.
Group: Political Games
Trustworthy or not, that puts a third party in control. And they didn't use those accounts exclusively for even their government correspondence.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
As I've said before, we don't need to hunt. We KNOW where the witch is.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Judges issues injunctions, not cease and desist letters.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The cease-and-desist letter came from Podliska's lawyers, not a judge.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The emails are where the evidence led. Committee just doing exactly what they should.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
What you have is a cease-and-desist letter from the lawyers of a disgruntled fired employee ALLEGING that Trey Gowdy and the committee improperly released confidential information regarding an employment dispute with Podliska, in an effort to discredit him. That's all you have. You got nothing. Gowdy denies the allegations and despises de alligators.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
How 'bout some turducken for lunch and some blackened redfish for dinner?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Koss still sells 'em. http://www.koss.com/en/products/headphones/all/PRO4AA__PRO4AA_Full_Size_Headphone
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Clearly you watched a different interview.
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
You betcha I'm ready! Got my questions and everything! http://dailycaller.com/2015/10/12/12-questions-for-the-democratic-debate/
Jay Douglas commented on Donna A Wiederhold's post.
Group: Political Games
Notice it's not "Queen in the White House." BTW, Carly can sing, too. Did a tune on The Tonight Show.
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's video.
Jon, I don't know if you're familiar with Zebra, a New Orleans-area band that was also huge on Long Island and had Atlantic Records fastest selling album ever. They do a lot of Led Zeppelin covers along with originals, and the first time I heard Zebra's vocalist, Randy Jackson (not the one from American Idol), I was reminded of you. I think Randy has a fairly recent CD of acoustic Beatles covers that's not bad. But you two could probably sub for each other.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
We play oldies. Even "All I Wanna Do" (1994) ain't old enough for us yet. Sorry.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
So funny I forgot to laugh.
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's video.
Farm house! Right arm! Outta state! :-) Seriously, not bad, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
A one-acre omelet.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
Judging from the rooftops in the background, you got the house on the hill. Nice!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
When you use no facts, it's hard to get 'em wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You men that Saturday night show that's on NBC (National Broadcasting for Clinton)? Yeah, I saw it.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Too long for Cindy. http://www.c-span.org/video/?320721-1/book-discussion-gun-control-third-reich
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
"Based on newly-discovered, secret documents from German archives, diaries and newspapers of the time, Gun Control in the Third Reich presents the definitive, yet hidden history of how the Nazi regime made use of gun control to disarm and repress its enemies and consolidate power." Yep. Definitely counterfactual and unsupported.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Counterfactual, meaning "different than what Dan Brown thinks." http://www.nationalreview.com/article/365103/how-nazis-used-gun-control-stephen-p-halbrook
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Give or take a few hundred thousand.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
For the four millionth time, I don't deny climate change. It's been happening for 4 billion years.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That religion agrees with me on a baby's right to live is just coincidence.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Just citizens who can become a part of a well-regulated militia if need be.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No we're not. When it comes to our Presidential candidates, Republicans are pro-choice. We have many from which to choose.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I knew when he said it the NCAA would put the kibosh on that.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
It seems your analogy proves Carson's point, Eugene: without good (or any) weaponry, you lose.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, anyone who threatens to balance the Federal budget (and who's actually done it in the past while a Democrat was President, no less), must be Evil Incarnate!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll certainly be dad by the time the Clean Energy industry produces a significant level of employment.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
No. Do you think only a Teacher's Union member can educate people properly (i.e., in Liberal dogma)? And I still haven't decided who my guy or gal is.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Not yet. It's on my list, though.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
There's a book for that. Written by a Liberal. http://www.regnery.com/books/the-silencing/
Jay Douglas replied to Douglas Christian's comment.
I think you have to buy John Travolta's place to get one of those.
Jay Douglas replied to Frank Arden's comment.
Group: Political Games
You're welcome! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yeah. The AMA.
Jay Douglas replied to John Hughes's comment.
I'll save some garage space for y'all anyway!
Jay Douglas replied to Lonnie Barton Miller's comment.
Might not be bad if it has gas heat.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
BTW, Cindy, I know you'll be thrilled to learn that this one was written by our own Sgt. T-Ben Boudreaux. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Frank, Frank, Frank... I was being facetious with my headline for the post. I've never hugged a tree in my life. I think it's a *good* thing that this judge has put a hold on this EPA power grab.
Jay Douglas replied to Frank Arden's comment.
Group: Political Games
Your facetious detector didn't alarm on that one? That's a favorite line about Republicans that Sean Hannity uses frequently and attributes to Democrats.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Ooooo! Best wishes.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
They do often go together. Know a drug dealer who doesn't have one?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Mind if I use my whoopie cushion, Donna?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And both are supposed to be marked.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But neither belongs in unencrypted email.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Someone else was discrediting Wikipedia and intimating that I didn't know that anyone could edit it. I was merely reflecting on the fact that our taxpayer dollars are apparently paying for government employees and their computers to edit it.
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
The Nobel committee lost my respect when they conferred a Peace Prize to our President for little more than getting elected.. And if Krugman is as smart as they infer, then even if Robert Reich is a little dumber, then he's probably pretty smart, too. So that's hardly name calling on my part. But I'm not the only one who scratches their head at the suggestion that Krugman is brilliant. Just a very small sample: http://isteve.blogspot.com/2008/10/i-had-not-realized-nobel-laureate-paul.html http://conservativenewager.com/category/paul-krugman-is-an-idiot/ http://www.paulkrugman.org/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/richkarlgaard/2014/07/11/paul-krugmans-is-dumber-than-we-thought/ http://libertarianstandard.com/2011/09/26/is-paul-krugman-stupid-or-just-dishonest/ http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-08-12/i-m-with-stupid-and-paul-krugman As for you not being a namecaller, Rodriguez, here's a very brief medley of your greatest hits of namecalling and exhibits of civility while posting: Noe Rodriguez September 15 at 8:12pm Jay Douglas is not capable of thinking, much less feeling. Noe Rodriguez 10:59pm Sep 10 The Fuckabee standing beside her just said that the 14th Amendment does not count and that the Dred Scott decision is the law of the land. The man is a racist idiot. Noe Rodriguez 6:13pm Sep 3 Up yours, Jay. You know this email bullshit is just an extension of Benghazi. Benghazi has been found to be bullshit by several agencies of the federal government. This email crap is just the same. You know the only reason they haven't dropped it is because their base wants the red meat. Whenever we take back the Congress, we'll establish a committee to do unto others as they have done unto us. Look forward to it. Noe Rodriguez 10:34am Mar 19 I saw a better analysis on TV. It costs hundreds of thousands to set up a properly protected server. Hillary is happy with it. Bill is happy with it. The State Department is happy with it. The U. S. Secret Service is happy with it. Guy Benson has never been in the same room with it. I can cut farts with more substance than what comes out of his mouth. Noe Rodriguez 3:01pm Feb 5 Perhaps Obama is lying and we're losing 720,000 jobs a month. The chances of that are similar to the chances that the Bush administration was telling us the truth when the country was shedding at least that many jobs every month. It was probably more. A lot more. Republicans are liars. Plain and simple. Your post is a lie, Jay Douglas. Have a nice day. :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
I know, Cindy. The point is, we're not paying government employees to author Wikipedia articles.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
She got the letters wrong. We asked her to lead the fight against the NEA!
Jay Douglas replied to Noe Rodriguez's comment.
Group: Political Games
Of course you would. With Krous apparently gone, you're the best namecaller we have left.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I think French shoppers better start double-checking those "use by" dates.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
It's twice half black.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hint: It won't be Hillary.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not yet. Still too many choices.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Couldn't get it from anywhere else. They had an exclusive. Although Fox News has already reported on it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Good luck whatever and wherever it is, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Rob Gravolet's post.
Congrats, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Going to The Advocate?
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
If you pick up a gun and shoot somebody, the gun functioned just as it was supposed to. How can the manufacturer be liable for the death? Similarly, intentionally drive a car into a crowded crosswalk and kill someone, the car did what it was manufactured to do: go when you press the gas pedal. What did the manufacturer do wrong? Nothing.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Good guys. They eat mosquitos. They're actually called "mosquito hawks" down in these parts.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
And let's let victims of DWI car crashes sue car manufacturers, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Great news! This will be highly effective. Exactly 0.7% of criminals get their guns at gun shows.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Isn't EVERYBODY promoting a book? If that's your criteria, you might as well turn off all media!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
And don't talk about playoffs!
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's photo.
There you go, droning on about "me"!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Yeah, but the football team won 27-7 today, which means I can razz the WTIX-FM owner and morning man! He's a Merchant Marine Academy grad.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Checkout that sax player. Cellphone and pager on his belt!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I've Got Friends in Low Places.
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Oh my!
Jay Douglas replied to Lisa Krasnoff's comment.
Group: Political Games
Why are some mass shootings worthier of more attention than much more frequent drip-drip-drip shootings in major cities that ultimately result in much more carnage?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Please shoot others in an orderly fashion, one or two at a time, like in Chicago every night.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I thought he might ban schools and colleges, where most of these things happen. That would make equal sense, and it might be easier. No pesky amendments protecting those.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I thought he was gonna come out in favor of banning schools and colleges. It's where most of these incidents take place.
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's video.
Nice! But hold the phone for landscape next time. Grrrrr! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
It's just McCarthy being Biden, er, I mean McCarthy. http://hotair.com/archives/2015/10/01/on-mccarthys-benghazi-gaffe/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Well, upon further review, maybe not. http://deadline.com/2015/09/westworld-simulated-sex-extras-hbo-responds-1201561743/
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
We're not hunting a witch. We know right where she is!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
LOL! I could almost believe you believe that!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
You want Benghazi to go away? Answer two simple questions. 1. Who pushed the video? 2. Who made the decision not to try to send help?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Besides, I want Trey Gowdy for House Speaker!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Better egg than crushed baby parts. And you got nothin'! "While McCarthy isn't directly contradicting Boehner's past justifications for the Benghazi committee, he quite clearly is painting the committee's work in a political light and tying the committee's work to Clinton's poll slippage. " Like the Watergate investigation was apolitical, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
I still have mine--somewhere.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Why do bears care? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
It's probably a little too late to stop "Geaux Tigers!"
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's photo.
With a bushel of apples, you can have a lot of fun with the doctor's wife!
Jay Douglas replied to Sally Stevens's comment.
Group: Political Games
Ya know how Monica Lewinsky describes her current relationship with Bill Clinton? "Close, but no cigar."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That's T-Ben's line. You can't use it! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Define "it."
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I read every word. What part of it do you allege I missed?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I guess you weren't listening to the Pope, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
We're talking abortions, not still births.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah--the baby who had it originally.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Is that the new defense. Just say she didn't?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
They left out "baby part selling," which they shouldn't be doing no matter what color of money they're using.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Nothing to see here, folks. Clouds. Move along!
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Don't tempt me! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I'll bet nobody cares that the Rensselaer Engineers whipped WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) in the Transit Trophy game this afternoon, 28-21. Next up for thje Engineers, Michael in the Morning's alma mater, The Merchant Marine Academy.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, but there's a swipe at Pelosi in there. Debt went up considerably more during her term: $5.4 trillion.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I appreciate your dedication, Cindy. I'll ask my buddy Dr. Carson to move you up on his brain transplant list. BAZINGA! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Bummer. :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Eddie Gibbons's photo.
Remember that 1 is approximately equal to 2 for large values of 1.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
And if you tire of the Tigers, be advised the Rensselaer Engineers beat MIT last Saturday, 42-7. http://wrpi.org/sports/f_schedule.html
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nothing from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
New Jersey, maybe?
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Angie Fogg's comment.
Oh, yeah. Sorry. All the other shots I took were of Mikey. Forgot I took one of George-Michael.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Sep 21, 2015, 10:11 AM
Jay Douglas commented on William Kaupinis's post.
Bill Kaupecker! The Ampex Foto Fatchie guy! Good to see you!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Glad you're out!
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
And Now, the News You Need, Bass Ackwards reporting!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, I know, Rich. Jus' sayin'...
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
When my printer runs out of ink, I always buy a new printer. It's almost always cheaper than replacement ink, and it comes with some.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Then read this one instead. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/economic-intelligence/2015/09/16/bernie-sanders-18-trillion-spending-plan-shows-democrats-irresponsibility
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
Duh, the one at the top of this post.
Jay Douglas replied to Cindy Werner Pollet's comment.
Group: Political Games
You don't even read Dan's links?
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Brown's post.
Group: Political Games
"If I told you I could cut your health insurance premiums by $1,000 and increase your taxes by $1,000, you wouldn’t have lost $1,000. You’d be in the same place you are now." Fine. Save yourself the trouble.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
♪♫♪ When you're down by the sea and an eel bites your knee, that's a moray!
Jay Douglas replied to Sally Stevens's comment.
Group: Political Games
I actually agree, Sally.
Jay Douglas replied to Dan Brown's comment.
Group: Political Games
is your assumption that it *should* be free? I'm ready to cut whenever you are.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
There's no doubt that both parties got us into this huge debt mess. And neither is likely to get us out. Once one party promises free stuff to a large chunk of the electorate, a positive feedback loop is set and we're in big trouble.
Jay Douglas replied to Steve Krous's comment.
Group: Political Games
Why should corporations pay any tax? Their shareholders already do.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The initial post here highlights the fact that we just collected more tax revenue than ever in history. If the GOP cut taxes, the cuts didn't stick. The income side has been worked. It's time to work the expenditure side. Hint: the problem is not Defense. My apologies for the age of this Federal Reserve data, but I'll bet the trends hold.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
I still close my radio show with that line! I have to say it every day or else, at my age, I'll forget it!
Jay Douglas commented on Warren E. Wilson's post.
Got anything that's ready to fly?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
They sent him the IPCC report? So, in other words, no evidence at all!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Yup. That was pretty much what happened. Alzheimer's hasn't gotten us yet.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
James, I'm really tired of the "He-did-it-too" defense. I wasn't on Facebook for the previous Presidents. It's never too late to start enforcing laws.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
Lisa, I'm just saying if we're really a nation of laws, we should be so consistently.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, we noticed.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Group: Political Games
I'd like it both ways, too. Let's jail Obama for not enforcing immigration law.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Now for a differnt perspective, you might want to have a look at this:http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/10/kim-daviss-battle-will-americans-let-elitists-reverse-the-american-revolution/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I doubt your clerk had a religious objection to folks under 21 voting, too, Lisa. I'm not defending Davis; nor is Judge Napolitano. He's just saying jailing her was likely not the appropriate remedy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I think Judge Napolitano said exactly what you're saying, James. She must follow the law. Of course, the Supreme Court made the law a little different than it was when she "hired in," and that's what she was objecting to.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Short as I can make it, Cindy: "Kentucky law requires that applicants for marriage licenses be unmarried, residents of Kentucky and at least 18 years of age. As a county clerk, Davis cannot add to these requirements another requirement -- namely, that the applicants be of the opposite sex. "The court properly interpreted its duties under the Constitution, but was wrong to incarcerate her. "I would have removed her authority to issue marriage license applications and assigned it to others in the Kentucky state government, and directed them to issue the applications in accordance with the law. That would have kept Davis free and her conscience clear, and permitted those in Rowan County to get married to whom they choose. "The Free Exercise Clause guarantees individuals the lawful ability to practice their religion free from government interference. It does not permit those in government to use their offices to deny the rights of those who reject their beliefs. That is the lesson for Kim Davis."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Let's not rush Christmas, Lisa. I'm busy summarizing linked articles for Cindy.
Jay Douglas commented on Daniel Pogue's post.
Group: Political Games
Snake going through a bagel?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
No brag; just fact. Way to go, Bummer!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
These things take time.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Such a fine sight to see!
Jay Douglas commented on Sally Stevens's post.
Group: Political Games
Sally, Sally, Sally...Where do you get this stuff. Try reading something more than the liberal draft of history. First of all, Coolidge was elected in 1924, but freely chose not to run for a second term in 1928. He didn't lose anything. During Coolidge’s one-term tenure American debt fell by one-third, the tax rate by half and unemployment collapsed. Subsequently, FDR's flawed economics failed to help to solve the Depression for two terms, and required a World War during his third and partial fourth term to break. This book may help you: http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21572176-americas-30th-president-has-been-much-misunderstood-when-less-led-more
Jay Douglas commented on Sally Stevens's post.
Group: Political Games
Where do you get this stuff, Lisa? Harding died of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Jay Douglas commented on Sally Stevens's post.
Group: Political Games
FDR extended the Great Depression. For how to properly handle failing economics, study Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"Hillary received these two e-mails from an unspecified source, but as a cleared member of leadership as well as the originator of the secret system on which it got transmitted and stored, Hillary would have had responsibility to correct this “spillage” when it occurred. If the data came from NGA, which uses satellites to derive intelligence data, then the need to protect the data should have been obvious, especially to a Secretary of State." Data is classified because it's marked; it's supposed to be marked because it's classified. Hillary should know it when she sees it, and act accordingly. She didn't.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Where's your 'Vette?
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
I have "Dr. Strangelove" on BD!
Jay Douglas replied to Andre C Labat's comment.
You're both wrong and late, Andre. We already identified it as Fontainebleau Treatment Center in Mandeville, part of the Mental Hospital complex there.
Jay Douglas replied to Christopher Brunner's comment.
No smoke, no fire. Always good.
Jay Douglas replied to Mark McCloskey's comment.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Yup. Good job, Dolph! Looks like the Fontainebleau Treatment Center
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
Hey, what's that green stuff in that pond overe there? Algae, bra!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I don't see any fences. I'm guessing some kinda school. I think it was near Lacombe.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
It looked pretty ugly when we were over Slidell. We decided not to zip across the lake to look at the rocket factory and downtown.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
The fish were probably hoping for smaller humans. They've heard from the sharks that humans are good eatin'!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Save the Rainforests, Too.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Then, for clarity, perhaps the slogan should be "Black Lives Matter, Too."
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Pay attention Donna, Already debunked.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I don't have a choice yet.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't necessarily defend; I correct the record.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I have no idea what Erick wants. This article was written by Leon Wolf. Sometimes publishers publish articles they don't necessarily agree with.
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Thanks to my Lockheed Martin buddy Harold Barrios for being cameraman on the flight.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A contractor, Kaszycki & Sons Contractors, did all the hiring, not Trump. The case is 35 years old and the FBI was involved. Trump was never proven toi have any knowledge that illegals were on the job.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's photo.
My, you have a big organ, Larry!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
In my time, it was 'RNO Speedwagon!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Just mention jury nullification and the Fully Informed Jury Amendment to get out of it. Or, stay and enjoy it!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
So you're just mad about saffron?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dude! That was like, three years ago!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And make Mexico pay for the shirt!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Here ya go, Donna A Wiederhold http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/colin-powell-personal-email-secretary-of-state-115707
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Why would we do that, Krous? The numbers are the numbers. Labor participation rate doesn't decline because jobs are lost; it declines when people stop bothering to look for work.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Okay, Rodriguez, will take your misstatements one at a time. ► There were no emails deleted. Here's Hillary's staffer admitting on CNN that they were. Keep in mind that a paper print out of an email, or an electronic PDF thereof, is not the same as the original electronic version of the email as it existed on the server. There is far more infomation in that original that never makes it to a harcopy or PDF of it. http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2015/09/03/hillary-clinton-email-server-aides-testify-house-fallon-sot-wolf.cnn
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
If marrying the person of your choice, male or female, is truly a right, why do you need a license to do it?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Krous, you mean the Labor Participation Rate back at the start of 2008, when it was abou 4 points higher than now? Back when the Bush era was ending with the House and Senate under Democratic control for the previos 2-3 years, when they were busy promoting home mortgages to people who couldn't afford them? Okay, here's the data from the BLS
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Phew! I was worried for a minute there!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I think some extra zeroes creeped into your figure. Perhaps there was little indignation because the RNC set up their servers in an attempt to fully comply with the Hatch Act, which requires separtion of official activity and political activity. Perhaps it was because the RNC freely admitted that the "may have, might have" deleted some official emails in violation of the Public Records Act. And perhaps it was because the Whitehouse tried to do everything practical to retrieve them. Compare and contrast with Hillary's obstruction.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Bad headline. In the context of the article, I think they meant a return of humanity to the Moon, not a Russian return.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I know this will come as a huge disappointment, Rodriguez, but you're far from being my type. So shove it up someone else's. And for good measure, http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/03/it-experts-anti-spam-companies-may-have-copies-or-logs-of-clintons-emails/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
When he's said it in the past, there was always a "but..."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And that's a refreshing change from President Obama. My thanks to him.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Thery're cutting people, not military spending. From your link: "shift spending from the traditional land forces to more advanced sea and air forces, which require fewer but better trained personnel." In other words, making their military more technologically advanced and efficient.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What post? What point? I don't speak stream-of-consciousness. My only purpose for this post was to keep everyone apprised of Chinese military status.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Why does the goverment give tax breaks to married people? The welfare program does just the opposite, giving breaks to people who aren't married.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Somebody above mentioned marriage is a contract. Then shouldn't a copy of the contract be all I need? Why the permission from the government to enter into a contract for marriage? We don't need government permission to buy a big flat screen TV on the time payment plan. That's a contract, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Why can't a couple just go to Notary Public and swear that they're married. Notary files a copy, and they're done. Or the religious types just bring a marriage certificate from their church. If it really is a right to get married, why must government permission be sought?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Okay. Seems to work through the Facebook redirect.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That explains several of the revolutions Reagan has turned in his grave.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Spot load always takes a dive after Christmas.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
How do I unsee that?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Nice rack! But there are very few carts in it.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Suggested campaign slogan: I'm a Socialist, so I use Government email accounts! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Don't mistake a love for a strong military as love for war. Having a strong military makes war far less likely.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm still here, Cindy Werner Pollet--at least 'til the first Iranian nuke drops.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm feeling the Bern!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I guess we have another Obamacare, a deal most Americans think sucks. http://thehill.com/policy/international/250049-poll-americans-oppose-iran-deal-2-1
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Letting Iran do their own nuke site inspections would be like putting Krous in charge of ensuring there's no name-calling in this group!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
One can tell from the classification expiration dates determined by the State Dept. that some were classified "at orgination."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I have my people reading them for me.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dat's right. The Washington Post just makes this stuff up.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Schooling the lawyers is a little late.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Then let's do something about that rather than kill unborn life.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And how does their clearence change the rules and procedures for handling classified infomation?
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure birth control accidents happen, but not in the millions.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Common sense is never impressive; it's just sensical.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
If the pro-choice folks woul have the sense to make their "choice" before conception rather than after, that 400,000 wouldn't be a problem.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
More lame "old news" excuses from the Left.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Then why do they boo when someone says "All Lives Matter"? And why aren't they upset at the millions of black babies aborted since Roe v. Wade?
Jay Douglas replied to Joan Buckner Torres's comment.
Thanks, Joan.
Jay Douglas replied to Blair Kullman's comment.
How much does the clock weigh? With it plus you, we might be over gross! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Tom Owens's comment.
Well, it was early. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Albert Brignac's, 805 Gause Blvd. in Slidell (between 10th and 11th St.)
Jay Douglas replied to Eric Leonard's comment.
Thanks, Eric!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I know it's hard to believe, but I actually agree with Krous on this one. We need to do a better job enforcing the laws we have.
Jay Douglas replied to Kevin H. Lowe's comment.
As a matter of fact, it's *all* dark.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Did she also say that if you swallow a watermelon seed, a watermelon will grow inside your stomch? Mine did.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Likewise, I also think we can do more to keep crazy people from killing others, whether with guns or some other weapon. But it will take more committment to them than we seem to have now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Your fine-looking chart of gun murder deaths may or may not be factually correct. It depends on the data source. It omits data for South Africa, Columbia, Estonia, Brazil, Mexico, and N. Ireland, all of which have higher gun murder rates than the U.S. If you expect me to infer from your chart that removing guns from the hands of American citizens will decrease the gun murder rate in this country, forget it. Just take a look at Chicago and Washington, D. C. for starters. Then take a look at any or all of these: http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp http://www.npr.org/2013/01/08/168853287/how-do-gun-bans-affect-violent-crime-rates http://www.guns.com/2013/08/30/harvard-study-concludes-gun-control-prevent-murders-violent-crime/ http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_gcgvinco.html Finally, regardless of murder rate statistics, I'm under no obligation to justify gun ownership. It's my right. And for good reason, as Dr. Gratia so elequently explained in the video I posted. I suggest watching it again.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Will we need to get somebody to hold your cards for you?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Want another insult? Okay, you're ugly, too. But I'll remind the folks that you were first to play the insult card, as you always are, calling me insane.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Krous, if you had another brain, it would be lonesome! First of all, the 2nd Amedment refers to a "well-regulated militia" (as in well-managed), rot well-regulated guns. Come back after you learn to read. On second thought, don't bother.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I suppose you could argue that a chiropractor isn't a "real" doctor. Many do so.. And yes, she became a Congresswoman in a normally Democratic district. So even Democrats can know what's good for them.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dammit Cindy! She's a doctor, not an actor! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I take it y'all were disappointed that this gal wasn't shot by the crazy man along with her parents. Dead, she'd make a far less effective proponent of gun rights.
Jay Douglas commented on Andre C Labat's post.
Aug 31, 2015, 8:03 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Whatever, Kevin! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Bam bam!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I guess I should look for a new job, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Songwriters have been getting paid through ASCAP and BMI. But terrestrial radio stations haven't had to pay performance royalties.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
I thought all that took was wearing clothes. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Seems like Phobiaism to me.
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
My condolences, Karen & Milton.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
I wish you'd tell us how you *really* feel!
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Ledbetter's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Witness Dr. Grady Brock at WNOE in 1974: http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx. Scroll down and you'll see his aircheck.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Really! http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=mjna&fr=uh3_finance_web&uhb=uhb2
Jay Douglas replied to Roxanne Marcianti's comment.
Professional video? You mean I was supposed to get paid? :-) Thanks. Yeah, Michael's got a nice spread there. Temperature was the usual 95° or so. You'll notice the smart people were wearing shorts.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Will he pay promoters for all those gigs he missed?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
I hear disposable diapers aren't bad.
Jay Douglas commented on Edward Newman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
And is that paint on the ground or snow? Can't be!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
Irrational is what happens to a country with too much pi.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Do you have any relatives who *aren't* famous? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Hint: Don't screw them in where a lightbulb belongs.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
We see a few of these red-tailed guys every now and then.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's link.
That's new to me, too, Chris. He sounds so "FM-ey" doing jazz and blues! Cool. Thanks.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
All we can see from them is the Target parking garage. And what are you doing listening to WNOE! I haven't been there since 1976! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's photo.
Don't blame the radio guys! They just read the forecast they get from the weather guys!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
It was a classic landmark for years. Glad somebody got a picture of it.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
And WNOE in at #14! Not bad! Not many cities have two on the list.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Some kids just know what to do with old computers! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
Which one puts the auxiliary transmitter into the dummy load?
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Wow, I guess that really IS a descent in your case! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to Leslie Threlkeld's comment.
Like it or not, Red Stick will have to do. It's not bad.
Jay Douglas commented on Leslie Threlkeld's post.
You can call me Jay, or you can call me Ray. Just don't call me late for dinner!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Me, too, Roger! I don't remember him having Mickey Mouse ears.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
I did 2 nighttime stop-and-go's plus a full stop on 27/9 to get night-current for a passenger I was picking up there after flying over from Slidell. Not the best runway for that sort of thing, but it was the way the wind was blowing one crisp winter night. I never realized how short it was 'til that night!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Runway 31/13 at Lakefront. I landed there plenty of times in the 70's.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The problem is there are four dead Americans and nobody in the administration seems to give a damn why it happened, or they know and want to lie about it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, the dead horse defense. That's when you know you're on to something!
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Yeah, I thought I might disappoint some football fans!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Of course, I picked the only real hazy day of the last two weeks to fly.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Nope. I was hot enough already.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Venus's photo.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Cool! Got any photos?
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hearrean's post.
Get it? Got it? Good!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Does the key work in the elevator, too?
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
And it kinda looks like since my landing at 0LA2 on 7/3/94, it ain't dere no more. Seems to have become just another subdivision in Gonzales. It was in a cow pasture back then, surrounded by pine trees.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
At 3,000 feet, St. Tammany is 300 feet longer than where I soloed (5B7, Rensselaer County)), and 800 feet longer than my shortest ever (0LA2, a private airport in Gonzales, LA). 0LA2 is paved, 2,200 feet long, and all of 20 feet wide! I think it was made narrow so it would look longer!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
A touch-and-go is as close as I've ever come to visiting there, Skip. And I remember passing up a touch-and-go there once when the runway was in kinda rough shape for a while. Forget when that was.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Okay, something for R. E. M. fans, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
You'll probably find your dentist looking down-in-the-mouth. Is your appointment at tooth-hurty?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I'm confused. I thought Crystal made the hot sauce.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Do they mean twice in the same election? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
A pirate walks into a bar with a ship's wheel stuck down the front of his pants. The bartender asks him what he wants to drink.

"Arrrggg! I'll have some rum, matey!" is his reply.

The bartender serves up a rum and remarks, "I can't help noticing that you have a ship's wheel stuck down your pants."

Says the pirate, "Aye, matey, and it's drivin' me nuts!"
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And wherever you go, there you are!
Jay Douglas replied to Dennis Jackson's comment.
Then there was Vince Vance & The Valiants' "Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBGPw_LBiRA
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
See? Unreliable. I rest my case!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Sorry, Media Matters has been detemined to be an unreliable source.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Did the Washington Post have a Richard Nixon problem? Not that I'd defend Tricky Dick. The fact is, newspapers are under no obligation to be fair and balanced. They can print what they want to print, thank goodness. It's up to the readers to decide if they're credible or not. The only reason I posted the NYT link in the first place was I thought it might have a bit more credibility amongst liberals than posting a link to the Daily Caller, which is where I first saw the story. I've learned my lesson. From now on, it'll be the Daily Caller every time.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Or Destin-Ft. Walton Beach. It's only a 20-minute walk to the beach from the airport in both cases.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Take her to Dauphin Island in Delmar.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
I figured there would be more than that by now.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
In the words of The Who, "You can't....have it!"
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
You just like Cardinals 'cause there are no wing struts to get in the picture!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Just kidding! Congratulations, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Sadly, nobody cares.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Jul 25, 2015, 12:09 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
The Old Post Office disco!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's video.
Next time, landscape mode!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Never heard the #6 story.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, a bubble by definition inflates housing prices. When the number of people who shouldn't be getting mortgages get them anyway, housing prices go up. Then "prime" borrowers end up borrowing more than they would have without the government interference in the market.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I doubt the NBER is as slanted as you suggested, Sally. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2682339?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, I'll refer you to The National Bureau of Economic Research study which shows the effect of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. Republicans may have said "hands off" but no one listened. Government got into the market and screwed it up. http://www.nber.org/digest/may13/w18609.html
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Sally, I'll just use the Dan Brown method of attack here. MotherJones.com--really? C'mon!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So climate skeptics are not allowed to have Web sites?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And this: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/21/arctic_bounces_back_world_returns_to_sea_ice_levels_seen_in_1980s/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And this: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/072115-762689-noaa-record-temperatures-nothing-to-worry-about.htm?ntt=Roy%20Spencer
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Then there's this: http://notrickszone.com/2015/07/21/noaa-record-heat-claims-dismissed-in-independent-datasets-we-see-widespread-model-failures-says-expert-meteorologist/#sthash.o6V0suTQ.dpbs
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Ted's making the old our-billionaires-are-more-righteous-than-your-billionaires argument. The fact of the matter is (as liberals are so fond of prefacing every statement they make), our billionaires want everyone to be a billionaire. When government does things to encourage rather than hinder that, everyone benefits.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Wrong, Sally. Democrats who insisted banks give mortgage loans to folks who had not a prayer in the world of paying them back created the houing bubble that burst as a second Great Depression.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Well. Laura, I'm just glad conservatives are on the job somewhere. And Noe, the proof is in the whiskey many conservatives have to drink to drown their sorrows over our current government.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
And President Obama vetoes them, so why does it matter?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Here's a shot I took of the Gates board at WRPI when I went back for the station's 50th anniversary in 2007. Obviously not in use anymore,
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Used the same Gates Stereo Executive at WNOE-AM and my college station, WRPI. The one there was brand new (in 1969). Sounded good, and easy to maintain.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"Media Matters Research Fellow Oliver Willis Smears Ann Romney About Her MS, Says She’s ‘Got It Great’." How's that? You like that headline better?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, name-calling. First resort of the Liberal with nothing to say.. Might as well take a swing at Mrs. Romney, too, John, just like Media Matters. http://dailycaller.com/2015/07/20/media-matters-smears-ann-romney-about-her-ms-says-shes-got-it-great/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
He was just being nice. You should try it sometime.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And if nobody wants to ask the folks on the list above how happy they are with the Dems, then maybe these folks will do: https://www.youtube.com/embed/9RABZq5IoaQ?feature=player_embedded
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Then get some more conservatives in here, Cindy Werner Pollet. 'Til then, I'm fighting guerrilla-style!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Let's ask some black folks how happy they are with the past 6 years of Democratic administration (or Liberal, if you prefer, Krous). You can start with these: http://www.ranker.com/list/republican-and-african-american-or-the-black-republican-list/famous-conservatives?page=1
Jay Douglas commented on Todd Bauer's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I always schedule my dental appointments at tooth-hurty.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Happens to all of us, Bernie! And I just changed it to 1977 from 1976. Found another slide from the same batch that showed my 1977 Monte Carlo parked at your place.
Jay Douglas commented on Todd Bauer's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That explains why you were always looking down in the mouth!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Still my favorite show at A Warehouse!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Jul 12, 2015, 7:57 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's photo.
Yes, deer.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
LOL! So far, at least, I haven't had to face one of those. Notice McEnroe's wooden racket. I just thre one of those away.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Not the Barnsider, apparently. Happy Anniversary!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Ugliest human being in rock 'n' roll! [sniff] 1974 aircheck at http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"Congressional Republicans continue to pretend like the country is mired in deficit and can’t afford to spend. The reality is that the Republican-backed cuts would do more to strangle economic growth than to launch an economic boom. Obama isn’t calling for a massive spending program. His budget is advocating a complete reversal of the sequester cuts.” What part of $18.5 trillion doesn't PoliticsUSA understand? And, Cindy, a deficit 1/3 the size of a previous deficit still means the debt increases. If all Obama wants is reversal of sequestration (one of the reasons the deficit is lower), I guess its true he doesn't want "massive spending." He already got that via the Obamacare taxes, one of the biggest Federal tax increases ever. Finally, a real recovery from the Democrat-policy-induced housing bubble collapse should be complete by now. But hey, Democrats, if you like your economy now, you can keep your economy!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Jun 29, 2015, 5:23 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Jun 29, 2015, 5:23 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
To answer Steve Krous' question about where I've been, I've been busy shopping for a Rosetta Stone language course. It's clear that English will no longer be our language. The Supreme Court no longer speaks or understands it.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Just remember the dump is closed.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Arlo Guthrie says do Stockbridge at Thanksgiving.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Steely Dan's "Pretzel Logic" is playing in my head.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Only if they have a pit to hiss in.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
We should stop speaking English and start speaking French. Speaking English honors our former oppressors, the British! The French, on the other hand, helped us win our freedom. The Cajuns are right!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jun 24, 2015, 9:23 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Teletype machines did nothing but caps.
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Bummer. :-(
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
He probably won't like wearing extensions, either.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
You women are ganging up against me. At least the gal on our bowling team agrees they're blue!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Well, Blair, you *did* tell me to fly over your house. I was just a few days early!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Joan? Purple, or blue?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Don't ask me. I'm a Lutheran. We're not allowed to read Papal Encyclicals.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Love it, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on Sissy Templet's photo.
Hmmm. Might have to allow a little more than 8 hours from bottle to throttle after finishing that one!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Always wondered if the Wendell Pierce character in HBO's Treme series was named Antoine Batiste as a tribute to Harold. They spelled it differently.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's post.
Very cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Have fun in the Dell. But Bimbo Bay ain't dere no more.
Jay Douglas commented on Roger Bull's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And when FM started, it was originally down around 44 MHz. That was low enough to skip, too.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
You call that work?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jun 17, 2015, 9:12 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Remember when that Russian spacecraft banged into their Mir Space Station? It happened because objects in Mir are closer than they appear.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
If her spot with the NAACP opens up, I hear John Boehner may run for it.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's photo.
Aren't you supposed to peel the shrimp BEFORE you eat them?
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
Snow tires? Snow tires? Oh, yeah, snow tires! I remember those (vaguely).
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
And I think you caught a bit of NC on a Gatlinburg trip.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Add MD. Trip to Washington, D.C.
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Good thing cancer is not named Kim Kardashian!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jim White didn't start at WIXO until 1973 because he started after me, and I didn't start 'til the last couple of days of 1972. I'm pretty sure that's Jim in the photo, but it would date the photo after 1972. By '77, Jim was over at WRNO.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
There ya go!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Amazon has two day delivery!
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Fathers' Day? It's sooner!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
I want one!
Jay Douglas replied to Scott Redmond's comment.
Will do, Scoot. Good to see you, too!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
And how come you didn't make it, Bobby? Tom Owens and I were disappointed.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I was taking a dump on his shoes! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
Go Big Red(s)!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks, Heather!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Elsie's not in this photo, Florence. This is my radio family, not my "family" family.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Put 90 radio people in a room and it gets pretty loud, George! Too loud to really hear the folks in the video who weren't "on mike."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You're welcome, Bob. For best results, watch in HD.
Jay Douglas commented on Frannie Miles's post.
You're welcome, Frannie! Thanks for being in some!
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's photo.
Excellent, dude!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Indeed she does, Tom. As for your belly, just suck it in!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Kern's photo.
I'd like to use this photo in the Reunion video. Do you know who took it?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
The spelling is slightly different, but it looks like the band Yo La Tengo has a song about the guy in the middle. Just got this link in my college radio alumni email: http://www.wfuv.org/content/vin-scelsa-fare-thee-well
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's post.
LOL! Love it!
Jay Douglas commented on Bo Walker's post.
Now let's give him Neal Peart's drum kit!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Yup, and yup.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
The guy on the left is Jim Stewart.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Best inside joke ever on Jay Leno's Tonight Show. Guest was New Orleans' own Richard Simmons. When he walked out, New Orleans-born Tonight Show band leader at the time Branford Marsalis struck up "Cissy Strut"! Don't know if anybody laughed as hard as I did, but, if so, they probably lived in New Orleans!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Great quality on that, Matt. No mile-deep reverb on the station like during the Jason O'Brien days, and they ran the tape machine at the right speed!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Jun 10, 2015, 9:11 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Great job on the photos, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's post.
Somehow, I missed you at the Reunion. Were you in a cloaking device?
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Roberts's post.
Stay tuned. More on the way.
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Yeah, I figured. Moving is my second favorite thing to do. The first is putting my mouth around the tailpipe of a city bus and letting it drag me over the Crescent City Connection.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Missed y'all at the Radio Reunion!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Hope you're above the weather soon!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Pining for a WRPI picnic?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Yeah, right.
Jay Douglas commented on Rudolph Tillman's post.
My condolences, Rudy.
Jay Douglas replied to Shaleen Hughes's comment.
Cool! A daytimer!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Mechanical and electrical engineers build weapons; civil engineers build targets.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'd trust an employer with my info before I'd trust the government. I can easily change employers; the government, not so much. And my government's already told me they lost a laptop with my stuff on it. Hasn't happened so far with an employer.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
How's Wednesday morning around 7:40 AM for ya, Gail?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I played "That Was Then This Is Now" by The Monkees for my last record this morning. But, just like the Preservation Hall Jazz Band charges extra for "Saints Go Marching In," I charge extra for "The Night Chicago Died." :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, but they don't need an 800-pound gorilla with all my health information to boot.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yes. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Oh, I must have misunderstood why y'all have been calling me a Rightee all this time. I'm sorry! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because you rule out my 3rd party Web site references and I rule out your agenda-driven government agency and military references. Ted has dropped into name-calling mode. I try not to do that. If I don't respond, rest assured that I'm very likely at the keyboard with my feet up on the desk thinking, "God, what a jerk!"
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ah, the classic your-Web-sites-are-biased-and-mine-aren't argument. And the science-is-on-my-side pitch. What a crock!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ted, you're giving short shrift to plenty of other excuses for the global warming pause.http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/07/30/list-of-excuses-for-the-pause-now-up-to-29/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, ya know there *is* that FairTax thing. No IRS (or private contractors) required.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And what if we're wrong with the solution?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't think so.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Then why has increased CO2 not increased the temperature appreciably, John? I worry far more about an $18 trillion dollar debt and what it will do to my children's children's children than trying to fix a problem for which we have no proven solution. How will we stop China from burning their trash?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The point is, John, the science is not settled. There is no consensus. And who cares if there is? Science should be based on facts and theories which can be proven. It *has* been politicized.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But wait! There's more! http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071211101623.htm
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Want your climate data from NASA folks? Why? NASA is now working for a guy with global warming on his agenda--a guy who said my health care costs would be lower and I could keep my health care plan. Period. Here's some from an ex-NASA guy, one of the many scientists not in the warming cultist crowd. http://www.drroyspencer.com/2013/10/maybe-that-ipcc-95-certainty-was-correct-after-all/
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
LOL! Just make sure he knows that when you show somebody a good picture you've taken, they always say, "Wow! You must have a really good camera!" They never say, "Wow! You're a good photographer!"
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
He's reading the manual? We may have to take away his mancard for that! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Or there's this:http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/05/29/when-will-climate-scientists-say-they-were-wrong/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I see the echo chamber is working.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Actually, I meant to post this in my political group, but forgot to go there first. But I guess I'll just leave it here and share it there.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I just posted this so you Hillary fans could revel in Bernie's boarishness!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, for the 4 millionth time, almost NOBODY denies climate change. It happens continually. But global warming is just as frequently global cooling. And science is not an election or a PR campaign. It is based on facts, and theories are tested by making predictions of what will happen under certain conditions and then evaluating the accuracy of the predictions as a measure of the correctness of those theories. Inconvenient though it may be, the theories which produced predictions of unprecedented warming as atmospheric carbon content increased past 400 ppm haven't happened. The models have been wrong. Please don't get your science from Bill Nye. He's a mechanical engineer, nothing more.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
He was definitely a Dick, Lonnie!. And Blair, how long did you have your free VW Thing?
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I don't think it was ever a Leson Chevrolet, Larry. I think the guy running the place when I was trying to get my car repaired there was Dick Flick (yes, I think that was his real name!).
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
It was the dealership on Chef and Downman, whatever it was called back then. I did buy another car there in the 90's, after it had become Banner Chevrolet. Good memory, John!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Should be fun. Thanks for being the "community organizer," Bob! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
The extended warrior question at BestBuy gets an automatic "No" from me for exactly the reason you mention. But "Accident Coverage" for a laptop for my daughter has been a wise move.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Given the price of these wheels and tires, it makes sense to have the coverage, Bob. We've almost broken even with this one claim. Had we known before getting the tire replaced, we'd be in the black. But the tire replacement has to be done by a dealer, and we got the tire at NTB.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, Dan, I'll have to admit that if we have to have an income tax, Estonia seems to have the right idea.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I'm pleased to report that Safe-Guard Products did the right thing and is paying the claim for the $603 replacement wheel.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
55% tax? No problem Bernie Sanders wants 90%!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dirt roads, muskets, and horses were state of the art at the time. Henry Ford didn't get a governmnet grant to produce cars.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And maybe things didn't cost as much in 1912 because the governmnet wasn't printing money hand over fist.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The UAE's oil production is privately owned, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And in 1912, corporate income accounted for 0% of federal revenue. How did we survive?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
C'mon Steve. It started in 1913, but until 1942, it only applied to the filthiest of rich people.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll rest my case now. I know a dead horse when I see one.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And the US is almost #1 in world oil production. How can that be?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We did fine with no income tax from 1792-1942, Steve. How can that be? Such a mystery!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The point of the chart is that when you open a giant new revenue stream to the government, spending skyrockets. People want Medicare and Social Security because the government took their money to pay for it. Remember please that Social Security is just another income tax. As for big miltary, that's one of the things the Federal government is supposed to do, so I'm fine with it. But I know you'll get some pushback here if you start claiming that EVERYBODY wants big miliray.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
In science, if you're not sure something works, you try it and see. This chart makes it clear what the income tax has done for us. And let me repeat: NO business pays ANY taxes. They're all paid by consumers. I'd like a FairTax with a Truth-in-Taxation rider. If you write a bill that will spend money, you include in the bill a disclosure of how much the FairTax rate will have to be raised to cover it and that rate change becomes part of the bill.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Frank, I was thinking the United Arab Emirates. One of the highest per capita personal incomes in the world, and no income tax. And Dan, we've tried the income tax for about 75 years. Let's try something new. You do consider yourself "progressive," right? And the math does work if understood.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Then why don't you two pay *my* taxes and all three of us can be happy? :-)
Jay Douglas replied to John LaBorde's comment.
LOL! Won't find that on a Led Zeppelin album!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Um, the tone arm's on the wrong side of the platter. Unless maybe he's running the turntable backwards on "Stairway to Heaven" to see whether "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now..." really comes out as "Here's to my sweet Satan" or "I sing because I live with Satan."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Of course. ACA has changed nothing in that regard. ACA does nothing about those high costs. It just increases the number of customers insurance companies have while simultaneously giving taxpayers higher bills.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Okay, Ted and Steve, I downloaded the McKinsey report you said I wouldn't like. Seems well-crafted and well-documented. But it's from 8-9 months ago and lacks some data that was unavailable at the time. And it doesn't seem to be predictive of these later datapoints. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/some-obamacare-insurers-want-massive-premium-hikes/ and http://www.wsj.com/articles/health-insurers-seek-hefty-rate-boosts-1432244042. I could like your report's increases of only 4% much more than what I see in these later reports. Reduced increases are one thing, but I was promised a significant reduction that didn't materialize, and I my employer cancelled my plan.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You don't?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Thank you, Jamie!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
People in the upper brackets know how hard taxes make it to get there.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
I'll tell you what's wrong, dammit! It's "fail." It's a friggin' verb! The noun is "failure." Use it! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve Forbes has been a flat tax proponent for a decade, so I'm not surprised his publication denigrates the FairTax. A VAT is another tax in the wrong place in the economic chain. It builds taxes into the price of exports, making ours uncompetitive. And it's likely an auditing nightmare. The FairTax has it right. It's at the end of the line where all taxes are ultimately paid. As Reagan said, you can't tax businesses. Businesses don't pay taxes. Businesses collect taxes. But we've been through this once before. I doubt I'll convince anyone here.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's photo.
And THAT's the way it was.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Baltimore could use the sign, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Here's the sign that should have gone up in Detroit in the 60's.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
He might like that!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Lisa, Jindal hasn't done anything to specifically irritate me. He's just seemed kind of slimy to me. Can't put my finger on it (and wouldn't want to!).
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A flat tax doesn't do it for me, Dan. It's still a tax on income, and that's the wrong thing to tax. Put the tax at the end of the line, where they all get paid anyway. Make our exports competitive. Let everybody keep their whole paycheck. And eliminate the IRS almost completely.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm not a Jindal fan, Cindy, although I did vote for him, given the alternatives.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
This guy's already done the digging and summarized: http://ncrenegade.com/editorial/mrs-clinton/ Brings back some wonderful memories--just the sort of thing an oldies jock like me thrives on.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll have to read the actual report later. I'm supposed to be working right now.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That's how I know about Ungar. He's a Fox News Contributor.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Change "like" to "believe" and you might have something. Rick Ungar is a known liberal huckster.
Jay Douglas commented on Mike Weldon's post.
No more pecan pralines for you! Hope you get it straightened out, Mike.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Upside down flag has always been a distress signal.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Yikes! Must make traffic reporting easy, though. Nobody's going anywhere except under!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I didn't say anything about her point, Dan. Purely a post for your edification.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Gates Stereo Executive. Same board at WNOE-AM. And my college station, WRPI, had a brand new one when it went stereo in 1969, too, along with a pair of Neumann U87 condenser mikes But in this pic, what's with the labels on the board? Nobody does that! You were supposed to guess which mixer was for Turntable 1 and which one was Cart 2!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
John Trahan, you epitomize the liberal mindset! LOL! All I have to do is agree with you completely and everything will be fine! Anything else and I'm wrong. And probably racist and sexist to boot!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So do you promise that if Hillary is elected, I can come here and criticize her policies and ideas without being called sexist?
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
And in some cases, it depends on the frequency of the FM station in the market as to how many Days of Summer you get. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Krous, you're just wasting your breath, and that's no great loss, either. [I bought that one from Groucho Marx].
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But if I close my eyes, I'm afraid she'll steal something from me!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Too late. I already read the whole thing.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And I'm sure it's a bit premature to talk hate crimes, even with the squishy Congressional definition.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The outrage is still up in New York City with the three cops killed there, right? [sarcasm alert]
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You can't fool me. That's a trick question.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Apparently, most folks here find us *very* trying!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
But dude! This was, like, two years ago! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Really, Buddy? Really? Is that all you got? Impugn the source? Okay, fine. But you don't get to link to DailyKos, MoveOn.org, or ThinkProgress, either! Of course, you can also take the unsupported assertions route. I see that's popular here.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve, the law that caps insurance company profits also adds a few taxes, which will also go away if ACA is repealed. Here's a list of most of them: Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax Obamacare Employer Mandate Tax Obamacare Surtax on Investment Income Obamacare Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans Obamacare Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax Obamacare Medicine Cabinet Tax Obamacare HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike Obamacare Flexible Spending Account Cap Obamacare Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers Obamacare "Haircut" for Medical Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of AGI Obamacare Tax on Indoor Tanning Services Obamacare elimination of tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D Obamacare Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike Obamacare Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals Obamacare Tax on Innovator Drug Companies Obamacare Tax on Health Insurers Obamacare Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2 Obamacare “Black liquor” tax hike Obamacare Codification of the “economic substance doctrine” And my premium won't have to include coverage for maternity care and birth control. I think I'll save some money!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Prove it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
This is dated, but still true and relavent: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/PrescriptionForChange/story?id=2574980&page=1&singlePage=true
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I didn't say that now, did I John? Of course there is! And much of it stems from the existence of insurance. Nobody gives a damn about the prices.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Then all you have to do is get rid of the fraud waste and abuse that will accompany a purely-government funded system to make it more expensive than private health insurance, John. Think Post Office, DMV, Amtrak...
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Well if all you're gonna do is pooh-pooh the source, get it right. Breitbart was just reporting what Woodward said on Fox News this morning.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
We have to pass the bill repealing it first to find out.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Because Democrats never think about it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That "single payer" is millions of taxpayers, Donna. It ain't free.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I think you just proved my point about insurance raising costs, Steve.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not at all, Lisa Spomer-Krasnoff.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If costs are lower, whay are prtemiums going up, Steve Krous?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I am speaking for myself.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I know, Steve Krous. But the idea should be to do what it takes to make healthcare cheaper, not make somebody else pay for it. Insurance has a cost-raising effect. On everything.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Personally, I'd like to see insurance taken out of the healthcare world. http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/11/news/economy/cash-only-doctors/index.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve Krous, which evil Republican's healthcare do YOU want to pay for?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm gonna have "my guys" propose a plan where YOU pay for my healthcare, Lisa. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I plan on shooting as much video as I can, Bob, as well as stills.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
But sometimes, nothing speaks the truth like satire!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
I was thinking they (Stiller and Meara) did the Jax Beer commercials, but, nope, they were done by Nichols and May. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2aPIrzSZ_I
Jay Douglas commented on Theresa Lew Brossette's post.
Even I could make a putt into that hole!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
Must be part plumber, too. Knows stuff don't flow uphill. Brought a level to make sure.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bill was a pilot, too. Used to bump into him (figuratively, of course) out at Lakefront Airport every now and then back in the 70's.
Jay Douglas replied to Eugene P Templet's comment.
Doesn't happen often, but every once in awhile, I'll miss the strut.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Air-to-air shots of a blimp? Been there; done that. 1984 or so.
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Schmitt's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
The 24 a year resulted from "60 Minus 36," so there *was* a plan for 60 per year--more than one per week. Somebody was smoking something.
Jay Douglas commented on Jay Schmitt's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I think the peak was 13 ETs one year.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Hmmm. Looks like a parachute for YOU, not Delmar. You're not gonna just let him crash, are you?
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
I didn't know it was possible to be fine without Internet.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
And he shut down the central bank. Like telling the Fed to go pound sand!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I have them, plus Jack Parr and Steve Allen!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Thanks, Chris.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Nikon D610
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
I hope he didn't cut the cheese!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
The only travel non-essential to a legislator is a trip he or she has to pay for himself or herself!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Too bad my good lookin' wool gets sick in an airplane!
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Laura, as a strict Constitutionalist, I invoke my 5th Amendment right to remain silent and my 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yup. Only there a year or two. Now runs the Sony CD plant up in Terra Haute, Indiana. Although I imagine it's a DVD or Blu-Ray plant by now.
Jay Douglas commented on Geri Pourciau's post.
Group: Political Games
I vote to let Elon Musk use his own money to build his Hyperloop between LA and San Francisco, which he has said he will do. He says it'd be cheaper than conventional high-speed rail. If it works and people ride it, it will expand. No taxpayer money required if the market wants it. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2014/12/22/elon-musk-hyperloop-next-step/20693051/
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Are you supposed to gargle with it afterward? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Which one? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wenny Webb's photo.
Good luck!
Jay Douglas commented on Geri Pourciau's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course, another possibility would have been to let market forces act naturally. By the Sixties, it was becoming evident that fewer and fewer people wanted to travel by train, choosing airlines, buses, and automobiles instead. The government could have stayed the hell out of the passenger rail business, and never started Amtrak. The government had already "invested" heavily in highway infrastructure, and relatively little infrastructure is required for airline passenger travel. *That's* what Republicans wanted. Those folks would not have died (on a train, anyway).
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's photo.
I saw that place (I think)!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
May 16, 2015, 2:06 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Looks like the IRS did the right thing with this guy. http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/14/public-pressure-forces-irs-to-give-back-money-to-civil-forfeiture-victim-video/
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Um, no. I think that would require a second moose.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
My agenda is efficient use of taxpayer money. What's yours?
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Denmark and Sweden have suicide rates 10% higher than that of the US. In Finland, it's some 60% higher. You don't suppose people hate high tax rates that much, do you? Nah, can't be.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
And one more thing. We're $18 trillion in debt.http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Ward, both the ET Program and IRADs were functions of one organization, Lockheed Martin, often with the same employees working on both while sharing facilities and infrastructure. But NOAA and NASA are huge government organizations that probably never share employees or facilities, but rather duplicate them at great taxpayer expense. The NOAA Mission Statement seems to me to cover climate research nicely. My question remains, why do we need NASA to do it too? http://www.noaa.gov/about-noaa.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
NOAA has had the same mission since 1970, and 100 years before that, it was the Weather Bureau. How many government agencies does it take?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Almost nobody denies climate change. It's been happening since Day One and is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer. And while we can use NASA to launch those satellites, we have other organizations getting budget to collect and study the data.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
May 13, 2015, 3:09 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Not exactly a Death Panel, but sorta similar.
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
Wow! Can this possibly be government skepticism from y'all?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
And breathing emits carbon dioxide. And you think *I'm* boring!
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Anybody remember the Steel Wheelchairs Tour?
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
The declaration of President Obama's Energy Secretary that fracking is safe is good enough for me. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/energy-secretary-fracking-is-safe/article/2533758
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
Ya go to all the trouble of pulling in a station from 332 miles away an all you get is a commercial! Sheesh!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
The "I work in an office all day" was for example only, Laura. Afterall, I work at night in a studio. Sorry for any confusion. When I make it to the 90% tax bracket, I'll have people who post in Facebook for me! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
James, you're half right. The rich do indeed feel entitled to keep every cent they have. In that sense, they are identical to the poor. Why wouldn't everyone feel that way? But they would also like to see everyone earn more, more, more. It's not a zero-sum game. The rich don't get rich at the expense of the poor.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, Dan, the income tax is wrong regardless of the rate. And, yes, it's wrong to steal the product of anyone's labor. The FairTax is better for many reasons. These are summarized well here: http://fairtax-psyclone.netdna-ssl.com/media/attachments/54998a922017a86464000281.pdf?1419348626
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
James, I'll bet you love that Andrea True Connection disco tune, "More, More, More." How much is enough? And Dan, there's no doubt we need some taxes. But let's not be stupid about them. In the Eisenhower era when the marginal ratees were as high as 90%, Ronald Reagan only worked six months out of the year to avoid getting into that bracket. Income teaxes just make our exports non-competitive and slow the economy. I'm for something like the FairTax, and nobody's gonna talk me out of it.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Fair enough, Laura. And while we're on the subject of Dr. Ben, here's something I don't like about him: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/05/10/ben-carson-lets-slash-big-oil-to-pay-for-ethanol/
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's photo.
May 10, 2015, 10:05 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Your post made it appear that the WaPo was saying Rodham was not involved, when it was a big-time Democrat donor saying Rodham was not involved.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
"Frivolous" is what the IRS calls almost every suit against them. We typically only hear about the cases which the IRS wins, because they have PR folks. But there are plenty of cases where juries have been persuaded by these so-called frivolous arguments and acquitted so-called tax protesters who didn't file tax returns. Aaron Russo (producer of movies such as "The Rose," "Trading Places," and others) produced a documentary (America: Freedom to Facism) in which he interviews a member of one such jury. He finished and released the documentary as he was dying of bladder cancer and being hounded by the IRS. There's a brief snippet here: http://youtu.be/1UCcW0RoNdc
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Laura, you only partially quoted the WaPo article. In full context, they were reporting that Democrat donor Angelo Viard "stressed that Rodham was not involved in the effort to win the permit from the Haitian government, which was granted months before Rodham joined the board." Nice try. The whole article is here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/role-of-hillary-clintons-brother-in-haiti-gold-mine-raises-eyebrows/2015/03/20/c8b6e3bc-cc05-11e4-a2a7-9517a3a70506_story.html
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
It's been out there since at least the early 80's.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
And BTW, Laura, here are some facts about the ratification (or not) of the 16th Amendment you might find interesting (or not): http://www.thelawthatneverwas.com/defects.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
You need to learn a little more about your candidate, Cindy! And Noe, the country's already broke. Take 100% of the rich's income as a "fair share," and the deficit only drops a third or so.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
And I'll take clowns over crooks every day of the week! http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/gold-mine-hillary-clintons-brother-granted-super-rare-mining-permit-from-haiti-after-us-state-department-sent-country-billions/
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Get real, James Bringerofthelight Francis. http://money.cnn.com/2013/03/12/news/economy/rich-taxes/index.html
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course, I never said SCOTUS rulings were not case law. What else would they be? I did stipulate that I am not a lawyer. And I might run for President just to prove you wrong on all counts, Noe!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
That would be the plan, Laura. And I'll remind you yet again that it was the Republicans who ended slavery.
Jay Douglas commented on Cambre Eagan's post.
Group: Political Games
That was before the tip.
Jay Douglas commented on Cambre Eagan's post.
Group: Political Games
I just spent $245 at Ruth's Chris on her. You'd think so!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
And there was no apparent need for it before that, and the country did wonderfully!
Jay Douglas commented on Cambre Eagan's post.
Group: Political Games
How about teaching every kid to swim for himself? And force those teachers to join the teachers union.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, we just moved into Cancer Alley, so what else have we got to lose? I'm fine with fracking in my backyard. And my drinking water comes out of the Mississippi River. It's tasty! So even an injection well wouldn't necessarily bother me.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Income is the wrong thing to tax, Allen. Period.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I'm sure Sissy felt safe with you 'cause Delmar ain't got a back seat! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
I'll speak just for myself, Lisa. I'm not making light of slavery, nor claiming our Founding Fathers were perfect. But a heavily progressive income tax is still the second plank in the Communist manifesto, and remains as the Liberals' go-to tax because it starts with the assumption that my income belongs to the Government, and they decide how much I get to keep. It's why they're called "tax breaks." I'm tired of being told by Liberals that they know better how to spend my money than I do. And, Happy Mothers' Day!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
May 8, 2015, 9:43 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Did Phil "fire" you at that point? I think Phil "fired" everyone in Facilities at some point.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Maybe you'll find this less crude, Dan. Maybe. https://www.mises.org/library/tax-slavery
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
I never expect to be taken seriously here, Dan. The analogy is close enough for me.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yup, you were gone by the time of these photos, Steve.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
When it comes to taxes, I'm dead serious.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If anybody should be certified, it's you, Dan! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That's why we have the EPA and DEQ. They issue permits for injection wells after supposedly determining they are safe.
Jay Douglas commented on Wenny Webb's photo.
Depends who the pilot is. Avoid Germans with depression.
Jay Douglas commented on Rose Fogg's post.
Why doesn't Facebook have an "Acknowledge" button you can use instead of "Like" when the post says, "Alligator triggers deadly crash"?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The sinkhole is in Bayou Corne in Assumption Parish, not St. Tammany.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
James, injection wells are designed not to inject poison into our drinking water; they are deep, and located so as to avoid that. The theory is that the ground filters and ameliorates the toxins to safe levels before they reach aquifers. How well that works is, of course, open to question and study.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
And, BTW, let me refine my comment about the Feds bringing back slavery. It was actually just the Democrats.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Those who can't see the income tax as slavery can't see. A slave toils all day on a plantation and turns over 100% of the fruits of his labor to his master. I work all day in an office and turn over up to 90% (under some tax rates that have actually existed here) of the fruits of my labor to the government. If neither the slave nor I work, we don't get fed. If neither of us turn over the fruits of our labor, we get locked up. I might not get the whipping that the slave will, but my freedom is gone. And, Laura, I just might get raped in prison. And Dan, if you Google "income tax is slavery" again, I'm sure you'll find a preponderance of results say it is as opposed to the idiotic one you found that says it isn't.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cynthia, it's not the fracking causing the quakes; it's the injection wells to dispose of wastes. And the great majority of injection wells (130,000 out of 170,000) dispose wastes that are not associated with fracking.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
The Feds have already brought back slavery, Lisa. It's called the income tax.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
How stupid is it to get your drinking water from the ground? The ground is full of dirt! :-)
Jay Douglas replied to his own comment.
Okay, cool. Great shot, John!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm not defending anything, folks. I'm just reporting the science. Don't tell me y'all are a bunch of science deniers! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Apparently not. Sounds boring. Nice name, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, as I understand it, in each of the cases you mention, the Supreme Court decision applies strictly to the parties involved in the cases. After their decision, the law remains on the books, but is essentially unenforceable. Subsequent cases involving the law would be immediately decided by the first courts in which they are brought in a manner which would conform with the Supreme Court decision. I think what Carson is saying is that if, for example, gay marriage was found by the Supreme Court to be permitted and recognized in all 50 States, he would not feel obligated to have the Federal DOJ go after any State which did not immediately begin allowing or recognizing these marriages. He could claim prosecutorial discretion, much as President Obama has done with immigration law, and just ignore violators. In the case of gay marriage, the violators would be any States which continued to refuse to recognize those marriages. Nevertheless, I'd love to hear from a real lawyer here. Do we have any?
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's photo.
Drone from Algiers?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Shoulda bought a Cardinal and there be one less strut in the picture!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Wise move!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ha! Made you look!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You should see what I've done with CindyPollet.com!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
The President could do just that, Lisa. At least in my non-expert opinion. I'm surprised he hasn't tried yet. He's still got time.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Injection wells beat dumping wastewater into streams and rivers. Earth makes a pretty good filter. But I'm sure we could find something better, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
They say that only a tiny percentage are of concern. And wastewater injection wells in use today number 170,000. They've been around forever as a reasonable way to dispose of liquid waste. Only about 40,000 of the 170,000 injection wells are for disposal of oil and gas production wastewater. You could, of course, find some other means to dispose of the fracking wastewater if the earthquakes from injection wells were indeed a big problem. But the fracking process itself does not promote earthquakes. That's what the article says.
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Um, technically, I think Dr. Carson is correct. Constitutionally speaking, the Supreme Court deals with 'Cases" and "Controversies." When it rules, the ruling applies only to the parties involved in the case they hear. If it rules a gay marriage ban unconstitutional as a result of a particular couple bringing suit, only that couple's marriage becomes immediately permissible. The law creating the ban would be unchanged, and remain so until legislative action is taken to change it. Some jurisdiction (State, or local) might still attempt to enforce the law, but if a second couple brought suit as a result, lower courts would be bound to invalidate the ban and rule to permit that couple's marriage as a consequence of the previous Supreme Court ruling under the principle of stare decisis. Useless as the law might be at that point, it remains as-is until changed by the legislature (a State legislature in the case of marriage, since States, not the Feds, establish marriage laws). But, dammit Jim, I'm a DJ and an engineer, not a lawyer. Any Constitutional lawyers here care to rule?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You mean I can't get that Chris Matthews feeling?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I am. (Therefore, I think).
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I hope not.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Huckabee's got the right tax plan, and he's a nice guy, but aside from that, he doesn't thrill me.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Carly's not my only option, Lisa.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Duly noted on the early lying, Laura. It must have started later than I thought.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Calling Hillary a granny might make me an ageist, but not a sexist, Laura. She's certainly entitled to equal pay for equal work. Now, if she would only do some and accomplish something. Tell me: why am I supposed to vote for her?
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Hey, Cindy and Buddy, I'm not even lurking on this thread. But I do like to watch! ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
May 5, 2015, 10:50 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Give me any of the so-called "clowns" over the granny who was fired from her first job for lying, and continues to this day.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
C'mon, John! You're not REALLY afraid of CLOWNS, are you? In any case, this thread seems to support this: http://hotair.com/archives/2015/05/05/the-left-goes-from-mocking-the-gops-lack-of-diversity-to-mocking-its-diversity/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jazz Fest has been described, with some accuracy, as a place where poor black musicians play for rich white folks.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Good move, Lisa! Like a true capitalist! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Official count for the whole Fest this year is 460,000.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Probably so, John. But I'd rather they start the weeding with Jazz Fest so it will be done by next year. It was a LITTLE crowded this year.
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's photo.
Hey, I think I see myself down there! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
BTW, anybody know who the guitarist pictured with Davell Crawford is? George Porter Jr. is on bass, of course. Davell thanked his band mates, many of whom played with Fats Domino, but I don't remember who he said was the guitar player.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
BTW, anybody know who the guitarist pictured with Davell Crawford is? George Porter Jr. is on bass, of course. Davell thanked his band mates, many of whom played with Fats Domino, but I don't remember who he said was the guitar player.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
Did you bring your 1300mm lens?
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's album.
And the OTA picture is often cleaner and better, delivered with less compression than via cable.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
I've seen parts of maybe two episodes.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
We need photos!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Will it get me a spot on The Big Bang Theory?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Thanks, Kathy!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hey, Krous, if I want any more shit from you, I'll squeeze your head! Meanwhile, go find some black conservative to call a house nigga. That's always a classy way to demonstrate your superior intellect.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
It seems the FM chips are already installed in many of them for places that require them. They're just deactivated in the ones we get in the U.S.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
His last name is spelled "Gorr." That'll help you find him.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
I could send over my four baby cats and they couild each eat one. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
But Dan, what about that time as a kid when you merely stepped on a crack and broke your father's back?
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Should I catch that one and save it for you, Jim?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Norm Crosby? That's invenereal as far as I'm circumcised.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Oops! I meant Delmar, but I guess you figured that out.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
How can she take off? I don't see Delbert.
Jay Douglas commented on Eric Leonard's post.
♪♫♪ If the sun don't come you get a tan from standing in the English rain...
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Hey, Judy, I know the perfect place to keep them--your house!
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
We lived long enough with four--two of ours and two of our daughter's. No thanks, Joan!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's video.
But next time, turn your damn phone 90° to landscape mode so we can see Delbert's wings! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's link.
Just have to find a "Magic Man."
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
One of the best "inside jokes" I ever heard was when New Orleanian Branford Marsalis was leading Jay Leno's Tonight Show Band. One of Jay's guests that night was New Orleanian Richard Simmons. What song did Branford and the band play when Richard walked out? Yup. "The Cissy Strut"!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Apr 28, 2015, 6:13 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Um, let's see, 19th Street and 10th Avenue by the railroad track in Watervliet? Probably not dere no more. The liver 'n' onions made me sick one time. But Rock and I still would have breakfast there. Maybe here:
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Coca's Diner? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Raining cats and dogs, eh? Well be careful not to step in a poodle!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I'm not sure I could stand the sight of you shooting off, Blair! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
Did she send you a picture of a chicken to illustrate "really, really, really old"?
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Dat must be it. Good detective work, guys!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Here it is a little closer.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I dunno. That's why I'm asking. I'd have had to fly too low to read any signs. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's photo.
Apr 26, 2015, 12:06 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The tokin' black guy is in the Whitehouse right now, but he's a Dem.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
I got a good shot of the mud, Matthew! But I was wearing deck shoes. Bad choice! http://jdthedj.com/JazzFest2013.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
You betcha! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Brenda Houston Romero's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Love bugs fly United.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's album.
Dominic sent me a copy of his New Orleans Radio book. Of course, I'd already bought a copy. A good read. http://neworleansradiobook.com/
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
I get it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You haven't missed me. I haven't been here.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Apr 23, 2015, 2:00 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
♪♫♪ 57 channels and nothing on.... eh, Mary?
Jay Douglas commented on Rudolph Tillman's post.
Will do, Rudy.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
Nasty stuff.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
It's the original cast of the original Beatlemania! Broadway show, Paul. Flown in from NYC in 1984.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Okay. Must be having flashbacks.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
You're shootin' a Dell, dude!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
Hey, no problem, Pat. We WIXO types share everything! Story and pictures of the concert are here: http://jdthedj.com/Beatlemania.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
I dunno what the significance is, but I took both dem photos. Beatlemania! in City Park on the 20th anniversary of the Beatles concert there. WRNO and WWL-TV.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
And, like most folks, she seems to have switched from being a Leftie in her youth to a Rightie in her wisdom years. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Smart! This makes it so the wind destroys the home instead of the water. Wind is covered by your homeowner's policy, but not flooding.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You have more left than I do, Bob. I have to go back to the 70's for mine!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Earth Day, Mardi Gras...in N'Awlins, all parties leave garbage, Kevin!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
To tell you the truth, Christopher Brunner, the "wall of speakers" shot may actually have been from a Fleetwood Mac concert in the same stadium. Not sure I have all my old Kodachromes filed correctly. I need to do some detective work and fix my Web site if I can confirm those speakers belong to Fleetwood Mac and not Earth Day. But I like your sense of irony!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
ILS glideslope is about 3°. Visual approaches are probably flown at pretty much the same angle (by airliners, anyway). Maybe they flew low so they could smell the flowers along the way. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
It'll be better if you get a tat, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
I had no trouble taking down my last TV antenna. A falling tree from Hurricane Katrina took care of that for me. There were a few pieces left up there I had to remove, and a few holes to plug.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Cool, Larry!
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
You do remember the vending machine scene from "Dr. Strangelove," right?
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
Call the cops and report the robbery. Have 'em pump a few rounds into that pump. Gasoline used to be full of lead anyway. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I'd like a NASA that does Aeronautics and Space, and that's about it. Let NOAA do oceanographics and atmospherics. And if they want to do that via satellites, have NOAA transfer funds to NASA to pay for it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
LOL! I'm sure you would, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
I miss the people but not the 5:30 AM alarm, Rhonda! And since I moved my wallet into the other pocket, my ass doesn't hurt anymore.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Keep the knives away from her!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
As a compassionate conservative, I was just trying to gauge support here for bailing a fellow broadcaster out of her financial mess, Jenni. And with as much money as there is in politics these days, I thought it was all professional now. But I'll keep it fair and balanced. As soon as I find out the IRS has a lien on Megyn Kelly over at Fox News, I'll be sure to post. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
Wow, that's a krewe!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's post.
And I liked the Henry Mancini version.
Jay Douglas commented on Jon Randel's post.
An 8,000 foot cabin altitude is just what you need to clear your sinuses--NOT!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
I had to put Dave out a couple of times, Margaret! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wendy Jones Montet's post.
Will do, Wendy.
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on Christine Couvillon's post.
Was Stephen tired after bowling all those matches by himself? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
His replacement is rumored to be Mike Tyson.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
The film is rated PG, so they had to keep their shirts on, Loweski. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
If she goes to jail, she'll find she can check out, but she can never leave.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
And you're good at both, Joan!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Slowly I turned...Oh, sorry, wrong falls.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
My wife is responsible for the beautiful gardens and flowers; my responsibility is taking their pictures.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Cool! You could end up going through a lot of semi rigs doing it this way though. And I knew about Apollo 13 shooting in "real" weightlessness aboard a KC-135.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Nippon has the same motto as Maxwell House Coffee and the Flying Wallenda Family: Good to the Last Drop.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Sounds like something from “A Clockwork Orange.” Do they pin his eyes open while they show him the porn?
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
So it was, Wayne.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Give me a jackhammer. I want to engrave mine.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Sure you don't want "Freebird," bra?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Yeah, Doc, that board was strange in that regard. Only one I ever worked like that.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
I miss my hair, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Thanks, Matt. The latest photo is more for the equipmophiliacs who wanna see more of the studio than me. And I guess this one shows there were actually 4 cart machines. I forgot about the old one atop the ITC 3-stack.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Cart machines (a 3-pack) are out of frame to the left, John. Ampex 350 to the right.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
My daughter is actually impressed that I went to dinner with the writer and narrator of "A Christmas Story," one of her favorite movies. Did that after Shep's WRPI "concert." But speaking of Stan Freburg, didn't he do a late 60's NAB promo that talked about draining Lake Michigan and filling it with hot chocolate and the world's largest marshmallow via sound effects as a way to promote radio advertising over TV advertising? Seems I remember running that promo at WRPI.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
[sniff] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUdFLyNCeI4
Jay Douglas commented on Mark Woketman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Wow! Good luck with the new guys, Mark.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's link.
I think that's a Blue Chinned Long Pecker if I'm not mistaken.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's photo.
This almost looks like one of those color blindness tests.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Robert W. Morgan once mentioned that Charlie Tuna's home phone number was in the "unlisted wet pages."
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
No, it wasn't Dave McNamarra or Todd Bauer. I wanna say the guy's first name was Ron, but that's a pure guess.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Anybody remember the name of the WNOE-AM news guy who was absolutely smitten with Angela when she started at WWL-TV? I know it wasn't Dave Kushler or Art Scott. Can't remember this other guy's name.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
"Back and forth"? What have you been bringing back from the dump? If you get a dumpster, are you gonna start diving? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Earl Bonin's post.
Where's my hoverboard?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Hey Moe! Dis coffee tastes like paint!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Looks like the Shrine on Airline. Neutral field?
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
The only thing worse than raining cats and dogs is hailing taxicabs.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks, Page. Anybody else?
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Whoa! Haven't seen that one in awhile. I didn't make the 1972 April Fool's Day sign-on, but did make it for late December that year. Thanks for digging that one up, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on Nannette Benoit Gibbons's photo.
Like those stone lions you see on the sides of building steps!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
The one about the electrical banana, or the one for the birds?
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
High taxes always make ME happy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Sheesh! It's less before your time than the Donovan tune!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
It could be worse. I could have posted a picture of a bird with a few notes from "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep" by Mac & Katie Kissoon.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Da flowers came with da house. Only been in it six months, and we keep seeing new ones at different times of the year.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
What an irrational idea!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Yeah, but for engineering, all ya gotta do is remember that 1 is approximately equal to 2 for large values of 1.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Due here at Jazz Fest, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
Da crawfish in Mississippi are considerably slower, Beth. Dey gotta walk all the way from N'Awlins!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Now where ya gonna live?
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Bummer. That sucks! Hope you're better soon.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Why is it called "housework" when the house just sits there and does nothing?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, I may not have been precise enough. I should have said "highest unemployment inequality and income inequality among the races." Data source is BLS.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, I retired from my other job in 2012, working for NASA. I had to sign the form saying I returned all their stuff and left all their records. I think Hillary should have the same obligation.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, the pair I have is considerably older than a day. And apparently only people without a pair like Hillary.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Voting against Democrats is in everyone's interest, no matter your color, and especially for blacks, who now suffer the highest unemployment and income inequality under the current Democrat they voted for.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, let's see, what do we have here? Dan Brown--The somebody-else-did-it-first defense. And the only dog whistle here is whatever I post. Makes plenty of liberals show up, but I don't see any conservatives. John Trahan--Impugn the source. You're Web sites lie, and mine don't. Jordan Weiss--It's a war on women, the gender card, or whatever. And age discrimination. That McCain's an old guy. Cindy Pollet--Has a sense of humor, but makes unsupported assertions. Can't y'all come up with something new?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nobody said that's all they want to do, Noe. And that "private" server is still on the Internet, serving up who knows what to who knows who. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2015/03/18/hillary-shame-on-these-republicans-for-their-antiwomen-trifecta-n1972119
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Forget it, Noe. Just like Nixon, she's a crook, fired from her first job for lying. Why should we believe her now?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Believe in an ozone hole? What sort of religion is that?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
I guess he chose to move on before they raise the parking rate. [sniff]
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Sounds like a good way to camp. And sounds like he and his wife made the most out of flying.
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Kinda partial to Cherokee 180s, Chris. I can seldom find 'em to rent, but I like flying them when I can. Great useful load specs.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Always liked Warren.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Have a Happy, T-Mac! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
Good luck to Mom.
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
And that's a scan from the 35mm negative.
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Oh, the scanner is an Epson Perfection V500.
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Well, my wife has a Camaro convertible. But it's a 2011, quite a few years from antique status yet. I drive a pretty mundane 2009 Malibu. I'm saving up for an airplane.
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
Okay, gotcha, Chris. But I do have some car shows on film. Like this one from 1998.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The gifts are just my way of treating liberals with "empathy and respect" in accordance with the new Facebook Community Guidelines, Lisa. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own album.
No film was consumed in the production of this album, Chris. All digital. I didn't see Jeff Rosen's Rambler or Jay Bloomfield's Firebird there. Nor that thing that Tony What's-his-name from England drove with the steering wheel on the wrong side (a Riley?). But my '71 Nova was there. And eventually, all these cars will be as rare as Baker Electrics and Stanley Steamers. Just a question of how long it takes.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Dat's one of my favorites on dis album.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, you never heard of the "Imperial Presidency"? Not a pimp mobile. And you do get the golf joke, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I saw one there that kinda looked like the car in your cover photo with a slightly different paint job and an added supercharger, Missi.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And there are more at http://jdthedj.com/RadioReunion2014.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
But "duck" is close to foul.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Almost makes you wish for tort reform, eh? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And FM started life down around 44 MHz. You could pick it up via atmospheric skip, just like AM today.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm not making any sort of argument, Mike. I merely posted something that makes me go, "Hmmmm." For the record, though, suing people is one thing, but winning a school board election is another.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Laura, does your statement about misleading people with your sales pitch also apply to Obamacare? And what's misleading about the chart? You'll find plenty of people earning annual incomes of $117K or more and spending every penny of it. No 401K or savings to speak of, it all goes to lifestyle choices. Many people live paycheck to paycheck across the income spectrum. The real problem with selling a sales tax as a replacement for all the others is that most people can't (or won't) believe that embedded, hidden taxes represent a very significant portion of the selling price. I'd rather see the FairTax folks advertise it as a pure sales tax of 30% and not try to get cute with the 23% number. They need to emphasize how and why product prices will go down substantially under a FairTax, and remind people that they get to bring home their whole paycheck, not one that's been picked over by the Feds first.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Uncomfortable probably describes a lot of cars built for speed, Chis. Nevertheless...
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Mar 14, 2015, 8:06 PM
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Mar 14, 2015, 7:57 PM
Jay Douglas commented on James Francis's post.
Group: Political Games
George Soros and Tom Steyer said the same thing. And Warren Buffett said he'll give those laid off free train rides wherever they want to go, as long as they don't mind riding on that little platform between each oil tank car on the BNSF. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Mar 14, 2015, 5:04 PM
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Mar 14, 2015, 4:29 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Yeah, but a PhD would have been better for Jeopardy, T-Ben! And it rhymes with JD, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Good advice here. Now all I gotta do is get past the online Jeopardy qualification test!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
When has "not supposed to" *ever* stopped you?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
I hate making this kind of entry in the Rock 'n' Roll Almanac.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
You're absolutely right, Laura. No tax on income, and no tax on used items which were either bought new before the FairTax is enacted, or were bought new by someone else who paid the FairTax on it. Don't get hung up on annual income not equaling annual spending. The 23% revenue-neutral rate (or 30% if you want to think of it like a sales tax) was established based on real current spending levels, not income. That chart was designed just to translate the income amounts to the spending amounts and how that would be taxed under FairTax. Might be a little confusing.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I think the articles quoted make it clear that the minimum wage increase *may* be a contributing factor, just one of several possibilities.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
None, Mike. Nor am I claiming any of the knowledge I've posted here as my own.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Here, impugn this source. This magazine is probably run by a bunch of "Right-wing nut jobs," as Howard Dean would put it. http://www.seattlemag.com/article/why-are-so-many-seattle-restaurants-closing-lately
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The restaurant closings are real, Frank, not speculation. The speculation is in this sentence from the article: "Advocates of a high minimum wage said businesses would simply pay the mandated wage out of profits, raising earnings for workers." But you certainly have a right to speculate. Call me after the renaissance so I can go check out the food. I like food!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
All they did was quote The Seattle Times and Seattle Eater magazine, Frank. I guess they're in the tank, too, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Quinn P. Ford's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Kirk-Spider Streetman's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Facebook needs an "Acknowledge" button. Liking an obituary just seems wrong. Nevertheless, I know what the Likers mean.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Laura, this chart ends at an income (=spending) of $932,480. I've never made that much money in a year, but I can imagine if I did my wife would find away to spend it. :-) I don't think the FairTax folks envision someone making $5 million a year spending it all that same year. So their economists would not have figured the revenue-neutral rate with that assumption. There's another good FairTax FAQ you can check out at http://www.fairtaxcalculator.org/faq.php. The home page at that site also has a FairTax calculator you can use to run your own (or your $5 millionaire's) numbers and see what you get.
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
It's why I Bing.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If I leap, especially from a significant altitude, it's usually in the company of a parachute. If it doesn't work, I bring it back and they give me a new one.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Almost all pilots miss the ground, Dan. It's why almost all of us eventually come back to it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm a pilot, so I like flying in all forms, Noe--even leaps.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
So did Mitt Romney, but I know many liberals ain't quite on board with that. I'm trying to throw you a bone, Lisa! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You have an app that goes off when there's a Blue Light Special? Oh wait, that's K-Mart.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
This form *is* a little before my time, Marlene.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Das ist wahr!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Let's remember that corporations never pay *any* taxes. They may or may not be people, but, just like they never go to jail, they never pay taxes. Their taxes are paid either by their shareholders in the form of lower profits and dividends, or by their customers in the form of higher product prices.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Same size I've always been.
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
I almost posted this link myself, Dan.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Finally, there's a lot to like about the FairTax. No IRS, no swearing under penalty of perjury that you completely understand a zillion-page tax code and have filled out your return correctly, but most importantly, a tax at the end of the line, on the consumer, who ends up paying all the taxes anyway even under our current system. That will promote real economic growth. And, unlike the ACA, we can read the FairTax bill (HR 25) and know what's in it *before* we pass it! https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr25/text
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Prodution values in this video are pretty low, and it's too long for Cindy (almost a half-hour), but it explains the FairTax so you'll see that there won't be a 30% tax ($90,000) added to the price of a $300,000 new house to make it $390,000, because that new house, under the FairTax, will cost far less to build without all the built-in hidden taxes on labor and materials. It may still be around $300,000 total, but that *includes* the FairTax ($63,000 or so). Meanwhile, the buyer can pay the mortgage with money from his *full* paycheck, not one that's been pillaged by the Feds for witholding and FICA before he ever gets it. http://youtu.be/fPvMJKf-KUY
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Sen. Jerry Moran, co-sponsor of FairTax Bill (< 4 minutes) http://youtu.be/34X_mW9Udjs
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Furthermore, since the income tax confiscates the fruits of a worker's labor (15%, 28%, and even 90% if you want to go back to the Eisenhower era), it is identical to slavery. So you income tax supporters favor slavery!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
To pull a page from the Liberals' debate handbook, anyone here who still supports the income tax ( a heavy progressive income tax is the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto) is a communist!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Brenda, if all you read was the thread, and didn't at least read the FairTax FAQ, then what you got was a distorted negative view from your friends, who obviously didn't read the FAQ either. That's clear from the questions they asked. I *am* surprised that a few actually thought the FairTax rate was too high. That's a first for liberals! Taxes too high? Wow!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
I think Steve's initial post question has been answered. The answer is: AWAY. Cindy had it nailed above. What a bunch of welcoming, caring nurturers here, eh Robert and Dan?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
So, the science is settled. The debate is over. 97% of Facebook users agree that the FairTax is what the country needs. Good job, Robert Young! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Don't be sorry, Steve. Just read the FAQ at https://fairtax.org/faq
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's link.
Farm house! Right arm! Outta state!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Will do, Marlene.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
It wasn't me!
Jay Douglas commented on Christopher Brunner's post.
By now, we probably have a whole generation of folks who've never heard a recorded performance that hasn't been compressed in terms of both audio level and retained digital data.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell FOX 8's photo.
John's out flashing again! Nice shot!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Hanberg's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Are the data correct?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
They're working on it, Kevin. Comic brings a 3D printer on stage. Audience members bring sleeping bags.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Is that why she always wears pant suits? I guess I never have heard anyone say, "Liar! Liar! Dress on fire!"
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I thought the scientific name was "purple flower," Ann. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Not many flowers yet, Joan. Glad you're doing better after the loss of Joe. I still think about him "bowling his heart out" for us!
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Wanna be one of the Kingsmen, eh? Then you must know the lyrics to Louie, Louie. Complete the following sentence: "Every night at ten, I______."
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Sorry, Matt.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Shake it off!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Depends how good the existing processor is I guess.
Jay Douglas commented on Gene Flores's photo.
They fly F-18s into Slidell. A T-38 into Lakefront would be even easier on its longer runway.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
My sister had the original B&W Polaroid Swinger. I had a later cheap color Polaroid camera in the late 60's. But it was called something other than Swinger. Don't remember its name.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Album cover sketch by SNL's Phil Hartman.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Here's mine: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3173/2797030151_2d3b6f20ab.jpg Plastic lens, fixed-focus, M2 flashbulbs, 127 roll film for nice, big negatives.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's photo.
No, but white and gold is the new black and blue.
Jay Douglas commented on Gene Flores's photo.
Was he going home in a T-38, or flying commercial?
Jay Douglas commented on Chris Lucas's post.
In the words of "The Price Is Right," come on down, Chris. It was 82° here (Baton Rouge) today. Down to 77° right now. Of course, we're expecting a low of 28° tomorrow night after a cold front, so you might want to wait a few days.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Best nose job I've seen in awhile!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's post.
Mar 3, 2015, 1:17 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
But he don't love you like Jerry Butler and Tony Orlando do, Diane.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Sounds good.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I can't put it on the Internet if it's not true, Mary!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The art of the talk-over. Fun even when it's pre-recorded! Embarassing when you blow it and step on the vocal.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Burnt Sienna and Raw Umber, my Crayola favorites.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Last August.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I know how to say "cut the grass" in French. That's "mow de lawn."
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Glad my crimp job held up long enough for you to get home.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
He showed up one night outside WPTR's Gold Studio when I was on the air. Don't tell anybody, but I let him in. Sorry to hear he's gone.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeremy C Fell's post.
Will do.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Bob Walker, my man!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
So I can stop dressing in drag when I rob banks?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Live long and prosper, Mr. Spock.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
Ah, the old "creative differences." Oh, well.
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
LOL! I keep waiting for the Horton Strong CD release, or to show up on iTunes, but it's been almost 45 years now. Still nothing! What's up with that?
Jay Douglas commented on Don Rittner's post.
I've been here for awhile! Where have you been, Mister? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Open Channel "D," please.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
It's now Los Tres Amigos Mexican Restaurant.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
No snow at Bimbo Bay or any of your other old stomping grounds, Kevin.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
That's only one of 'em, Blair. Six more to go.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Go for 3 months or less, Marleen!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
And just think: there will now be 7 words you can't say on the Internet!
Jay Douglas commented on Christine Couvillon's post.
Log out of Facebook (don't just close the browser), restart your browser, and see if Google still knows. If it doesn't, then you know it's Facebook's fault.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
I once flew a real airplane full of me and two other people over the flooding that was happening in St. Tammany Parish in 1983. A photographer friend of mine wanted to get some pictures. My head was on a swivel because of all the other air traffic (helicopters and fixed-wing). No flight restrictions had been declared. That flight would have been much safer if we (and the rest of the folks flying that day) had used unmanned drones. But I have to admit they're less fun.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I would. too. Phil. But Nielsen quit publishing free ratings numbers of anything but their subscribing stations several years ago.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Maybe they kept the calls in case that Talk thing didn't work out.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Obviously, it's because the film editor for the clip was a liberal, and the full length film editor was a conservative. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Now you gotta spray it with PAM to keep any bugs from sticking. You know, they fly, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Glad to hear it, Marlene. After my own 7x bypass, and being out in 4 days, I used to tell people it was a piece of cake. But after jinxing John Gabriel that way, I promised to never do it again. I didn't for you, but I guess it didn't help. Of course, I got my plumbing rearranged before ever having a heart attack or anything worse than a few whacky heartbeats. Best of luck for a quick recovery and back to normal!
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
My wife's got you beat, John. These were in one of her tires.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
I wasn't allowed. I was contractually required to listen only to WIXO, :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Hmmmm. That might be child abuse, Ken! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I still use stuff I "borrowed" from Dan Ingram, Bruce! Have at it!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Oh, that's right, the oceans are warmer. But the models somehow missed that eventuality.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Atmospheric carbon has reached the dreaded 400 PPM level? Where are the predicted disastrous effects?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So you can have Bill Nye but I can't have John Coleman? Is that how it works?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Our current President is not the first proponent of the climate change agenda.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The Commander-in-Chief of our military forces is a global warming proponent. It makes sense that they would reflect the concern of their, um, leader. They'd like to keep their ranks.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I guess I can lead a liberal to data, but I can't make him think.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Even NASA can keep repeating the same erroneous statement over and over again. That does not make it true. They are, after all, rocket scientists, not climatologists. And Bill Nye The Science Guy has a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. My electrical engineering degree therefore makes me as qualified as Bill on climatology.
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
I know that place!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If you ask me (and I know you won't, Robert), we created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq way too prematurely. Even President Obama seems to be rethinking a departure from Afghanistan now. Bravo! And for those who missed it, here's the real story on the 97% of climate scientists: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/09/03/cooks-97-consensus-disproven-by-a-new-paper-showing-major-math-errors/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
John, I've already demonstrated here that the 97% number is pure fiction. It's really 0.3%. Sorry you weren't listening.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Robert, because of the trillions "wasted" with bi-partisan approval in Afghanistan and Iraq, we probably don't have the money to fight terrorists and climate change at the same time. Guess which opponent I'm gonna pick? And because liberals normally scream bloody murder about the most minor of human rights violations, I'm not sure why you wouldn't pick the same opponent. They're beheading people, throwing gays off buildings, and oppressing women!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If only we could trust the historical data, Steve. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/environment/globalwarming/11395516/The-fiddling-with-temperature-data-is-the-biggest-science-scandal-ever.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
LOL! Okay, Gilda, glad to hear it!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So plan to adapt to climate change, but don't plan to prevent it. We're not smart enough, or rich enough. When those IPCC models can ACCURATELY predict the climate future, I'll listen. So far, they've been dead wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'd rather fight terrorsits than invite them over for a confab. Is that your solution, Robert?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If it's between my house and a better cable TV package, my money goes to the house, Robert. It's a matter of properly prioritizing. And through much of my life, I've worked two jobs to help out on the revenue side of the equation. And there's nothing I can do about the "98%" except opine that they've been corrupted by a govermnent with a vested interest in creating crises. And that is about more than money; it's about control, too. As for being the richest nation, Greece was once that, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll be way from the keyboard for awhile. I have to go contemplate the reasons why "violent extremeists" do what they do.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure those Americans will be thrilled when they find out they can't be paid.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Andrew Jackson took the debt to zero in 1835. It can be done.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
There's debt, and then there's DEBT, Steve.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Exactly how is my position naive, Robert?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
In the sense that it's a problem for which the solution is known, you're right, Steve. Just don't spend money you don't have. Spend less, or raise taxes, or both.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And keep that Dream Weaver out of the rain. There's nothing worse than a wet dream weaver!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
To use a classic liberal comeback technique, I guess you don't care about your children and grandchildren, eh, Cindy?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I still have all my methaqualone, so I've not "deluded" myself, Steve. :-) But the deluded ones are those who think that even if climate change was a problem, the governmnet that just sent out 800,000 incorrect tax forms could do anything about it effectively.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll happily accept any progress, small as it might be, Laura. Hey, does that make me a Progressive? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
So answer the next time, Lonnie, and have a little fun! One thing I meant to do was ask the name of the company for which the caller worked. I'm betting it won't logically translate to an acronym of "SSI." Then I'll ask why. The idea is to waste as much of their time as possible.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And boy, Usama sure was surprised when Obama showed up in his bedroom that night!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The film technique you're talking about, Noe, is called "push processing." You basically just leave the film in the developer chemical longer. Conversely, if you accidentally over-expose film, you can use "pull processing" to salvage it. Professional film labs will still do it, but they're getting harder to find these digital days.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll be back Sunday at 1 PM. You can listen at http://wtixfm.com/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
And here's a pretty complete story on it, with shots of Michoud during Apollo. http://youtu.be/o4BkDQjM2Jc
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Indeed it does, Dan. I did the morning show this morning.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dammit, PJ! I'm a DJ, not a newsman! Tune in Fox News. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Sheesh! Will do, Terry.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Not so fast, Cindy! http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-02-18/poll-shows-americans-want-netanyahu-to-speak
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
There was a HUGE turnout of out-of-state opposition money (not to mention bussed-in protesters) in those Walker elections. Still, he prevailed. And for every Koch brother, there's a Tom Steyer or a George Soros.
Jay Douglas commented on John Trahan's post.
Group: Political Games
During Ronnie's administration, a 1983 payroll tax hike was passed to stall the day of reckoning for Social Security, but that money, as well as all Social Security trust funding, is long gone. So, no, it doesn't affect the deficit becuase it's never considered in the budget process. But it is one hell of an unfunded liability. Spent on other things, with only some accounting IOUs left behind. http://www.fedsmith.com/2014/04/21/the-trust-fund-money-has-already-been-spent/.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Maybe in Slidell, but not here, Elaine! Only down to 35° tonight.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I know what it means to miss New Orleans.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Democrats seem to like him. Wins election after election in a blue state.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Walker *does* have that little bald patch on the crown of his head. Seems to be getting worse, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
I'll take Walker over Howard Dean every day, Vickie, even in an IQ contest. As you point out, a degree does not equal intelligence.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
We never should have elected this guy. No college degree!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I spent Hurricane Katrina in Georgia, Dan. But I went back to New Orleans the next day.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Very cool! Thanks, Bobby!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Wait, Cindy! We still need 4 more new states to get to President Obama's goal of 57!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! Happy Mardi Gras, Laura!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
How about a gratuitous meme just to yank a few chains? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
But come to think of it, I think Louis Jourdan did some singing in movies. Or am I thinking of Maurice Chevalier?
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Well, okay. I was only gonna count musicians or singers.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Way to go, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Hope we don't need two more to make the traditional threesome.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Bummer. Will do.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Sally, don't call me when you're under attach from "war-mongering bigoted old men obsessed with their exceptionalism, supremacy and notions of winning and losing" in some other part of the world.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Defense wins because it's the most important thing the Federal government does. And it's one of the few things on that pie chart explicitly authorized by the Constitution.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Lorne Greene was ahead of his time, rapping on "Ringo."
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Wow! That's manned space program-level redundancy!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Gotta support dem sponsors!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's post.
Group: Political Games
Fox News apparently missed the diaper thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's post.
Group: Political Games
What is the liberal statute of limitations on bad behavior? I know I'm not allowed to bring up Hillary Clinton being fired for lying back in the Watergate era. But more recent examples like Steve Scalise (from a dozen years or so ago) and David Vitter from 7-8 years ago are apparently still fair game. I'd just like to know the rules.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Can't make jokes about this stuff, PJ. Cindy is right: there is a law making New Orleans Mardi Gras parades gun-free zones. I think they're allowed at parades over in Mobile, though. Not sure.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I thought Mardi Gras parades were gun-free zones.
Jay Douglas commented on Howard Castay Kbze's post.
Group: Political Games
I'm glad to see links to Fox News articles are okay now. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
So, in all that time, how many trees have you hugged? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Would have been funnier if the aircraft was a Piper Arrow rather than a Comanche, but I guess Commanche works, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Wait! Wait! Not so fast, Cindy. The guy is a progressive! http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/11/progressive-atheist-kills-3-muslim-students-media-ignores/
Jay Douglas commented on Dawn DeBraccio's post.
Sounds good!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Please disregard all comments above this one (and probably most any below it). They were posted by known liberals, which means they should be immediately and completely discounted. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Have a Happy, Bob! Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The ones for the left foot have an "L" on them.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Unknown comedy writer? Did you write for the Unknown Comic? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's post.
Very cool, Gail! Those bring back some memories.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's link.
When it's still in the cake, is it a king cake fetus?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You're right, Steve. But we slid down that slippery slope of not calling war "war" long ago. I wish we could climb back up.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Bizzare? Not the impression I got. I figure the folks there are prisoners of war They get out when the war is officially over. It used to be that wars lasted 4-5 years and then there was a treaty to end them. If ISIS, Al-Queda, and the rest want to sit down and talk peace, I'm sure we'll be eager to listen (I hope, anyway). And one of the benefits they get from peace is that they get their Gitmo guys back.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Well, that certainly sucks.
Jay Douglas commented on Dawn DeBraccio's post.
Best of luck to her!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That's right, Noe. It's because I am a liar. Everything I post is a lie. [This is the part where your head explodes because of the logical implications].
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
When the nation's 47th market was the 23rd market!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
As I've mentioned before, I've got no problem at all with the Feds building bridges and roads. It's one of the few things the Constitution specifically empwers them to do. Please stand (or sit) corrected, Eddie.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Eddie, your inferences are amzing! You can immediately jump to so many wrong conclusions!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I looked for a picture, Cindy. Couldn't find one. I've seen it on TV though.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Playoffs? Playoffs? Don't talk about playoffs!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I guess I'll have to stop sayin' you got a lot of damn gall!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Ted, next time your car finance company complains that you're rehind on your payments, explain to them how you've decreased the rate of increase of your debt, and that they should be happy with that alone. I'm sure they'll love YOUR math.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Love that commercial where the little kid asks Jerry Rice if he's in fact Odell Beckham, Jr.!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Where'd it come from--Politico?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. Here, read what REALLY was said. Politico just made this one up. http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/28/mike-huckabee-slams-politico-for-inventing-sexist-anti-fox-news-quote/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hillary will be talking soon enough.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
You need to get one a dem aerodynamic tailcones for Delmar like the 18-wheelers have now. Might get you an extra knot or two!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
I used to run one a dem! Cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Can he get that close to a pole?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
New Orleans' own Jean Knight warmed up Chubby Checker's crowd with Mr. Big Stuff. Backstage, at Jean's left, WTIX-AM legend Bob Walker reads the script of his ad libs. The bearded Bobby Reno, also from 'TIX, is to Bob's left. More at http://jdthedj.com/Chubby/Chubby.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Well, we do have other kinds of hurricanes--the ones that come in a glass from Pat O'Brien's in the Quarter, for example.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Get through this okay and we'll let you try a hurricane.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
In regard to Marie Osmond, I'm sure there are some here who would love to wake up on the morning side of her mountains. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
It doesn't have to be done that way, Frank. The for-profit insurance companies only got involved when the Feds invoked wage controls in World War II. Before that, you paid for your own or joined a mutual social aid and pleasure club. And because of that, health care was affordable to all but the poorest of poor. We need to figure out how to make that happen again.
Jay Douglas commented on Elsie Cond's post.
I haven't looked yet, but I'm gonna guess that cheese is heavily involved in this recipe.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
But it is morally defensible to extort money from people to make them do what they do not wish to do? Franky, I think you'd be surprised at how such a vote would go if proposed honestly. This is not 1860.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
New Orleans' own Jean Knight warmed up Chubby Checker's crowd with Mr. Big Stuff. Backstage, at Jean's left, WTIX-AM legend Bob Walker reads the script of his ad libs. The bearded Bobby Reno, also from 'TIX, is to Bob's left. More at http://jdthedj.com/Chubby/Chubby.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
Or proof that when you have employers or taxpayers subsidizing healthcare, costs rise to suck up the available money.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
True dat!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Yeah. Then there's be the issue of buying a new plane. :)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I do, Cindy. Nice use of a monochrome brown palette.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Jesus is not available at this time. Please leave a message.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
♪♫♪♫ You can feel it in your olfactory ♪♫♪♫ [apologies to Loudon Wainwright III]
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Where's her parachute for aerobatics? :)
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Why does the tax have to be at the Federal level? If all it takes is money, and Lousiana citizens really want their government to provide health care to the poor, they'll be amenable to a higher tax at the state level. There are probably even some rich people in Louisiana if you want to go the tax-the-rich scheme. But at least Louisianians will have some control over the money, A vote in Louisiana is much more significant than a vote diluted by the rest of the country.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
Look at the bright side, y'all. Don't dead children vote Democratic, even after ressurection? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
As one of my bowling team buddies said often, they don't print the score on the triplicate patch. You can always just TELL people it was 230 or whatever.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
I did. It doesn't say. Since it's Federal money, and the Feds have no money of their own, the cost is shifted to Federal taxpayers instead of state taxpayers. Or it's borrowed, and the cost is shifted to future taxpayers like your grandkids and their progeny.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Where does the $1 billion cost go if they do take the money?
Jay Douglas commented on Karen S Couvillon's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I normally don't respond after a discussion degenrates to name-calling, but do feel obligated to acknowledge to Steve Krous that I was wrong. The picture I posted further up was in fact NOT a 24-week-old fetus; it was only 20 weeks. And here's a shot of an 18-week-old with a bit more provenance for comparison. This makes two admitted errors, Steve. The other was the New York fracking thing when I didn't know it had already been outlawed. But I do admit when I'm wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Standard name-calling. It's what liberals do.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Y'all don't understand how it works. I make the assertions, and they are fact 'til you prove them wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Now THERE's a respionse that makes no sense!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Wrong, Lisa. The massive federal premium subsidies will go to Exchange plans that cover elective abortion (a sharp departure from the longstanding policy of the Hyde Amendment), and every enrollee in the plan will have a portion of the enrollee’s premium placed into a separate account for elective abortions (dubbed the “abortion surcharge”). As for the business tax thing, I know it's a diffiuclt concept, but ALL taxes (income, business property tax, etc.) are ultimately paid by the people at the end of the line (consumers). It's why we should get rid of all those intermediate taxes and implement a single sales tax with appropriate exemptions or prebates for the poor. It makes our exports competitive and cheap, because there's no sales tax on exports. Business and jobs would boom.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
What you mean "we," Kemosabe?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Those taxes on small businesses ultimately get passed along to customers, like you and me, Lisa, in the form of higher prices. And some of those folks may be folks who aren't required to pay most other taxes. So at least that broadens the tax base. It's like Jonathan Gruber's tax on insurance companies. They don't pay it; you and I do.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm fine with that, Lisa. Just don't make me pay for her drugs or procedure.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm okay with paying for the roads, Lisa. At least I can use those. And it's one of the 18 things spelled out in the Constitution for the Federal government to do ("establish postal roads")
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't feel obligated to defend Republicans, but I see a key point being missed. Most of them are okay with it early in pregnancy, but they don't want taxpayers to be forced to pay for them, and rightfully so. And keep this in mind: at 24 weeks they look like this--
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And you have some evidence that Republicans want more unwanted babies? I suspect they'd like to see that number reduced through responsible use of contraception.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve, search me on that one. Do you have some data indicating that Republicans want more unadopted orphans?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't have a solid position on abortion yet, Laura. I just posted this link to let folks here see the numbers. I can't speak for Republicans, but I do support "affordable contraception" in the same way I support "affordable cars" and "affordable cable TV."
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Enxing's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
And it all started in Equipment Engineering, eh, Steve? Go out and have some fun now!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hope is not a plan.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Bottom line: are health care premiums getting cheaper as promised? No.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
As is usually the case, there appears to be more than one set of facts about health care premiums. E. g., http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/21/obamacare-premiums-2015_n_5691773.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
That Rick Ungar is a Fox News contributor! You're not gonna believe HIM, are you? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If they'd let me keep my SS "contributions" and invest them for myself instead of spending them immediately on whatever boondoggles they felt like, and would let my kids and grandkids do the same, Steve, there'd also be no solvency problem. But since we're stuck with their mistakes, and although $117K (or whatever the current number is) hardly makes one "rich" in my opinion, go ahead and remove the contribution cap. Of course, there's still no "lockbox," and thus no guarantee the solvency problem won't reappear.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, at least there's one tax that stops.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm so embarrased I forgot to blush!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The overall cost of health care is still rising, not falling, Steve. The rest is just a question of who picks up the tab.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I don't know, Dan. There's no reason "payroll tax" should not be included. So-called payroll tax (Social Security) is, after all, just another income tax, as can be seen by reading the law establishing it, 26 USC 3301: "In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed ON THE INCOME of every individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages..."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not exactly, Lisa. http://taxfoundation.org/blog/top-1-percent-pays-more-taxes-bottom-90-percent
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Could the hostess' eyeglasses possibly be any larger?
Jay Douglas commented on Elaine Scheurer Strahan's post.
Oops and ouch!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Karen, you've obviously never heard Sgt. T-Ben. "Nobody cares" is his stock closing for his "News You Need Now.," which is heard every morning on the Michael in the Morning Show. But thanks for the compliment!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Gilda's putting words in my mouth. They're just going to become yucky and covered with saliva. I'd love for everyone to become as educated as possible. Ideally, they pay for it themselves, or get a ride on a merit-based scholarship. And if my fellow state and local citizens choose to tax temselves to provide "free" education, I could live with that. But education sure as hell is not something in which the Federal government needs to involve itself.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, I'm gonna propose that they tax YOUR income, PJ. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I want it like it was before Woodrow Wilson, PJ. No income tax at all.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's photo.
We haven't aged a day since WIXO, Jeff! It looks to be considerably longer! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Why stop at 2 years of community college? Why not make it "free" all the way through a PhD?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
You don't think your kids could spend your money more wisely than the government, Cindy?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just got a text and a photo of the missing business card from my daughter, whom we visited after the service. It fell out on her kitchen floor. Got the email address now. Thanks again, y'all.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks, Bonnie and Wayne. I sent her a friend request. That should put her in touch with me so I can get her the photo files.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That's it, Bonnie! I remember the Degan part. Do yo have her email address, or can I send the photo files to you so you can forward them to her?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks, Stanley. Maybe Bonnie will chime in.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
How many times did I play K-doe? You mean I was supposed to keep track?
Jay Douglas commented on Susan Mersey Hislop's post.
Yup, that Paul/Irma/Allen moment at Jazz Fest 2006 was pretty special. There's a photo of it (#3) at http://jdthedj.com/PaulSimon.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, I doubt Ted Nugent got any serious consideration.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
And here's what the landing looked like: http://www.cnet.com/uk/news/elon-musk-reveals-photos-of-fiery-end-to-rocket-landing/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Hmmm. Good thing her name wasn't Douche. That's French, isn't it?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Oops. The Singing Nun died in 1985. Guess we can't send her. And Sege Gainsbourg bought it in 1991. Jane Birkin is still around, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Maybe he should have gone from the taller WCKW-FM tower.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene Silver's post.
Group: Political Games
Monopoly is obviously outdated. Its income tax rate is only 10%.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Rut-roh! The vultures are circling!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I plan to make it. I'll bring something. It might even be edible.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's link.
I've got it! It's going to be Shaquille O'Neal!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, it was Colin, Bob. And I resemble that "engineer" comment!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
"Plated" all the stiffs? With gold and platinum? Yeah, that's it!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I don't think I started working at WNOE until November of '74, so it must have fallen out of the recurrent category by then. But if it was the summer of '74 and Don Anthony was playing it on 'NOE, I'm sure Michael Greene would have had us playing it on WIXO. Memory of it must be in those missing brain cells!
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
Roger, wilco, Blair! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
...and kill them? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own video.
That location sounds about right, Blair. I know I was somewhere east of the Hammond airport on the way to Slidell. It was an "IFR" flight: "I Follow Roads."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I need the tightly-packed crowd to hold me up for 8 hours of standing in front of the Acura Stage, Dave. I'd fall over from the weight of my camera otherwise!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
This really sucks! Seems like only yesterday I was asking him to do his show on WIXO from the production studio so I could change out a mixer on that awful RCA console in the on-air studio.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly--the long one! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
You want the long one, Weerd-o? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's post.
The News You Need...um...a Little Later! Good stuff, T-Ben!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
What's a basement?
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's post.
Rut-roh! Hope he's okay.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Will do, Terry.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And tomorrow is now today, of course. http://jdthedj.com/Almanac.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Apparently he's a bad dancer, Joan.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'll bet mine is longer than yours, too, Felix. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
It's a woman thing. It's why I've thought about inventing a placebo thermometer. You can adjust it, but it doesn't do anything. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
No relation.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I suspect they were seen.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So funny you forgot to laugh, eh, Steve? Leno liked his stuff for some reason. There are lists of the ones Leno used over the years in the Leno Reports at http://bennythejokeman.com
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Richmond probably got the same offer as Edwin Edwards, Robert. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2014-12-30/edwin-edwards-steve-scalise-doesnt-have-a-racist-bone-in-his-body
Jay Douglas commented on Lonnie Barton Miller's post.
You (and Kenny) too, Lonnie.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not a T-Ben fan, Cindy? Oh well. Happy New Year to you and Ho-Z!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Try to Have a Happy anyway, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
You can if you're Hugh Hefner.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Um, because you get to see 12 more Playboy Playmates?
Jay Douglas commented on Jeanette Parrish's post.
Happy New Year, Jeanette!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Happy New Year, y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, am I allowed to disbelieve Cedric Richmond? Wouldn't that be racist? I've seen memes that say it might be.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Those were "nontroversies" because the media made it so.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The Advicate gets it, Dan. http://theadvocate.com/news/opinion/11214017-123/our-views-scalises-misstep-shouldnt
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'll leave those folks to your ilk, Cindy. Ilk. I like that word... :-)
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Dec 30, 2014, 10:54 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wekcome aboard, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's video.
Get a longer lens for that cellphone, will ya?! Cool nevertheless.
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
Find a cross he hasn't burned yet and y'all can crucify Scalise on it. Maybe waterbard him first. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
So if Scalise apologizes for talking to (but not being a member of like Byrd) a group about which he says he knew nothing, you'll welcome him back to humanity with open arms, eh, Tess? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's link.
As a Republican, I guess I would get "Nope," eh, Cindy?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Just find some old photos and you can look younger, too, Tom.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
It was $1.10 when I started. Has it gone up? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
You owe it all to yourself, Steve! Congratulations! I'll bet you wish your Social Security contributions were in that 401K, too! Nice investing!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
Hey, remember when Democratic Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd was a member and leader in the KKK? Of course, this is different.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Just get a tiara this time.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, the versions of the BBA I've seen all contain escape clauses for war and emergencies.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Have it your way, Laura. As I said, it doesn't matter. Ultimately, we the people are responsible for letting them do it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve, thanks for making an attempt to get the discussion back on point.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Actually, Laura, I did NOT say the deficit came from the Democrats. I said they had control of the House during the Reagan years. Regardless of what Reagan requested for a budget, they COULD have set it at whatever they wanted. In the absence of a balanced budget requirement, they just went ahead with a budget that was bigger than Federal revenue at the time. My point is that Republicans and Democrats WILL spend more than the governement takes in if we let them.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
And maybe form a corporation? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Budget bills come from the House, Steve. Democrats had that throughout Reagan's term. But it really doesn't matter whether Republicans or Democrats did it. It's what happens when we let 'em.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Precisely why we need to rein in big government, Sally. It's made up of both parties.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Yeah, pretty much, Steve.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Corporations exist because governmnet charters them, Sally. If you want to blame corporations, you have to go all the way back to government.
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Hearrean's post.
Make your next chopper a motorcycle, Ken!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Sally, Sally, Sally. You're right about the plantation economy we have now. And government is the plantation owner and master. Dan, my "Dude" was a reference not to you but to Steve, who, as you pointed out, suddenly changed the subject of the thread from guns to slavery. And Brenda, slave labor is not working for wages, no matter how small. That is voluntary. Slavery never is. Slavery is when you work for yourself, which is what all of us who work do, only to have a government confiscate those wages at usurious rates (sometimes twice in the case of employee stockholders).
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Slavery? Dude, that was like 150 years ago! Nobody thinks it's acceptable anymore, not even evil conservatives!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I eventually made it work, but by the time I did, I didn't have time to watch it before I had to be somewhere. Frankly, I thought the trailer sucked, so I didn't hold out much hope for the movie.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I tried to watch "The Interview" the other day with the YouTube app on my smart TV, but it kept ignoring my code entry proving I was old enough.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
At least he wasn't a cop, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Just another case of a criminal illegally possessing a gun.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Ever have a frog in your throat? I suspect Miss Piggy has. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Same to you, Phil.
Jay Douglas commented on Marleen Blair's post.
Is that him coming back with a chainsaw? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
U2, Laura!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Cheers, Bob, et alia.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Exactly what I saw in my mind when it happened the other night!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Whaddya want for $1,900?
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
B-52 pilots hate losing an engine because then they have to make the dreaded and tricky 7-engine emergency landing.
Jay Douglas commented on Gail Delaughter's link.
Too bad the Crimea River belongs to Russia now, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The crowd could not have been "good," Bob. I was part of it. But it was big, if that's what you mean.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's photo.
Damn! Forgot to set my DVR!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
BTW, there's always this: http://jdthedj.com/Monkees.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just the way the producer wanted them: NOT playing any instruments! :-) Thanks, Gail!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
[whispered] The password is: SECRET!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Do it to it, John! And Merry Christmas!
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
They left off hiccough and plough. They don't rhyme either.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
No Monkees? But it's Monday! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's post.
Nice, Cameradude!
Jay Douglas commented on Wendy Jones Montet's photo.
Sorry, Wendy.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Way to go, John! Sorry for the bum steer on how eay this would be.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not a "trap" question, Steve. I ask those over in the Shotgun & Skeet Group. :-) Just interested in what folks here think about fracking and its effect on oil prices. Looks like you expect fracking for oil to decline significantly if $50 per barrel prices hold for any length of time. As of June, Bakken production was up around 1 million barrels per day. But the barrel price was higher then. I guess we'll see.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's post.
The Palace Casino in Biloxi is smoke-free.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Foolish me. Well, now that I know that New York fracking was banned years ago, and not just the other day with the Cuomo pronouncement, let me ask this: has fracking (anywhere besides New York) had ANY impact on oil production and gas prices?
Jay Douglas commented on Dan Janutolo's post.
Group: Political Games
Torture? Dude! This was like 9 years ago!
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Way to go!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
I just noticed that WWOM-FM is listed with an ERP of 67,000 watts. By the time it became WIXO,it was down to 54,000 watts. Same transmitter, I think. So the antenna must have been replaced with one with a tad lower gain.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve, I answered the original question in my comment above. But since you've been so nice to me and only called me a condescending imp once, I'll rephrase for clarity. Steve, you're absolutely right! Cuomo's edict will likely have no effect on gasoline prices. At least Darwin liked it. And it was nice my wife got some cheap gasoline.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
"Condescending imp"? Now there's a name I haven't been called before. But I'm sure there's a million of them. Regarding fracking in New York, my understanding is that it was banned back in 2008, and there's been little fracking for anything there lately. Cuomo's latest announcement is more or less just the coup de grace. For that reason alone, Cuomo's announcement will have little effect on the price of gasoline. But cheap natural gas can be handy for making electricty much more cleanly than coal, and our NASA facility in New Orleans even has a contractor making pressure tanks to ship it in liquid form.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Fracking is used to extract petroleum, suck as crude oil, as well as natural gas. Gasoline is made from oil. Any other questions?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
LOL, Dan!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I never noticed this before, but a map of Florida in isolation like the one in this post kinda looks like a handgun...
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Hot damn!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Not ending a sentence with a preposition is a lot of nonsense up with which I will not put.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
No worse tha Old Yeller or Bambi.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Let's put some icing on that stale bread!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
NOE-FM went country in August of 1980. The AM followed in August of 1981.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Not sure why Elizabeth Warren is so adverse to banks gambling. Don't her people run a bunch of casinos? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
I'm feeling guilty for telling him it was a piece of cake. I guess sometimes it's a piece of stale bread.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
"Only a long-term approach based on building relations with local communities, dealing with the economic and social drivers of extremism, and cooperating with tribes and Yemen’s army will eradicate the threat of Islamic radicalism." Now we just need to figure out how to keep them from beheading us and crashing airplanes into our buildings during that "long term."
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, if you must know, it's wrong to kill civilians, no matter who does it, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I don't want Obama to stop. I asked if you did, and heven't gotten an answer yet.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
I guess you never heard the one about the logician whose wife was having a baby. He was in the delivery room with her when the doctor handed him the baby. His wife asks if it's a boy or a girl, and he replies, "Yes."
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
What part of "yes" don't you understand?
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Pretty clean for that ISO, John. Great shot!
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Feel free, PJ.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
It's a little late to complain about the Iraq war, PJ. I suppose the drone strikes could be stopped. Do you want to?
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
And so is Ted Cruz on this one.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Kolb's photo.
[Whispered] The password is: SECRET.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's link.
You don't suppose it just read your Facebook profile, eh, John? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
I can't get my leg up that high.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Mighty nice, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Does this mean you're no longer a Professional Liability? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Just make the 50 million uninsured eligible for Medicaid. Taxpayers then get a huge bill, but at least its honest.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, if you watch all the Gruber videos, you'll see clearly his admissions that the public was misled so that the ACA would pass. Of course, in his testimony to Congress the other day, he didn't claim that he was lying in the videos. He said instead that he was being glib and inflating his importance. Dougie is absolutely correct that the bill would not have passed had the Gruber vidoes been unearthed sooner.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
And I fully expected someone here to whip out the old Groucho Marx line: "Jay may look like an idiot, and he may sound like an idiot, but he really IS an idiot!"
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Thanks, Laura. It's already gone. Oooo! Sounds like an Eagles' tune!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
My name-caller reference was to a post simply calling me an idiot, which apparently has been deleted. And careful parsing of my initial post should reveal that I inferred Republicans are sneaky, too--just less sneaky than Democrats. Does that help any?
Jay Douglas commented on Tanya Michelle's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, this sucks!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
How 'bout dat?!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Me too.
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Will do.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The name-callers are out. Classy.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
We have One America News now, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Aw, quit you're whining, Cindy. You Dems always skip to the ending anyway! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
They're not as sneaky as the Democrats, though. They let you see what's in the bill BEFORE passing it. Gotta read quickly, though.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well if they do, I'd better not hear a single whine from the hypocritical Democrats, Steve!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So Democrats do it because they were forced to by evil Republicans. And if Republicans do it, it's because they're evil Republicans. I gotcha, Steve.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, Buddy, here's Rep Cynthia Lummis with one example of how well it's working. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pgoHbBLEpE4
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
My take? I'm not on the take, Cindy. Actually, I'm not sure which way to go on this one. I think Congress and the nation have more problems than just the fillibuster rules.
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
This morning's Advocate gave Gruber all of 15 column-inches on Page 3. And liberals can rejoice! They can blame Gruber on Bush! http://cnsnews.com/news/article/brittany-m-hughes/bush-administration-paid-gruber-1248000-be-expert-witness
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
But Fox has a No-Spin Zone.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, just as I suspected. There's NO thinking going on here. It's been posted for 8 hours. The place must be packed with liberals. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Let's see. Republicans in control of the House from 1995-2006--the points on the chart where the deficit is decreasing, save for the unfunded war after the 9/11 attack. Nearly all wars have been unfunded, so there's nothing new here. They built a surplus for Clinton after convincg him the era of big government was over. And they helped Bush recover from the nation's war spending.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Nope, not part of the STEM curriculum in my high school, Steve, We got civics in 6th grade. And I guess you're ignoring the Democrats complete control of both houses of Gongress from 2007 to 2010, just when the deficit jumps way up.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Assuming you call half a trillion "nothing." C'mon, man! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! At least my chart had years and numbers.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just sounds more impressive, like "J. Paul Huddleston, KHJ 20/20 News."
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Yup. Sure is. http://stevengoddard.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/screenhunter_1599-oct-17-12-11.jpg
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Sorry. Missed it. I was watching Jonathan Gruber on the other C-SPAN channel.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Sheesh! Are you trying to get a job as a hospital reviewer on the Internet? They're dangerous! Get out now!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
But it doesn't mention that I had dinner with Jean Shepherd in 1970! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Before you name-callers get all riled up, please note the question mark in the lead-in to my post. I am not asserting that Lennon was a conservative. I am just noting that this statement made late in his life seems incongruous with things like the lyrics to "Imagine," with which I'm certainly familiar, having played it on the radio hundreds of times.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Town might consider changing its name to Spry Prong.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah. Just kidding, Bob.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Oh, nevermind. I see there's a second part.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Pretty sparse radio dial back then, eh? Or maybe, like the ratings company, they only print stuff about stations that subscribe to Billboard.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's link.
That's pronounced the "Ind" of the World. It's country.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Anybody gonna vote for "The Crook"?
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Both charts reflect the same data, ending in 2012, Brenda. But liars figure and figures lie, as everybody knows. And if we include this year's data, the debt is up 70% since 2008. And that's 70% of a much bigger number than Reagn had to start with in 1981.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
The view is a little different when you chart in absolute dollars versus percentages. http://www.truthfulpolitics.com/images/us-federal-debt-by-president-political-party.jpg
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's photo.
Way to go, Barkdude! Video looked great!
Jay Douglas commented on Earl Bonin's video.
And my TV thanks you for using the camera in landscape orientation!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's video.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Hope she doesn't stop thinking about tomorrow, or Fleetwood Mac will be pissed, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's link.
The FiRST time I saw him was at the St. Bernawd Civic Center.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Flashing is a pastime of mine, Cindy.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Will do, bro'.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Pelicans are rumored to be like ducks, and never fly in instrument conditions.
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
A boat in the splashdown area and a little too breezy? Damn!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's post.
Cool! Did it go okay? I gotta check my DVR. Just got up.
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's photo.
Hey Barkdude. Camera on the ET was a Sony, right? What are they on Orion?
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
Like the chariots in "Ben Hur"!
Jay Douglas commented on Ken Barkman's photo.
Very cool, Barkdude! Good luck!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve,I read the article. I always do before commenting. But I hadn't yet gotten over the shock of your posting a conservative link. Meanwhile, I've got to put the MREs I just received into my bomb shelter, and order some gold bars from Rosland Capital. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Dan, the jobs for us come from the construction of the pipeline. Most are only good for a couple of years, but that's true of nearly all infrastructure jobs. You build it, and you're done. We don't really care about the price of oil before, during, or after. We want the jobs.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
If the Keystone Pipeline will be privately funded, then that's all the more reason to let it proceed. Thde country reaps jobs and tax benefits with no "investment" required. The Keystone Pipeline from Alberta to the U.S. already exists and is already carrying crude. The XL piece adds a second line from Alberta to Nebraska, and an extension from Oklahoma to Texas refineries. http://rightturnforever.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/keystone.pipeline.route_.jpg What's the big deal? None of the crude oil the pipeline carries is for export; it will go to U.S. refineries. The U.S. will consume 91% of those refined products. The State Department confirms that the pipeline will not affect product exports. Crude oil is required to make asphalt. If you want to spend money building and repairing roads, you'll need crude oil.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Steve, if I posted something from townhall.com, I'd be laughed out of the place for posting conservative propaganda. But let me understand what you're tellin gme. Because we owe a big chunk of money to ourselves for Social Security, we don't need to worry about paying it off? Then why do we tell Social Security recipients the trust fund really exists and they've got nothing to worry about? How can it work both ways?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Republicans, I believe, are happy to spend money on infrastrucrure. They'd love to start with the Keystone pipeline. But Mr. Obama is blocking that. Republicans also voted for a trillion dollar stimulus package which was to fund "shovel-ready" infrastructure projects. Where did that money go? http://www.christianpost.com/news/stimulus-money-for-shovel-ready-projects-where-did-it-go-92666/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm glad your reaction is to raise the economy, not taxes, and to cut spending.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
LOL! Yup, nothin' like that rush, Gary! 8 minutes of "Won't Get Fooled Again" was a challenge with the transmitter studio turntable that never seemed to run at the same speed twice, and clocks that were seldom calibrated to WWV. I nailed Chicago's "Dialogue," which abruptly ends mid-word with "We can make it hap-," to ABC Contemporary News, but that was off cart at KIRL
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's link.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
Lucas McCain's son Johnny: "Hey, Paw. When ya gonna get us a new Maw, haw Paw?"
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
Did they learn this beahvior from Facebook?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, Cindy. Why use a big word when a diminuitive one will do?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jeannie, it's new to me. The video was recorded less than a month ago and published yesterday. I realize the Internet runs on a fast clock, but IMHO, that's not exactly "old."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Tess, I'll bite (figuratively, of course). Explain to me how the post is racist. Please use small words, because I've already been declared a dumbass. stupid, and possibly dense. The inappropriate part I get. It's always inappropriate to post soemthing from conservatives in a den of liberal name-callers. As for gullible, what's not to be believed? YouTube? Blame the message and not the medium if you disagree with it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I thought you needed a laugh, Brenda.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Hey, you're not allowed to do aerobatics without a parachute! Is that eagle certified for negative G's?
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
Happy Fourth of July, Bruce!
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Why doesn't Texas just ask Colorado where they get the free birth control from?
Jay Douglas commented on Diane Jones Lowe's post.
You're late! Nothing but leftovers for you!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Natalie. The only kind of Wood that doesn't float.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Nov 28, 2014, 3:32 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
Sure did. Thanks, Jen!
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's photo.
More power to ya, Shaleen! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Medicare eligible.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Do I have until April 15 to file those returns?
Jay Douglas commented on Rick Rupnarian's post.
"Happy" assumed.
Jay Douglas commented on Eileen Dorn's photo.
A squirrel with a tan! Thanks, Eileen!
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Thanks, John. Some radio people answer to many names. In my case, most of them are four-letter words!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
'TIX-FM will be playing it today at noon and agian at 6 PM.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura Chauffe's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
So sorry, Laura. Eddie Jocson called me from Dallas this morning with the news. He and I worked with Mike in Equipment Engineering.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
I've never encountered this Web site before, so I can't vouch for it, but this article summarizes the rates-vs.-revenue issue as addressed by several different publications and organizations. Pick your favorite theory and analysis. It has links to each of the full articles it summarizes. thttp://www.truthfulpolitics.com/http:/truthfulpolitics.com/comments/does-cutting-taxes-increase-or-decrease-government-revenue/
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
I find this article a little more illuminating. It popped up as "related" when I went to read the article about LBJ. http://www.forbes.com/sites/mikepatton/2013/06/12/is-the-social-security-trust-fund-solvent/
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
I can't disagree with much here, except maybe his advice that "states should consider moving retirees onto the ACA exchanges to reduce some of the burden that would otherwise be felt by state taxpayers." It's not like state taxpayers aren't also Federal taxpayers.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Steve, math has never been a problem for me. I even understand really big numbers, like the $18 trillion debt and the $100 trillion unfunded liabilities we've gotten ourselves into. I read the whole article, too, thinking it might have some fancy math to get us out of those. But alas, it addressed only Social Security's coming shortfall. I'll admit that's not a big problem. But what about the rest?
Jay Douglas commented on John Gabriel's post.
Piece of cake, John. I had 7 in one sitting, er, lying, a couple of years ago. BTW, great job on Capital Region Radio. Bought a copy when I was getting the one on New Orleans Radio.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
"Nevertheless, poorly educated pundits, willing to believe the self-proclaimed centrist view that we cannot tax our way to solvency..." So, we CAN tax our way to solvency? How does that work, exactly?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Wow! Those ladies are ambidextrous! I can barely talk and play records at the same time. Thanks, Blair!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's link.
I caught 'em in 2002 at the Georgia Dome at, of all things, the Microsoft Tech Ed convention. Saw Paul Rogers of Free and Bad Company at the same event.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
It's Mr. Bingle starring in "Jingle Jangle Jingle, I Got Frostbite on My Dingle."
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's link.
How 'bout we get rid of the income tax for EVERYBODY? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's a whole lot tougher to forge a holographic driver's license than a 5-year-old utility bill, Daniel. But now that you mention it, maybe we DO need something better for voter ID.
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
Don't most of those also apply to the President?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm sure you'll find both parties equally guilty of Gerrymandering, Nancy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And how difficult is it to buy forged documents that "prove" you were here 5 years ago? What are they--like $50?
Jay Douglas commented on Steve Krous's post.
Group: Political Games
But didn't Hillary tell us there WAS an intelligence failure?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Income tax and the Fed. Thanks, Woodrow.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Or maybe it proves that Republican House committees really ARE interested in uncovering the truth, whatever it might be.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course, Warren G. Harding cleaned up the Woodrow Wilson mess in 1/8th the time that it took FDR. And he did it without a war.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Or at least in that 2.7:1 ratio. You can upload bigger and Facebook will resize. But the aspect ratio must be right.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Much better!
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yikes! The Jolly Green Giant sat on MAF! It's squashed! Here's a slightly earlier photo (2/15/2014) that I've cropped to the right aspect ratio for Facebook Cover photos (2.7). This might be a better choice.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Noe, let me make sure I have this straight. You believed Mr. Obama when he said, "With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." And you believe him now when he says he can? For your convenience, the video (one of many) is here: http://youtu.be/TfZ3kaKZoIw
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Fair enough, Steve. But Tess mentioned "party of Lincoln."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Tess, you're absolutely right. Lincoln was a Republican and George Wallace and Robert Byrd were Democrats. Byrd was actually IN the Klan.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Okay, Noe wins. He's the only one who answered my simple yes-or-no question. But I have a question about his explanation. He describes Mr. Obama's action as "a stop-gap temporary measure. It can be rescinded by the next President or legislated out of existence by Congress..." Isn't that true of ALL Executive Actions? And would that justify ANY sort of Executive Action? Oops, I guess that's two questions.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I took this one on 10/31/2014. Feel free to use it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
It could only be worse in Milwaukee, er, Buffalo.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
If all these Presidents "fixed immigration," how did it get broken again?
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Are you actually gonna fly this thing, or just admire the interior?
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Yes, you can raise taxes, PJ. I think Lisa started this thread with the fact that you had. If you can get the votes, go for it!
Jay Douglas commented on Lisa Krasnoff's post.
Group: Political Games
Technically, that's a raise on an old tax. At least it's not an Executive Order.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura Chauffe's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Will do, Laura.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Which one--Andrew or Lyndon?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The car was analogous to the baby, not the woman, Tess.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But you don't total the car with a bent fender if someone else can use it, Lisa.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I've received a citation or two for speeding, Tess. But those were long ago. I drive much more carefully now. And have sex the same way. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Based on what I'm seeing here, it's not about whether birth control will be used; it's about whether it will be "free"(meaning paid for by taxpayers).
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Tess, you do know how babies get into that uterus and how to keep it from happening, don't you? If you fail at that, plenty of people will be willing to take it off your hands and be willing to feed, clothe, and educate it. Some of those people might even be Republicans.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Probably for the same reasons a liberal would complain about being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, Tess.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The compassion comes in offering a place to be free and achieve your dreams, Brenda.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I didn' say we'd give more, PJ.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. Brenda, you'll notice that Lady Liberty offers only freedom. Compassion must be freely given, not coerced through taxation or other means. When not forced, Americans are probably the most giving people in the world.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Vewwwy intewesting, Laura. Can I believe what this site says about DC Clothesline? http://p2t2solutions.com/tired-of-being-spoofed-by-fake-news-lies-rumors/
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
But Jonathan Gruber has already declared Americans stupid.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Not poison, Cindy. Plant food.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
So, Cindy, should we start worrying about how to put more CO2 in the atmosphere to stave off Global Cooling?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
But what happened to Global Warming, Lisa?
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
So, Mike, you want everyone to have to walk to work because we've made a relatively cheap and portable energy source too expensive?
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
That's no fun!
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
And they're covered by Obamacare!
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
That's happened often in my life.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Has Mary lost her clout?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Didn't he sing "Harper Valley PTA"? Oh, nevermind. That was Jeannie.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
I'll concede that, too. An oil pipeline doesn't get its great efficiency from hiring a bunch of expensive labor. But an estimated 42,000 jobs of a year or longer to build it could be rather helpful.
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's photo.
"He's a flautist! We caught him up in the hills with a 7 year old child!" --Robert Klein :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
He'd better get to work. Future generations have an $18 trillion debt to pay back.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Is that you singing, Bob?
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Pratt's photo.
How come all the words on that statue are misspelled? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Nov 17, 2014, 10:28 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Nov 17, 2014, 10:26 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It's only fair, Eddie. JFK was a conservative. http://reason.com/archives/2013/10/14/john-f-kennedy-was-a-conservative
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I'm sure it will screw something up for at least a little while.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Can I get a horse, Sally? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
And my alma mater, Rensselaer, squeaked by Union College, 31-28 Saturday. But the hockey team lost to Quinnipiac, 3-1. And in the words of Sgt. T-Ben Boudreaux, nobody cares.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Having plenty of oil helps keep bus and train fuel costs low, and can help keep fares from rising, Sally. Also helps keep the cost of the plastic in bicycle seats and handlebar grips low.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Mr. Obama neglected to mention that Keystone will also transport American oil from North Dakota. And, since there's a world market for oil, any supply you introduce into the system pretty much anywhere will help keep prices from rising.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Southern University whipped up on Mississippi Valley State 44-13 this weekend, for what it's worth.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Wait! I think I see a leftover case of Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager through the window! I want it! Nice shot, John.
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
Nancy, it's not about the quantity; it's about the effect of the Executive Orders. What will you do when a Republican President tells the IRS not to enforce the capital gains tax?
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
What you mean WE, Kemosabe?
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Seems to me it HAS been way down on the priority list, Walter. We fought World War II in less time than it's taken to get a decision one way or another on Keystone.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
The sky is not blue because at night, it's black. Classic case of imprecision about claims. I've never heard ANYONE say the number was 42,000 PERMANENT jobs.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Time to get rid of that pesky First Amendment (or at least amend it to get rid of the religious freedom part), eh, Frank?
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Cool, Matt! Thanks. A college radio buddy had lunch with Big Dan, but that's still one degree of separation for me.
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's photo.
Sorry 'bout that, Phil.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Then there's Dan's presentation of the singing debut of Howard Cosell. http://www.musicradio77.com/images/Cosell1pcm.mp3
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Some great Ingram airchecks at http://www.northeastairchecks.com/, especially the one from 1970 toward the bottom of the "Power Oldies" section. Ingram mentions WABC's mythical engineer, "Mr. R. F. Burns" and "burps" the obstreperous transmitter. RealAudio® required.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
So you want other jobs bills to go with it? No problem. I think the House has already passed a bunch of those. All ready for Harry.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Why, Walter?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Let's cut to the chase. Does anybody here think Mary is wrong for supporting the Keystone pipeline?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
It's amazing how many jobs the Keystone pipeline project will create now that a Democrat is behind it, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Lee Harris's photo.
And thanks to you, too, Lee Roy!
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
Nailed is right. And didn't I just ask here the other day what was meant by "immigration reform"? Scary!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
'TIX had some good guys back then, and even a time chime, but they didn't have Dan Ingram!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Gotta get a blimp for that.
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Reed's post.
Group: Political Games
Robert and Cindy, as I understand Facebook Help, only Pages can be set up to allow replies to comments. Since this is a Group and not a Page, the option is unavailable.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Drone on, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I warned you about this over a year ago, Cindy. http://jdthedj.com/TalkShowArchive/20131029.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Just judging by the non-hostile reaction of McConnel and Grassley.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Actually, Cindy, I think Republicans will be fine with her. They might prefer to let the new Congress confirm her, but so far nobody sees her as a bad candidate.
Jay Douglas commented on Anthony Emmons's post.
Group: Political Games
Is he the one who made Marion?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I suspect they feel that now with some control, they don't need to scream about it. They can *do* something about it.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Grew up in New Orleans, did radio as a U.S. Marine, then started his commercial career at WSMB. Dat's all I know (at least as far as his NOLA connection).
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Noe, pssssst. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, George Wallace was a Democrat, and now there's Tim Scott http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/04/politics/south-carolina-tim-scott-digital/index.html
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
Now if only Bangla Desh would do it, we could eliminate a bunch of poverty!
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Flaherty's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Pre-any-kind-of-car era.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Long lens. I was well above One Shell Square at the time.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Warren's post.
Would the guys be up for a road trip to Red Stick?
Jay Douglas commented on Pandy Olmstead's post.
I seldom do either, wet or dry.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The trick for Daily Caller is always right-click the links and open 'em in a new tab. Believe it or not, it used to be worse. It's what I call a "user-hostile interface."
Jay Douglas commented on Pandy Olmstead's post.
Wouldn't painting that bird make him all sticky and unable to fly?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Not if you're wearing your Depends.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Well, Cindy, you can get high with hemp, but using it to fuel an airplane is not the recommended way.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I'll wait to hear an opposing viewpoint on the BBC. Oh wait, they said they won't allow the opposing viewpoint to be heard anymore. Nevermind.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I think I flew under the Big Green Bridge once, Kevin, but only in Microsoft Flight Simulator. If I landed at Michoud, I'd have the Barney Fifes all over me, and one might even have the bullet. And that guy from the Safety Department who'd wanna know what the hell I was doing there.
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Kern's post.
Have a Happy, Johnny. Don't get none on ya!
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Very cool!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Same to you, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Ever been to Richard Noggins, the bar in Slidell?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Divide and conquer.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
He's still reaching for the stars.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Oh, wait! That wasn't me who liked your comment just now, Cindy. I didn't see your comment, honest!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
No point, Eddie. Just some political trivia.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Right after I post this, I'm going to block all the women in this group. Then they can post naked selfies and I won't be able to see them. Trust me. ;-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I had Isaac Asimov. Don't remember what he said. Apple wasn't around yet, so I doubt he was plugging iRobot.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Here, Cindy: http://www.dailycal.org/2014/10/26/students-spring-opposition-bill-maher-announced-keynote-speaker/
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Then there are the pictures of Wayne that weren't in the book: http://jdthedj.com/Beatlemania6.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
I gots mine, too!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Thanks, Joan.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Good, Brenda. I'm having fun, too. No limits.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Like Oblio, I was born without a point, Brenda. It's just Me and My Arrow.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
I'll keep a wormhole open for you, Brenda. Since the name of the group here is "Political Games," I'd expect folks here would focus on having some fun. But if everyone unfriends or blocks everyone else with an opposing viewpoint, there won't be much of that. I won't shy away from presenting mine, but I'll certainly try not to be unfriendly about it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I understand, Eddie. $17.5 trillion is a pretty stunning number. Then there's our unfunded liabilities...
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
Do we need separate Facebook groups for liberals and conservatives?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm okay with the Kochs' buying anything they can afford, Eddie. It's a free country. What I detest is other people buying things with MY money. My share of the national debt is already over $186K. I don't know about you, but I'm tapped out.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Nope. Nor to the Koch Brothers, who have freely donated millions for hospitals.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Kinda like our government. Expand Medicaid, get Federal tax dollars. For awhile.
Jay Douglas commented on Noe Rodriguez's post.
Group: Political Games
I guess this study is right. http://mic.com/articles/101956/liberals-are-more-likely-to-block-you-on-facebook-for-posting-about-politics
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Some great shots here, Joan!
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
A better way? Yes, ma'am. http://fairtax.org/
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Politics is a science?
Jay Douglas commented on Dougie Effen Houser's post.
Group: Political Games
Replace "free" with "taxpayer-funded." There is no "free."
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
When I had to work the overnight shift on Fall Back night, I just taped the hour I did between 1 AM and 2 AM. Then, during ABC Contemporary News which ran at 1:54:30 for 5 minutes, I just rewound the tape and played it back for the second 1 AM to 2 AM hour. If it wasn't for having to mind the transmitter, I could have gone out for a snack.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Of course I'm a stereo type. I work for an FM station!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Easy there, Mark. I can't speak for others. I'm not advocating any last-minute rule changes. I'm astounded that anyone would infer that from my initial post. My intent was merely to submit for your approval, as Rod Sirling would say, the data turned up by the study. However, I am just as passionate as you in demanding that my legal vote, and everyone else's legal vote, not be suppressed by submission and counting of illegal votes. I also want everyone who is legally entitled to vote to be able to do so. That's all.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
For those who did not read the linked Washington Post story (and it's clear that many folks commenting herein did not), let me summarize the study by two professors at Old Dominion University to which the article refers. 1. "Most non-citizens do not register, let alone vote. But enough do that their participation can change the outcome of close races." 2. "More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote." 3. "6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010" 4. "One of the favorite policies advocated by conservatives to prevent voter fraud appears strikingly ineffective. Nearly three quarters of the non-citizens who indicated they were asked to provide photo identification at the polls claimed to have subsequently voted." 5. "We are much more confident that non-citizen votes mattered for the Minnesota Senate race (a turnout of little more than one-tenth of our adjusted estimate is all that would be required)" Feel free to take issue with this study's data and conclusions. It presents the facts it finds. If you have data to the contrary, some of us here would love to see it. But declaring this "bullshit" or declaring any of us here "stupid" without offering supporting data is not likely to convince many of us here that your are right and this study is wrong.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And, Daniel, NO illegitimate voter should be allowed to vote. The question is, how do we prevent voter fraud fairly?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well, Cindy, this study suggests the Republican solution of photo ID won't help stop it. Many of the non-citizen voters in the study had and presented photo IDs.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
All it takes is one illegal vote to suppress my vote.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Wait 'til the cute little kid is 14 or 15 and starts using those words with her mom as the target.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Didn't see 'em cry, but I heard about it.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Reluctant to say the F-word, Cindy? Maybe you can get those cute little princesses to say it for you. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Well, if these electronic calculator things turn out to be just a fad, you'll wish you'd learn one of these!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Here's a shot of a corn maze. Sissy IS blonde, right? :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
I know, too!
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
I get a ton of emails promising to increase the size of my package.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
The Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 8) lays out the 18 things Congress is supposed to do (e. g. raise an army and navy, provide for defense, coin money and regulate its value, etc.) But collecting and disbursing charitable contributions is not one of them. If Jimmy Carter above was speaking as Governor of Georgia, that's fine. State citizens can authorize their States to do the charity job. But the Federal government, has no business doing it.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Nope, not fair Brenda. If the government takes my money in taxes first, I may have nothing left in the bank to cover my charity checks. And, unlike the Federal government, I can't just print more money.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Tell you what Brenda. I'll write my checks to charity, and you write your checks to the IRS. Fair enough?
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Why does the government have to get between me and my charitable giving, Jimmy?
Jay Douglas commented on Beth Brown Rosiere's photo.
Whatcha doin' in Da Perish?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Temporarily out of stock at Amazon, but I ordered anyway, along with a couple of others for some other places I've been.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Yup, that's cool! Of course, there is the Red Bull Aerobatic Helicopter team that flies real helicopters in loops and inverted, but nowhere near as drastic as the RC guy: http://youtu.be/uYbx5H5e9Es They've flown at the N'Awlins Air Show in Belle Chasse.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Very cool, Aaron!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
After that, they'll have more flexibility.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm assuming it's only $13 'til they get elected, Frank.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
Didn't Barry Manilow say HE was music?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Maybe it's only 'til they get elected.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
I did some flying myself a couple of days ago. But the Piper Cherokee I flew didn't have the Sidewinder missile option installed.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Then we need the President to appoint a taco czar immediately!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
A doctor's political affiliation doesn't necessarily threaten anyone. Nor does it help. Only his or her competence for the position matters. Democratic Senator Mark Begich, who cited concerns about the nominee's political advocacy and inexperience as a practicing physician, is one of several Democrats who's not thrilled with the President's choice for Surgeon General. As for the new Ebola czar, I think I've already commented on his demonstrated liaison competency.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
And I'm sure he'll keep trying to cram the founder of Doctors for Obama down Congress' throat.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
It takes two to be bullheaded, Frank. Perhaps the nominee could be someone who's more a physician than a political operative. But no, that would be too easy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Had a tennis buddy who fixed 'em around the same time period, Mike.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
"That plane" seems to be stuck at zero knots. I had a banana prior to my flight. Experienced pilots recommend them because they taste pretty much the same coming up as going down.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Works for me. But how come the guy doesn't say "Holmes-es" like most of the rest of the population? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Bummer, Blair.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
What happens when you don't catch yourself?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Just like Michael and George-Michael, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Does the key fit the building elevator?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's photo.
Hey, red and green! Is it Christmas already? Purdy, Joan.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Been spending some time ogling T-Ben's timeline, have we, Cindy?
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Moses originally got 15 commandments on three stone tablets, but dropped one of the tablets, right? I saw a movie about it. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, yeah. And so is yesterday.
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
No pot of gold at either end, I'll bet.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Have at it.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
When I provide more, you complain it's too much to read. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Just the facts, ma'am.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Just 29% of all Americans are college graduates. By comparison, 29% of CNN’s regular audience, 26% of MSNBC’s audience and 24% of Fox News’s regular audience completed college.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
According to Nielsen, the Fox News averaged 1.7 million viewers a night from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the third quarter, making it the No. 1 cable news channel. In total day ratings, Fox News Channel was third among all cable networks, surpassing ratings for ESPN and USA. By comparison, CNN, which averaged 447,000 total day viewers, was No. 18. MSNBC, with 328,000 total viewers, was No. 26. Those "shameless lies, half-truths, and distortions about Pres. Obama, the Democratic Party, and liberals" must appeal to lots of folks
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Some of us even discuss character goofs, Pat. I submitted this to the IMDB "goofs" page for Top Gun and they used it: When Maverick and Charlie are having dinner, Otis Redding's "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" comes on and Maverick remembers his "folks loved it", then states his father "disappeared in an F-4 November 5th, 1965," yet this song was not written until November 1967. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092099/goofs?ref_=tttrv_ql_2
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
And those were Grumman F-14s in Top Gun.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Who needs uranium? We can always buy it from Iran. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Will do, Wayne.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I guess 'TIX can claim to be #1 in the market, Tom. Unless you subscribe to Arbitron, you'll never know.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Things are going to start happening to you now!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
I dunno, Kevin? Are you the white son of black sharecroppers? Have you heard your first Mantovani record?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Or get one yourself.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Tell Diane to get a Michoud gig again.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Saints win, 37-31!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Or, in the case of the U.S., $17.5 trillion.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Thanks, Theresa.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura McClure's post.
Group: Political Games
Amen, Francis!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Thanks for thinking of me, Cindy!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Nice shots, Joan. After a rain is always a good time.
Jay Douglas commented on Jim Tauzin's post.
Will do, Jim.
Jay Douglas commented on Billy C Thomas's post.
Sorry to hear that, Billy.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Then I'm pleased to see the Obama administration has been hiring right-wing propagandists, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
I'm all for that approach, Cindy. Let them have complete liberty to do what they think is right. The market will tell them if they agree.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Jack Dedert, Mr. Koonin's job with BP was to develop renewable and low-carbon energy technologies, not to defend continued greenhouse gas emission. And I certainly don't think the latter was his job with the Obama administration. As for the Murdoch connection, his article happened to appear in the Wall Street Journal. I'm sure he recognized salon.com or MediaMatters.org were unlikely to show some interest in publishing it. I'll remind you that your Internet and electricity come to you from major corporations not likely to be of the liberal persuasion. Are you ready to disregard anything you see on the Internet because of it? How about Forbes magazine? Just the other day, I saw some folks touting its praise of Mr. Obama as the best economic President. So now dismiss this Forbes article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/02/13/peer-reviewed-survey-finds-majority-of-scientists-skeptical-of-global-warming-crisis/ I'll remain skeptical that we really have a good handle on climate change, and really skeptical government (any government) is smart enough to know what to do about it without screwing something up. And I damn sure don't want to pay more taxes to let them try.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Mike West, I think you know that the law of gravity comes down to a single equation of one constant (the gravitational constant) and three variables (two for mass and one for distance). Proving whether it's true or not is a simple matter of a few measurements and some arithmetic. That's hardly the case for a model of the Earth's environment involving thousands of variables and requiring millions of measurements. Scientists can't even agree on the measurement protocol for that one, let alone the accuracy of the theoretical models. You need a better analogy.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Fine. Let's close down these businesses. *That* should solve the problem.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
I thought Noah only put two of everything on the ark, including angels.
Jay Douglas commented on Wenny Webb's photo.
In bed.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Some good shots there, Joan.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Will do, Joan.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Wayne, here's a start at a song list:

Diamond Girl Seals & Crofts 1973 6
Diamonds Herb Alpert with Janet Jackson 1987 5
Diamonds And Pearls Prince 1982 3
Diamonds And Pearls Paradons 1960 18
Diamonds And Rust Joan Baez 1975 35
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Elton John 1975 1
Some Days Are Diamonds (Some Days Are Stone) John Denver 1981 36
This Diamond Ring Gary Lewis and The Playboys 1965 1
Leave Me Alone (Ruby Red Dress) Helen Reddy 1973 3
Ruby Ray Charles 1960 28
Ruby Ann Marty Robbins 1962 18
Ruby Baby Dion 1963 2
Ruby Baby Billy "Crash" Craddock 1975 33
Ruby Duby Du Tobin Mathews & Co. 1960 30
Ruby Tuesday The Rolling Stones 1967 1
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town Kenny Rogers and The First Edition 1969 6
Black Pearl Sonny Charles & The Checkmates Ltd. 1969 13
Mama's Pearl Jackson 5 1971 2
Foolish Games Jewel 1997 7
Hands Jewel 1999 6
The Birds And The Bees Jewel Akens 1965 3
Who Will Save Your Soul Jewel 1996 11
You Were Meant For Me Jewel 1997 2
America Neil Diamond 1981 8
Be Neil Diamond 1973 34
Be Mine Tonight Neil Diamond 1982 35
Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show Neil Diamond 1969 22
Cherry, Cherry Neil Diamond 1966 6
Cherry, Cherry (live) Neil Diamond 1973 31
Church Bells May Ring The Diamonds 1956 14
Cracklin' Rosie Neil Diamond 1970 1
Desiree Neil Diamond 1978 16
Do It Neil Diamond 1970 36
Forever In Blue Jeans Neil Diamond 1979 20
Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon Neil Diamond 1967 10
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother Neil Diamond 1970 20
Heartlight Neil Diamond 1982 5
Hello Again Neil Diamond 1981 6
Holly Holy Neil Diamond 1969 6
I Am…I Said Neil Diamond 1971 4
I Got The Feelin' (Oh No No) Neil Diamond 1966 16
I Thank The Lord For The Night Time Neil Diamond 1967 13
If You Know What I Mean Neil Diamond 1976 11
I'm Alive Neil Diamond 1983 35
I've Been This Way Before Neil Diamond 1975 34
Ka-Ding Dong The Diamonds 1956 35
Kathy-O The Diamonds 1958 16
Kentucky Woman Neil Diamond 1967 22
Little Darlin' The Diamonds 1957 2
Longfellow Serenade Neil Diamond 1974 5
Love On The Rocks Neil Diamond 1981 2
Love, Love, Love The Diamonds 1956 30
Melody Of Love Leo Diamond 1955 30
On The Way To The Sky Neil Diamond 1982 27
One Summer Night The Diamonds 1961 22
Play Me Neil Diamond 1972 11
September Morn' Neil Diamond 1980 17
She Say (Oom Dooby Doom) The Diamonds 1959 18
Shilo Neil Diamond 1970 4
Silhouettes The Diamonds 1957 10
Soft Summer Breeze The Diamonds 1956 34
Solitary Man Neil Diamond 1970 21
Song Sung Blue Neil Diamond 1972 1
Soolaimon (African Trilogy II) Neil Diamond 1970 30
Stones Neil Diamond 1971 14
Sweet Caroline Neil Diamond 1969 4
The High Sign The Diamonds 1958 37
The Stroll The Diamonds 1958 4
Unbelievable Diamond Rio 1999 36
Walk On Water Neil Diamond 1972 17
Walking Along The Diamonds 1958 29
Why Do Fools Fall In Love The Diamonds 1956 12
Words Of Love The Diamonds 1957 13
Yesterday's Songs Neil Diamond 1982 11
You Don't Bring Me Flowers Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond 1978 1
You Got To Me Neil Diamond 1967 18
Zip Zip The Diamonds 1957 16

Research more at http://jdthedj.com/Top40.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
And the Saints have been nowhere near a spinach can.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
How do I tell the difference?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
But even a defensive lineman's butt crack can be offensive.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Balloons, Gene. Good for photographers like me because they move slowly.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Thanks, Bonnie.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Photographic memory, but no film, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
The GOP was ahead of their time. Nobody pays for music anymore. Ask any kid.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
But then my joke doesn't work, Frank!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Think how aggravated you'll be if your piggies go "weeeeeeeee" all the way home like Maxwell!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Probably a bitch. In the crate, I mean.
Jay Douglas commented on Vicki Kennedy Genova's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
I *should* remember, but I was never there at a time of day that Jo was there.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's photo.
And a transmitter in Westwego connected by a pair of 8 kHz phone lines.
Jay Douglas commented on Per Hansen's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
LOL! I love it, PJ!
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Having just lost my job, I probably did go get a belly full of wine, Kevin. I don't remember.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I wonder why they all come from the CBS affiliate? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Seriously, Tom, I think bad signal and low FM penetration at the time were contributors. However, even my college FM (WRPI) had decent numbers 3 years earlier. The PD at WGY commissioned a special Hooper report when he noticed total audience disappearing. Hooper didn't normally list non-commercial stations explicitly, lumping them into "Other." But they did for this one, and it turned out a good chunk of the missing audience had tuned in WRPI's progressive rock format.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Tom, I'm sure it was because WIXO had no top-shelf programming consultant with a thoroghly researched, target-audience-tested music list and the right imaging. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
I never realized Pontchartrain Beach bit the dust 9 years to the day after WIXO.
Jay Douglas commented on Walter Buddy Knowles's post.
Group: Political Games
If they're breaking the law, why not just enforce it?
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Last time I passed a shrimp boat in Bayou Bienvenue, I got pulled over by Wildlife & Fisheries!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Can I run that in Bayou Bienvenue? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Glad to see a couple of folks are doing their best to serve man.
Jay Douglas commented on George Bonnell's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Okay, George, your old self and new self are now friends with me. Glad you weren't hacked.
Jay Douglas commented on George Bonnell's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Then I guess you didn't get this message I sent the other day to your original account: George, I just got a friend request from somebody purporting to be you who joined Facebook only an hour ago. That user's profile is at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006756556767. Since I'm already friends with you, I wondered if something fish was up. This other George Bonnell account has your profile pic and similar personal data. Just thought I'd let you know.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Okay, PJ. If you do watch it, I'd be interested to hear your take on it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Well don't stress over it, Cindy. I'm sure your shows will have more of a plot. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Worse than that, Cindy. I'm suggesting you watch the whole video. The column really doesn't say much.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
PJ, did Snerdley say anything in particular that struck you as "special bullshit"?
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
S'posed to get one early next year.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
I know. But ain't no Rouse's in Red Stick yet.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
I'll take a Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager--if I could find one.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Is dat one of dem Russki beers in that glass?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
I only know one Twiggy joke, and I'm sure I'll get razzed for repeating it, but what the heck? Q: What does Twiggy have tattooed on her chest? A: "Front."
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
Did any of them have Popeye's forearms?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
I wonder what Sgt. T-Ben Walsh will think of this.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
What, no turntables?!? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, WUWT is just one Web site that reported it. As the site mentions, the paper was published in Science & Education Journal, now in it's 21st year. An abstract of the paper is here: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11191-013-9647-9
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Political Games
Cindy, as it turns out, the 97% is more like 0.3%. The data are here: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/09/03/cooks-97-consensus-disproven-by-a-new-paper-showing-major-math-errors/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
He's Da Boss, Pat.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Nobody cares what Ben says, George. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Chance's photo.
Remember, lovebugs fly United.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
So I'm the DJ that Care Forgot?
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
So if we send the kids to Afghanistan, they'll be safer, right? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
LOL! Just trying to find a shirt that works, Mike.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And try tipping your server once in awhile. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Find a new server Bob. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I dunno. But spilling is only a problem if it's a "Lefty Cappuccino."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I *do* have one, but it's for "LSU Motorsports."
Jay Douglas commented on Michael Ventimiglia's photo.
OMG! He's a flautist! ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Force employers to pay higher wages, or force landlords to charge lower rents? I'm not thrilled with either of those.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
I'm open to suggestion.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Pick your loser. There'll be one.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
The rent is too damn high!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Social Security has brought good and bad things to America. But at the purely legal level, it is nothing more than another income tax. And along with Medicare, it is part of the $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities that taxpayers face. Elect all the Democrats you want, but please ask them to bring their own money.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
A cube of your own! Now you'll start liking Dilbert.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Well, this sucks. A definite legend.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Do you like to watch gladiator movies?
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's photo.
Well said, Gary. I'm in.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Ramsey Lewis Trio in '65. #2 was Iron Butterfly in '68. How's that for contrast?
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Great take on a familiar shot, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Bryan Ory's post.
Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's link.
6 of 10. Missed 2, 4, 6, and 9. I have red-green defect, but good enough to pass for the FAA.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Best of luck, Matt.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
My condolences, Gene.
Jay Douglas commented on John Snell's photo.
Well done, John!
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's post.
Group: Political Games
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Aug 30, 2014, 4:33 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
John Laborde gets it!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
J Alex and Farrar, all UNO needs to do is open a second UNO. Then WWNO will stand for Double-University of New Orleans.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
WRNO: We Roll Numbers Often ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's photo.
It's still there? I thought Jimmy Carter gave it away.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Let's see, what's the maximum allowable frequency deviation for AM stations? You'll have to stop accepting new members at that point, eh? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Any time, Johnny!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Give it 3 months for coolness.
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's post.
Me, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Happy Birthday, Angela!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Mighty impressive there, Weerd-o! Way to go!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Matthews Helmstetter's photo.
I did it all on the Web site. Theirs actually works--for now.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Okay, that's better, Wayne! Complete with tone arm!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Where's the Gray tone arm with Stanton cartridge?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
I liked this post. What else could I do?
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Hard-drinking comedy writer!
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
One of my favorites!
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Thanks, but I already have one. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Jason Isaac's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
We used to accomplish somewhat the same thing by speeding up the turntables. Maybe not 2x, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
So is it King Bob or Dr. Death? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Group: Scheurer Family
For a small fee I can Photoshop your hair.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
My condolences, Wayne.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's photo.
Could be good if you cut yourself first, but I guess that's not the case, eh? Hope they fix it fast, Nick.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
LOL! Love it!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Good job, Bob! I feel like I've seen the place now, even if I had to imagine a lot.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
Our cable company put the stereo MTV sound on an FM frequency on the cable. So my FM tuner was connected to the cable, too.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's link.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I didn't get to talk to Eric much when I was there, but I'm sorry to hear this.
Jay Douglas commented on Ryan M. Landry's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Interesting that the article reports WRNO is #3 in the market, but omits 'RNO entirely from the Arbitron rankings list graphic.
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
Me, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
When you're fat, you have to hold the camera in landscape mode.
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
There is, Blair. Get yourself a Hauppauge! HD-PVR (about $189). Hooks to the component video output of your DVR and to your computer with a USB cable. Includes software to copy the DVR video in M2TS, MP4, or WMV format, edit, and burn DVDs or BDs. Component video outputs pay no attention to the no-record flags on some premium channels because you temporarily leave the digital domain and go analog. HD-PVR allows recording up to 1080i at 13.5 Mbps. The new HD-PVR2 also has HDMI in and out for folks who want 1080p from game consoles and the like. http://hauppauge.com/site/products/data_hdpvr.html
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Wrong on global warming, but right on this! Go get 'em, Neil!
Jay Douglas commented on Jennifer Tauzin Fontenot's post.
And that rib God used to make woman was the one that holds his belly in.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'm really disappointed in them.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
No comments from my liberal friends yet. Should I conclude there's really no interest in reducing income inequality?
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Yeah you right, Matt!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
And you thought only the Post Office has a dead letter file.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's photo.
Irregardless, I'd like to keep using it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
When I'm elected, should I put Lois in charge of mailing out everybody's $42K check?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
No experience, Blair. Despite owning plenty of hard drives since the early 80's, not one has ever become "scratched." What are the chances?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
Wayne, thanks for the plug. BTW, I have a working reel-to-reel just like the one in the little picture. Hint, hint.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
T-P story is here: http://www.nola.com/music/index.ssf/2014/07/after_30_years_singer_michael.html#incart_river
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Tell 'em to get out of the way so I can see Delmar! ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Buy another house? That's a god idea. Might help me catch up to Michael Moore. He's got nine. At least 'til his divorce goes through.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Dat's her!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
So you can make an informed decision, here's a shot that shows more of the house, Roxy.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's link.
And not one mention of JD!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
I hear you can get a waiver on the meth cleanup if you convert it to LSD production. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I'll bite, Roxanne. Where?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
I dunno, Kevin. Hammond. Is that where they make the organs?
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
I've got one, with some pre-recorded tapes by Roy Orbison and Al Hirt!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
So I should look for 8-track tapes to show up again pretty soon?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Sure is!
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
A “concern troll,” eh? Well, I am pretty ugly, but I'm not concerned in the least.
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
I smile when I'm having fun. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Jason: 1. Tell it to the Oxford Dictionary folks (and most others). "noun
The process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc., so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas"; 2. See the smiley face?
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's post.
Hope they don't run out of petroleum from which to make the plastic bottles into which they put their nice clean water. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
What do they have against sick eagles?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That's okay, Pat. I just assumed you had taken a job with the Department of Redundancy Department.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
July 13, 1014? Wow, you *do* love dem oldies, King Bob!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
How many outside loops did Barney do with Delmar on the way down? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I never had that problem, Tom. I just cued up the first "White-2" in the stack, no matter how bad it was. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Sorry to hear that, Bob.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Wow, that's a bummer and a half, to say the least! I assume miracles are welcome? I'm rooting for one or more.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Photo is circa 1977, so the timing would be right for Alan Parsons Project.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Not sure what the record is, Pat. Can't turn my head fast enough to read the label. And, yeah, John, I always thought it was stupid to put cart storage above turntables. But this wasn't the only station that did. And yes, I've dropped carts on the on-air turntable!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Yup, John. Imperial House. And, yes, Dave, they gave out overlay stickers for FM 100.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
WIXO did indeed run Chickenman.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's photo.
Too easy, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
In the immortal words of The Temptations, "Politicians say mo' taxes will solve everythang."
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
There didn't used to be anything political about global cooling. It was just an Ice Age.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Look at the snow. It was obviously global cooling.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Not at all, Loweski. I think each Democrat should be required to adopt and support one. As non-citizens, the adoptees don't get to vote.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Cool! Thanks.
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Jul 8, 2014, 7:33 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Brazil can take their ball and go home. Oh, wait! They're already home!
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Lookin' good, Gene!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Among Nielson subscribers, anyway. Must be all that Pearl Jam they play.
Jay Douglas commented on Tom Owens's post.
I see you showed up for your birthday! Have a Happy!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
I didn't know John Stossel was in it. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
How foolish of the man not to get his dog licensed!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just wanted to make sure you were telling us how you *really* feel! ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Or you pulled all the tubes and took 'em down to the tester at K & B.
Jay Douglas commented on Cindy Werner Pollet's photo.
My condolences, Cindy.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
So, as a hater of out-of-town consultants, what's your take on all this guy's research, Bob? Would any of it apply in New Orleans? I don't see any mention of Zebra, despite their having one of Atlantic's fastest-selling debut albums ever.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
You're butterfly was a showoff compared to mine.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
Tyler Perry has just trademarked WWJD. How long 'til he gets this one?
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Here's a hug; the cash may take awhile.
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Reno's photo.
Jul 5, 2014, 1:04 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Hard-drinking comedy writer!
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Jul 5, 2014, 12:55 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Schlenker's photo.
And you just might pass this way again.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Frame sold separately. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Since I'm gonna have to kill one of my favorite Desktop Gadgets, the calendar, I just added a perpetual calendar to http://jdthedj.com/Calendar.aspx. As a bonus, it calculates dates for Mardi Gras and Easter. Hope the boss doesn't find out I develop Web pages while on the radio!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I'd seen that report before, Eric. The reasons they might do it are pretty well detailed near the end of the CNN article. Coupled with a fiduciary responsibility to maximize returns and minimize expenses for its 401k plan participants (they could get sued if they don't), I can understand how they might get in this pickle.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Women outnumber us, Eric. We'd be crazy to start a war with them!
Jay Douglas commented on Johnny Tyler Hadskey's post.
And he walks the walk. He moved the Stones out of England in the 70's when the tax burden hit the ridiculous mark.
Jay Douglas commented on Michelle Rodrigue Rocker Richoux's post.
Only 12 channels. No Channel 1.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
"I Want Your Sex"
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Another chance for Sgt. T-Ben to say she won't be missed and nobody cares!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
"Monday, Monday" by the Mamas and Papas, and "No Matter What" by Badfinger were other favorites for this purpose.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Sounds like we really do need UN poll watchers to oversee our elections now.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Did I understand correctly that there's a law requiring any Democrats who voted for Cochran in this primary to support him in the general election? Obviously, that would be impossible to enforce.
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Jun 24, 2014, 2:51 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
But then who would collect our Obamacare fines, er, taxes?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
1982 had a Sunday, September 5. So did 1976. I reckon this was 1982.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Wow! Not something I'd try!
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's photo.
Al, did he blame not having any money on a bad deal with his record company?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
One of my favorite pastimes is toying with phone spammers who purport to be doing research. I tell 'em I'll be glad to take their survey. In fact, I tell 'em, I do it professionally and charge $50 per minute. All I need is their credit card number and we can get started. Most start hemming and hawing. I remind them that the information must be valuable or their company wouldn't pay them to collect it, so why shouldn't I get paid, too?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I spent the dollar they sent me. Didn't feel guilty about that.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
Somebody forgot to pay the bill?
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Where ya goin' (or did you go already)?
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Oops. I forgot. Happy Birthday, Loweski!
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Just another guy who talks out of both sides of his mouth. Will grow up to be a politician.
Jay Douglas commented on Cathie Burkett Boudreaux's post.
Film at 11 would probably hurt less.
Jay Douglas commented on Cecil Scotty Mac Carwile's link.
Well said!
Jay Douglas commented on Kenneth Cowie's post.
Must be Twofer Tuesday!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Here are the Radio-Online numbers: http://ratings.radio-online.com/cgi-bin/rol.exe/arb053
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's photo.
Bet you can't ride in any of the boats you build, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Thanks, y'all! You're a great family!
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Not quite 10 years before that was my time out there, but that brought back memories anyway. Thanks!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
From "Sleeper", in which Woody Allen awakens from suspended animation in the future:

Dr. Melik: This morning for breakfast he requested something called "wheat germ, organic honey and tiger's milk."

Dr. Aragon: [chuckling] Oh, yes. Those are the charmed substances that some years ago were thought to contain life-preserving properties.

Dr. Melik: You mean there was no deep fat? No steak or cream pies or... hot fudge?

Dr. Aragon: Those were thought to be unhealthy... precisely the opposite of what we now know to be true.

Dr. Melik: Incredible.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Weather, schmether! Just get your instrument ticket first and you can fly right through dem thunderstorms! That thing's rated for negative G's, right? :)
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Hot damn!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Folks who worked in the Quarter in the early 70's said the same thing.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's link.
I'm from Rochester. I guess that's why Slidell is going to hell. )
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just heard the legal ID. "WRNO HD-2 New Orleans, and K242CE, Meraux." Just as we suspected. Pretty clever. Get a translator for something that probably really doesn't need one, and a move-in to boot!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Okay, it's listed. Thanks, y'all.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ray and Wayne, yeah, I can get it pretty good in Slidell on both the car and the Kenwood. Guess I'll have to list it. I wonder what I should use for call letters. I guess call letters are so last decade or two.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hmmmm. Not sure what to do with this one, Wayne. My FCC query deliberately excluded translators, which is what your link says it is (with WRNO as the primary). But Keith Spera treats it like a primary in his article at http://www.nola.com/music/index.ssf/2014/02/modern_rock_returns_to_new_orl.html Is it translating an HD program on WRNO I wonder? I don't have an HD receiver.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Colwart's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Dat's her, Phil.
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Great flower and butterfly shots, Joan!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin Hamburger's photo.
Any Rensselaer Engineers on that team? :)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's photo.
Do you wanna dance, or do you just wanna suck face? :)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Then there are those individual DJ pages...
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's photo.
The hair of the dog? Yeah!
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Heard about the reduction in force at the factory where Jack and Jill work? Management can't decide whether to lay Jill or Jack off.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's link.
Hey, where's the spoiler alert?
Jay Douglas commented on John Hughes's post.
Willingly? :)
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Jun 6, 2014, 5:01 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Jessica, eh? Did they have one for Amelia?
Jay Douglas commented on Doc Watson's post.
Um, Kate Upton? Sorry. My wife says everything has to be a joke with me. I have to make sure she's right.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Love dem Speed Graphics!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Upon further review, Doc, it might be a bad idea. Not every picture on Facebook is of flowers. I've seen plenty that I would not want to smell as well.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
Excuse me, but I think calling a tomato "Creole" is now considered racist. :)
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
There was a young man from Verdun.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
There's a man from Kalamazoo
Whose limericks all end on line two.
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Jun 4, 2014, 3:46 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Scot Fox's link.
Radical extremists are forcing the switch to Arabic numerals!
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
But what will you use for AOL dial-up Internet? :)
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Nothing like a little mercury for open cuts. FDA killed it in 1998 or so, saying it was no longer "generally regarded as safe."
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Mom already has dibs on any money falling through the hole in my pocket.
Jay Douglas commented on Ben Walsh's photo.
Disgruntled? He still looks gruntled to me!
Jay Douglas commented on Peggy Watkins Schneider's link.
I'm reminded of a Red Foxx routine...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Yeah. What do they know?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
That's what I get for believing your Facebook Timeline. It says you left your job with NASA--twice!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's link.
I don't see no Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager.
Jay Douglas commented on Barry Keegan's link.
That about nails it!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
They turned my wife on and she still won't listen!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
Very cool!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
It would certainly seem so, Ray. I guess we'll have to try to get that rectified. Then you'll be DC, not AC.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
That's redundant. Besides, it says the same thing twice.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
BTW, thanks to T-Mac for taking the photo and actually letting me be in it for a change.
Jay Douglas commented on Roxanne Marcianti's post.
Put your foot down and tell 'em no more surgery without a phone! Good luck with it.
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's link.
Just saw her on Fox News and the camera added 10 pounds!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's photo.
Do they make "I'm Ready for Monica" bumper stickers?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Is that supposed to be funny?
Jay Douglas commented on Gary Liebisch's post.
And why do meteors shower so often? They must be really dirty.
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's photo.
Looks fine! Like the prop!
Jay Douglas commented on Kevin H. Lowe's post.
Alright you two, cut it out!
Jay Douglas commented on Stanley Beck's post.
Dressing as a pirate has not yet been found to be politically incorrect?
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Chevy Chase and Gerald Ford did that all the time. No big deal.
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's photo.
And you thought the space program believed in redundancy!
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's photo.
Hey, wasn't there a vibrator named Steely Dan in the William S. Burroughs novel, "Naked Lunch"?
Jay Douglas commented on Thomas Ordes's post.
Some of dem boats and marshes look familiar!
Jay Douglas commented on Pat Koch's photo.
So sorry, Pat.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
You're welcome, Matt.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
Hope he doesn't quack up!
Jay Douglas commented on Rhonda Smitherman Hickman's photo.
I take it Roux is not allergic to grass?
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
May 17, 2014, 2:02 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
A bottle in front of me is always better than a frontal lobotomy.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Um, Bob, the whole point of working in radio is to not have to *work*! ☺
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Fortunately, I had moved from WNOE to WRNO by 1977. If not, I'd probably have had to *play* that Manilow record over and over again.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
If you ask me (or Scotty), the solution is dilithium crystals.
Jay Douglas commented on Carey Westbrook's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wonder if we could move it back into 529 Bienville? Isn't that place up for sale, too?
Jay Douglas commented on Bonnie Poirier's link.
It's nature's way of caring for the planet. Potassium chloride is used in the oil well drilling process. Burning oil produces greenhouse gas. The dead cows offset this greenhouse gas production because they will no longer fart methane, also a greenhouse gas. Feel better now? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Bruce Tannenbaum's post.
And to think the Program Directorix cancelled Request Line Oldies! Of course, back then, the oldies were only 3-4 years old. Thanks, Bruce.
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
May 13, 2014, 6:16 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
Not to nitpick, but there was no channel 1, so there were really only 12 channels in the VHF band.
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
I started with just two. NBC was on one. The other channel had CBS in the daytime and ABC at night.
Jay Douglas commented on Carey Westbrook's link.
Good thing his Sunday gig on WTIX-FM is pre-recorded.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Is he a contributor to The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation?
Jay Douglas commented on Blair Kullman's link.
Nothing can stop it? Not even a carbon tax? Rut-roh!
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
What are they afraid of?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
If I remember my shift correctly, Phil, the music was usually played back at the Clearview studio and I just potted in for the breaks.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Yup. But Enterprise was just a test dummy. Never went to space.
Jay Douglas commented on Shaleen Hughes's post.
I USED to be conceited. But now I'm perfect.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Wow! Had to have been about 4 years old by the time you saw it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
And now it's back to being sales offices at WTIX-FM. Oh well.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
There was a young gal who begat...
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I dunno, Blair. Don't have much from any QUE folks.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
May 10, 2014, 4:37 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Oh, you're right, Charlie. We haven't followed the process in so long, I forgot.
Jay Douglas commented on Bryan Ory's link.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
And I hear he had a big staff!
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Yes. he was, Mark! LOL!
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
My point was to spur conversation. Gotcha, Charlie! As to your point, I doubt Paul Krugman knows about balanced budgets. He says we can print money ad infinitum. And I think you credited the wrong guy for the last balanced budget. It was Bill's Republican Congress, not Bill.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
LOL! True dat, Dave!
Jay Douglas commented on Mary Steele-Stieffel's post.
Hey, me, too, Mary! You be country, and I'll be a little bit rock 'n' roll!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, Pat, I've got about 5 hours captured on my DVR and headed for Blu-Ray disc.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Voice of the Wetlands Allstars, Pat.
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
That, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Dave Wagenvort I think, Bob. He owned WVOG on which the WIXO antenna sat.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Is it a coincidence that a guy named Judas and a guy named Pontious worked at the same station? You're not also a pilot, are you, Steve? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I'm not sure how WWOM got started here, Larry.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. Precursor to WIXO. And in an odd twist of fate, the call letters WWOM moved up to Albany, NY and I did some contract engineering for them right before the WIXO job offer materialized.
Jay Douglas commented on Nathan Ales's post.
Is it St. Bernard? Well, they left the "a" off "aisle." What does that tell you? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
What about that sissy coffee like Café Vienna? If it's just as good, I should have X-ray vision by now!
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
I loved pretty much everything Jumbo did.
Jay Douglas commented on his own link.
Plus he wrote "Java," the only tune I used to almost be able to play on my trumpet. I'd much rather have Al Hirt do it, though.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Clarence Clemons' nephew, Jake, is now on sax for the E Street Band, Larry. And he does a great job.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Jay Douglas commented on Terry Walsh's post.
Find that nun and kiss her. It's okay to kiss a nun, as long as you don't get in the habit.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Skip the poncho and sombrero. Grab your coonskin cap and remember the Alamo! :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
John Fogerty is on AXS now.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
They'll replay all of Sunday stuff starting Monday morning at 7 AM.
Jay Douglas commented on Jamie DeJean's post.
AXS is on U-verse channel 1106, Cindy. Don't know about Cox or Charter.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bob, I didn't get a chance to talk with him much this morning at the tennis courts. We were each playing someone else. I messaged you his number.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Miss Rose treats Jazz Fest like flying. She went with me the first few times, then stopped. She used to like Rick Springfield though. Probably doesn't now.
Jay Douglas commented on Pal Al Nassar's photo.
I second that emotion, Pal!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's photo.
I've been fine (and still am), Jeff. Is that the same place I visited with you four decades or so ago? Not enough memory cells left to be able to tell from the photos.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My college radio station (WRPI) inaugurated its new 10 kW stereo transmitter with "Odessa," title track from a Bee Gees album in April,1969. Now *that* was a stiff.
Jay Douglas commented on Bobby Blaze's post.
Which one's Roger (McGuinn)?
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Bennett's photo.
Yikes! None in the house, I hope.
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Apr 30, 2014, 10:55 PM
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
I think it's a red-bellied woodpecker.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's link.
Republicans have promised to raise the minimum wage right after the next election.
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
Better ask an ornithologist, not a DJ, Al!
Jay Douglas commented on Nick Ferrara's post.
That puts sleeping way up there! Z+z+z+z+z+z+z = 182%
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Try "Just for Jocks."
Jay Douglas commented on Gilda Werner Reed's link.
Very cool, Gilda! But what do I do when I'm anxious about not getting enough caffeine?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's photo.
Yippee! (I once interviewed Abbie Hoffman--look it up).
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
But eating only 40 mg of it won't be enough!
Jay Douglas commented on Wendy Jones Montet's post.
Hang in there, Wendy!
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Which restroom does it use?
Jay Douglas commented on Joan Buckner Torres's post.
Excellent photos, Joan!
Jay Douglas commented on his own photo.
So now it says "her close-up." Good catch, Eric.
Jay Douglas commented on a photo.
Apr 26, 2014, 2:22 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Eugene P Templet's post.
Future pilot?
Jay Douglas commented on Carey Westbrook's post.
Where's my paddle, dammit?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
From what I remember, it was free, Dave.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Always the first choice of discriminating engineers!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Last issue in the Bimbo Box is Vol 1 No 23 from August 21, 1978. I don't know how many issues there were in toto. Maybe Bobby Reno would know.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. And it's gonna take forever to archive and post!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
BTW, the date on this issue is March 1, 1978.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Geez, Aaron, I never suspected you'd upload all the stuff you do via dial-up! That must be agony!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ric, the hard part about converting was chasing down the original uncompressed files (if available) so as not to just recompress the RealAudio files. I was forced to do that a couple of times when the originals were missing. I used RealNetworks' converter for that. Then I uninstalled Real because I suspected (perhaps unfairly) it of causing some browsing bugs with its plug-in. If I'd known about your site earlier, I'd have visited before uninstalling.
Jay Douglas commented on Brian Craig's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Oh, great! I've been at WIXO 3 months and they fire the PD that hired me! But Mike Green turned out to be one of my better bosses.
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Rauls's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Maybe so, Bob. And Betty Wright ("Clean Up Woman") *should* have been from New Orleans, but wasn't. That record just sounds *so* New Orleans!
Jay Douglas commented on Phillip Rauls's post.
Group: WTIX The Mighty 690 New Orleans
Not sure why, but I'll bet if you ask 10 New Orleanians to name all the local artists they know, 8 or more won't mention King Floyd. "Groove Me" was certainly a huge hit. Maybe he's our only "one hit wonder."
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Charlie was unrelated to me, Darryl, but he knew how to do a radio show. Dave wasn't bad either. I listened, and I'm not really a country music fan.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You can probably still get them to honor the warranty, Bob. They still sell them, and, in my experience, they'll take your word on when and where you bought them. http://www.koss.com/en/products/headphones/all/PRO4AA__PRO4AA_Full_Size_Headphone
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Judging from the shape of that cardboard box, you rode 'em hard and put 'em away wet! And I don't remember ever having the earpads fall off, but that just may be because I don't remember well.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Never saw a pair of Pro 4AA's that didn't.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
You can tell 'cause that little plastic piece has separated from the bottom of the headband.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Why is there always white powder residue wherever razor blades are found? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My college station was the best-equipped station I ever "worked" for. Neumann U-87 condenser mikes, one of the first composite stereo STLs, Gates Executive 10-mixer stereo console in the FM control, a Gates Yard board for the carrier current AM. FM was 10 kW ERP on a 700-ft tower. All student-built and student-run. Picture above was my freshman year when FM was 1 kW mono. By the middle of my sophomore year, it looked like the picture below after a rebuild for stereo. Still a pretty big patch panel.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
LOL! Yeah, it does, kinda!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ye Olde Ampex 350 with vacuum tubes. This one is stereo. Had a couple of 'em at my college station, WRPI, in 1967. I was younger then. I guess this fits for Throwback Thursday.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And WIXO Program Director.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I remember when Mike Scurlock hired a female streaker to bring Tom Owens the new Chicago album while he was on the air at WIXO.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Geez, Tom! You sound like one of those radio research guys! Whaddayou, in the business or somethin'? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I dunno, Tom. I don't subscribe. And if a subscriber tells me, I'm sure he or she will be shot.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jeremy, from what I can tell, Arbitron now releases only the numbers for the stations that subscribe. So these aren't necessarily the top 5 stations in the market. They're just the 5 which subscribe. Releases for other markets may show more or fewer than 5 stations.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
As I've said before, you have to wonder about the impact of a ratings service when only 5 stations in a market subscribe.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just seemed like a good way to try out a new video camera.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Will Don Anthony be the chef?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And in the fall, the smart ones among us just recorded the 1 AM to 2 AM hour and played it back again when the clock fell back to 1 AM again!
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Thibodeaux's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Good read. Thanks, Dennis!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I worked dere!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
She's a keeper, then, Johnny!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Sorry to hear that, Bob.
Jay Douglas commented on Ransdell Hebert's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Sorry to hear that. J. M. is a fellow pilot, and was active in the Michoud Flyers club while it existed in the mid-Eighties.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yeah, Phil, Harris had a system. And there were a couple of others. Again, a pretty good write-up here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AM_stereo
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. Amazon has it in paperback. Pretty pricey, though: http://www.amazon.com/Birth-Top-40-Radio-Revolution/dp/0786476303/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390349627&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Birth+of+Top+40+Radio
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Scott, I never got to listen to any quad vinyl or FM on a quad system. I think I did get to listen to some AM stereo briefly once. Probably WNOE. And I also listened to a quad reel-to-reel tape on a 4-channel system. That's discrete, of course, and sounded great. I understand the front-to-back separation on most SQ stuff wasn't much more than 3 dB or so. Can't imagine that would be very impressive.
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
John, there were a bunch of quad formats, both discrete and matrixed. Most widespread was probably Columbia's SQ matrixed system. I wasn't there yet, but I think WRNO's "Quad 99" broadcast phase was based on the SQ system. Tech details are pretty well described for all the formats here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadraphonic_sound
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
But it does give old fat guys on TV an excuse.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Behind the camera, as usual. He has a face for radio.
Jay Douglas commented on Laura Chauffe's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Yeah, Laura Chauffe, I'm glad Mike got to tell me a few war stories when we sat across from each other in Equipment Engineering.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I don't know. Larry. Haven't looked at an Albany sectional chart or approach plate in decades. I did land a Cherokee 140 there in a pretty nasty crosswind one time. Had two flight instructors with me, just in case.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
BTW, Larry, ceiling was 4,000 feet in fog with a visibility of 3/4 mile. Full details at http://www.engineeringradio.us/blog/2009/08/american-airlines-flight-723/
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Nope. Just a couple of years, John. I found out that although the South lost the war, they got the best part of the country!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
LOL! I remember that story.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bummer. Ben was a pro.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Mourning drive. Is that when there's a whole line of cars with their headlights on? Thanks, John.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Should I try atheism, Lee? I hear it's a non-prophet organization.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I wonder if requests for returns will simply be handled with armed Predators.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I can't. T-Ben told me nobody cares.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Vachead Designs LLCfacebook.com
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
BTW, Charlie's Facebook page for his Vachead Designs is https://www.facebook.com/Vachead. It has pics of more of his vacuum tube stuff.
Jay Douglas commented on Patrick S Shea's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Good. Maybe the guy (or gal) in Master Control won't forget to switch on the program audio after a return from a fund-raising break like he did a couple of times the last time.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Also spotted a WIXO bumper sticker behind the shot of the cop the Warehouse had to put on the payroll.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The interviews were done several years ago, Mary.
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Doesn't sound at all like Scott Lame!
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
I've not yet received a sticker, but I won't be shocked. It goes up every year, doesn't it?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I wonder why I didn't get yours, Jay.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wow, Wayne! That's quite a resource! Thanks. I wish the PDF was text-searchable, but in the PDF I looked at (1977), it hadn't been OCRed after scanning. But still great to know about!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
If you left a link somewhere, Jay, I'm not seeing it.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Okay, thanks, Jay.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I always preferred the Judy Collins version of "Suzanne." Leonard Cohen's wasn't bad, either. He wrote it. Guess my college radio roots are showing.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
So, it really IS a museum!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bummer. Frank could do without this. Thanks for the update.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I dunno, but I hear atheist groups are now claiming to be offended by the New Orleans Saints, and are asking for a team name change.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
If only copywriters had a built-in clock like Bart so they wouldn't expect 80 seconds of copy to be read in :60!
Jay Douglas commented on David McCrary's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Very cool! I may have parked in that very spot a time or two.
Jay Douglas commented on Robert Mitchell's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
What are the winning lottery numbers for tonight?
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Sep 24, 2013, 9:52 AM
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Modern Drummer seems to be asking the same sort of question in their article about Hal Blain, Gary. Don't know who would have the definitive stats. http://www.moderndrummer.com/site/2010/03/hal-blaine/#.Ujs7lSwo4y8
Jay Douglas commented on Peter R K Wagner's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Good thing it's not a hanger for a zip line!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Easy now, Todd!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
'Bones and brass. Kinda describes a N'Awlins music genre.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I've continued to add song links to the database at http://jdthedj.com/Rock100.aspx, and now they cover 1954-1974. Bob, that means there's one for "Kung Fu Fighting"! I know you'll want to check it out. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I always went in the side door, too. I don't think I was ever there during regular business hours.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I never had a booth announcer's job, but I did have a summer job at a TV station where I could have some fun with one. He was reading part of the sign-on announcement (yes, back then, the station signed off at 2 AM and came back on at 6 AM). The copy said, "This seal signifies that Channel 13 is a TV code station." I was supposed to put up a slide (yes, back then, many TV graphics were actually 35mm film slides) with a picture of the NAB seal. Instead, I put up a picture of the zoo's seal, but only on the announcer's monitor. The announcer looked up, then completely cracked up! Had to go to the carted weekend sign-on announcement for the rest.
Jay Douglas commented on George Bonnell's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I like the shortcut: DUB-DUB-YELL.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
LOL! It's a count-up clock, Larry. Resets to 0:00 every time a cart machine starts. If your record has a :10 into, ya gotta shut up at 0:10.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Here's one I built and installed under the WNOE hotline phone, Larry. Nowhere near as pretty as my buddy's. Crude but effective. Wonder if it's still there.
Jay Douglas commented on Danny StRomain's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
But wait! You said I could keep the plan I'm on!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Indeed it does, Lee. Same guy makes and sells Nixie tube clocks, much nicer looking than the countdown clocks we used in the early 70's to keep from stepping on vocals. He's also been featured in NOLA's "Art for Art's Sake" thing. Here's a link to one of the clocks: http://vachead.com/round_leg_maple_burl.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
A gorgeous audio amp one of my buddies built: http://vachead.com/uploads/DSC_0493.jpg
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
The photo was 1967. By 1970, my Active Circuits prof was telling us, "If you ever run across a vacuum tube, just make believe it's a field effect transistor with a glass envelope."
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Go tag yourself! It may take me forever.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
LM will be a sub to SNC. Article doesn't guess at how many MAF jobs there might be.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Nope. I didn't know that, despite Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager being my favorite beer!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Can't be any worse than a Dickie Goodman record.
Jay Douglas commented on Jeff Timpa's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
1991 was the end of the line for me there. I don't recognize any of those folks.
Jay Douglas commented on Damian Jones's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
And just about the time digital tuner displays were appearing!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Blair won the Volkswagen "Thing" from WIXO, Bob.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Michael Green did it at WIXO in '73 or '74. 1,000 albums plus a Honda 175 motorcycle as the prize.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
WNOE had a Big Snatch? WIXO had one, too.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
In case you couldn't remember: http://www.yourememberthat.com/media/333/Fast_Talking_Fed_Ex_Commercial/#.UgxDmywo4y8
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
With one exception. Remember those Federal Express commercials with the guy who talked real fast? "I know Pittsburgh's perfect, Pete. That's why I picked Pittsburgh!" Since he talked so fast, I'm sure his commercials have travelled farther.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And it turned out to be Jim's last concert with The Doors.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Baby VAB (bldg. 115) is at the northeast corner of the Manufacturing Building (Bldg. 103). And, yes, as far as I know, Boeing is using friction stir welding on the SLS.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Probably looks cleaner because that shot was taken inside the brand new Baby VAB (Bldg. 115). It helps not to be 60 or 70 years old like some of the rest of the place.
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
Jul 23, 2013, 4:49 PM
Jay Douglas commented on Ed Elkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I remember the TR70, too. I especially remember recording coverage of the first Moon landing on one.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
We're glad you got involved in doing what you do and sharing it with us, Aaron. Broadcast history and memories are always fun, at least to us types. I certainly wish I had rolled more tape and shot more photos in the past.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Joe, I ran into Phil 3 or 4 years ago at a restaurant in Slidell. But that was the last time I saw him.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Nor does the camel eat and chew with his mouth open, Kevin, but it's still Phil!
Jay Douglas commented on Devron Wilson's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Where are the turntables? ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: Nostalgic Nawlins Memories
Give me a Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager every time!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
I wonder if they're holding their stomachs in.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Legs Diamond rings a bell, faintly. Leave it to Warren to know not only the band, but the names of the members, and what instruments they played. It's all about the music! Thanks, buddy!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Sambo and Jim White are doing fine here, Cindy: http://www.lonestar925.com/pages/boandjim.html
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
BTW, I wish Christy would chime in and let me know whether to spell her name with a "y" or an "ie." I never know. I'm a man, too.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
So far, my college station is the only one where I got to use a Neumann U87, Jim. They had a pair of 'em, brand new.
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Lambert's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Damn Facebook tells you it was unable to post and asks you if you wanna try again. Then you get two!
Jay Douglas commented on Ricky Lambert's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Ricky, I have a few of Nazareth and Heart from the Day of Rock in the Superdome at http://jdthedj.com/Concert_Museum.aspx. I also have some stuff from an Earth Day concert in City Park in 1977 I beleive, but I haven't got them posted anywhere yet. I also have more unposted stuff from that Superdome Day of Rock (Boston, Van Halen). I need to work on that.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I'm still playing the new records from WIXO as oldies on WTIX-FM, 7 to midnight, Candy. See http://jdthedj.com for more. What're you doing these days?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I'm still playing the new records from WIXO as oldies on WTIX-FM, 7 to midnight, Candy. See http://jdthedj.com for more. What're you doing these days?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hi, Candy! Great to hear from ya! It's been awhile!
Jay Douglas commented on Ed Elkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ed, I thought you were the guy who handed those out. So many people tell me they got their 1st Phone from Elkins.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Count me in.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
A proton walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What'll ya have?" The proton says, "I'll have a beer." The bartender asks, "Are you sure?" The proton says, "Yeah, I'm positive." An electron walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Ya want a beer?" The electron says, "No!" The bartender says, "Well, gee, you don't have to be so negative!" A neutron walks into a bar and asks, "How much for a beer?" The bartender says, "Normally, $2.50, but for you, no charge."
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
No ya don't, Tom. I see Tom Owens Research is at the top of most of the search engine results now (Google, Bing, Yahoo, more). Kinda like being #1 with a bullet!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Yup. He did late nights or all nights at WNOE-FM in the 70's. May have worked at WWOM previously. Not sure.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
And now she's home on crutches.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Aaron, what I meant was if it was a radio promotion the clock wouldn't actually work; it would be stuck permanently at 8 o'clock.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I'm surprised it displays any time other than 8 o'clock. ☺ That's how it would have worked if it was a radio promotion!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Didn't realize it was invented by a college mate of mine, Allen B. Dumont of Dumont Television Network fame. He was at RPI a few decades before me, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just did a little research on the "Magic Eye" here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_eye_tube
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I never knew it had a name. It was just the last aiming point for the CRTs electron gun when the power was switched off and there was no power to the sweep circuitry. "Magic Eye" was a cute little indicator for tuning an analog FM receiver properly. Not a TV thing at all.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Is Ernie in the group?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Okay, Cindy. That's on the eastbank. But in the early 70's when WIXO's antenna was atop the WVOG tower, it was on the Westbank. I had to drive over the Huey P. Narrow bridge, go around the traffic circle and drive down river a bit on River Road on the Westbank, then drive up onto the top of the levee there. My question is when did it move across the river from the Westbank to the Eastbank?
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Thanks, Angela! I R 1.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bob, tell Scott to Have a Happy! Of course, if he's 38, then you're...
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
It was a Gates Stereo Executive. Had the same board at my college FM.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
He was the ballsy WBYU guy, right?
Jay Douglas commented on Matthew Dillon's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I took this picture. It's in the Quarter at 529 Bienville St, in 1975.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I might have some on Beta, but my Beta machine has a bad head. Can't get good head anymore.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks Tom. Just sent him a message, friend request, and suggested he apply to the group here. And guess who's on the Rampart 102 aircheck? Yeah, you.
Jay Douglas commented on Vickie Schmersahl's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Are those the kid gloves with which all employees were treated?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
You're lucky to have the pic, Wayne. It's great. Having been a Doors fan since Day One, I never realized Ray was that much older than me.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Royalty payments? Who died and made you king, Loweski?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Love dem pictures, Bob! Sure made it hard on the copper thieves back then. Tough to get those ground radials out without a pirogue!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
All of the shots in both of The Film Era albums are from scans of negatives, not prints.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
This shot was taken at our first apartment in Frenchman's Wharf on Seagull Lane. So it was anywhere from early '79 to the fall of 1980.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
There were a couple of dark spots on her arm in the original copy of the photo I posted. I used The GIMP to "heal" them.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Just like old times, eh, Warren?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Glad to hear your dad is still around, Laura. He was a fun guy to work with.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Gino Vanelli http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gino_Vannelli
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
BTW, those orange stains are on the negative, not the sofa.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
That's our sofa, Sylvia. But with two votes for Eddie, I'll make it so.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
WABC, of course. But I never got beyond salivating.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I was young once!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Okay, I made him Dylan.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Judging from the numerous big knobs on that thing, it's likely an analog computer. Probably couldn't use punch cards. You had to dial in your variables.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
This is not the George Foreman family.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Shutter delay. All these cheap digital cameras have it. But keep in mind, this is how you actually looked for 1/60 of a second of your life!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
We were all that way once, Mark!
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Don't ask me. Facebook has a user-hostile interface. I couldn't figure out how to untag one peicture of George Del Monte that got tagged as "Rinaldo Del Monte." Myabe you caught it before the Share buttons were in place. They seem to be there now.
Jay Douglas commented on Norman Elfer's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Theres a story Discovery Channel did about it here: http://youtu.be/XX54q552Zac Has some of Jay Heitzmann's footage.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
That Hosie and Sid were involved in getting WIXO on the air is something I didn't know, Cindy. I knew it evolved from "Mother Radio," WWOM, because ironically, those call letters were snatched up for a new FM station in Albany, NY that a college buddy put on the air in 1972. I did transmitter inspections for him for a couple of months there between moving from St. Louis to New Orleans and WIXO that year. Back then, I had no clue I was moving from a new WWOM to an old one. And the deluge of water I remember was when the Mississippi River got so high in 1973 that the WIXO transmitter building was 20 feet out in the river! Had to walk a plank from the levee to the building to get in and inspect back then.
Jay Douglas commented on Taylor Henry's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
At least the FCC made up its own identifiers for people. The FAA used to make your pilot's license number the same as your Social Security number, and posted them publicly on their Web site for awhile!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
I think Bob Walker still sees more dead people than you do, Wayne.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
Indeed, Soxless! He even showed up on time when he followed me.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Nah. I beat my wife. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Do ya think Arbitron will ever start keeping track of the number of times we listen to old airchecks on our reel-to-reel or cassette machines?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Yeah, but Angela won for best hair.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
I can't see them. The Transformer is looking the wrong way. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Thanks, Christie. But my favories are still here: http://foggsonline.com/History5.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
And somehow, I don't think I got one of you. Sorry.
Jay Douglas commented on Philip Scheurer's post.
Group: Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF) Friends
Hey, I knw that Doug Fogg guy and he's back home and starting cardiac rehab in a few minutes. Despite all the bypasses, no heart damage done. Still a 70% ejection fraction, which is top of the charts. He thanks y'all!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Otto was one of the good guys in the business (and out of the business, too).
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Who gave J. R. cancer?
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Jesus did. Evere see The Last Supper? Funny how the Disciples all sat on the same side of it, though. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Phyllis Dillon's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Gail, the gate code did change at least once while I was there. It went from the AM frequency (1060) to the FM frequency (1011) or vice versa. I guess they figured that was simple enough that even DJs could remember.
Jay Douglas commented on Phyllis Dillon's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Just posted a photo I took a few weeks ago while showing a college and radio buddy around.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And here's the record on AT40: http://youtu.be/07oVR1SDi6k
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wayne beat me to it. But there's more interesting stuff on "The Americans" at http://www.thebig8.net/index.html.
Jay Douglas commented on Kat Kreis's post.
Group: Scheurer Family
The photos are here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3796272143173.2149050.1168297229&type=1&l=465ce962dd
Jay Douglas commented on Phyllis Dillon's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Kevin followed me on one of the weekend shifts I worked at WRNO, Phyllis. Nice guy. I was really surprised when I heard about the shooting incident and discovered it was the same Kevin Fenner. Dyslexic, eh? I guess that explains why one night after work, he walked into a bra. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. I was given an iPhone for my birthday, so I can always claim it's not my fault. Actually, I like it. It works. Just doesn't do Flash.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Russ passed away years ago. Not sure of the date. Maybe Bob Walker will chime in. He seems to always be the first to know when someone cashes in. I think he's running a funeral home on the side. :-)
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: Scheurer Family
When God made woman, he used one of man's ribs--the one that holds his belly in.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: 99.5 WRNO Rock of New Orleans Alumni
The only one I have from the Fair is the one at the bottom here: http://jdthedj.com/WRNO.aspx
Jay Douglas commented on a post.
May 24, 2012, 11:21 AM
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Wanna slow down the money flow to these folks? Let's all go out and buy the European version of the VW Passat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBnlXGvA1Wk&feature=player_embedded.
Jay Douglas commented on Dennis Thibodeaux's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I'll second that emotion. And third, and fourth, and...
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Very cool!
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Jack, yeah, I fly. As the T-shirt says, "I'm a Pilot; Frightening Isn't It?"
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
I drove a '73 Vega GT during my time at 'NOE. Never ran it out of gas, though. But I did warp that wonderful aluminum block.
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: WNOE New Orleans Alumni
Wondering what sort of "mood" Russ Boney would be in when he stepped out of the elevator.
Jay Douglas commented on his own post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Thanks for the quick update on Mark (http://www.markdriscoll.com/), Scott. He seems to have been almost everywhere!
Jay Douglas commented on John LaBorde's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And who remembers when WRNO was "Quad 99"?
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Hmmmm. How would Wayne break the news first, unless maybe he was the guy who set the fire? Hmmm. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Wayne Watkins's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Seems like a perfect fit. No need to tie your mother down, though. She's in no danger from that band!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Ever see the cartoon of two guys hanging upside down by their heels from a prison wall? One says to the other, "Know what I fear most? Incontinence."
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And all this was supposed to be in response to Larry Roques question about most interesting characters. Looks like my mouse aim is off.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I guess you can't do HTML here, eh?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
My characters date back to my college days. I got a brief interview of Abbie Hoffman of <I>Steal This Book</I> fame for WPTR in Albany. And my college station, WRPI, brought in Jean Shepherd for a "concert." He was still doing his nightly 45-minute show on WOR in New York, writing for <I>Playboy</I>, and went on to write and narrate <I>A Christmas Story</I>. We ate dinner with him. Definitely interesting.
Jay Douglas commented on Larry Roques's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
"Crossed," as in cheated, swindled, or lied to? I treid not to do that to anybody. It may have happened to me a time or two, though.
Jay Douglas commented on Angie Fogg's post.
Group: Scheurer Family
Are you sure it's not 1 PM? Better ask Mom. ☺
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
$48 for this: http://www.bswusa.com/proditem.asp?item=TUBEMP or $79 for this: http://www.bswusa.com/proditem.asp?item=TUBEMPSTUDIOV3. Remember 12AX7A's?
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Bob, apparently you'll go down as a great disc jockey, but a crummy dissuader!
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
Then there was the one Michael Green put in at WIXO: "The Big Snatch." I always wondered why you'd want one. But in this case, it was 1,000 albums and a Honda motorcycle.
Jay Douglas commented on Bob Walker's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
It'd be worse now, Bob. You'd have to check the "Do Not Call" Registry first.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
And the Moisant Airport tower is on a different frequency, so you had the best of both worlds, Johnny: a strong WIXO signal and no airport competition for your radio's IF amp!
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
As far as I know, no consultant ever set foot inside WIXO. Nevertheless, before Michael Green came over from WTIX to program it, there were some pretty lame ideas floating around the place. A consultant might have actually helped. WIXO's kiss of death was bad signal--54 kw ERP from the top of the very short, shunt-fed (with RG-8) WVOG AM tower on the Westbank batture near the Huey P. Narrow Bridge. About 150 feet as I recall. At the studios on Downman Road by Lakefront Airport, the control tower on 119.9 MHz (precisely twice the FM IF of 10.7 MHz above WIXO's 98.5 MHz) often came in just as loud on radios tuned to WIXO. Metairie and the Westbank were about the only good signal areas.
Jay Douglas commented on Aaron Handy III's post.
Group: New Orleans Area Radio & TV Broadcasters
I don't suppose anybody was rolling tape for the final WIXO sign-off, eh? I was Chief Engineer and midday jock there at the time. We got the word that Advance Communications, the Chicago-based owner, was pulling the plug early in the afternoon. My normal 10 AM to 3 PM show got extended to 4 PM that day. They had told the 3 PM - 7 PM jock not to bother showing up. The Abbey Road stuff seemed appropriate. I thought it would be cool to get Michael Green to read the final signoff after "The End" so I could cue up "Her Majesty" while he was reading it, then hit carrier off immediately after the abrupt ending of "Her Majesty." I had no idea the white noise would last for nearly five months before WYLD-FM launched at 98.5. And Bob, there's a bit of Michael Green on one of the WIXO airchecks at http://jdthedj.com/airchecks.aspx. I may have more of him on that same tape if anybody is interested. --JD