Radio Reunion 2021 Four

The 2021 New Orleans Broadcasters Reunion was almost back to normal after the worst of the COVID pandemic. Bob Walker assembled the multitude in the Sicilian Room at Rocky & Carlo’s Restaurant in Chalmette, LA on Saturday, October 30. It was ostensibly a Halloween party as well, but other than one witch, everyone else was in their everyday scary dress. No PA system available, so herding the broadcast cats for group photos wasn't attempted. JD took a few shots anyway.

Phil Colwart and Larry Roques

Phil Colwart clowns with broadcaster and musician Larry Roques

Host Bob Walker with Norman Robinson and Angela Hill

Host Bob Walker with Norman Robinson and Angela Hill, among others

A few snippets of 4K video and a short slide show from the 2021 reunion at Rocky & Carlo's Restaurant in Chalmette, LA.

Radio Reunion 20021 One Radio Reunion 2021 Two Radio Reunion 2021 Three Radio Reunion 2021 Four

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